A break in the clouds – 24 December 2023

That’s what I was looking for today, a break in the clouds would be nice.

However, the reality was different. It was raining and it was dull and it felt, at 11am that it was already heading to evening. But Scamp had a suggestion. I’d said I fancied scrambled egg with smoked salmon for lunch. I knew we didn’t have any smoked salmon, so she said, let’s walk down to the shops and get some. That would force us to get out of the house for a while and we’d get some fresh air into the bargain. Plus, she said we could split up halfway home and she’d carry the messages while I walked over to St Mo’s to get a photo. Deal done.

For once M&S wasn’t too busy, especially on Christmas Eve that was unusual. We weren’t buying much, apart from the obvious smoked salmon. I thought we should get some milk, just a small bottle and Scamp said we needed baking potatoes for tonight’s dinner. We got that and other stuff as well and filled a basket, then walked home. For the first time ever there were two different people selling Big Issues outside a couple of the shops. The first one we encountered was a young teenager and further down someone we took for his father. We both agreed that we weren’t sure about them at all.

We walked back and just as we’d agreed I handed over the message bag to Scamp and I went on to walk round St Mo’s. The rain had stopped now and it was also a bit brighter. In fact the clouds were opening up and the sun was trying to break through. I got a few shots, but nothing I was really set on. Halfway round the the rain came on again and I walked home.

Scamp was hard at work making scrambled egg with chopped up bits of smoked salmon. My job was to coax the ancient, cantankerous toaster to do its job and gently burn the bread and turn it into toast, but it just wouldn’t do it. Eventually Scamp just pressed the lever on the toaster and it worked. Was this a case of great minds thinking alike? Perhaps.

After lunch I looked at the photos and they weren’t really worth keeping, but I kept them anyway, because I hadn’t anything else. Then as I was standing at the kitchen window I saw the birdbath, full of water and with a quarter of a brick in it to allow the smaller birds to drink if they needed it without being submerged in the deep water. Did I still have the wee old man Minifig figure? The wee old man with the fishing rod? After emptying a couple of boxes of dismembered Minifigs, I found what I was looking for and after three, or was it four sorties out into the garden? I had today’s PoD of a wee old man fishing in the birdbath. That’s what makes a PoD so attractive. It’s having to think round a problem and make it work.

Dinner was tomato soup which I’d made yesterday. Then a baked potato each, halved and the inside scooped out and mixed with leek, cheese and smoked haddock that had been poached in milk and with the milk added to the mixture to thin it down a bit. The lot was baked in the oven or the grill, I can’t remember which, but it was Scamp’s magic working again. It was really delicious.

That was about it for the day. We watched the Great Scottish Book Club (Christmas edition) and it was a mine of information. I bought Pink Floyd’s first album, Piper at the Gates of Dawn, back in the late ‘60s. I learned tonight on the GSBC that the title derived from a reference to the god Pan in Wind in the Willows! Now I need to find out where the second album A Saucer Full of Secrets came from!

Tomorrow looks like a calmer day, but still with some rain. Hoping to do a Zoom call with the family.

We’re past the shortest day! – 23 December 2023

That’s a reason to be cheerful!

I suppose the daylight must have lasted slightly longer than yesterday, but I can’t say I noticed. It was a dull day from start to finish and it rained all day just to increase the agony. I had no intention of going out in the cold, wind and rain just to get an outside photo, but it wasn’t until late in the evening I got the inspiration to find the PoD.

We could have walked down to the shops, but they would have been at maximum madness setting and we had no real need to go out, other than to be out of the house for a while. Instead, I made tomato soup with a kilo of tomatoes I’d reduced in the oven for an hour and a bit, a big bit!. Then Wordle occupied a few minutes of my time and Spelling Bee is still waiting for my response. It will still be waiting at midnight when it will offer a new challenge which I will probably ignore. Life’s too short to try to puzzle out seven letter words, especially Americanisms.

Dinner today was pasta. That added to my confusion. I could have sworn that today was Friday, but that disappeared into history yesterday, so I had to accept that today was, in fact, Saturday. It’s just that we normally have pasta on Monday and having it any other day in the week just upsets my internal clock. Anyway, today was “What’s in the fridge” with penne pasta. It passed muster with Scamp, although I thought it was a bit bland and needed the kick that chilli flakes might have added had I thought of it earlier.

