A Scottish Day – 15 May 2015

I remember when we were coming home from Mallorca, the cabin attendant on the plane said “We will soon be landing in Glasgow where the weather is … Scottish.”  That summed up today.  Bright early on, cloudy later.  Later still, driving rain.  The weather was … Scottish.  Lunch at Milano was the highlight of the day.  No walk this morning, I’m not that daft.  Did go for a coffee up the ‘Toonie’ later in the morning with Fred and then for a swim in the afternoon.  Other than that, just a typical Scottish day.


This pansy in the front garden is battered by the wind, washed by the rain and occasionally, just occasionally bleached by the sun.  Through it all they shine.  This one reminds me of Desperate Dan.  If you don’t know who that is, shame on you.

Difficult Deer – 14 May 2015

Up and out relatively early and walked the railway again.  I really must make the effort to go somewhere else of a morning, in fact, I may make it my task for next week, to walk a different path every day.  That sounds very profound, doesn’t it?  It’s not meant to be, it just means I have to find a new place to park and somewhere new to walk, preferably with some interesting scenery (or deer) to photograph.  Yes, that’s a good pledge.  A different path every day.  Profound!

I spent this evening investigating Keyboard Maestro.  It’s like Hazel (the app, Hazy, not the person) on steroids.  Years ago I discovered the delights of writing scripts for the PC that would execute much, much quicker and with much more power than any Windows command could.  Unfortunately, they were a bit of a hand-grenade too.  “What will happen if I pull out this little pin”.  Macs are a little more gentle in that respect, but only a little more gentle. They still need to be handled with care.  More of this when I’ve pulled out a few more pins!

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Yesterdays deer were easy deer, today’s deer were a bit more difficult. The first one got away before I could get the camera out of the bag. This one felt much more secure. I think it realised that there was a fence and a burn between it and me and it knew I wouldn’t be able to get near it.


A day at DML – 13 May 2015

Scamp decided that it would be a good day to go visit David Marshall Lodge (always referred to as DML) near Aberfoyle.  It was a great run there with excellent views and good sunny spells.  Walked round the waterfall route and found the new (to us) Alice in Wonderland treasure hunt.  Well thought out with plenty of stuff for kids to find.  Lunch at DML visitor centre and a run home via the Duke’s Pass.  You sometimes forget the wonderful scenery that’s on your doorstep.  The only down side was that the 70-300mm lens was acting up again.  Must call in at Merchant City Cameras tomorrow and see what’s to be done about it.

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The oft photographed waterfall at David Marshall Lodge. It’s almost as popular as the one in front of Buachaille Etive Mòr at Glencoe. Luckily, unlike the Buachaille waterfall, you don’t have to phone ahead to book your 15minute slot to photograph it.

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The easiest deer ever to photograph. They just stood there while I got this shot. Even when we approached them they didn’t run away. Obviously very tame and used to humans. The fact that they are cast from iron was probably a contributing factor too!


The Peanut Thief – 12 May 2015

A dull day today.  Not a lot to recommend it.  Went for a swim in the afternoon and that brightened me up, mainly because I met one of my former pupils and that reminded me that I could afford the time to go for a swim “Dum adultieri ad opus sunt” which is closer to the latin for “While the bastards are at work” (NNTS).  Google thinks it should be Ubi rather than Dum, but I think Dum is correct.  Also, as far as I can remember, the verb should go to the end of a latin sentence, again not what Google translate thinks.  That said, the die is cast and our club will always be the Ubi club now – much better that the Dum club anyway!

Went to Chaophraya tonight for a Thai cookery class.  I was the only bloke there with 8 women, but that was ok.  Chef was a bit full of himself, but the food was good, if a bit hot!  Enjoyed it all the same and liked the taste.  So much preparation for just a few minutes cooking.  Thank you Scamp for the present!

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I had noticed that the peanuts were going down fast in the birdfeeder, but it Scamp who noticed the peanut thief early one morning last week.  Today, it was her again who alerted me.  It’s amazing the contortions this animal goes through to grab some peanuts through the wire mesh.


Walking in the rain

Walked along the old railway this morning.  All went well until I reached the marshes and then the heavens opened and the deluge continued until I had been chased back to Auchinstarry.  The rest of the day was dry and occasionally sunny.  It was warm all day with temperatures around 15ºc at 10.00am.

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I don’t know where this little fella was going, but he was singleminded in his desire to get there.  I’ve seen a lot of snails recently.  Far more snails than slugs for a change and that can only be a good thing.  At least snails are photogenic.

