Rain stopped play – 10 September 2023

Cloudy morning today, but the sun did manage to get through after a while. A coffee first then I could start work.

Today I was making Focaccia as the starter for tonight’s dinner and also a variation on Bread & Butter Pudding for dessert. Scamp had the much easier main course to make which was Sea Bass with Tomatoes and Potatoes. Focaccia is a sloppy dough with loads of olive oil to make it slippy and also sloppy. The first time I made it I kneaded it by hand and I remember chasing this messy dough all over the work surface. Yes, I did learn how to control a very wet dough, but vowed that the next time I’d let Mr Kenwood’s Chef do the hard work. So it was that I added all the ingredients into the bowl and let the dough hook go to work. About twenty minutes later I had a sort of dough and decide I could make it a bit wetter. Bad move. That meant the dough was too wet and I’d to add more flour. Eventually, I had the dough I wanted and I slopped it into a plastic tub to rise.

After lunch and after we’d watched Laura Kuenssberg tearing apart a new politician, it was time to check if the dough had “doubled in size”. Not quite, so I gave it another half hour to be sure and the sun was shining. That was the half hour it needed. It was ready to be slopped out on the work surface again, chopped into two big slippery pieces and stretched out in two baking trays to rest and stretch and grow bigger again with more olive oil in and around it. Another hour later, the sun was still shining and the dough was ready to be prepared for baking. I turned the oven on and poked my finger into the focaccia making big deep holes in it and then adding even more olive oil plus some rosemary, sun dried tomatoes and some sea salt. Then they went into the oven for 20mins. When they came out they looked fine, so guess what I added. Yes, more olive oil and then left them to rest and drink in all its green oily goodness.

I was watching the weather that wasn’t looking quite so sunny but I reckoned I could still get an hour in St Mo’s for some photos. A few minutes later, it was the sound that alerted me. The rain was coming down in torrents and Scamp’s washing was almost dry. Managed to save most of it, but the walk in St Mo’s wasn’t going to happen today. Instead I decided to photograph the rain. That will explain the title of today’s blog.

Later buttered four croissants, spread jam on them and set them aside. Next I beat up three eggs, some vanilla essence and some sugar then nearly boiled some milk and cream before chucking it into the bowl with the eggy mixture, arranged the croissants, tastefully, in a heatproof bowl and poured the creamy-eggy mess on top. Drizzled some sugar on top and stuck it in the oven to do its thing. I’d only made custard!! A bit lumpy in places and a bit thin in places, but custard, none the less! I was impressed. Plonked some rasps on top and there we had dessert.

Scamp only had to fry a fish or two, boil a few potatoes and chuck in some tomatoes. I had created a dessert with my own bare hands!

Focaccia was lovely and sticky. Scamp said it was missing something and I have to agree, I just don’t know what that ‘something’ was.

Spoke to Jamie and heard about swimming in the sea and thankfully the bat survey may now have passed muster with those who know about such things. I bet that’s a weight of their minds.

Tomorrow we may go in to Glasgow on the bus or the train. Oh, yes, and it’s still raining!



Signs of change – 9 September 2023

Maybe the last of the really hot weather for this year.

We had half intended to take the train to Edinburgh, but neither of us were all that bothered about getting out and about today. The clouds were low and the sun was taking a lazy day too, not trying to break up the clouds. Which meant that by the time we were up and organised, it was too late to go to Edinburgh.

While we’d both been reading after breakfast in bed, we’d heard the ominous thump of a bird hitting what sounded like the back room’s window. When I got up I found the body of a thrush lying beside the back door. It looked like the poor wee thing hadn’t suffered and had broken its neck in the impact. I disposed of the wee body.

Instead of Edinburgh, we went to Tesco. We’d chosen a recipe to try out. Chicken Thighs with Apricot Jam and Roasted Cauliflower. It sounds a bit cobbled together, but it was worth a try. We drove to Tesco to get the ingredients, but didn’t go any further. Really, it was one of those days when we were just waiting to find out when, rather than if the rain would come. Never one to sit back and wait, Scamp suggested we strip the bed and get some washing done, so that’s what we did, and it went in to the washing machine and out onto the ‘whirly’ before lunch. Lunch was a pizza that had been languishing in the fridge for almost too long. Almost, but not quite.

