Rebuilding the kitchen – 27 July 2021

We’re putting the kitchen back together

Basically that’s what we did. Scamp refilled the cupboards that had been emptied needlessly because the electrician didn’t need to do anything other than check the sockets in them but it gave her a chance to clear off the work surface, dispose of some things and store others away for a while. We also used the dish washer and the washing machine to put the new wiring to good use.

I wasn’t needed for most of this organisation and would probably have hindered rather than helped if I’d tried, so I made myself scarce and walked over to St Mo’s before the thunderstorms that were forecast for most of the day, arrived. I got a PoD which was a raspberry hiding deep in the foliage on the edge of the wood. A nice combination of red and soft green.

The clouds were definitely massing as I made my way home, but apart from a couple of rumbles of thunder we saw nothing of the predicted storm.

Scamp made stir fry for dinner and it was excellent. I must try to practise this stir frying more. It looks easy, but it’s not.

Meeting Isobel for coffee tomorrow.


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