Hardly past the door – 28 January 2024

After a fairly late night last night, today was inevitably less than early rise.

The day didn’t help, either. Dull and dreary with occasional rain showers. That didn’t encourage either of us to get up and go out. Also for my part, there was the fact that Mr Bezos was dropping by some time in the next ten hours to hand me a parcel to be disappeared as quickly as it arrived. In actual fact, Mr Bezos or his representative arrived dripping wet about six hours later, but that didn’t matter. The spell was cast and the parcel promptly disappeared as predicted.

Eating lunch we watched the Sunday morning of Laura Kuensberg ripping into potential prime ministers (by their way of it) and politicians competing for who could tell the biggest whopper and get away with it. None of them managed it and an invited group of 50 of “The Ordinary People” told them all they weren’t fooling anyone, apart from one bloke who said he though Boris had done a great job. There’s always one.

Scamp and I spent most of the afternoon clearing out unwanted or un-needed files from her computer to allow it some breathing space to get stuff done. We were partly successful and after a few bad starts, we achieved what we set out to do. The computer is a bit leaner now, but could really do with being a bit cleaner still.

The wind still blew and the rain drizzled on and I didn’t really see any point in going out. Dinner was chicken pakora which was really chicken bites covered in a spicy hot coating. Not anything like a real pakora, but interesting enough to eat. The main was Thai Green Curry which was an easy cook curry paste with added chicken and coconut milk. But I must admit it was fairly authentic. Pudding was Eve’s Pudding which I’d bought yesterday in M&S and hidden in the fridge, but which Scamp had ferreted out, easily.

We spoke to Jamie later and heard that things are moving on a pace. Walls have still to come down and be rebuilt, but more construction work is being completed on the chimney in the lounge. Good to hear positive news.

PoD was a tabletop shot of wee glass bell jar filled with dried flowers. Scamp got it as part of her Christmas. It’s sitting on top of an upturned jam jar covered with some lovely red velvet which is supported at the back by a beer bottle on the right and a cardboard box on the right. The whole ensemble is lit by two cheap COB lights bought in Home Bargains. ’Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive’. Or to put it another way, “What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve after.”!

Tomorrow is an open book at present. Nothing planned and nothing much to do so far. Maybe some light shopping, just to keep us busy.