Sunny Sunday – 05 April 2015

Misty morning with the prospect of a better day later.  It did in fact come.  Did another watercolour, this time on real watercolour paper rather than cartridge,

Salsa at 4.00pm with a short Kizomba taster class before it.  Definitely going to the class when it starts.

Good sunset tonight, but I’m writing this up as it glows through the back window.



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Aye, we’re getting there now.  The magnolia buds are swelling nicely.

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Even better sign of spring.  The crocus flowers are out and there is even a wee bit of late afternoon sun!  Smashing!


Embra Easter – 04 April 2015

Got the train to Embra.  Went to JL Edinburgh to get rid of the DOA Samsung Galaxy Note.  While waiting for a Technical Sevice person to become available I spoke to the Samsung rep who happened to be at JL today.  She commiserated with me about the defunct Note.  I asked her if she had the more up to date one and she pointed to a 12″ tablet.  “No, a 10.5″ one I said”.  Her reply shocked me.  “There isn’t a new one”, she said.  Surely this isn’t true, JL are advertising it on their website.  “Oh, that’s not a new one, it’s the 2014 model” was the reply.  Did she have one I could see and play around with.  “There are some in the warehouse, downstairs.”  Could she go get one, I’d like to try it out.  “But it’s last year’s model!”  I began to feel quite sorry for these poor tablets languishing in the dark of a warehouse ‘downstairs’.  It was probably cold down there and the poor wee things would be huddling together of warmth hoping, just hoping that someone ‘upstairs’ would have the goodness in their heart to take one home and use it lovingly.  “Anyway, we’re not allowed to open the boxes.”  How did all these various Samsung tablets including the 12″ NEW model get here?  Did they break free from their chains and plant themselves on the NEW tablet bench.  “What resolution does the 2014 table have?” Answer “Oh, it’ll be 1200 x 800, that’s what they usually have”.  I gave up, I wasn’t buying the 12″ NEW model and she wasn’t interested in selling me an ‘old’ 2014 model.  As I walked away to get a refund for my ‘ancient’ original model, I felt like whispering to the smug 12″ NEW model “You’ll be old yourself some day mate.”  JL used to be the byword for good quality goods and good quality service.  It looks as if both have gone to the board these days.  I may have to look elsewhere for decent service.

With £167 now safely ensconced back on my credit card, we went for lunch in Valvona Crolla.  Service was a bit slow, but Scamp’s Crab Linguine and my pizza were excellent.  Such a nice change from yesterdays disaster.  Quite spellbinding.  Certainly worth taking the time to see.

After our theatrical experience Scamp bought me an early birthday present of a pair of binoculars where the salesman (Not JL!) convinced me that the budget price binoculars were perfectly good enough for what I wanted.  Maybe Ms Samsung could take a lesson from this man.

After that back to the station just in time to miss the train – as tradition requires!


Great piece of acting. Totally believable and right up to date.




Simon the Zealot. Brilliant actor at the Edinburgh Easter Play in full flow. He just looked like a jakey, a tramp, but the words he spoke rang a bell.


Simon the Zealot at the cross.
Edinburgh Easter Play.  As excellent as ever.

If it seems too good to be true – 03 April 2015

It seemed like such a bargain.  A Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 – the old version – second hand, but in the John Lewis Easter sale, so it would surely be all right, right?  Wrong.  Five hours and a lot of swearing later, it got as far as the Samsung loading screen, but no further.  That is a great deal further than it had when first powered up.  Unfortunately, that is as far as it would get.  I switched it off and went to bed.  Five hours wasted.  It will go back to JL tomorrow.

The other disappointment today was Zizzi in Exchange Square in Glasgow.  Service dire.  Arancini cold in the middle.  Bread really little more than warm dough.  Pizza ok, but heavy.  Place was mobbed and I think the kitchen was over stretched, but that’s no excuse is it?  Would we go back?  I doubt it.


A little brush with Photoshop and Queen Street station has stained glass windows.



