Out on the town – 21 August 2024

I was meeting Alex today for a photowalk round Glasgow.

Actually bumped into him on Buchanan Street after I got off my train. Scamp had given me a lift to the station and ten minutes later I was on the train to Glasgow.

Alex was testing a new lens, let me rephrase that, “Alex was testing out another new lens” This one was a Chinese 35mm f1.4 manual lens. By manual I mean there were no electrical or electronic connections in the lens, nothing. Sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes it’s a hindrance. His lens was a nice size and weight. It balanced well on his S6600 body. I wished him well with it, but it wasn’t for me. I like to control the settings on my lens, but give them a bit of leeway to help me get the best out of the camera/lens combo. I’ve had manual lenses in the past and got on well with some of them, but now I like to know that they can think for themselves!

As usual, it was coffee first, then catch up on what we’ve been up to in the last few weeks. Next we made our plans for the day. Alex wanted to photograph some distorting mirrors in the GOMA and I wanted to visit a photographic exhibition on Argyle Street.

We walked to the GOMA and got our photos. I managed a picture of The Duke on his horse with a seagull perched on its tail.

Next stop was the art exhibition, except after walking as far as High Street, I discovered when I checked with my phone that it wasn’t in Argyle Street, but up at the top of High Street. Oh well, we were on High Street now, so we might as well continue and see what was on show. The exhibition was in a couple of old shops that had been knocked into one. Interesting prints roughly 10” x 8” mostly B&W but with a few colour too. Not at all busy, but it was worth the walk. Must keep an eye open for it next time we’re doing a photowalk.

We walked further on and found a gable end with a mural of St Mungo holding a robin. It was a pity that someone decided it would be a good idea to plonk what looked like a gas installation right next to it. I took some photos anyway, because a couple of trees framed the photo well.

We walked back to the city centre and from there to Paesano for lunch. Lots of interesting buildings and mural on the way there. Things you’d pass easily, not realising they were there.

After our usual Paesano pizza lunch (Alex’s turn to pay) we went back to the GOMA and got some more photos. I wasn’t impressed. Nothing much had changed since my last visit. From there we went down to Princes Square where Alex wanted to test out his new lens again, inside this time, in the dry. It had been raining all day. I watched fascinated as four ladies equally spaced went up on the escalator. I suggested to Alex that they looked exactly like the old shooting galleries in the fair. The ones where you had to shoot down the moving targets with an air rifle, back in the bad old days!

By that time we were getting thirsty, so we had a coffee in the cafe in Princes Square. Coffee was black and weak. Wouldn’t darken their door again.

At the bus station I managed to get on the X3 with literally minutes to spare.

47 Photos taken today and not one chucker among them! That must be a record.

I’d messaged Scamp to say I didn’t need any dinner, but she’d heated too much of last night’s tagine, so I did have a few fork fulls of it just to fill a wee space. We couldn’t decide whether to keep the remainder or put it in the bin. Since the main protein had been chicken, I felt it would be safer to put it in, and that’s what happened.

A good day, but a pity about the rain. Just over 11,000 steps which isn’t bad.

PoD was the escalators (without targets) in Princes Square.

Tomorrow we might be going dancing. High winds forecast.