This weekend was the Ayr Air Show and although we’d decided not to go, instead I found a live feed on YouTube from Ayr and spent a good hour watching the planes go through their paces. It wasn’t as good as actually being there, but I was sitting in our living room, not wandering around the Low Green with a couple of thousand other folk. I sent Alex a message and sent him the link to the website. He texted me back to say that the Red Arrows had just flown over his house in Motherwell heading north east and then returned flying south west! Some folk just need to be better than you!

The Chicken Thighs with Apricot Jam and Roasted Cauliflower traybake turned out a lot better than I thought it would, but strangely, the star was the roasted cauliflower! Tomorrow I’m booked to make starter (focaccia) and pudding. Scamp is in charge of the main course.

It being a lazy day, I took today’s photo in the garden. It’s a close-up of a Rudbekia flower and it turned out better than I anticipated. An easy PoD.

It rained this evening. The first real rain we’ve had for about a month. The gardens really need a good soaking rain and this might just be the start of that. Thunder storms forecast for tomorrow

No plans for tomorrow, for obvious reasons!

Too hot to do much – 8 September 2023

What a strange thing to say in September!

Scamp was out at FitSteps in the morning, but I’d already been out walking in St Mo’s. Last night when I was going to bed I noticed that it was quite misty outside and this morning when I was making breakfast that mist had changed to fog. Absolutely perfect for some atmospheric shots. So I dressed for the climate and went for a walk in St Mo’s. The fog was lifting in the heat of the morning sun, but there were spiderwebs everywhere covered in tiny water drops from the fog and mist. Just what I was looking for. An hour later I had a variety of images to provide me with a PoD.

After Scamp left for FitSteps I had a look at the photos and used my normal method of rejecting the obvious ‘no hopers’, then grading the remaining shots as one, two or three stars. Two of the three stars were selected, edited and cropped to a better format, oh yes, and I also had time to have tea and toast!

When Scamp returned we discussed where to go for lunch, it being Friday and settled on Broadwood Farm. Cheap grub and the chance of a pint or a glass of wine to wash it down. With that settled, we walked over to Condorrat first to post a card and a letter, then walked down to Broadwood for our usual Friday lunch which was a carvery for me and fish ’n’ chips for Scamp.

Wandered back to the house after being fed and watered and sat in the garden soaking up the sun for the remainder of the afternoon. We could have gone to the Air Show at Ayr beach instead of Broadwood, but the thought of sitting in the car for an hour, especially after driving for a couple of hours yesterday didn’t appeal. The lazy way is sometimes the best.

I split up my basil plants and repotted them into three pots. Scamp potted up one of her new plants then removed one of the pots from the front garden and replaced it with one from the back garden that looked as if it needed a bit of sun. Later we watered both the front and back gardens. Although heavy thundery showers are predicted for Sunday, the plants need the water today.

PoD went to a spider repairing its web. One of the photos from this morning.

We’ve a couple of prospective places to go tomorrow. It will, as always, depend on the weather. Today was a good day.

Mrs Robinson goes to a dance – 7 September 2023

Today we were taking Isobel to a tea dance in deepest Paisley.

It was a muggy morning with heavy skies and no sign of the sun, but it did clear up in time for us to drive to the Village to pick up Isobel. We were the first folk to arrive in the hall at Glenburn and had the pick of the tables!

The room filled up quickly and we were joined by a couple who we meet on Saturday mornings. It was a waltz to start with and I made a fair hash of it, but at least we were on the floor. The usual order of two ballroom tracks followed by two sequence tracks continued up until tea time then we had time to sit and blether. I think my favourite dance today was the social foxtrot. It’s a nice easy tempo to dance to and nothing strenuous or difficult to remember and no need to work about getting in folk’s way, plenty of time to take avoiding action.

