Christmas Eve Eve – 23 December 2015

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday we went to try out the new gym.  We were both impressed with the new setup.  Lots of new machines, some of them a bit more video game than serious training devices.  All very shiny and nice to see screens that could display a tv picture without it looking as if it was being viewed through a snow storm.  Time will tell how well they last.  Swimming was out because the pool was slightly oversubscribed, but the sauna, the steam room and the jacuzzi were very welcome.

Went for lunch at Milano.  By the look of the carpark, I thought we wouldn’t have a hope of getting a table, but we did.  Maybe because we only needed a table for two.  It was quite busy with lots of Christmas parties.

After we left, we went to Muirhead hoping to get a steak for my Christmas dinner, but the queue outside the butcher’s meant it would be a long wait just to get inside and then another queue inside the shop.  No, there are limits to what I’ll put up with for my dinner.  I’d rather have a veggie Christmas dinner than wait in a chilly queue for some meat.  As it was, we went to Tesco and I have a nice bit of steak for my Christmas dinner.  It may not be as good as the butcher’s steaks, but then again I didn’t have to queue either.

I wrote a couple of cards for Ivan and for Peter H when we came home and walked over to Condorrat and just managed to catch the post.  Got a few photos of cars on the M80 some time exposures and some with as fast a shutter speed as I could manage with the light level available.  Blended them in Potatoshop and that will have to do as POD for today.

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