Artists at work – 12 April 2024

It’s a long while since we did any painting, so I thought we’d attempt one today.

Not a very artistic painting, but a strenuous one. One coat of Melon Sorbet on the back wall of the bedroom and one on the wall opposite the windows. It’s quite a congested room, the bedroom. A cupboard, a book case, a chest of drawers or three plus a big wardrobe and odds and ends of storage areas, plus, of course the bed itself. So the room had to be done in two phases and today was phase 1. On Tuesday Scamp cleared the bookcase and I emptied one of the chests of drawers Today we moved the other two chests of drawers to be clear of the painting area and moved the empty chest of drawers away from the wall with the the bookcase joining it. Then we moved the bed out of the way of the paint. All the prep done, the only thing left to do was slap some green paint on the walls.

I worked from one corner and did the high bits with the big roller while Scamp started from the diagonally opposite corner and did the lower bits with the small roller. An hour or so later, when Scamp had completed both her walls, I had one and a half walls finished. We stopped for lunch. After lunch Scamp went out to post a card and purchase dinner which was to be pizza, while I finished off and started snagging, then tidied away the rollers and brushes and closed the door on the room to allow it to dry.

Just before dinner we had a look and although there were a few bits that would benefit from a second coat, it looked quite decent. Later we put the furniture back in place, made the bed and it looked less like a shambles. Tomorrow or Sunday, hopefully we will do the other half.

The rain that had been on and off all afternoon disappeared before dinner time and I took the opportunity to take the A7 out for a walk in St Mo’s where I found some patches of Cowslips waving their green heads in the breeze. Some even had their yellow flowers showing. One of them made PoD. When I was on my way home, I sent Scamp a text as instructed to give her time to fire up the oven.

Dinner was a pizza and we both enjoyed it. I think Scamp had the harder day of the two of us. She’d been to FitSteps in the morning while I was searching out brushes and rollers and paint trays and having a coffee too, of course. But I think we both worked hard today and that’s one of the reasons we’re enjoying a G ’n’ T tonight.

Tomorrow there’s no dance class because the teachers are off on another cruise. There’s a rumour we may be going shopping.


Embra – 11 April 2024

Today Scamp suggested we get the train to Embra which I thought was an excellent idea given that the sun was shining and it wasn’t raining.

We drove to the station and along with half of Cumbersheugh got on the train to Embra (the other half were getting the train to Glasgow!). We were lucky and managed to get a seat across the passage way from each other. A family outing filled the other seats. I was sitting with the three kids who were all on iPhones and Scamp was with the mums and a bloke who, like us, was not in the family group. Scamp seemed to be enjoying being in charge of passing sweets from the mums to the kids and back again. I was listening to an interesting podcast about Mozart, the boy genius. With serious discussion and David O’Doherty providing the light entertainment. It passed the half an hour the journey took.

We did our usual walk up the hill from Haymarket and through Ladyfield to Nero for a coffee and a pastry. Then, instead of heading up and over to the Grassmarket, we went downhill and along to Princes Street Gardens. Walked round a display of high resolution photos about Space and listened to a piper who could play! I didn’t know that pipers could actually hold a tune for a whole series of for more than one piece of music. Thankfully he didn’t play The Sound of Silence. If that means nothing to you, see Monday’s blog.

We walked up through St Andrew’s Square and into the strange new shopping mall. We had a look at the tech in JL and came out without seeing anything we’d put money down for. Walked along George Street and down Rose Street to the end where Scamp was sure she knew where Whighams restaurant was. She was right and I’m glad she found it. It must be about five years since we’ve walked down the stairs to this restaurant, but it’s changed little in that time. Lovely lunch. Scamp had Goan vegan curry of cauliflower, butternut squash and chickpeas. I had tomato and prawn linguini. She had a glass of wine and I stuck to water. Even the coffee was good!