We left as usual just after 3pm to avoid the schools coming out and managed the transition from M77 to M74 with ease. A bit longer road than going over the Kingston Bridge, but so much more relaxing than having to crawl along behind the car in front always looking for a space to appear in the lane that’s travelling faster than yours. It gave Isobel a chance to look around at different scenery too. She even explained what the massively tall fence round just outside the city boundary was. I thought it was a council tip and the fence was to keep the seagulls away, or the poly bags in, but it was a golf practise range. I’ve been driving that road every Saturday for weeks and never realised that’s what it was. You live and learn.

Dropped Isobel off at her house and drove home via Tesco for fruit and to replenish Scamp’s Pimms cupboard, but by then the clouds were thickening and it looked like it had been raining in Cumbersheugh village. Back home the streets were dry, but maybe that was a precursor for what is forecast for next week.

On the way to Glenburn there were notifications of Ayr Air Show beginning tomorrow and lasting until Sunday. I thought we might go, but in the air show page on the net, it didn’t look all that enticing. I think we’ve seen most of the aircraft before. The only good thing about it is that it’s free, the down side is you are standing, possibly for an hour waiting for something that might be cancelled due to weather conditions. We might not bother.

I took out my ancient Tamron SP 70-300mm f4-5.6 Di for a walk in the park when we got back. It’s a Nikon fit, but it works on the Sony A7iii on a Viltrox adapter in manual mode. It has a load of faults, but still produces the occasional good image. Today was a good image day.
A shot of Field Thistles beginning to fill the air with their fluff balls became PoD.

Tomorrow, no plans. I think I might sit with my feet up. Walking around Glasgow all afternoon yesterday, dancing class at night and a tea dance today takes it out of my poor wee legs and feet!

Glasgow in the sunshine – 6 September 2023

I was going in to meet my brother in Glasgow on a very hot day.

Scamp very kindly gave me a lift to the station and for once I just managed to collect my ticket as the train rolled in to the station. It’s my usual luck to collect the ticket just as the train is rolling out of the station!

In Glasgow I wandered over to George Square to see what people were demonstrating about today. It appeared that it was all about GIRFEC or, Get It Right For Every Child. I don’t know who devised this acronym, but surely they could have made a better one. I remember being told by those who had been force fed this hype that it was the way forward in education, the ONLY way forward, in fact. Actually I’m surprised it’s still talked about, because it simply isn’t possible to get it right for every child in a class, but it’s professional suicidal to say that in a school. If there are 30 pupils in a class and one teacher and let’s say a period last for 45 minutes that would mean 1.5 minutes for each child. What can you teach in 90 seconds and not leave any time for questions? Zilch. Oh, I’m so glad I don’t need to worry about crap like that now.

However, I dutifully took some photos of the banner waving folk, just for the practise and then walked back up to the bus station to meet Alex. As usual we went for coffee in Nero and set out our plan for the day. Today was his choice of destination and he chose the financial district of Glasgow. I thought that would be good, because we could go there via the suspension bridge and the newly sprung mini skyscrapers on the south side of the river.

As we were walking down through the now almost empty George Square, I was surprised by his suggestion of going to Paesano for an early lunch. I didn’t think he liked Paesano pizzas, but that’s what we did and I introduced him to a No 5 (Cooked ham) and also told him he could add or subtract any ingredients. He chose a ’no cheese’ version and seemed to enjoy his lunch. I like that flexibility of Paesano. Add or subtract anything you want or don’t want.

After lunch we walked down to Argyle Street and got some nice shots of a bloke power washing the pavement there. I asked his mate if the bloke would do my car and he just laughed and said “Sure. Just bring it round!” We walked over the suspension bridge and on to the new financial district on the south bank of the Clyde. There is always something interesting in the “money making” places! What I found there was the PoD which was a wee man sitting on a seat with a 3/4 size guitar, playing for his own enjoyment, very quietly, while following the tablature on his phone. It really was a nice looking guitar, but he was playing so quietly I couldn’t hear the tune.

We crossed back over the Squiggly Bridge to the place where the “Old Money” is because that was the the place Alex wanted to photograph. The sun wasn’t quite as low as he’d expected and just not far enough round. He has an app on his phone that tells him when is the best time to get the best light, and today it just wasn’t right, but we took some shots anyway. Walked back up by Central Station and had another coffee in another Nero. They seem to be everywhere these days, ousting the Costas!

