Went in to town early on the train – the only way to travel into Glasgow. In fact, it may indeed be the only way to travel anywhere as it looks like the X3, our only bus is being taken away. Perhaps it will be replaced by a whole fleet of X buses, but it’s unlikely. Use more public transport they say. We can only do that if there is actually public transport to use.
Anyway, went in to town on the train. Browsed John Lewis, but they weren’t offering any Mac Book Pros for a fiver. Wandered into Jessops, but they didn’t have the Oly 9mm f8 body cap lens for a tenner off. Wait a minute! They do have it, and it’s a tenner off! Got my hands on it and gave it a really good testing. Went for a coffee and confirmed my suspicions that that they had only been experimenting with the 15mm f8 lens. This was the real thing with real GLASS lenses, not the plastic junk in the 15mm. Decision made. Get it before they sell it to someone less worthy than me. Rest of the morning was wandering around town amazed at the effects I was getting with this minuscule wonder. It’s a real eye opener. Sure there’s curved verticals (and horizontals if you try really hard) and there’s a heap of CAs, but that’s all part of the charm of a ‘fish eye’ lens. Returned on the train, still having trouble believing just how good this lens is.
Oh, yes, and I got my hair cut too!
Moral of the story: The early bird gets the worm