It was some time after dinner that I chanced upon and idea for PoD. It’s a Troupie called Starman who amazed the critics when “… Played it left hand …” Just a Troupie, some star shaped battery powered lights and a spotlight from a hand held LED torch. It’s amazing the things you can dream up when you’ve only got a few hours before the cut-off. Anyway, PoD completed before midnight.

We watched “Guys and Dolls” tonight. Old fashioned American film dating from 1955. Just a bit of fun, but Scamp enjoyed the singing and dancing in it. I felt it was a bit too slow, but maybe that’s just me.

Tomorrow looks like a windy version of today, so not a lot to look forward to.


Out early for the messages – 22 December 2023

Thankfully we got to the shops before the craziness got too crazy.

Admittedly, we weren’t buying the shop this year, although a lot of folk were. Scamp had a list and she stuck to it. I only added a few things for once.

I decided the weather wasn’t looking too bad, so I drove over to Cumbernauld station where I dumped the car and went for a walk along the Luggie Water. The burn was running quite high, but not as high as it had been earlier in the week, judging by the matted down vegetation on the banks. I got one or two shots I was quite impressed with, but most were destined for the cutting room floor, still I took them anyway in the hope that there were a hidden gem or two in them. There weren’t. PoD went to the railway bridge over the Luggie Water which I was quite pleased with.

I drove home and we walked over to Condorrat for what has become our Friday afternoon lunch in Brodens. As usual, I wished I’d had the fish ’n’ chips that Scamp had ordered. Instead I had gammon steak, which was quite good, but not exceptional. Because it was nearly Christmas, we had a G ’n’ T each to celebrate and wandered down the road and into a warm house. Hive controlled central heating is a wonderful thing.

We watched a Celebrity University Challenge and saw Edinburgh Uni get trounced by some English mob. Then we watched a ‘normal’ Mastermind and we were quite please with ourselves when we managed to get a few questions correct. Finally, we watched Portrait Artist of the Decade with eight of the ten winners from the previous ten years competing for the accolade of Portrait Artist of the Decade. We agreed that the winner deserved their title. That was a lot more tv watching than we usually do, so now I’m blog writing and Scamp is reading.

We got a message from Hazy to say that she and Neil were going with Canute and Delia  to Kew Gardens to see the Christmas displays.  Hope it was worth the trip and I’m sure we’ll hear all about it.

No firm plans for tomorrow. Weather looks decidedly wet, in fact I can hear the rain practising its techniques for battering on the windows just now. We might go out somewhere, but only if the rain stops, unlikely as that seems.


Dentist – 20 December 2023

Today I had an appointment with the dentist and Scamp had a lunch appointment with the other Witches.

My appointment with the dentist was in the morning. The easy part of it was the replacement of a filling that was coming loose, but I wanted her opinion on the big tusk at the back of my mouth that was giving me toothache. She checked it by tapping it with her scraper tool and also by scooting cold water on it and it passed the tests. Just to be sure she did an X-Ray and it came up clean, no sign of an abscess. Scamp thought it was the Edinburgh rock I’m addicted to and that a bit of sugar from it had got into the tooth. The dentist said Scamp is probably right, because teeth are porous (didn’t know that) and the sugar could pass through and cause the pain if it reached the nerve. She put some varnish on it and set it with an ultra-violet light thing. I’ll keep a watchful eye on it for a few days until I forget and go looking for that bag of Edinburgh rock again!

The filling was easily removed and replaced with a shiny new one that I’m hoping to keep for a while and not go poking at. It seem that the NHS are now recommending annual dental checks, not biannual as they were last time I had one. It’s just a cost saving exercise, I know, but at least Scamp and I are on the NHS list, rather than paying the full price as a lot of folk are.