After that we walked up to the station where I was getting my train after I’d contacted Scamp and asked for a run home from Croy. Alex went to get his bus and I went home to get ready for tonight’s dance class.

This was the first time I’d been to Kirsty’s class for a while and we were doing a new waltz that’s not been released from copyright yet, so isn’t available on YouTube. I must admit I was lost to start with, but with a bit of thought and some encouragement from Scamp I think I’ve got the basics of it. Tomorrow I’ll know for sure.

It was a busy day, for sure and a hot one too. Really enjoyed the walk round Glasgow and the pizza, even if it took a while coming from the pass and was just a tad cool as a result. I’ll forgive them.

Tomorrow we might be taking Isobel to the tea dance in Glenburn.


Dunfermline – 5 September 2023

After a short discussion we headed for Dunfermline for a day in the sun.

Scamp had a dentist’s appointment this morning, but only for a checkup.  I had an appointment with a dishwasher.

I thought while Scamp was out I could have one more try at clearing out whatever was clogging up the outlet from the sump of the dishwasher, because I was sure it must be the exit pipe, not the inlet.  But before that I thought I’d try the machine on a different program, a short wash.  Maybe something was clogged in pipework connected to the program we’d been using.  It worked! It went right through the wash and rinse cycle without any mishaps.  When Scamp returned, it was just finishing the program.  She suggested we do no more to it and go out for the day.  That’s when the short discussion took place in the kitchen with the carpet rolled up and tool all over the worktop.  We were going to Dunfermline.

Drove over the Kincardine Bridge to Dunfermline and parked in a space in the park.  A place I haven’t been in for years, but it was a legal parking place and there were spaces in it while the main parking area was full.  We walked down to the Peacock cafe in the park. This cafe sells the worst coffee I’ve ever tasted.  I once watched the woman making a latte and a flat white. Both had exactly the same amount of milk and coffee in them! Either they were both lattes or both flat whites, but neither of them was a coffee.  It must be a change of staff today because Scamp said her latte was quite strong. I opted for tea and it tasted like tea.  Yes, it must be new staff, things are looking up!  We both had a scone with butter and jam and that’s when things went a bit skewiff. The scones were suffering from soggy bottoms.  Maybe the woman who used to make the coffees was now doing the baking!

We left the cafe and went for a walk round the glasshouse which isn’t always open. The heat in the glasshouse was quite oppressive after a short time inside.  I got some photos of the flowers, using the same lens and camera as yesterday, but being more careful to check the photos. Next we walked round the formal garden which seemed to be mainly roses and Echinops which Scamp thought were just past their best. I knew she was desperate to deadhead the roses and any other plants that needed the chop, but she was a visitor today, not a gardener.

We left the garden and walked into town for lunch in Wetherspoons. Fish ‘n’ Chips for Scamp and American Burger for me. Both were small portions but the cost was small too, so no complaints there. A quick scout round what used to be a bustling shopping arcade, but which is now a collection of second hand tech shops and pound shops.  Much like most of Scotland’s retail areas these days.

Drove home and managed a seat in the garden for a while Scamp with a G&T and me with a Guinness.  I’ve happily switched my allegiance from Guinness to Brewdog stout, and after drinking that Guinness, I know why.  Try it Jamie, you might like it.

PoD turned out to be a mono conversion of a Hogweed seedhead in the park in Dunfermline.

Tomorrow I’m hoping to meet Alex in Glasgow for a photo-walk and Scamp is off bargain hunting. Dance class at night in Cumbersheugh!

A beautiful day – 4 September 2023

Rather spoilt by a bad mood, a dodgy lens and a broken dishwasher.

Dishwasher first. It’s been playing up for a while, but we always managed to cajole it into getting its act together. Not so today. It refused to do anything but petulantly show its “Check Water” light. Even worse, there was a pool of water in the machine about100mm deep at its deepest. I baled out the water into a basin which Scamp emptied for me. Next I checked the impeller and it was turning freely. Put everything back together and tried again without any luck. Disconnected the water outlet to the main drain in the sink and it was clear. Even checked the water inlet filter and it too was a bid mucky, but nothing that would bring the machine to a grinding halt. After an hour and a half, I gave up and tightened everything back up and left it sitting where it had been with the light still glowing until I pulled the plug. We may need to call in a repair man to fix it, or bite the bullet and buy a new one.

