The wind and the rain and a parcel – 31 January 2024

It had been a wild night again and Storm Something-unpronounceable (maybe Norwegian?) was still growling around the houses. It didn’t look like we were going anywhere today!

We weren’t. But that was good, because Hazy phoned to find out what was going on in the rest of the family. So we discussed the weather as you do in Scotland and also how Jamie’s house was progressing. She told me that a parcel would be arriving today or maybe tomorrow by Royal Mail. Then she went on to tell me that the previous parcel had had a wee accident and was now in a hundred pieces. After that, she and Scamp had a long discussion about singing in a choir, which they both had done in the past and I could sense that she wished she could have joined June and Scamp in their recent recital of the Verdi Requiem. I really felt sorry for Neil being put under pressure by his Head Teacher. I’ve been there and got the tee shirt, but didn’t like wearing it. Finally she sent me a GIF of a catbus! Google it. It’s hilarious. I must watch some Japanese cartoons some time!!!

Five minutes later, the postman knocked on the door and handed me a big box that had come from Kirkcaldy, ordered from London. Inside was a lovely plant pot that I hope my Split Rock, Nelly is going to go into as soon as I can get some compost – that’s part of tomorrow’s task. It’s a lovely blue and white painted terracotta pot and saucer. I’m sure Uncle Murdo would love it, Hazy! But he won’t get a chance because it’s mine.

Lunch was left over haggis mixed with left over potatoes, mashed together with some butter and served with a fried egg. Sort of like Bubble and Squeak, Scottish style. Very nice, Scamp. A great idea.

In the afternoon I phoned Val. It’s ages since we spoke. Probably not since last year. We discussed our health and what we were doing about it and the damage the latest storm is causing. He had just lost his garden table to one of those gusts when the glass top smashed to smithereens. Poor guy. I think he like us has had enough of Windy Willy’s carry on.

That was about it for a dull day. We did get an hour in the late afternoon when the wind dropped and the rain stopped and I wandered the garden searching for subjects. I finally settled on some rhododendron buds that are beginning to plump up. Developed in Lightroom, Photoshop 2023 and in On1 2024. It looked presentable after that.

Tomorrow we’re intending getting compost for Nelly and some bulbs for Scamp.