By the time I got home, Scamp was ready to get a lift from Jeanette to Calders where they had a table booked. I had a couple of hours to myself, so I added another wash to the painting I’d been doing. What I SHOULD have done was check what that wash was supposed to do. That way I might have avoided the mess that resulted from adding paint where it shouldn’t go. Not to worry, it was a first attempt and I learned something. I think I now know what I’m meant to do with this second stage, so I might try again tomorrow on a clean sheet.

I decided lunch was on the menu and today it was going to he a Larky favourite of an egg poached in mince. Sounds disgusting? Try it before you condemn it. It’s delicious, especially served on buttered bread.

I thought I’d just enough time for a walk round St Mo’s pond before I lost the light entirely and that was how it turned out. Today’s PoD was a fairly close-up shot of a St John’s Wort plant that’s been growing quite happily through the summer, the rain of autumn and the frost and snow of early winter. I’m surprised that those big flat green leaves didn’t collapse under the weight of the snow last month, but there it is with them and the flowers still intact.

Walked back and hadn’t even taken my boots off when Scamp arrived in Annette’s car. Spoke to Annette about her fairly new hybrid Toyota and she told me she wasn’t impressed with it. Mpg is good, but not brilliant and it’s a bit sluggish on hills. However, we agreed on one thing. It’s much better than the Juke she had before. I think we’ll keep to the Micra for the foreseeable future.

I was just heading out to post the last two Christmas cards and I suggested I might bring back a fish supper for dinner. Scamp agree and that’s what we had. A lazy dinner for a change.

Tomorrow we’re intending to go to the last tea dance of the year. Let’s hope Storm Pia isn’t as bad as predicted.



Chatelherault – 19 December 2023

Out on a photo walk with Alex.

I was due to pick Alex up at his house around 11am, but after getting up at about 4.30am to take some paracetamol to numb the pain from toothache, I wasn’t sure I’d be meeting him any time today. However, when the 8.30am alarm chimed out its merry tune there was no sign of toothache.

The early rise and the alarm were because we’d booked the man from Hannah and Howie to come and service the boiler. He was supposed to arrive between 9am and 1pm, and I was glad we’d set the alarm for 8.30, when he knocked on the door at 9.05. It only took him half an hour to do the service and report that nothing needed replaced this time, but maybe we’d need a gasket replaced at the next service, which should be in a year’s time. One thing done.

Scamp asked me to take her up to Tesco to get more messages, so I dropped her off and drove on to Motherwell, had a chat with Carol and Alex and I drove over to Chatelherault on the outskirts of Hamilton. While we were sitting in the car talking, an unusual bird swooped down not far from us. At first I thought it was a Shrike, but Alex though it might be a Jay, and when we got a good look at it, that’s what it was. Not very common this far north, but I think Hazy gets them in her garden.

It was a wild day with sunny skies one minute and torrential rain the next. We walked down past the Three Hard Men, the statues of David Livingston, William Wallace and Robert Owen cut from steel plate. I got a few shots, but wasn’t really struck on any of them. Alex, of course, got a cracker of a shot!

We walked further on to the old Avon Bridge where we saw a Kingfisher about a year ago, but the Avon Water was in spate, or probably more likely just running off a spate, but far too fast flowing for the kingfisher to show today. As we turned to climb the hill that would take us back to the Big House, we felt the first spits of rain. We’d both been watching the clouds rolling in and as there was no shelter, we just had to plod our weary way back through the rain. We got passed by about a dozen cyclists who must have been as wet as us, if not wetter. It was lovely and warm in the cafe though and we got a table without any problem.

I had just been given a tray with our two coffees and two scones when the woman at the till said the system had gone down. She took a note of our order and said she’d let us know when the system was back in business again. After our coffee and scone lunch, we sat and talked a while. People were being served again at the counter and it looked like the rain had stopped and the sun was shining again, so went back and paid for our lunch. The woman seemed surprised that I’d bothered to come back, but maybe it’s just auld guys like me who do that. Anyway, she gave me a wink and gave me a discount for being honest!

