A dull, misty start to a day that was supposed to have sunshine from Morning to Night. It did eventually get itself in gear and let the sun shine in.
Scamp was busy today in the garden and I was enlisted to prune the Schoolgirl rose at the front door and also to cut back Alec’s Red the rose that has grown in almost every house we’ve lived in. Scamp is wary of pruning it for fear of going too far. To be honest, so am I. It’s a very elderly rose now and the flowers are great heavy blooms, but every spring I tend to err on the side of safety and although I know it will be better for the plant if I cut it back severely, I’m always wary. So it was today, although it did get a good haircut.
Scamp spent a lot of time, teasing out weeds from her array of plant pots, while all the time looking for fresh growth from the perennial plants. She did find a few, then she brought her garden table into the kitchen and did some potting up of a collection of some little plug plants. Tiny little things in conical tubes about the same diameter as a 10p. They seem to be making good growth. Finally I lifted my latest bargain, an orchid in a glass jar. It was looking a bit sorry for itself and I soon saw why. Although it looked very pretty, and I’d been watering it once every two weeks, the actual plant was in a tiny little plastic tub and was as dry as a bone. It’s now been watered properly and I’ve removed all the damp compost and allowed it to dry out a bit. I might remove the plant from its plastic prison and allow it spread its roots into the compost.
By the time we had both completed our tasks for the day, Scamp decided it was coffee time and I reckoned it was time to go for a walk over to St Mo’s. Thought I saw the white tail of a deer when I was over in the woods, but it disappeared too quickly for me to be sure. I did see a host of frogs, or were they toads? I’m never sure about them, and it was one of those shots that made PoD.
Spoke to Jamie and gave him a better explanation of the last week, now that the fog of confusion is lifting. Heard about his latest purchase, an Apple iPhone 16 no less. He seems to be happier with it than I am at present. I hope he gets good use from it.
Tomorrow we’re hoping to see the money man in Falkirk.