Back in the old regime – 14 October 2023

Driving to Brookfield today for the first class in ages.

Ah, but what a pleasant drive it was. No 40mph stretches of the motorway and no restricted lanes. What a delight that was, but how long will it last before the next phase starts? It doesn’t matter, because at least we had a stressless drive for once.

Not stressless in Brookfield. We started with the Charnwood Cha-Cha which Scamp was at pains to tell me that we’d done it before. I did remember bits of it and eventually it began to flow as it should.

Next was a new dance that was called the Ria Bachata. It was familiar up to a point. The steps were bachata steps, but the speed of the music was far too fast. It was more like a cha-cha bachata. I wasn’t impressed, but apparently we’ll be dancing it at the next ball in November, so we better start practising.

Next up today was the Tango which we learned years ago on Zoom during lockdown. This version was different, much more precise than our simple tango. Also there was a new step to master before the final “X Line” splits! Neither of us can remember its name, but I think we’ll be leaving it out of our tango version.

Finally there was the Foxtrot which I was quite confident at dancing until I came to the Continuous Hover Cross. Despite Stewart demonstrating it with Scamp and Jane dancing it with me, it felt different again from what we learned a couple of years ago. Maybe I just need to go back to those old videos and try to find our version of it. I remember it took me a long time to master it and I don’t want to go through that again.

That may be the last lesson for some time as it seems unlikely that we’ll be going to the next class and the class the week after that has been cancelled because the hall committee are putting up decorations for Halloween.

We drove home and quite a while after lunch I went out to get some photos. Nothing really seemed to be working, but then I saw a man out walking two dogs and managed to frame him between two trees and Bingo! I hd a picture of the day. On the way back from my photo walk I dropped in at Golden Bowl and brought back a Chicken Chop Suey with Fried Rice for Scamp and a Special Chow Mein for me. Both of us agreed that was a good move.

Prompt for the day was Castle. I thought of drawing a real castle, but realistically, the Rook from a chess set would fit the bill as its alternative name is Castle. I drew it while half watching Strictly and that accounts for the poor symmetry of the castle.

Tomorrow it looks like it will be cold as it’s just above 0ºc just now. We might go out for a walk in Colzium to see the colours of the Acers.

Eureka! – 13 October 2023

It worked.

I did what I should have done in the first place and read (actually listened to) the instructions on YouTube. The writer of the instructions was Andrew Tsai, a very clever bloke who was the first person I’d heard of who explained how to replace the internal mechanical hard disk in a computer with a solid state drive, an SSD for short. I listened to his instructions this morning and found my mistake. I’d gone for the quick and dirty approach when I should have taken the slow path. That’s what I did. I formatted the old scrambled SSD and then installed the new OS from a specially set up memory stick. That took an hour and a half. I knew I didn’t have time to do the next bit, because it was going to take a lot longer.

By then I’d done Wordle and failed to find the Spelling Bee Pangram while waiting for the ping from the computer to tell me that it had finished the first install. We had a piece ’n’ jam each and got dressed to dance. Then we drove up to the town centre to one of the new churches that used to be a carpet shop next to B&Q, but today was the venue for a Tea Dance. We got there about fifteen minutes after the opening time and by then the room was about three quarters full. Also the car park outside was completely full with minibuses. My heart sank even further than it had yesterday. We WERE going to be the youngest folk in the hall.

There was a band, two guitars, a keyboard and drums and there was a singer. Scamp knew the keyboard player whose name was Alathea and went over to speak to her at the interval. Actually the musicians were really quite good, the singer, not so much. I thought we’d have to leave after half an hour, but eventually found Scamp’s method of tuning out sounds I don’t want to hear, and concentrated on listening to the band. One of the guys who dances at the Wednesday class arrived and we all sat and blethered for a while. We had our tea and a cake and Scamp and I did dance for a couple of tracks, but with a carpeted floor, anything other than a shamble across the floor was out of the question. After that, Jim left and so did we a few minutes later. We did learn that it was a once a year tea dance and the organisers were giving up after this one. I can’t say I blame them. Too many empty tables showing a lack of interest from our age group.

We drove home and I started on the second part of the marathon installation. This time it ran like clockwork and about an hour and a half later I had a working computer again running macOS Monterey. It looks no different to macOS Big Sur which it replaces, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to upgrade Lightroom now!

