Rain! – 14 May 2024

Last night it rained and this morning “the streets were wet again with rain”.

It was strange to see rain again after a couple of weeks with any. It was good soaking rain, to, the kind the gardens need. The rain lasted all day which is great, as long as it remembers to turn itself off again tonight, because Alex and I are hoping to do a photowalk in Glasgow tomorrow and rain would make it uncomfortable.

We had an early lunch because the computer was set up for Neil’s Gran’s funeral service. This was the second funeral service we had watched. The first was Simonne’s mum’s just before the end of the Covid restrictions. I was impressed with Canute’s eulogy. It was very well presented and he spoke clearly. Towards the end, the choir sang one of my dad’s favourite hymns, How Great Thou Art and that nearly had me in tears.

When it was done we got around to normal things again. I walked down to the shops to get tonight’s dinner, which was going to be Prawn Stir-Fry. On the way back I attempted a few photos of dandelion ‘Clocks’ the dandelion seed heads. ‘Attempted’ because I knew when I was taking them that they weren’t very good and I was right.

Back home I sketched out today’s prompt request, A Dachshund. I don’t like dogs, but the prompt asked for a sketch of a dog, so I spoke to Mr Google and he kindly sent me in the right direction to find one that might fit the bill, and that’s what you see here. My interpretation of a Dachshund.

Dinner was ok, just ok, but I have to admit I fried the prawns perfectly, for once. Just before I started the cooking I grabbed a few shots of ‘Golden Torch’, probably Scamp’s favourite rhododendron. A close-up of a rhododendron flower got PoD.

We watched a cookery program with Jamie Oliver making springtime meals. I found it a bit tedious after a while and started counting how many times he said ‘Beautiful’. Just over 15 times in one 15minute section. One a minute, but it felt like more.  Although it passed the time. But both Scamp and I were impressed with the Rhubarb and Custard pie he made. That looked ‘Beautiful’. I think Scamp may try it.

As I said at the start, I’m hoping to meet Alex for a photowalk tomorrow. Just a daunder around Glasgow.

Now who sang those lyrics in the first line of today’s blog? And what was the name of the song?
As Scamp will tell you, I love quoting lyrics!