White Rabbits (x3) – 1 July 2024

The first day of July and for about an hour tonight, it actually felt like summer.

In the morning, it was that cold wind again that took all the heat away. There really wasn’t much encouragement to go out and take some photos, but I did anyway, but not until well after lunch.

I struggled again to understand the purpose of the three available settings on the new camera, but eventually gave up. I think from what I’ve read that a lot of these settings are more for movie filming than stills photography.

I took the camera and the new lens out for a walk in the afternoon, but the wind was the problem again. Nothing like what’s happening in the Caribbean just now with 130mph winds, but our breezes were annoying too. More than half the photos ended up on the cutting room floor.

Dinner for Scamp tonight was yesterday’s Ratatouille reheated with some tinned tomatoes and some passata added. Mine was yesterday’s Spaghetti Bolognese magically turned into Chilli con Carne with the other half of the tomatoes and passata. Both were fine served with rice. I even had enough left over from my chilli to to go into the freezer for a day when I fancy something different!

The light was lovely about 7.30pm so I took the camera and the new lens out for a walk. I managed to get some more interesting photos this time in the Golden Hour. The best by far became PoD.

No real plans for tomorrow, but hopefully we won’t have to wait so long for the sun to shine and we’ll get a chance to go out somewhere.