We walked back to the station via Waterstones, but I didn’t see anything that tempted me. Just managed to get the train back to Croy with minutes to spare and again, we got a seat across the passage from an american woman, a Scottish man, presumably her husband and two obnoxious children.

Drove home via Calders for Scamp to get a pot to plant out her newest acquisitions. Little pink flowers she’ll tell me the name of, and a bunch of pansies.

PoD was an arty photo taken from Ladyfield looking out over Embra with the curve of a concrete balcony sweeping overhead. Like I say, arty!

Watched the penultimate Apprentice, the interviews and found it less than riveting.

Tomorrow Scamp is intending to go to FitSteps and I may just relax for an hour and read.

Recovery – 7 April 2024

Long day yesterday and a late night, so today would be recovery.

Late night yesterday after a lot of dancing, so today we would need some time to recover. Also there was a blog to write and post before I could get round to writing this. That’s what happens when you miss a day. So, here goes.

It was wet again this morning, in fact it was the rain on the window that woke me about 7am, then I went back to sleep! Dithered about in the morning solving Wordle and not getting a Pangram. Lunch was an omelette for Scamp and a slice of liver with an egg for me.

Then we watched another F1 GP from Suzuka in Japan. Horrible looking crash right at the start. I’m always amazed and impressed to see the drivers walk away from what looks like a scrap yard that used to be a couple of million pound racing cars. From then on it was a bit of a war of attrition. With the weak falling by the wayside. Glad to see Leclerc being bested again by Sainz. It begs the question again, why are Ferrari ditching Sainz in favour of far less skilled loser Leclerc? Answers on a postcard please.

Scamp wanted to hoover the living room and I just wanted out. I offered her a walk in St Mo’s but she declined. I took the A6500 with the weird looking LensBaby to get some unusual photos of anything that came to mind. What came to mind was a bunch of dandelions at the side of the path. Then I found a moth, a Welsh Wave (Venusia cambrica), I think, camouflaged on a tree. Both are on Flickr. But when I got home I saw the PoD. Today’s occasional bright sunshine encouraged the split rock, know as Terry, to display his orange flower!

Spoke to Jamie in the evening and heard about his map reading course in the wilds of the Lakes, and also about the progress being made with the house. Hopefully it will be ready soon, after a long wait.

Hoping for a dry day for a trip into Glasgow for lunch.

Windy and Wet – 6 April 2024

It was a strange day. No dance class in the morning, but a monthly dance at night.

We didn’t really settle down all day. It was a wild day. Very high winds and heavy rain lashing at the windows. In a fairly dry spell I took some photos of flowers in the garden to make a collage just in case I didn’t get out again!

One brightener was the bud on the Split Rock began to open and almost opened fully, but not quite. Maybe tomorrow when the weather is supposed to be a bit calmer it will open up and show its petals.

We did walk down to the shops in the afternoon to get some food to take to the dance and a pizza for an early dinner. Afterwards I went for a walk in St Mo’s with the A6500 and a couple of lenses. I also took my ziplock plastic bag that provides the camera and lens with a bit of protection from the rain. I got some photos of the clouds scudding across the skies, but nothing I was happy with.

After dinner we got ready and had an interesting drive through the wind and rain to Brookfield where we were surprised at how few tables were spaced round the room, much less than we expected. We shared a table with Barry, Cath, Niahmat and Audrey and a couple of others. That brightened the evening! It also kept us well fed with the amount of food Barry produced from what seemed a bottomless bag!

The dance finished just after 10.30pm which is much earlier than we’ve had in previous dances. However it gave us straight run home along the M8 and the Kingston Bridge. We eventually got home and parked just after 11pm.

PoD was the collage of garden flowers. Not my best work, but fitted the bill.

Tomorrow we’re hoping for a bit day that’s at least partially dry with less disruptive winds. Too much to ask for? We’ll wait and see.


