Dull and damp – 9 February 2025

Not a great day to take photos.

I can usually find something to take photos of, but today I was stumped … until I remembered seeing the green shoots of Scamp’s Cerinthe plants just breaking through the soil this morning. They had only been planted a week or so ago. Some plants are amazingly resilient. A PoD in the bag.

The rest of the day was pretty disappointing. Although I finally got a piece of technology to work for me. It’s fairly complicated to explain, but basically some clever person has devised a way to allow a Mac to talk to and exchange information with a Microsoft PC. I like it when someone makes it easy to do stuff like that, when it seems that everyone else in the world is doing their utmost to do the opposite. So far it’s working, but for how long, I don’t know.

We went for a walk down to the shops and I bought a chunk of rump steak in Aldi for almost half the price of a similar chunk in M&S. Granted the M&S meat was diced, but how long does it take to chop up a pound of meat?

We walked home and began to feel the first spits and spots of rain on our faces.

Dinner tonight was Potatoes and Cauliflower with a Cheese Sauce for Scamp and all the above with stew and sausages for me. Pudding was Rice & Prunes and that was lovely too. Sunday at the dinner table is becoming a time to discuss the coming week and that’s what we did tonight. What did we have to do, and what did we want to do? Two questions that rarely have the same answer.

Spoke to Jamie later and heard about the problems working with people, both those above and below you in the pecking order. I sympathised with him, having been in both those places in the past and not enjoying either.

Tomorrow we may go shopping. Real full on trolley shopping. Either that or visiting family.

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