The dodgy lens. Like the dishwasher, it’s been playing up for a month or so. It sometimes refuses to focus. I’ve tried cleaning the electronic contacts, but they were shiny clean to start with. I know it’s a ‘kit’ lens, the one you get with the camera, and it’s probably not the best quality, but up until now it’s focussed perfectly. According to some reports in the photography forums, the lens suffers from a dodgy focus motor. Not all of the lenses have the problem and if the focus motor does start to fail, it doesn’t fail all the time. I don’t think I can call in a lens repair man to fix it.

I don’t think the bad mood came from the dodgy lens or the broken dishwasher. I don’t know what brought it on. I went out this morning to get my hair cut (a number 3 all over) and when I came home, I brought a ‘black monkey’ home with me. I didn’t want to do anything and, like the dishwasher, I petulantly refused every offer of help. Eventually we decided to go to Chatelherault for a walk in the countryside. Even that didn’t help. However as well as the walk, we were also looking for a planter for a pot of miniature chrysanthemums Scamp had got last Thursday. We ended up with two pots, one for a Rudbeckia that I liked and one for an Astrantia that Scamp liked. That broke the spell and I think I might have passed the ‘black monkey’ on to someone else. I pity them, whoever and wherever they are.

PoD was a laser cut rusty steel silhouette of David Livingstone (of “Doctor Livingstone I presume” fame) that I took with the dodgy lens at Chatelherault.

Today Mairi Gillies went through her operation. She is being kept in overnight because her op was delayed and she didn’t come out of theatre until late in the day. Hope she doesn’t have too hard a time recovering.

Tomorrow, Scamp is out in the morning for her dentist’s checkup, and I’m going to put on a happy face!

A morning at the races – 3 September 2023

This morning we headed off to see the start of the annual 10K race just half a mile away from the house.

Unfortunately (1) when we got to the football stadium where the race was to set off from, we were just in time to see the runners, in the distance, leaving the stadium. I’d intended getting some sharp, slow shutter shots of the runners with the blurred out faces of the audience behind. Unfortunately (2), there was no audience. Not one person standing applauding as the runners sped past. Maybe because there was virtually no publicity and no map of the route. The best I could find was one of a Strava map from 2018. Now, I’m sure that if it was a Motherwell 10k we would have been overloaded with information and maps galore. There wasn’t even a countdown in the stadium. Maybe the bloke whose tannoy the council usually borrow couldn’t make it today. Disappointed and disillusion. It’s time Cumbersheugh shucked off NLC and became a notion in its own right. We stayed to watch the first men and the first women finishers running past.  I also say Scott Meenagh the double amputee who went to Cumby High run past.

We walked home and had badly made, scrambled egg and smoked salmon. I made it. After that, and after Laura Kuenssberg getting stuck into a Tory, we walked down to the shops to get the basic ingredients for tonight’s dinner which was to be Chicken and Orzo One Pot thing. It was also, almost a disaster. Should have been Skin on, Bone in chicken thighs and we got the Skinned and Boned variety. The orzo went claggy and although it was one pot, there was a lot of decanting and recanting (if that’s a word) of the various ingredients. The chicken was fine, as was everything else. We may try again, but use rice instead of orzo.

I’d gone out in the afternoon while Scamp was gardening. I was looking for something that would generate some photographic interest in me.

Spoke to Jamie tonight and learned that his and Simonne’s car insurance had gone up by as much as ours. That, in a strange was made me feel a bit better, but not a great deal.

I’d walked half way round the pond at St Mo’s when I sat down on an old wooden bench and found a Female Common Darter sitting beside me. It allowed me only three shots before it took off. Lots of male common darter about this year, but few females. Don’t know why. Later in my walk, I found a male darter on the boardalk. Always be wary when a dragonfly stands up, especially if it lifts its wings. It’s getting ready to flee, like the male common darter in today’s photo did. It was PoD.

Tomorrow I must write to Alex and find out where we’re going on Wednesday if he’s still free. Other than that, no plans.



