We were off to The Fort today, again in brilliant sunshine.
Scamp wanted to return some things and I wanted to spend some book tokens. We did think we’d manage lunch too. That didn’t happen, but two out of three ain’t bad. I did get my book and it’s a physical book, not a Kindle or an audio book. I blame Hazy for that after she gave me an over 470 page book for Christmas. That’s given me back the incentive to start reading ‘paper’ books. Not so good for reading in bed, in the dark, but easier to pass on to someone else.
Scamp got her money back from pre-Christmas purchases then charged round the big new Boots trying to find nail varnish remover. To be honest, it’s the worst laid out shop I’ve ever been to. Almost no signage to help the unwary and ultra safety conscious. Any shop where you have to produce proof of age to buy a foil for an electric razor is taking things too far.
We bought some food, some flowers and NO DRINK in M&S, not that we often buy drink there. No, we get most of it from Tesco where it’s cheaper. As it happened, neither of us were bothered with going for lunch and we just drove home … after we found the car in the enormous Fort car park.
After lunch I went for a walk, not in St Mo’s today, but along the Luggie Water. It’s ages since I’ve walked the Luggie and I really quite enjoyed the walk. PoD is a shot, taken with the A6000 of the falls at the east end of the path. Taken with an ultra-wide angle lens, from almost at the water level with the camera on the Gorilla Pod and with a slow shutter speed to ensure I got some movement in the water. I was concentrating on the technicals of the shot and hadn’t noticed, until I looked at the shot on the computer that it looks like there’s a giant Platypus Duck coming out of the waterfall!
Mushroom Risotto for dinner. Hand made in a pot on the stove this time using a cherrywood paddle. Sometime it’s best to take the technology out of food preparation. It was lovely, by the way.
Scamp seems to have lost most of the squeaks and whistles that the cough was helping to produce. Also, although she’s still coughing, she feels that the phlegm is moving out of her system.
Tonight looks cold again (-2ºc) but tomorrow the clouds and rain are rolling in, so maybe not a good day for a walk. Glad we got out today.