‘puters and sunshine – 17 May 2024

Scamp was out in the morning to go to FitSteps.

I stayed home and finished Cast A Cold Eye by Robbie Morrison. Worth reading, if only for the history of the Easter Uprising, the Black and Tans and what lead to the partitioning of Ireland. A good story, well written, part fiction, part factual.

I’d gone down to the shops after Scamp left and came back with fruit and some Sweet William flowers because Scamp wanted flowers for the kitchen. Forgot to get bread, though! However I did remember to take some photos. It was a bit breezy and the bush of Dog Roses I wanted to photograph was bouncing about a fair bit. I did get one good sharp shot and that became PoD.

After a cup of coffee and once Scamp had returned, we discussed what to do with the beautiful day that had opened up. We settled on a visit to Stirling and bit of shopping in Waitrose. Also, as Scamp’s computer was low on storage space again, we might have a look at a replacement.

We drove to Stirling and parked at Waitrose. Impossible at weekends, but easy on a Friday morning. Then we walked in to Stirling itself and had a panini each for lunch, then wandered back to Waitrose after a stop in Waterstones to buy the prequel to Cast A Cold Eye. We ended up with more than we’d intended buying, but that’s often the way.

Next we drove to Currys to look at a new laptop for Scamp. The lady we spoke to was very helpful, but not telling the whole truth about the ‘essentials’ we’d need over and above the laptop. She was also heavily hinting that Scamp should be considering buying virus checkers and space on the cloud for backup storage. It was at that point that I stopped listening to her and started shaking my head at Scamp when I disagreed with her sales pitch. In the end, she spoke more sense than hype, but the hype was still there. I think I’ll have a look at what we can remove from the present laptop, so that Scamp can use it without worrying, but the only solution I can see is to buy a new one.

We drove home in even more sunshine, and spent the remainder of the afternoon sitting in the garden soaking up some rays and admiring he flowers. Dinner was a Charlie Bigham veggie lasagne which is quite superb.

Today’s prompt was A Cream Cake. It was such a lovely day and as I said, we spent the afternoon in the garden with a G ’n’ T each, so I never really got round to sketching it properly. It is half finished and drying in the ’Painting Studio’, ie the back bedroom. I’m intending finishing it tomorrow, all being well.

That was a lovely day. Not a lot done, but listened to a lot of talk, half of which was hot air, as if the air wasn’t hot enough already. We may go somewhere nice tomorrow.