Training – 22 December 2024

Off on our travels again.

Taxi from the house to catch a train to Edinburgh, an hour earlier than we needed to be there, just to make sure that there wouldn’t be any glitches because of the unnamed storm that was threatening to disrupt our journey to Jamie & Simonne’s for Christmas.

We found the First Class lounge for LNER so at least we were fed and watered as well as being comfortably warm as we waited for the platform for our train to be displayed.

We had the long walk along the platform to our carriage which was second from the front, so almost the furthest away one from the gate.
Settled and sorted sitting across from two young Japanese(?) twins(?) who were very serious looking and seemed only to speak in their native tongue, at least between themselves. While we enjoyed a glass of red wine each at around 11.30am! (Not something we usually admit to!) Said red wine was useful to help wash down the Roll ’n’ Chicken with Stuffing and Gravy. Delicious. That’s why we book First Class when we can.

Unfortunately we had to get off at Peterborough and into the freezing cold, but not for long because we continued our journey in a fairly comfortable train that took us to Stowmarket where Jamie was waiting to transport us to the house.

After dinner we watched TV and relaxed.

PoD was a view from the First Class lounge in Edinburgh at what looks like a deserted platform – Everyone was away to the left, waiting for the Polar Express to arrive!

What I’ll remember:

  • Hoping against hope that the wind wouldn’t spoil the day.
  • Enjoying that hot chocolate and pain au chocolat in the posh lounge.
  • Getting a window seat. Scamp gave me the window seat. Thank you.
  • That roll ’n’ chicken with all the trimmings.
  • ‘The Twins’.
  • Horrible wee noisy boy on the train to Stowmarket. Some children should be seen and not heard. For preference they should not be seen either!
  • Seeing Jamie waiting for us at Stowmarket.
  • The drive-by tour of the inflatable Xmas decorations near Old Newton

Tomorrow we might be going out to the coast.