With only a couple of niggles to fix, I took a walk in St Mo’s to see if I could find anything worth photographing. I didn’t find anything inspiring, so I walked down to the shops and got some mozzarella to top the pizzas I was making for dinner. I took the long way home and risked a photo of the underpass that takes you through to Blackwood. Always something dodgy lying around there, but quite an interesting perspective. That got PoD.

“Rise” was the uninspiring prompt for the day. I ended up drawing a hot air balloon, or a giant light bulb, maybe. That must have been the poorest prompt so far this Inktober.

Tomorrow we’re intending to go to the dance class again, but hopefully the roadworks will now be clear … perhaps!


Oh what a beautiful morning – 11 October 2023

And the makings of a beautiful day.

Scamp was out in the morning to have coffee with June. While she was out I found a subject for today’s Inktober prompt – “Wander”. I started work on it right away, drawing on a Seagate A4 sketchbook. I usually draw ideas to begin with in a cheap sketchbook, but have been caught out many times by working up a good sketch in them, then when I put a watercolour wash on them the paper soaks up the water, buckles and the sketch becomes a disaster area. Now I’ve learned to draw on decent quality paper that will hold the watercolour without falling apart. Yes, the paper is more expensive, but it saves a lot of swearing!

Lunch, when Scamp came in was, soup. Quite delicious soup. Then with the sun still shining I walked over to St Mo’s and found myself surrounded by dragonflies. Yesterday’s unseasonably warm weather coupled with today’s sunshine must have released a hatch of the insects. Mainly they were Common Darters with a few Black Darters too. I grabbed a few shots with the 85mm lens which performed really well, even if it didn’t allow me to get as close as a macro lens would. I also found a big clump of mushrooms that had appeared overnight. Again I think it was the weather than had encouraged them to sprout. This time it was the combination of warm weather and lots of rain, two things fungi thrive on. The mushrooms got PoD.

Back home Scamp was talking to her sister in Skye on the phone, but I didn’t hear much of the conversation because I was trying to scan in today’s sketch and post process the photos from the afternoon. We were going out to Kirsty’s dance class tonight, so I knew I had to get everything done as early as possible.

A photo of a tree beside the Luggie got ‘Explore’ on Flickr. I was quite impressed. It was almost OOC (Out Of Camera, meaning it had minimal processing). Second one in about a month!

Dinner tonight was a rather excellent fish ’n’ chips with beetroot. Not the best beetroot, but the fish made up for it. A lovely slice of cod!

There were only two couples for class tonight, but it was very useful. Plenty of room for dancing and also lots of tips from Kirsty about the little dance nuances I frequently forget. Lessons learned. She even got the chance to give us a quick and very short Quickstep routine to work on. Next week it’s Tango. Must remember a rose to hold in my clenched teeth!

Came home and opened the fridge door and the internal light went off. Oh No! Has the fridge been listening to us discussing replacing it? However, it was just the bulb that had blown. We’ll have to go out and source one tomorrow.

No other plans tomorrow. We’ll see what transpires.


A Wet Day – 4 October 2023

We knew it was going to be a wet day, but there was no respite today.

It was a dreich day and no mistake. It started during the night and continued all day. There’s not a lot more I can say about the weather, so I won’t.

Spoke to Hazy in the morning and we caught up with all that’s happening down south. Oh yes, and she was phoning us on her new iPhone 15. Not that I’m jealous or anything, but it does look good. Wish you health to use it Hazy and a new one when it’s done! We discussed Nelly, the Pleiospilos Nelii or Split Rock she gave in June. It’s changing its shape and Hazy thought it was going to flower, but on closer inspection it looks like it’s getting ready to split and push out two new leaves. I look forward to seeing that happen.

After we said “Cheerio”, Scamp and I had lunch. Scamp had a cheese sandwich and I had the remains of the lamb shank I cooked on Sunday. After carefully warming it in the microwave, I added some gravy granules to thicken the juices that had appeared in the bowl and made a decent lunch out of it. A toasted slice of rosemary and green olive sourdough finished off lunch. Rosemary and green olive sourdough? What would my mum have made of that? I’m sure she would have tried it, but would she have liked it? I think she would have. I don’t think my dad would have thought!

With Nelly still on my mind, I set up a tripod in the back bedroom and photographed that strange wee succulent. If you look carefully at the photo you can just see the spotted pale green leaves beginning its push up towards the light. That was PoD sorted.

