We wuz Robbed – 14 June 2024

Scamp was off to FitSteps this morning I was staying home.

It wasn’t the brightest morning and it didn’t look as if the day would brighten much. However I was feeling quite happy. Yesterday, I’d ordered a two day rental of a lens, an expensive one, but after sleeping on it, I decided this morning it wasn’t for me. It wasn’t the cost of the lens so much as the weight of it. Approximately 840gms. That’s a heavy load to lug around along with a big camera and another lens. I was wondering how I was going to extricate myself from the trial, when I got an email from the company apologising that the lens couldn’t be delivered to me in time. I’d read somewhere that the lens was coming from Edinburgh, but it was actually coming from Vauxhall and would have taken two days to be delivered. Relieved, I enjoyed my coffee.

When Scamp returned from her class, she brought the rain with her and that rain stayed with us for the rest of the day. We had both considered going to Brodens for lunch, but neither of us were really all that bothered and instead had a light lunch at home.

During one of the lighter rain showers I strapped an old Nikon fit Tamron zoom to the A6500 with an adapter. Then shot some flowers in manual mode as neither the autofocus, nor the anti-shake work on the old Tamron now. One of the photos made PoD. It was the best shot of the dozen or so I took.

Dinner was Arancini which are little balls made from left over cooked rice ( we used yesterday’s paella),  coated in flour and dipped into beaten egg, then into breadcrumbs. They are left in the fridge for an hour or so before being deep fried.  Crunchy and delicious, they don’t last long.  We had ours with a home made tomato sauce.  Val assures me they should have a bit of mozzarella pushed into the rice balls before they are coated in flour.  We generally don’t bother.

Later in the evening we watched the buildup to the Euros football competition and weren’t surprised when Scotland were beaten 5-1 by Germany. Now I know next to nothing about football, be even I could see they were completely outclassed. I imagine there will be sore heads in Munich tonight.

No plans for tomorrow, but the weather looks as if it will be the same as today’s … wet!