Off to see the lighthouse – 3 September 2024

We got the Liberty Bus (Liberty is the bus company on the island) to La Corbiere lighthouse in the south east of the island. It’s a scenic spot with a great view out to sea and a walkway that will take you through the rust coloured rocks to the lighthouse itself. We just sat on a bench and took in the scenery.

Lots of things to see and do there. We found a bit of yarn bombing with a decorated post box celebrating 150 years of the RNLI. The postbox was no longer in use, but that didn’t affect the crochet work! There are old German gun emplacements dotted around the coast and a strange looking finely balanced mobile in someone’s garden I think. It was making the most of the wind that day. Did I mention the wind? It was gusting all the time and making it feel colder than the thermometer said it was, as wind usually does. We were happy when the Liberty Bus appeared over the hill and we got a round trip of Corbiere then rejoined the road back to ‘civilisation’!

Dinner tonight was in Izakaya again. Almost as good as the last time, but more subdued, it being mid-week and also I suppose because we knew we were going back to the hotel to pack and to prepare for tomorrow.

Checking out The Vineyard – 29 August 2024

As has become traditional when we’re away from home, the write-up is more of a place marker than anything else. With bullet points to keep the memories fresh without taking up too much writing time.

  • We walked down to the church with the blue building beside it
  • That was a much easier way of finding the town centre
  • Scamp got a new pair of trainers
  • Just missed the bus to the vineyard
  • Had a coffee then got the next bus (only one an hour)
  • What a roundabout road. A long road for a short-cut
  • Scamp got tickets for a tour of the winery and a few glasses of wine
  • Interesting talk
  • I only liked the white wine. Scamp liked the red and the white
  • Rosé was the only poor one
  • Stayed for about two hours

– Walked back to the bus stop
– Didn’t have long to wait for the bus
– Got a bottle of Gordon’s gin and a mixer
– Scamp led the way to the road back to the hotel
– I kept a check with Google Maps
– Booked dinner at hotel
– Waited 45mins for our main course
– Lots of excuses
– Waiter let slip that a big order had come in and ours missed out!
– Lots more excuses
– Food was late but it was lovely
– Entertainment was two blokes. One played trumpet other played guitar. Playing jazz
– Disappointing dessert. Lychee & Raspberry Pavlova.
– Had a couple of G ’n’ Ts in the room.

Travelling 28 August 2024

As has become traditional when we’re away from home, the write-up is more of a place marker than anything else. With bullet points to keep the memories fresh without taking up too much writing time.

  • Alarm played a merry tune at 6:15am
  • Walked over to terminal building and divulged the contents of our bags for all to see
  • Walked into Frankie & Benny’s and had breakfast
  • Too much chilli sauce for a morning
  • They didn’t even check to see if my bag fitted in the grid
  • Easy flight to Jersey
  • Saw a Spitfire on the grass of the airport
  • Taxi from the airport to the hotel
  • Very grand and our room was ready
  • Changed into something more fitting for summer
  • Got a free minibus ride into town, courtesy of the hotel.
  • Walked for miles, photographed everything
  • Got a weekly bus ticket.
  • Lunch in a wee Italian restaurant with a view of the town square
  • Saw an Amphibious Duckw
  • Saw and heard the Spitfire £3,500 for half an hour’s flight!!!
  • Got lost trying to find the hotel
  • It’s a long walk up that hill
  • Swam in the inside pool

Preparations – 27 August 2024

One of those days when I couldn’t settle.

I knew we’d have to finish packing today, because we were going to be driving to the airport to park the car and then have a few hours sleep before we got the plane tomorrow morning. Had I packed this? Had I packed that? Did I really need all the stuff I’d packed? Would my rucksack fit into EasyJet’s shrinking metal boxes?

Scamp called a halt and suggested a lunch at Brodens in Condorrat. Great idea, even if I couldn’t have my traditional pint of Guinness because I was driving in the evening. Mac ’n’ Cheese for Scamp and Fish ’n’ Chips for me.

Bumped into George from the corner who had been forced to slum it in Brodens as a fire at his usual Weavers pub had been bad enough to force it to close, then vandals had found a way in and created more carnage. We stood and spoke for a while and then Scamp and I made our way down the road.

The hours slowly ticked away until it was time to pack up the car and drive to the airport. Parked, then took the cases to the drop-off place in the terminal building then we had a free drink in the bar of the airport hotel, free because Scamp had signed up to a club account which gave extra benefits as well as a cheap one night stay. PoD was the view over to Paisley from the room.

Hopefully sleep will come faster than the day did.