I spent what was left of the afternoon sketching out my take on Dodge, today’s prompt. Yes it’s another cartoon, but it’s just for fun anyway. I never said I was an artist and maybe this proves it.

We drove up to the dance class in intermittent rain. I think this was our last full attempt at the Waltz Naioli. I’m feeling much more confident about it now and I think we could dance it in public now. It was a struggle at the start, but Kirsty is a very patient teacher who goes over and over the tricky parts of the routine. She’s nowhere near as patient as Scamp is though, but between them I can see the progress I’ve made. I didn’t want to come off the floor tonight, that’s how much I’ve enjoyed this dance. Thank you ladies!

Alex and I were supposed to be going to Paisley tomorrow, but the weather looks like a watered down version of today. The water being rain. So we’ve decided to meet in Glasgow, have a coffee and go for lunch. I think that sounds really sensible.

Lunch – 2 October 2023

We were heading for Calders today to meet up with June & Ian and Crawford & Nancy for lunch.

It was a good day. I think everyone enjoyed it. Just a catch-up with some decent food. We’d been to Crawford and Nancy’s for dinner a fortnight ago, but June and Ian hadn’t met them for quite a while. Lots to talk about by everyone and lots of jokes and laughs. Like I said, a good day that everybody seemed to enjoy.

When we all broke up, Scamp and I went for a wander round the plants in the garden centre and she bought some violas and a cyclamen to fill up one of her now empty pots. Those pots don’t stay empty for long because Scamp usually has something in mind for them.

While she was doing that I filled a bucket of hot soapy water and gave the car the wash I’d been promising it for the last week and more. It really did need it and it looked so much better afterwards. That left me with just enough daylight time to get some photos in St Mo’s. “Spiders” was the topic for today in Inktober and that’s what I found all along the path round the pond. Spiders of every shape and size, from the size of a pin head to ones as long as my pinkie. However, they didn’t make PoD. That went to a wide angle shot of a bunch of wild geraniums growing in the wilderness area near the pond. The big blue flowers really brightened my walk.

Back home it was time to work on today’s sketch and it was a solitary spider that was my model from one of my own photos. I don’t think I’ve really done it justice, but it’s better than yesterday’s “Dream” in my opinion!

We had a quick practise of the Waltz Nioli and it worked quite well. Still a few rough edges to work on, but most of it is there now. Hopefully we’ll have another practise tomorrow.

We had a look in Which tonight hoping to get some hints on what to look for in a new fridge and a freezer, or maybe a fridge-freezer combined. Just a bit of preplanning since the freezer is not looking in good health just now. Prices are a lot higher than I expected, but I suppose everything is going up in price these days.

No real plans for tomorrow. The weather looks decent without being brilliant, but we’ll wait and see what we get.

Fish Pie – 27 September 2023

That’s dinner sorted!

Scamp was making Fish Pie for dinner tonight. The fish came out the freezer yesterday and spent the night thawing in the fridge.

With the warnings about the impending arrival of Storm Agnes, I thought it would be a good idea to grab some photos early, so when Scamp said she wanted to post a couple of cards in Condorrat, I thought I’d join her on her mission.

There was only the slightest breeze when we walked over the motorway bridge, bought, wrote and posted the cards. On the walk back, Scamp went left, heading for home and I went right to walk round St Mo’s. There wasn’t much to see. Yesterday’s dragonfly wasn’t to be seen, nor were there any bees or butterflies. I sometimes wonder if insects and birds can sense the arrival of stormy weather. I did get some photos of pretty weeds in St Mo’s and a spiderweb with little water drops clinging to it from last night’s rain, but PoD was going to go to a yellow leaf lying on a bed of seed heads that were just beginning to turn from green to brown.

The making of the fish pie is a secret passed down by word of mouth through the generations of women in the family. Actually Scamp’s sister gave her the recipe, but the making was done while I was out walking round St Mo’s. When I came in the place smelled of cooked fish, in the nicest possible way, but the fish itself was hidden by a tablecloth, lest I catch a glimpse of it.

Lunch was yesterday’s “What’s in the fridge” soup and it had improved overnight as all soups do. Then I got busy turning my rough photographs into finished gems, or at least recognisable objects. While I was doing that, Scamp was assembling the fish pie. I asked her if she needed any help, but was dismissed with “No, it’s fine.” I know my place! The next time I looked, the fish pie was assembled, but again covered with a tablecloth. I didn’t dare peek!