The beginning of Summer – 31 March 2024

Allegedly the beginning of British Summer Time. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Having said that, today was a lovely day if you were in the sun and out of the wind. Unluckily for us, we were working in the back garden which is still in the shade and in the canyon the wind whistles through. Today’s task was to clean out the wee plastic greenhouse, clean and de-gunk the things that were going back in and to bundle up the pots and things that were going out. I spent most of the time scrubbing and cleaning the tools and the ‘keeper’ pots. I ended up smelling of Jeyes fluid. But as Scamp said, the greenhouse, which doubles as a shed, was looking a lot better. How long it will stay that way I wouldn’t like to say.

We started just after lunch and were finished much quicker than I’d anticipated. With the changing of the clocks very early this morning we ‘lost’ an hour, but had a lot more light in the early evening. It’s good to see the evenings lengthening, especially if we get some sun too. Scamp was delighted to see that some of her fritillaries in the front garden had flowers. We grew them some years ago, but couldn’t sustain them over the winter. Hopefully we’ll have more luck with these ones. I need to get some stakes cut to help prop up the old apple tree in the back garden. We found some likely pieces of wood today that might be strong enough for the job. Probably two will be enough to take the load, especially once the fruit starts to set.

I took a walk to St Mo’s later in the afternoon and one of the first shots I took got PoD. I thought it was just a big bud on a branch of a tree, but later noticed the telltale sign shaped like a horses hoof that tells you it’s a Horse Chestnut. Quite chuffed to find that there’s a horse chestnut tree nearby. Something to watch out for in a few months. When I was on my way back home I spotted two butterflies, probably Peacocks. Another sign that things are warming up.

Dinner tonight was Chicken Curry made with the leftovers from yesterday’s chicken and a Spice Tailor kit. Quite rich tasting with just enough spice to brighten it up.

Spoke to Jamie and heard that they now have a prospective date for the works to be completed around the middle of April. Glad they’re having a short holiday in the Lakes and using half of the time to go on a map reading course. Sounds interesting and very useful for the pair of adventurers and mountaineers.

Both Scamp and I are feeling better rested now even if we were working in the afternoon. We’re still a bit drained with all that has been going on at the weekend. Hopefully a ‘normal’ week will put us back on track to be ready for summer!

Late night – Early morning – 30 March 2024

Never a good combination!

It’s not a good combination. Got to bed about 1am this morning after an interesting jam session with Scamp, Nancy and Crawford. Up at our usual time. Showered, dressed and off to dance class.

The bowling club, where we hold our dance class, was having an Easter Egg hunt and some of the children seemed to think they had free rein to charge through the hall. A few sharp words from the dance teachers to the parents made sure it only happened once.

We started with the Valentino Jive which seems to have nothing to do with Rudolph and even less to do with Jiving! Never mind, it got us all on the floor and moving. Next we went into the Spring Waltz with the “Spitfire Arms” we learned about last week and with the addition of CBM (Contra Body Movement) which basically means when your foot goes in one direction, your body turns in the opposite direction. We thought the Spitfire was difficult, but a quick explanation this morning simplified it. We are still wondering how to do the CBM. It looks so simple and obvious when the teachers are demonstrating it, but it’s not so simple or obvious when we tried to dance it. However we struggled on and have almost mastered the Spitfire now.

To break up the tension from CBM and Spitfires, we danced a couple of tracks of sequence dances, then we were into Jive. Jiving is fairly easy and the individual parts are quite easy to pick up. It’s the putting together of those individual parts that’s the difficult bit. I admit, I was lost after a while and couldn’t even remember the routines we learned last week and there were only two of them!
A couple of tracks of Tina Tango finished off our dance class for the day.

While we were driving home we passed a sign on the M8 that told us it was 10min to the Kingston Bridge. Usually it’s at least 15min. Could that mean we could shave about 10min off the homeward journey if we risked the M8/M80 instead of the M74/M73? Worth a try. For the first time in a long time we crossed the Kingston Bridge at an amazing 50mph and were back home with 15mins to spare. Fantastic! And all because everyone else was heading in the opposite direction, going to the west coast. Hundreds of them in a gigantic traffic jam while we tootled along at a pleasant pace.