Last Dance Class – 2 September 2023

… for two weeks!

Drove to Brookfield for the last dance class for two weeks, well, the last Ballroom Basics dance class because the teachers are off on holiday. However, Scamp has managed to inveigle us into another dance class in Cumbersheugh to make up our dancing time. It won’t be the same dances and Kirsty’s style will be slightly different, but the language will be the same and a change is as good as a rest. Best of all, it’s just up the road, literally. No miles and miles of roadworks to navigate through!

But today we did have to navigate the 50mph then the 40mph and back to the 50mph and then back to the 40mph before we were suddenly allowed to do a heady 70mph then 60 mph then back to 70mph again all on the same stretch of motorway. It’s confusing.

Dancing today began with Tina Tango danced to Shivers and then a never-ending extended version of Sweet Dreams (are made of this) by Eurythmics (10:23 mins), thankfully cut short by Stewart. After that we went straight into the new Cha-Cha with the Cross Basic which I think I have now conquered. I even managed to get the ‘drunken sailor’ right a few times! A couple of Blue Angel Rumbas finished off the first set.

Feeling quite pleased with myself I expected the next set would be Joy’s Waltz, which we had both practised and were happy with. But surprise, surprise, it wasn’t. It was the Quickstep which we hadn’t practised. However, after bit of one to one with Stewart, and encouragement from Scamp, it fell into place. Another section of this difficult dance done. Just to make sure we were all exhausted, we finished with one track of the Midnight Jive which is non-stop kicks, spins and cross steps.
It felt great to walk out into the sunshine after all those mind bending dances. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to practise them on Thursday at the tea dance.

Back home I re-read an email from Churchill insurance to make sure they really wanted THAT MUCH! for a year’s car insurance. No way was I paying that. That was before I logged in to Money Supermarket and found out that Churchill’s was actually a sort of middle ground insurance estimate. Scamp checked Saga and Esure just to be sure and they were coming up with close to the same numbers. Maybe Churchill aren’t so far away from the mark after all.

Scamp was desperate to get the grass cut, both front and back and I thought I might go out and take some photos later in the afternoon. So that’s what we did.The grass does look a lot better cut short and I did manage to get one photo I was pleased with, so we both achieved our stated goal. I phoned Scamp from St Mo’s to ask what she wanted for dinner. Fish ’n’ Chips from the chip shop in Condorrat was the answer. That suited me too, so I set off for that place. The phone call was also a test for the new connection. EE is now gone and has been replaced by Tesco Mobile. Double the data for less than I was paying for EE, plus the price is frozen for the 24 months of the contract. Best of all, the phone works better with the O2 masts that Tesco use than with EE’s. At least for now, anyway.

PoD was a male Common Darter dragonfly sitting on the boardwalk of St Mo’s. Lovely warm light from the late afternoon sun.

Tomorrow I think we’ll go out somewhere for a walk.


The first day of Autumn 2023 – 1 September 2023

Not as nice a day as yesterday, but at least it was dry.

A lazy morning for me pottering about in the garden. I potted up yesterday’s mint, not basil as I wrote in the blog, well they’re both green! While I was out in the garden, Scamp was off jumping around with the rest of the FitSteps ladies.

Neither of us felt much like doing anything, but Scamp did drive us up to Tesco to get some messages. Later in the afternoon I walked over to St Mo’s and got a few photos of wildflowers and one of some purple Marsh Woundwort became PoD. After a week of cycling, hill walking and Kelpie, active photographing has to give way to a more relaxing (for ‘relaxing read ‘lazy’) time!

I did drop in at Tesco to say that my PAC code hadn’t come across with the goods and the person I spoke to said it might take another day. Came home and found that the EE sim of my two dual sims had died and I was a Tesco Mobile user.

I had to do a bit of maintenance on the dishwasher which is having a hard time flushing out the water from the sump. I think it might be needing a good clean out. So I took apart what I could and washed the mucky filter before I put everything back together again. We bought some dishwasher cleaner and de-gunker today which we will run through it in the next day or two.

No dance practise tonight, but it looks like we have a quorum for a class tomorrow, all being well. Other than that, no plans.