Alex suggested a walk to the Cadzow Oaks, the ancient oak trees that surround some earthworks. The oaks have been dated to the mid 15th Century. That kind of ancient. Some of the oldest living trees in Scotland. The earthworks are a mystery. Nobody seems to know their significance, and there is no clue to who built them. The oaks always make me think of the Ents that Tolkien wrote about. We both got a few photos of them, quite a few! One Ent photo made PoD. Then the rain threatened again and we walked back over the Duke’s Bridge to the car. I drove Alex home and we planned another outing between Christmas and New Year, probably to Glasgow if the weather behaves.

Scamp had been busy while I was away. There was mince cooking on the stove and a lovely smell of baked cakes from the oven. They were Dundee Cakes with a lovely mixture of fruit in them, as well as a measure of Black Bottle whisky. I’ve only had one, because although the paracetamol had done its job, I didn’t want to risk another early morning second dose.

Tomorrow, coincidentally, I’ve a dentist’s appointment to repair a broken filling, so I’ll maybe ask the lady dentist if she’ll have a look at my dodgy molar. Scamp is booked for lunch tomorrow at Calders. Hopefully I’ll be able to speak properly when she gets home, if my jag has worn off by then!

I saw blue sky! – 18 December 2023

We drove up to Costa today to have coffee with Isobel.

We spent an hour in a cold barn of a place with a really high ceiling that means any hot air collects under the manky glass roof and doesn’t warm those seated below it. Although, I think the air con was blowing cool air around us. We sat in this dismal place for an hour. Isobel eventually put her coat on. An hour was enough in the cooler and we parted to go our separate ways.

Scamp and I were going to Tesco to get a trolley load of messages which tested the suspension of the blue car. It was just a Monday morning shopping expedition with little to differentiate it from any other Monday, except, the sun was breaking through and a big triangular chunk of blue sky was in evidence! Miracles do happen, even in Cumbersheugh.

We drove home and unpacked the bags and then stashed them in cupboards, fridge and freezer until the bags were empty. Scamp was going to have lunch, but I wasn’t going to let the blue sky and sun get away lightly. I changed into boots and drove down to Auchinstarry to get some real outside photos.

A couple of landscapes were first on the list, taken on a walk along the canal towpath, then as I was crossing into the Plantation, the light was just scraping down the side of the Campsie Fells. Just as I took the shot a deer ran across the path and into my field of view, except that the fraction of a second it takes for the shutter to fire allowed the deer to get into the trees. All I saw on the shot was the white of its tail. Never mind, it was the landscape I was photographing this time, not the wildlife.

I crossed the River Kelvin on the bridge and turned right to head back to the car park and found PoD. It’s a snail complete with shell, paddling across the waterlogged path that used to be a mineral railway line taking coal to Glasgow. A nice low angle and a slow moving subject gave me ideal image for the PoD.

Drove home after visiting Lidl in Kilsyth and wishing I’d walked through the wee park where a bloke told me he’d seen a kingfisher about a month ago, but the light was failing by then and I had to leave the kingfisher for another day. I drove home and had a late lunch of a piece ’n’ cold meat.

Dinner tonight was more of yesterday’s Carrot & Lentil Curry. It had matured since yesterday. Not as sweet and with some extra garam masala, it was a bit spicier.

Watched the final part of Portrait Artist of the Year 2023 where the winning artist painted Dr Dame Jane Morris Goodall DBE for the National Portrait Gallery. It was so good to see a portrait that ended up looking like the sitter for a change.

Tomorrow a bloke is coming to service the boiler and I’m hoping to meet Alex for a photo walk.

I think the sun is on strike – 17 December 2023

As you’ve probably guessed, today was another sunless day, and it rained all day too.

We both read for a while in the morning and the early afternoon too.

After lunch I started planning dinner, which was Carrot and Lentil Curry. It’s ages since I made it and I had to look up the recipe to make sure I was doing it right. I was, but grating two big carrots doesn’t half make your arm ache. I was contemplating transferring my Fitbit watch to my right arm so I would get the benefit of some extra steps, because it didn’t seem like I was going to get many outside steps today.