After lunch I went out for a walk in St Mo’s and got today’s PoD which is a scruffy looking catkin. Not brilliant, but it ticks a box. It was very cloudy today with the occasional heavy shower. While I was out, Scamp was busy planting her new birthday azelea.

Dinner was roast chicken with roast veg and potatoes. Ate it while we watched Gardener’s World whilst almost falling asleep. Late night last night, an exhausting dance class, physically and mentally today then the realisation that we’d lose an hour’s sleep as we enter British Summer Time tomorrow meant an early bed for both of us. That’s where I’m off to now.

Tomorrow is earmarked for recovery.

Carwash and Orchids – 27 March 2024

Scamp was out with the Witches this afternoon. I was out for the messages.

Lazy morning, not doing much other than Wordle and failing to do Spelling Bee. I’m not so anal about it anymore. If I get bumped in Wordle, like yesterday, it’s no big deal any more. Similarly with Spelling Bee, I give it about ten minutes max. If I don’t get the pangram in that time I give up. I’m either getting lazy or growing up. Probably the former.

When Scamp was out in the afternoon I drove to Tesco with my shopping list and came back with the things that were on it and, as usual, a lot more. Then I did this amazing thing. I took the blue car through the carwash. I don’t know when I last washed the car, I’m not even sure I’ve done it this year!!! I certainly can’t remember taking it through a carwash. Heavens, I don’t think I took. Its predecessor through a carwash either! Anyway, I paid my money and sat in the car while the giant machine foam washed and then rinsed then dried the car. When I left it was shining like a new pin. Well, almost. I thing there is some ingrained dirt on its roof. It might take sandpaper to get it off and that would be a step too far. Still, it was nice to drive a clean car for a change!

By the time I got home, Scamp was home too and I just sat doodling for a while, then took some photos of the Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis) I got yesterday. It’s quite small with just a few flowers so far, but plenty of buds. Hopefully it will provide a few more photos. One of the photos got PoD.

We had Giovani Rana Tortrlloni for dinner, then got ready for Kirsty’s dance class. Tonight it was a reprise of the full Foxtrot. It’s beginning to fall into place now. It’s taken us a while, but that’s because the entire dance is split into two. I can do the first part and the second part, but marrying them together is where it all falls down. Still, the encouragement I get from Kirsty and Scamp make the whole thing work a lot smoother.

Tomorrow we have no commitments so far.


Grangemouth – 26 March 2024

We were heading for Grangemouth today to another garden centre.

Tried to drive the sensible way which was past the garden centre on the motorway and take the next exit. Found I was in the wrong lane and had to drive a mile or so down the road before I could turn at a roundabout and head back then took the correct lane and was driving to the garden centre but was stopped in an enormously long queue at roadworks. Gave up and went back towards the Kelpies and found an other queue for the same roadworks, from the other side. This one was managed and we got through to the garden centre easily. What a fankle!

We found so many new-to-us plants, I thought we’d have to hire a trailer to get them all home. Also found an interesting looking pre-cut and drilled wooden raised bed that might just replace the old rotten wooden one that’s over 10 years old now and falling apart. Still not sure it will fit into the space I’ve got, but thinking about it. Tape measure is coming out tomorrow.

Scamp found lots of plants she liked, but restricted herself to a pot for the new azalea and a bag of ericaceous composts to fill the pot with. I got a clever potato pot. Just to make it clear, it was the design of the pot that was clever, not the actual potatoes, although they might be too! I got a bag of seed potatoes that are now chitting on the back bedroom window sill. My last purchase was a delicate little Orchid. (Possibly tomorrow’s PoD, all being well).