The first slice of the pie was truly delicious, but the second slice was elevated to greatness with a slightly browned top, just like a good shepherd’s pie. Brilliant!

We drove up to “The Legion” for tonight’s class and as I suspected, Kirsty was intent on rubbing the rough edges off the Waltz Nioli. I recognised some of my mistakes and also the rough edges of my own dancing. I actually enjoyed the last track because we danced through our mistakes and finished the entire track. Not perfectly, but we didn’t stop once!

Storm Agnes is due to make landfall about 4am. Hopefully I’ll be in the Land of Nod by that time! No plans for tomorrow.


Out for a walk – 26 September 2023

A walk between the showers.

But first, there was work to be done in the morning. I decided that I’d make some soup for lunch. Not one of Scamp’s ‘Just Soups’, but more a ‘What have we got in the fridge’ soup. What I found was some carrots, a leek, a red pepper, a slice of bacon, a couple of kale leaves and in the cupboard a tub of broth mix. That should be enough to make a pot of soup, with some boiling water and a couple of stock cubes. After chopping the veg and grating one of the carrots, I brought the lot to the boil and then let it simmer for about an hour. It looked like soup and it smelled like soup, so it was soup. That was lunch sorted, and the rain was on. I chose to drive down to the shops to get some bread while the soup was simmering. I drove to the shops because the rain was getting heavier, straight down rain.

The soup made a fairly filling lunch and the rain went off. I was thinking I might chance a walk in St Mo’s, but a quick look over the Campsies told me that although the sun was shining and the streets were drying, it wouldn’t be long before the rain would return … and I was right. However, Scamp and I did get out later in the afternoon for a walk once round the pond at St Mo’s in sunshine. I almost managed to grab a shot of a dragonfly, only one shot before it flew off and that was out of focus. Such a pity. On the way back home I got a few shots of a bloke waking home along the path through the trees and that made PoD. It’s heavily edited, but I quite like the warm light and the streaks of light across the path. The light on the path is real, but the warm light is just pure Lightroom!

The rain didn’t return for a few hours, but when it came it was torrential again. We’re expecting more rain tomorrow and strong winds too when Storm Agnes visits us. I do hope the two who are holidaying in Wales don’t suffer too much from the stormy weather.

Another short practise tonight to rub more rough edges off the waltz and it’s beginning to look like it will actually be danceable soon.

No plans for tomorrow. Just making the most of a wild day, I think.

Soil – 25 September 2023

We were meeting Isobel for a coffee and a long blether this morning.

We drove up to the town centre and found Isobel halfway through her latte. I imagine it would have been cold by then. She seems to like cold milky coffee. I can think of few things more disgusting than that, although cold milky tea must come close. My Cortado seemed to interest her, but as she said, it hardly even a mouthful. We sat and talked for over an hour and found out that her son had delivered a bag of topsoil for her. Scamp has been looking for topsoil to pack round her roses to give the roots more of a grip in their pots. After interrogating Isobel we discovered that the soil came from Dobbies in Stirling and was reasonably priced. So reasonable that she had decided to get her son to buy another bag for her. Scamp was telling her that she was needing some and we might just go to Stirling to get a bag or two. Then I said to Isobel, “why don’t you come along for the run” and she agreed.

So it was that we drove to Stirling. lifted three bags of topsoil into a trolley, paid and left. Isobel’s quip that “It’s the shortest time I’ve been in a garden centre in my life.” was true. They hadn’t been in that plant paradise for more than fifteen minutes! While they were in looking for the topsoil I had been taking photos of the Wallace Monument and the Ochil Hills through a two meter wire fence. A bit clumsy, but the photos worked. Half a dozen shots in the bag.

We drove home and the wee blue car was struggling on the hills going home. Three full 25litre bags of damp soil and three folk too, plus a heavy camera bag and a zimmer. That was straining its three cylinders to the max, but at least were keeping most thing in threes!

We stopped in the village and used Isobel’s zimmer to transport her bag of soil up the path to her house. Then we drove back home for lunch which today was pizza.

After lunch Scamp got her tools out and started filling the rose pots with the soil. It looked like good quality stuff with maybe more than its fair share of sand mixed with the soil, but it hadn’t been very expensive, so we didn’t mind. I did consider taking a walk in St Mo’s, but when I checked the clock, it was almost dinner time and as it was Monday I was pasta chef today. A sort of cross between Penne Arrabiata and Amatriciana. It tasted fine anyway.