Once the curry was on the go and simmering gently, I started looking around for a photo. I tried some photos of the Christmas Roses at the back door, but they were battered by the wind and rain and not looking at their best. The plants in the hanging basket were a possibility, but they needed some focal point. Then I found a Lego Minifig of a weeman in a gorilla suit and that’s where today’s PoD came from. It’s entitled “In the jungle …”

The curry wasn’t really all that spicy, but we didn’t have much garam masala, probably not enough to add the authentic taste. However, it was warm and there was rice and flat bread to fill it out. More for tomorrow and maybe even the next day.

Spoke to Jamie later in the evening and heard about a surprise visit from the previous house owner’s son who was just passing. Probably been asked by his dad to go and have a wee look at what they were doing in the plastic wrapped house. Also, it seems that they might not need to have their wall taken down after all. That will make less of a dent in their expenses.

Not a lot else happened today, but what can you do when it’s windy, wet and sunless. Well, you could moan about it, but nobody would listen.

Finally got round to writing most of my Christmas cards and with a bit of luck I’ll get them finished tomorrow.

Scamp and I are booked for coffee with Isobel tomorrow. More gossip for the ladies and coffee for me!


Another dull day – 16 December 2023

Today was dull. There is no other way to put it. Just plain Scottish dreich.

Scamp announced that today would be devoted to tidying up the living room and especially the dinner table. With that decided for us, I did my fair share of tidying up, considering that it was mainly my junk that needed to be sorted through into Keep and Chuck piles. It did make a difference to the overall feel of the house when we were finished.

After a plate each of minestrone for lunch, we went for a walk to the shops. We didn’t really need anything there, but it was good to get out in the fresh air for a walk. I brought my camera with me, but didn’t feel inspired to take it out of the bag. It’s so difficult to get inspired on these dull days with no directional light. Scamp got a poinsettia with the money that June had given her for that purpose, but I really went for the walk. Back home a hot chocolate did brighten the afternoon a bit, as did a wee bag of Maltesers.

Spoke to Val when he phoned me out of the blue in the afternoon. It was good to hear from him and he sounded a lot more like himself. Still not fit enough or confident enough to go out for coffee, but a fifteen minute conversation made me feel a lot better. He certainly has had a hard time these last few weeks.

Later in the afternoon we got a message from Hazy to say that both their parcels had been delivered and that they had been divided up. Neil chose a brass cross and will give his mum and dad the other one, while Hazy has another cat too look after, albeit a ceramic one!

I couldn’t find a subject worthy of photographing, but then I found lots of subjects hanging on the Christmas tree. A wee Santa got the chance to shine today. Taken with the LensBaby 35 distortion lens, it looked quite good surrounded by the Christmas lights.

Dinner was Borlotti Beans and Bacon and was really such an excellent dinner for such a dull, cold, windy day. Great choice, Scamp.

We watched the final of Strictly in the evening and I must say it bolstered my opinion that the show is past its ‘sell by date’. How the worst contender of the final three managed to lift the trophy, I’ll never know. I don’t think I’ll watch the show next year, it is too depressing.

Tomorrow we have no plans. Hoping against hope that the sun may manage to shine for a short spell, but not convinced that it will.

Steak Pie and Macaroni Cheese – 15 December 2023

Scamp was off to FitSteps this morning. The last one of this year.

While she was away, it was my job to post the parcels to the boys and girls.

First I had to write the addresses on all the boxes and then humph them over to the post office in Condorrat. It was supposed to be 8ºc this morning, but that didn’t take into account the wind chill and it was chilling. Condorrat post office is a tiny wee place and it was crowded today with folk carrying big parcels, me being one of them. However, the woman who was in charge was efficient at getting through the queues of folk waiting to send parcels out to other folk. After answering a load of questions I got all three parcels posted off. Hopefully everyone will like what’s in them, and there are a couple of surprises.

I took a few photos on the way back home, mainly boring tree photos and a few of the bright red berries that no animal wants to eat and no birds do either. The bright red colour seems to signify ‘Danger’ and they all steer well clear. I imagine they are poisonous to all flesh, so I kept my distance too, but they did brighten up the trees. One of them became PoD.

Cup of coffee when I got home and we were ready to go to Brodens for lunch. Last week we were the only folk in the restaurant for a while. Today it was jumping, but our table was marked as reserved. Steak pie for me and macaroni cheese for Scamp. Good filling food. Then we walked down the road. We had intended to go down to the shops for some things, but then decided it was a bit cold for that, so we went home instead.

