Spikes, Stairs and Sunset

A dull day in the morning, but we sat for a while on the lower terrace. Walked along the cliff top path to the “dirty beach”. Weather improved a lot. Climbed the road beyond it and walked a bit into the National Park. Road was a bit rough for flip-flops and sandals, so we came back to the cliffs. Sheer drop into the sea! Walked back and then more sunbathing after lunch. Dinner was quite good with vegetable tempura. Must try to make them sometime. Went up the Toonie for tonic at night.


I’d seen these spiny plants earlier in the week and tried unsuccessfully to get focus on them. I was much more successful this time. I imagine they would make great dried flowers.


I had shot half a dozen frames of the steps and the lady sunbathing at the bottom, then this bloke came along and completed my compo.


Our final sunset on Mallorca and it was a good one. Sat on the verandah and watched it change. Sanctuary of San Salvador again.


Off the Leash


Another hot day with very little cloud. Very windy and big crashing waves. Red flag on beach next to us to indicate NO SWIMMING. Nobody took any notice of course. Felt strange after breakfast and had to come back from walk. Think I had too much to eat. Went for a walk past the two beaches later. Saw fossils and tiny cactus plants. Surfers doing their thing in waves at far away beach.


They don’t look real. They look as if they are made of plastic, but they are little twin cacti in an almost perfectly round little basin in the rocks. My knees were killing me getting this shot. Thank goodness for the flexible viewfinder on the EPL1.


Snorkeling and More Stupids



Another hot day, although it may not look it here. Put the towels down before breakfast and then lay there until lunch. Table tennis was the sport of the day. Watched a big Stupid, a Scottish Stupid this time, being beaten in the final. Served him right. Went snorkeling in the sea in the afternoon. Saw lots of wee fish off the rocks. More thunder and lightning late afternoon. Went into the “Toonie” later for Cola and Tonic. Hotel is very busy today. Didn’t bother with ’80s disco at night. Not our scene man(!), especially on that wee pocket hankie of a stage.

Bingo and Beatles

Sat in the sun and baked all morning and some of the afternoon. After lunch we went in to the town centre and had coffee and a beer. I saw a Canadair/Bombardier C415 seaplane. Just the same as Lil’ Dipper from Planes. You know, the one on my Tesco bag (not a bag-for-life, I have to remind you). First time I’ve seen one live. Didn’t have my camera of course, so had to hope for the best and use the iPhone. As usual, it worked quite well. Not a lot of detail, but it is a reminder to me of this event. Hoped the plane would land on the sea, but it only made a few passes then disappeared. canadair- blog

Went back to the hotel and as it was clouding over a bit we decided to sit on the verandah. Then the
thunder and lightning started. Took some photos of the rain and beautiful light on the hills.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Went to see Beatles tribute at night. Brilliant! Bingo? Dire!

Thunder & Lightning


Cloudy and dull. Walked through the town to small beach. Just before we reached it, there was a message scratched on the wall “Smelly Beach” with an arrow pointing down to it. We went down lots of steps and understood the message. There are a lot of sewers in this area and, what looked like an sewage plant at the back of the beach. We saw lots of wee fish, but were wary of paddling, just in case there were any floating “mars bars”, given its location. Came back along cliff-top path. Thunder and rain after lunch so we stayed on balcony. Even more thunder and lightning later in the afternoon. Really heavy rain – torrential at times.


A few spots of rain

It was warm in the morning. After breakfast I went for a swim in the pool. We were sitting next to a noisy pair who insisted on playing ’60s pop on their phone. Don’t they have headphones where they come from. Like I said, they were really noisy,but at least they were just talking. Worse was to come. Some stupids arrived and they were really noisy. Shouting and bawling and spoiling everything for everybody else. A couple of them dived in and all the water from the pool vanished. Just as well, really as the hotel would have needed to replace the filters after they left. Some folk shouldn’t be allowed to go on holiday.

After lunch it got cloudy and there were a few spots of rain. We went for a walk over to the beach.

We went in to town at night. Warm in the evening and a bit more early evening sun.

Saw this graffiti when we went for an afternoon walk. I was impressed because I could understand it.

However, this was my photo of the day. A delicate little star flower.


Sunset from the balcony

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt was an early start. The alarm buzzed at 4:00am and after a swift breakfast we were off to the airport. Got the tickets and waited for the call to gate. Basically, everything went fine apart from a 90min transfer to the hotel, but we were warned about that. Once we got to the hotel the problem appeared. It would appear that Barrhead Travel had taken our money, issued us the documentation but hadn’t booked the hotel! To give the hotel staff their due, they sorted things out swiftly and we got a 2nd floor room with a sea view. Beautiful sunny and hot day.

Sunset over the Sanctuary of San Salvidor in Mallorca



The Titan crane at Clydebank.

After Clydebank we went to Loch Lomond, well, Lomond Shores – just more shops.  Then the Titanic struggle of the home journey along the M8.  I consoled myself by remembering that I was only travelling that way once.  Some unlucky punters have to face that nightmare every day.


And the leaves that were green …

… turn to brown. Apparently it’s all to do with the sugar.


It was a relaxing day … once we came back from Falkirk after seeing the F.A.  A weight lifted from both our shoulders.  Expensive, but hopefully worth every penny.

Golden Bowl for dinner tonight and saw these leaves on the walk over to Condorrat.  That Panasonic 20mm f1.7 lens is a true cracker.  Cropped and some sharpening in Lightroom5 then colours emphasized in Intensify.
