Driving – 23 September 2024

Today we were going to the optician.

Scamp was due her annual checkup and we were driving to Larky.

We were just about to merge on to the M74 motorway when the red tail lights came on ahead of us and both lanes came to a standstill. We’d left with plenty of time, but when the traffic started to flow again it was at a snail’s pace. Scamp phoned ahead to the optician to warn them that she might be late. It did look as if we might have to cancel, but then the traffic started moving a bit faster and eventually we could see that there were blue and red lights ahead, so we knew traffic was being controlled by the police and although slow, it was moving. As it turned out, only one of our lanes was affected, the overtaking lane was closed, but the accident was on the northbound lane, not our southbound. I didn’t get a chance to see what was going on, but Scamp said she saw one four wheel drive SUV on the north bound lane, pointed the wrong way. I’m guessing that would be the end of someone’s trip for today. Thankfully not us.

A quick call to the optician to say that we were on the road again and would probably only be five minutes late, cleared things up with the optician. I dropped Scamp off at the Cross in Larky and continued straight on down to Millheugh.

Millheugh used to be a village in its own right, but has now been swallowed up by Larky. It also used to have a salmon river with legal and illegal salmon fishing. These days, it has a salmon ladder to allow fish to swim past the dam that Larky folk call ‘The Boards’, but I’ve yet to see any salmon in the Avon Water swimming upstream. It’s a nice story though!

I wasn’t there to catch salmon, those days are long past for me. I was there to get some photos and with the autumn colours in the trees I managed that. Unfortunately, the sky was a featureless white. Not that it mattered to me, I knew I could put a bit of life into it back at the computer.

From Millheugh I drove up the old back road to Stonehouse, but the light was poor and I knew I’d be struggling to get a decent shot of the old Avon bridge, so I carried on over to Canderside and then on to Larky. That was when Scamp called to say she was finished at the opticians and would meet me at the supermarket. From there we drove to Brookside Garden centre for a quick lunch of Roll ’n’ Egg for Scamp and Roll ’n’ Flat Sausage for me. Both washed down with a cup of coffee.

Drove home without any hitches and the weather stayed the same all day. White sky and drizzle. Such a change from last Monday’s visit to the Kelpies.

PoD was a view of Millheugh with a decent looking sky added.

No plans for tomorrow yet.