Scamp though it would be a good idea to put up her new automatic lights on the tall fence. I grabbed my trusty staple gun and proceeded to staple some cable ties to the fence, then we could use them to hold the wires of the long string of lights. Just as I was nearly finished, I managed to drive a staple through the fleshy part of my thumb, just shy of my nail, thankfully. Lots of blood, but nothing an Elastoplast couldn’t cope with. It was sore at the time, but now it’s settled down. Dafty! I think Scamp got a bigger fright than me. The lights look very pretty all different colours. We checked tonight and they went off after their 6 hours.

I did some post processing afterwards and Scamp sat and read for a while. We watched the final of the Portrait Artist of the Year and the right person won, for once. So unusual for us to pick the winner.

No real plans for tomorrow. Every year, June buys Scamp a Poinsettia at Christmas. Lately she just gives Scamp the money to buy one. Tomorrow I think we might go and buy June’s poinsettia.

Good news – 14 December 2023

A phone call brightened my day today.

I had a morning phone consultation today giving the results of a “Stool Test”. That’s a euphemism for a ‘poo test’ which is also a euphemism, but I won’t drop down to that level! You know what I mean. I had the test done a just over a week ago because my red blood levels were low and today’s phone call from the doctor was to tell me that everything was normal again, apart from a slightly low iron level  reading, but that can be countered by eating more green veg and the occasional rusty nail. That was good because a Whisky and Drambuie mixture (which is called a Rusty Nail) is my favourite drink of the moment!  But seriously, that was a weight off my mind. Even better, the sun was shining!

First stop today was Tesco for some messages. I also deemed it appropriate to get a bag of Jam Doughnuts. I felt I’d earned it. I bumped into Fred who told me that Val seemed to be on the mend. That cheered me up too.

Back home, after lunch I got started making tonight’s dinner which was Minestrone soup which had lots of green cabbage in it, but no rusty nails. It’s a good workout for the arms, chopping onions, carrots, leeks, cabbage and half a lemon. they are all bunged into a very big pot with some water, salt and pepper. The whole mixture is brought to the boil, then left to simmer for an hour or so.

While it was simmering and Scamp had promised to keep an eye on it, I took a few odds and ends to the skips and tossed them in. I’d half intended to go for a drive to take some photos, but:

A. There was hardly any useful light by then.
B. I had a plan for a photo for later.

With that in mind, I drove home instead.

While I was out, Scamp had been wrapping parcels and filling Jiffy Bags with the contents. All very neatly done. I think I’m going to be taking them to the post office tomorrow, but I’ll keep you posted (Ha, ha ‘posted’ get it?).

For most of the remainder of the afternoon I fought with Microsoft 365 trying to work out what I was doing wrong and what was causing a ‘Trust Error’. Eventually I gave in and went online to Mickysoft chat line and was told it was probably the browser that was causing the error. Sure enough, I changed from Firefox to Chrome and everything went smoothly after that. Well, as smoothly as any Mickysoft program can work.

Just before dinner, Scamp got a garbled message from a woman at British Gas, attempting to explain how they were going to fix the problems with the Smart Meter not connecting to the billing system. It sounded like a load of waffle to me. She even said that if all else fails, they could return us to the old system where we would be have no on-line connection to the company.  A bit of a backward step?  Surely not!!!  This only came about after Scamp contacted the Ombudsman’s office again and asked what BG were doing, because we had had no response from them.  It’s amazing the power you have that you didn’t know you had!

The soup was a bit thick, but tasted remarkably good, given that there is no stock in it, just veg and water, basically. I’ve only just realised that I forgot to add crushed macaroni into the mix for an extra half hours cooking. I think that would have made it even thicker, so leaving it out was a worthwhile accident.

Today’s PoD was the photo I had planned for today. It’s the traditional Fairy Nuff on the tree. She doesn’t get out much, but when she does, she looks really regal.

Tomorrow Scamp is intending going to the final FitSteps class of the year. I might put another layer on my painting, or I might just go to Condorrat to post the parcels.