On a cold and frost morning – 18 January 2024

I didn’t see the “Three Craws” that are the title of the song, but it certainly was a cold and frosty morning.

I thought I’d take the opportunity to start the blue car to warm it up a bit after a very cold night last night. I took some photos of the ice crystals on the roof of the car while I was waiting for the windscreen to thaw a bit. One of them became PoD. Allegedly the temperature would rise a bit today and the thaw will begin properly tomorrow. Hmm, always jam tomorrow, but never jam today.

I was supposed to meet Alex to go for a photo walk this morning, but I’d to phone him to call off because I’d been having stomach pains during the night and morning. He was very good about it and told me that Noravirus is rife just now in Monklands hospital where his step-daughter works. I don’t think that was the problem. If felt more like trapped wind. Scamp looked after me, making me tea and generally giving good advice. The pain has lessened a lot now and probably it will be gone by tomorrow. I certainly hope so.

Yes, the temperature rose during the afternoon, according to our weather forecaster which has a sensor outside on the back door where it doesn’t get affected by the sun or the wind and it has always been quite accurate.

Instead of wasting my afternoon doing nothing, I wasted my afternoon with two more programs that I can use to make up the “Where Was It Took” sheets that go out with the calendars. Both of them worked and I think the best of the bunch was the one from Avery Labels which I remember using a couple of years ago, but couldn’t find last year. Very simple to use, but only works online and saves in Avery format which is fine, because it allows you to print out the sheet on a printer, but I don’t think it allows you to print to PDF which would be better. The second program is one I’ve had for about three years and didn’t know you could do mail merging with it. It’s more versatile, but way more complicated to work with than the Avery one. I watched and listened to a bloke showing how it was used on YouTube. I got it to work once and after that I couldn’t repeat it. May try again tomorrow if I get a chance.

Another task on my to-do list for today was putting the Christmas decorations up into the loft. Scamp and I achieved it this afternoon. So Christmas and New Year are officially behind us now and we’re looking forward to Spring.

Would you believe that Hazy is the only one in the family and friends who always reads the WWIT sheet that comes with the calendar. And who was the only one, not to get a sheet with her calendar? Yes, Hazy. However I emailed her a special copy tonight and I believe it has been printed off and is clipped on the back of her clipboard!

Tomorrow is Friday and that is usually shopping day. The day to go for the messages, and if I can get the car defrosted, that’s what we’re hoping to do.

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