Off the leash again! – 27 April 2024

Scamp was off to Aviemore with the rest of the Witches this morning which left me with a lot of time on my hands.

After breakfast I read for a while before settling on The Crow Road as my target for today. Crow Road is a road in Glasgow. The Crow Road (all capitals) is a novel by Iain Banks about the twists and turns in a Scottish family. But what I’ve always known as The Crow Road is an equally twisty road that climbs from Lennoxtown to Fintry which sits in the ‘waist’ of Scotland, between the River Clyde and the River Forth. It’s a challenging road in a car and it must be terrifying on a bike. Motorcyclists love it for its twist and turns and changes of elevation. I’ve driven it in Reliant Robin three wheeler, but never on a bike or a motorbike, nor would I like to. Today I was driving sedately up to the Campsie Car Park to park and watch the nutters on their bikes, both motor and road variety.

That was one reason to go, but the other and equally interesting was to walk down the path to the foot of the waterfall, the Campsie Falls. Treacherous path down to the rocks and boulders, but not impossible if you take care. I’m too old and fragile now to risk a twisted or broken ankle just to get a photo of the waterfalls. Daft, but not stupid … most of the time. While I was there grabbing photos of the falls, folk were tramping around behind me, just folk out for a walk in the fresh air. I did notice one girl perched on a big boulder, reading, when I made my descent to the pool. The next time I saw her she was swimming in the pool. I was careful not to take any shots of her, just in case, but that water must have been cold. Brave girl.

After I’d been there for half an hour or more, I had all the photos I was going to get, besides folk were bringing their dogs down and the dogs were getting in my way, so I called it a day and started the climb back up to the car park. I’ve heard it said that the way down is easier than the way up, and I’ve experienced that myself, but for some reason, the way back up was easier than the path down. Easier, but not easy. I was out of breath by the time I got on to the zig zag path that some sensible person had made. It took longer but it was easier on the legs and the lungs.

A bottle of water revived me and I was on my way back down the hill and onto the main road fairly quickly.

PoD was a view from the car park looking west towards Loch Lomond. The nickname for the parking place is The Car Park in the Sky! That’s a good name for it.

Back home Scamp phoned to tell me of her adventures with a “Murderer” on the bus who was taken away by the polis. He was over 80, Scamp guessed, and slightly inebriated. He was led off still shouting that he was a “Murderer”. Then the bus broke down and they had to wait half an hour for the next bus to pick them up. Still, they appeared to be in good spirits and heading for dinner which may have been posher than mine, but I enjoyed mine.

Tomorrow, I may do some gentle gardening and maybe a jaunt into town.