Just a gentle stroll along the promenade.
We walked down through the town and made sure that Braithwaite’s was open, it was. Then we walked down to the V&A again and I concentrated on taking photos of folk going through underneath the strange concrete structure while Scamp waited patiently. She was watching toddlers in wet gear walking through the shallow fountains in the play park. I also took some photos of the giant metal sculpture of a whale that stands above the play park and has a sort of maze of stainless steel bars with speakers playing what I assume to be ‘Whale Music’. Although some of it sounded like a toilet being flushed continuously. What do I know, I’m just a photog! Got some photos of the ship Discovery and couldn’t imagine people actually sailing it into pack ice in the Antarctic. Further on, we watched the airies doing circuits and bumps, (ie. Practising Takeoffs and Landings). We didn’t actually get as far as the airport, but the planes were flying low overhead with their landing gear down and we assumed they were practising. Onward past a gigantic Tesco store, we reached a boring straight stretch that seemed to go on for miles, so we made the decision to cross the road and walk up the hill beside Magdelen Green. That would take us up to the Perth Road where there were supposed to be lots of restaurants.
Lots of wee shops and lots of students buying lunch from one shop in particular. Didn’t get the name, but obviously a very popular take-away. Not so much the Vegan restaurant which we passed twice and both times it was empty. Scamp was looking for a place for a drink as she was thirsty, preferably somewhere with a beer garden. There was one which fitted the specification, but she thought there were too many students there, right across the road from the Uni. However, eventually I convinced her it would be ok and we had a Margarita pizza to share with a G ’n’ T for Scamp and a pint of house Pilsner for me, part of a deal. It was a bad decision and I should have known better. The pizza was underbaked and doughy and the beer was all gas and no taste. Should have listened to Scamp. Paid and left. We didn’t see very many restaurants, but lots of pubs (without beer gardens).
Then I remembered that there was a Lemmings statue I wanted to photograph. ‘Lemmings’ as in the old computer game so we followed Mr Google’s directions and there they were at a little park we’d been to yesterday. Scamp wasn’t amused by the trio of Lemmings’ antics. We went down a set of steps that took us down the hill from the Lemmings to the railway and from there we found where we’d get the bus home to Glasgow. We needed that assurance that we would get home!
We walked on into town and bought some coffee and tea in Braithwaite’s. We wandered round the town centre looking for a suitable place for dinner tonight. We’d thought of going to the place the bloke in the hotel had recommended, but it was quite a distance from where we were staying, so settled on a Brewdog pub we’d chanced upon as we’d had a really good lunch in a Brewdog in St Andrews a few years ago. From there it was an easy 10min walk to the hotel.
The Brewdog was a bit of a let down. Very limited menu and Scamp was hoping for a Chicken Burger, but it appeared they no longer did chicken burgers. Oh well, just across the road was the only Wetherspoons in Dundee. We went there instead and after some arguing, discovered they did Chicken Burgers, so Scamp was sorted. I had Chicken Tikka Masala and it was very good, as was Scamp’s burger. A glass of Shiraz for Scamp and a pint of Brewdog IPA just to confuse the issue.
Walked back to our hotel and had a couple of G ’n’ Ts to toast the three day/two night’s of a belated birthday present. Lots to remember, lots to forget. Dundee’s not the city it was. Not the one we remembered going to all those years ago, but places change and Dundee is changing. Not sure yet if it’s for the better. The city break, though, that’s a winner. We’d do it again, all being well.
PoD turned out to be another view through that triangular tunnel in the V&A, but from the other side. I now realise I like the look of the building more from the outside than from the inside. Too much empty, wasted space in it, or maybe we just didn’t explore enough, maybe there’s more to it.
Tomorrow we pack our bags and look for a black Ember bus to take us home.