A Fine Day 02 April 2015

The plan for the day was:  If it’s dry in the morning, get the bike out.  If it’s wet, go for a walk.  It was dry and sunny, so it was cycling time.  Didn’t go far, I rarely do, but it gave me a different perspective, a different scene.  I had hoped to catch a glimpse of one of the two woodpeckers I’d seen a few weeks ago, but although I could hear them, I couldn’t see them.  I did see a couple of bluetits and a wren.  Then to top it all off, I managed a shot of an Easter bunny.  Then back home to phone the dentist because it’s time for my six monthly checkup.

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Two of these birds were systematically stripping out all the insects in a dead tree, right above my head. DSC_1459- blog-092

This wee guy/gal sat for ages, allowing me an excellent change of a shot. Well, it wouldn’t be Easter without a fluffy bunny, would it?


A good news day – 01 April 2015

Up and out early today to go to Falkirk to meet the FA, and it was good news.  Tea in Tea Jenny’s and a croque-monsieur for lunch just to celebrate.

After we came home I decided to round off the day with a walk along the old railway from Auchinstarry.  Good walk, if a bit cold and windy, but got soaked on the way back.  Never mind.  It’s to be a better day tomorrow.

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Branch with four little leaflets.
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Heavy clouds rolling over Dumbreck Marshes, but a little sunlight got through.  Well, although there was a little bit of sunlight, I did augment it with an adjustment brush in Lightroom, but that’s strictly between ourselves.  Don’t let on to the Flickr crowd.


Wind, Rain and Snow – 31 March 2015

Tried a watercolour sketch this morning in my painting time.  Quite impressed with the results.  Using acrylic paints as watercolours. Weather was “Scottish”.  Wind, rain and then snow showers.  Will the winter end soon?  I certainly hope so.  If not, I’ll need to take lessons to remember how to ride this bike.


They certainly were nodding their heads today.  65mph winds, driving rain and snow showers to top it all off.  Still the hardy daffodils were glowing when the sun did eventually shine.


Rain and snow – Monday 30 March 2015

The plan for the day was to paint in the morning and then go out on the bike in the afternoon.   Morning came and brought with it an icy covering on all the cars.  I could hear Scamp scraping her windscreen and really did mean to offer to drive her to work, but fell asleep again!  Woke just after 9.00am and it was raining.  Got the paints out and made some headway with an acrylic painting on canvas.  By the time Scamp returned from work we had had rain, sleet and snow.  So, a reassessment of the plan was needed.  Went shopping instead and then a swift, wet walk around St Mo’s.  Maybe tomorrow ….

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Feral pigeon (doo) sitting on a fence outside my living room window. Possibly sitting out a rain shower. One of the many rain showers we had today.


I think this must be a dog rose bush with the old dried up rose hip attached. Liked the bright green leaves with the red bud shells.


A lazy first day of BST – 29 March 2015

A lazy day after we had changed all the clocks (that aren’t automatic) to the correct hour.  Just an hour in the afternoon to wander St Mo’s.  I went out looking for signs of spring.  There were very few in evidence so far.

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At last there are signs that winter is over … or do I speak too soon?


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Lovely glossy plumage on this patient bird.  Waited ages for me to take its picture.

Not a Baa’d Day – 28 March 2015

Woke late after the excesses of yesterday.  Cold and windy – the weather, not me.  Managed an hour in the afternoon to drive up to Fannyside and get a few pictures of some sheep.  Not the most interesting of animals, but quite comical today.  Thought I was the farmer come to feed them.  When they found out I had nothing for them they quickly dispersed.  I went back to the car to change lenses and when I came back they returned thinking I was the farmer come to feed them.  When they found out … We could have played that game for hours, but I got fed up with it and went home to add a Darn Sarf gallery to this blog.  Feel free to have a look.

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A particularly inquisitive sheep.

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A bunch of hungry sheep under scudding clouds


Darn Sarf

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