Just chilling’ – 13 March 2022

A lazy start to the day and a lazy afternoon too.

Actually quite a bright day although it started off very dull. I’d finished my book “The Second Cut” by Louise Welsh yesterday and had nothing worthwhile to read. So, for once, it was me who got up first after breakfast in bed – I did say it was a lazy start to the day.

It wasn’t long before the sun found a way through the clouds and shone brightly. It didn’t encourage either of us to go out and test the temperature. Instead we just sat and talked for a while. Then it was time for lunch.

After lunch, Scamp was ready to do some ironing and as I’m allergic to it, I took the Sony out for a walk in St Mo’s, but not before I’d ordered some tea and coffee, invited the Auld Guys to a coffee morning some time this week then finally, sold the old Sony to MPB and arranged its pick-up. Lots of boxes ticked on my To Do list.

I didn’t get many interesting photos on my walk, but there were a lot of sycamore seeds sprouting through the leaf litter in St Mo’s woods and one of them made PoD. Just because I liked it, I added another wee plant I’d photographed a couple of days ago to Flickr. I don’t know what it is, but the dark brown seed pods are never touched by any creature or bird. I must assume then that they are poisonous. I might look them up on my wild flower book to see exactly what they are.

Dinner tonight was the remains of yesterday’s roast chicken, although not all of it, because there’s more sitting in the fridge for tomorrow. Served with roasted beetroot and potato wedges. Very nice, especially the beetroot.

Spoke to Jamie and heard about the problems of being a boss and also of starting up a sports massage centre in a new village. Not him doing the massage, I hasten to add. That’s more Sim’s line of work. We’re looking forward to seeing the video of the mattress doing its automatic unpacking routine.

That was about it for today. Lots of stuff done, but in a lazy way. It works for me! Tomorrow Scamp is out in the morning to meet Isobel and I’m hoovering (Dysoning) the hall and stairs!