A quick Wednesday Waltz practise tonight and I do believe we are beginning to lick this dance into shape, but whisper it, because I don’t want it to hear!

After a bit of photoshopping and some jiggery pokery I declared one of today’s shots to be the PoD.

We have no plans for tomorrow.

A long day – 23 September 2023

A day that started around 9am and finished around 1am the next day, which means, of course, that this is a catch-up!

We started off at 10.15am heading to Brookfield. We had a quorum, but only just with four couples. Our dancing started off with Tina Tango, the music being Scamp’s favourite ‘Shivers’. Two tracks of that got us moving, then we moved on to Cha-Cha which I admit I struggled with, but eventually came to terms with. I remembered Janes warning to keep my feet just scraping the floor and not make clumpy noises, but I’d entirely forgotten the other nuances of the dance. Information overload was my excuse.

A couple of tracks of Mayfair Quickstep and then we went on to Joy’s Waltz which I almost had before the teachers swanned off for a fortnight ‘working’ on a cruise ship, then another week on holiday. We hadn’t practised it since then and it had dissolved from my memory. I just got angrier and angrier with my inability to remember what went where. Eventually, with Scamp’s patient help it all came back, well, almost all. But I’ll write down the sequences and practise them before the teachers return from their next holiday, ‘cruise work’ in three weeks. Then Joy’s Waltz will be a joy to behold!

Another two sequence dances and we were done for the day. Done dancing at least. After we drove home I intended driving somewhere to get a PoD, but I forgot my phone, so I drove back home and parked the car, then went for a walk in St Mo’s where I found a wee knothole about the size of £2 coin in the wooden boardwalk. A moss had colonised it and from above it looked like a tiny garden in an urban environment, but maybe that’s just me.

By the time I got that processed and posted it was time to get ready to drive to Crawford and Nancy for dinner. It was a good evening and night and dinner was good too. I tried to solve Crawford’s problem with connecting his iPhone to his Microsoft PC but eventually had to give up. I have exactly the same problem trying to get the Macs to connect to my Android phone.

We got home just after midnight after driving through some torrential rain on the M74 and as I said at the start, the day finished around 1am after Scamp had gone to bed and I’d had a wee whisky as a nightcap.

Tomorrow ( ok, today, but ‘tomorrow’ is traditional) we will treat the day as recovery from a full day.


Dancin’ again! – 21 September 2023

Today we were going to a tea dance in Glenburn.

It was a lovely bright morning, but cold. Well, I felt it cold anyway. I should have gone for a walk, despite the temperature and shot some photos, but I didn’t, preferring to stay in the warm living room and complete Wordle and Spelling Bee. That meant I’d need to squeeze in a shooting session when we came back from Paisley. Never ideal, but I’ve only myself to blame.

I hadn’t realised just how windy it was until we were on the motorway heading west, and meeting that westerly wind head on. Despite the wind and the intermittent rain we made good time reaching Glenburn before the dance started … for once.

First dance, was a sequence to ‘warm us up’ apparently. I’d expected a waltz, but it was not to be. The waltz was next and I got lost again. Before we left the house I got Scamp to list all the figures we did and I wrote them all out in order. They went clean out of my head. I always think of a waltz as being a slow dance, and it is, but there are a lot of steps in the Waltz Nioli and that means your feet and brain need to be nimble and mine simply aren’t nimble enough. That compounded with a lot of folk on the floor made it difficult for learners like us … or me. We sat with a good crowd at our table and the banter was good. We attempted everything that was flung at us apart from a ballroom Tango and a Tango Serida. We struggled through a Cha-Cha and by the end of that particular one, almost remembered how to do it.

As usual we left early at 3pm to avoid the school rush and almost made it. As usual the Kingston Bridge was a congested car park, but we were on the M74/M73 route and avoided the stop – start – change lanes – change back of the M8. It takes a bit longer in miles on the M74, but at least you are moving at the legal limit most of the time.

Back home I went out for a walk in St Mo’s and got today’s PoD which is a Common Carding Bee on a Scabious flower. We couldn’t decide what to have for dinner and finally chose Fish Fingers, Egg and Fried Potato. Perfect for what was turning out to be a cold day.

Tomorrow we may go looking for a small heather plant to replace one that died during the drought in the early summer.