Down the Green – 2 June 2024

The day arrived bright and shiny, but it soon dulled down to a white sky.

Despite that, I suggested we drive down to Glasgow Green and go for a walk. We also needed a replacement bulb for the oven. I’d already replaced one which lasted about three days. Hopefully down at Pearson’s electrical shop in the Barras we’d get one that would outlive the last one.

We found a parking space fairly easily at The Green, quite unusual for a Sunday, and walked down to The Barras and it was jumping! There seemed to be folk everywhere, all looking for a hidden gem in the junk pile. I blame Bargain Hunt and such like on the TV. We found Pearson’s and got two bulbs in a blister pack for £3. The rest of the Barras was pretty run down. We walked around it for a while and then headed back to The Green. Even as we were leaving, there were hoardes of folk scrabbling through the broke cups and saucers for a goblet of gold that must be there somewhere.

We walked a different route round The Green. Down the avenue of carefully clipped conical conifers then down to the road that runs parallel to the Clyde. Stopped to take a photo of the murals on the Chivas Regal distillery, then on to the suspension bridge to watch the rowers in twos and fours and some singles going upstream on the left side and down again on the right.

When we’d had enough of that we walked back to the car and drove home. About a three or four miles from home we both heard a roaring noise and a white BMW came scorching along past us on the hard shoulder, nearly colliding with two cars broken down on the hard shoulder, then crossed two lanes passing one car and cutting back in again immediately. It all happened in about 5 seconds. Thankfully I’ve got the reg on dash cam and I’ve stored it away until I decide if the polis would like to see it. I daresay there were a few folk would have their own version of it on their dash cams.

Thankfully that was the excitement over for the day. I strimmed the edge of back grass and then grass hoovered it with the mower. The mower only took about five minutes, probably less to cut the wee postage stamp garden, but it took me about a quarter of an hour to clean it.

Dinner tonight was a trout fillet served with potatoes, chives, spiced beetroot and some salad leaves. Perfect for a day that was finally beginning to brighten up.

PoD was a photo I took on The Green of a lady cycling past the trees. Amazing range of greens in those trees.

Tomorrow looks like rain, but that’s what the weather fairies said about today too, so we’ll wait and see. No real plans.

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