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Apparently the pink bluebells are a genetic hybrid with the Spanish bluebell.  It also seems that the pink variety are the dominant strain, neither Scottish nor Spanish.


Uninspiring – 10 May 2015

An uninspiring day from start to finish, well, at least until the time I write this.  Weather windy, cloudy and with occasional rain.  Hmm and not due to improve tomorrow either.

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Down among the ferns at St Mo’s.



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Just a cross made from two twigs with a catkin between them.

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Overhead blossom.

Embra – 09 May 2015

Went to Embra today.  For once it was cloudier there than it was when we left home.  Thought I’d get some coffee when I was there at my favourite wee tea and coffee shop.  His tea is always excellent and he’s always got something to say about the world in general.  Also, he’s the only person I know who still sells by pounds and ounces.  Unfortunately, his coffee was dire.  I got a half pound each of Columbian and Mocha.  Tried them both when I got home and they were as bad as each other.  Nothing has beaten the Bean Shop in Perth yet for consistently good coffee.  Thomson’s Old Brown Java is quite good, but not as good as the Bean Shop.  Today’s was the worst ever.  I’ll stick to his tea in future and give his coffee a miss.

While Scamp was out at the choir concert, I struggled with Hazel.  Not you Hazel, but Hazel the usually excellent Mac organizational tool.  Normally, it’s simplicity itself to write a little script to get some stuff done.  Tonight was a nightmare.  After working for over an hour, I gave up with the script half written.  I’ll have a little glass of Laphroaig tonight and tackle it again tomorrow, or the next day.

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This blackbird comes to the same perch every evening and sings his heart out.  Such a brightener some days.  I see it as a reward for the mealworms I provide for him.


Flutterbies and Bikes – 08 May 2015

I decided that today was the day for getting the bike out and getting some exercise and some photos of course.  It was good to get away from the roads and on to the paths for a change.  It’s no fun cycling on the roads these days.  Today I cycled along the canal to Kirkintilloch, well almost.  Got a few shots, yes, still testing the lens, still not sure.  Anyway, as usual, I learned a bit more about the world as a result.  To be exact, today it was Biology that was under the spotlight:

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I noticed the white butterfly with the orange spots while out cycling today.  Nearby there was another plain white butterfly.  What I didn’t notice until tonight were the two variegated winged insects above and below the Orange Tip.  After checking with Mr Google, I think I can say that they are female Orange Tips and the one in the middle is a male.


Long lens problems – 07 May 2015

Exposure details: 270mm – ISO 250 – f9 @ 1/400

Went for a walk along the old railway from Auchinstarry this morning.  Everything seemed to be going well until I saw a young deer and tried to get a shot of it.  The VC on the 70-300mm Tamron that usually holds everything rock solid seemed to be acting up and CAUSING vibration rather than removing it.  The resulting shot is here.  Click to enlarge.  Shutter speed, as you will see is 1/400 which, combined with VC should have been enough to avoid any camera shake.
After further investigation, I discovered it was the focus motor that was causing the vibration, not the VC unit.  Even worse, it was not happening all the time.  It’s one of the most irritating defects in machinery, the occasional problem that you simply cannot be sure of replicating.  I’ve never seen any lens do this before and was a bit worried, even although the lens is still under warranty.  It would be a real pain to have to be without it for the three weeks or so it would take to send it back to Tamron.  I’ve checked with Mr Google, but nobody seems to have had this problem, or else, if they did, they’re not publicising it.  I’ll be checking on it every day now, but I’m sure it will get worse instead of getting better.

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I saw these pink blossoms when I was on my way home.  I liked the little floret bottom right and cropped down to it.

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Blue sky with occasional white cloud.  No rain on the horizon today.

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I disturbed this pheasant this morning and he conveniently ran into this little patch of green.


Livingston and the Luggie – 06 May 2015

Up and out early today to take Scamp’s car for MOT.  It passed!

Went to Livingston to get a new case for the hols.  Lunch at Wagamama in L.  Just enough time after we came home for a quick stroll along the Luggie.  Not a lot to see, but enjoyed the walk.  After all the rain, the Luggie was running quite high.  Should have taken the tripod and got some moving water shots.  Will do next time … maybe.

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I just wanted to isolate one fairly well formed flower against the backdrop of blue, then I saw the spider and my picture of the day was sorted!


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WorDs FaiL mE
I know how he or she feels.