Paisley – 19 February 2025

Got the bus in to Glasgow to meet Alex for a photowalk.

Actually I almost missed the bus by browsing the comments on Flickr, but luckily noticed on time and caught a ramshackle single decker electric bus. I think it must have been a second-hand vehicle from some other part of the UK.

I met Alex and we went for coffee in Nero as usual. It was a grim looking day and I wondered if it was worth going to Paisley or just staying in Glasgow. Finally decided to go and the weather there was a lot better than it had been in Glasgow, so good decision for a change.

We found the Ugly Duck cafe we’d been to the last time we journeyed to Paisley. It wasn’t busy and looked as if it was in the middle of an upgrade. I hope it isn’t a case of tart it up and sell it off. You never can tell these days. The food was just as good as the last time with Fish ’n’ Chips for two. Batter was a bit oily, but the fish was good.

After we’d paid (Alex’s turn) we went wandering around the town looking for a church that David from dancing had told me was worth a look. Apparently it had icons of some sort around the outside. I must ask him again for the address the next time I see him.

Because of lunch and the search for the church, we were just too late to see inside the Abbey. I was pretty sure it closed at 4pm and for once I was right.

While we were discussing the strange shape of the abbey, (none of the walls seem to have 90º corners) a wee English lady explained that it was because of a watercourse that ran underneath the building and hadn’t been found until fairly recently. Then she told us she was a tour guide for the building and gave us a run down of what was there to be see outside and inside. We agreed that we’d look out for her the next time we came to Paisley and get on her group.

On the way back to the train we found a wee Italian coffee shop. Very Italian with lots of cakes and biscuits. We were both still full from the fish ’n’ chips, so we avoided them, but the coffee was very good and freshly ground too.

Took the train back to Glasgow and went our separate ways, agreeing to do it again soon, all being well

PoD was a photo of Oakshaw Trinity Church in Paisley.

Possibly dancing tomorrow.