While Scamp wandered round a clothes shop called Klass I paid for and lugged the garden acquisitions to the car, then had a look round the Fruit and Veg stall that is an adjoins the garden centre and found a focaccia loaf for £2. Last one on the stall and added it and a bag of Spanish apples to what was already making the wee blue car groan on its wheels. We got a few more things and then drove home. This time I didn’t take any wrong turnings or get stuck in roadworks. I just drove home!

I took a camera over to St Mo’s to see what it would find and the result, and PoD, was the first shot I took. It’s a bunch of apple blossom flowers I saw in St Mo’s.

Dinner tonight was soup. I made it and although it was a bit bland in colour and taste, it filled a wee space, as did the focaccia. Definitely not as good as my home baked one, but a good substitute. We’ll look for it next time.

A short practise tonight of the Foxtrot for Kirsty’s class tomorrow and I think we’re now ready to test it out. Might need an extra half hour practise tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow Scamp is out for tea in a wee tea shop in Condorrat with the Witches and I’m on my own for a while. I have no plans at present.

Rain – 25 March 2024

Today was the opposite of yesterday. I think it rained from morning to night. If it didn’t, then it certainly felt like it did.

We finally got round to putting the cases into the loft again to let them sleep until our next adventure needs them to carry our load to some exciting place. Not exactly sure when or where that will be, yet. Hopefully it will be somewhere. Plans were made over dinner yesterday that may come to fruition.

There wasn’t much to do today after the cases had gone we had a bit more space, especially in my room. I planted some chilli seeds Scamp had bought me. The seeds came with a big metal pot and two bags of compost. They weren’t exactly pulling out the stops with the seed allocation. Six seeds in the packet. I arranged five of them into a pentagon with the final one taking up position in the centre. (I like to be accurate with these things.) I watered them and sat them on the bookcase in the back bedroom. According to the instructions, they were to be placed in a bright place but not in direct sun. The north facing window should be ideal. Good luck little chillies.

In the afternoon, Scamp brought out her mighty steam iron and got to work ironing everything she could lay her hands on. I took that as my cue to off for a walk in the rain, with the possibility of getting some photos. I’d taken a couple earlier just as bankers in the rain. They were Bellis flowers. What we used to call “Wee Daisies” before we got all technical and Latin. I did find a couple of worthwhile shots and one of them got into Flickr, but it was the Bellis that made PoD.

Dinner tonight was another “what’s in the fridge” pasta creation. It turned out quite well, but we both agreed that it cooled down really quickly.

Watched the semi-final of Mastermind and the first semi of University Challenge. I got a few questions correct, as did Scamp.

Hoping to go and get ericaceous (acidic) compost tomorrow to pot up Scamp’s new azalea.




Happy Birthday Scamp – 24 March 2024

Scamp’s Birthday today.

A lazy morning for both of us. Lots of prezzies opened and lots of smiles. Hazy phoned in the morning and I gave them space to talk while I tidied up downstairs.

After lunch Scamp wanted to get her new plants into pots and distributed round the garden. I took a camera for a walk in St Mo’s. Not a lot to be seen, but I did get some photos of a bunch of dandelions sitting on a wall and with a fence to give them some extra support.

Scamp had requested that dinner should be, Chicken & Pea Traybake, to give it its proper name, The same meal we had on Thursday. I was chef, of course, but the real cook was the oven because it did all the hard work. Dessert was Viennetta. All washed down with a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc from Jamie and Simonne’s Christmas parcel.

Spoke to Jamie later in the day and heard that the main works seem to be finished and now the push seems to be on to get the plastering completed. The hope being that when that is finished, they can move back it full time.

We watched the final episode of this season’s Death in Paradise. The story was dragged out even more than it usually is. Lots of old faces returning for this finale. Maybe this is, as one critic wrote, the Death of Death in Paradise. We can but hope.

I think Scamp enjoyed her birthday. I really hope she did.

Tomorrow we may tidy up some loose ends.