Back in the old routine – 22 October 2022

We were off to Brookfield again after a three week layoff.

Dull foggy morning with the threat of rain, but we were off to dance class, and that lifted our spirits, even mine. According to the messages that were crossing and recrossing the ether last night it appeared that there would only be about four couples coming to the class. That’s a nice number, but it means there’s nowhere to hide!

The road was unusually busy this morning and the fog that had faded out as we reached Glasgow thickened again as we drove out of the city again. The land is fairly low lying there and we could see pockets of fog all around. Strange weather.

We were first into the hall and we saw the teachers final practise for what was to come in a week or two. There were four couples to start with, then another arrive and another. So it wasn’t as small a class after all. We started with what was a new sequence dance for me, but not for Scamp, the Blue Angel Rumba. It seemed it was new for quite a few folk and took a while for everyone to get to grips with it. Next was the Foxtrot which we knew quite well, at least the first half of it we knew quite well. The second half, the back end as the teachers called it, was cloaked in mystery for me. We did, however make a decent fist of the first half. That dance took up almost an hour of our allotted time. We finished off with a couple of relatively easy sequence dances. Then it was time to head home into the rain that had developed from the fog. As we got nearer Cumbersheugh the rain tailed off and, I’d like to say it was a lovely day after that, but it wasn’t. It was just dull and miserable. Dreich was how one of the ladies in the class described it, and if fitted perfectly.

PoD was a quick photo of a rose in the garden that’s just starting to produce its second flush of buds, Lady of Shalott. Taken in the rain, if you look closely you can see the streaks of the falling rain drops.

Prompt for today was ‘Heist’. It was getting late when I started it and it’s not as glamorous as an American heist with guns blazing and tyres screaming. This is a more sedate British heist.

No plans for tomorrow.

What a day – 20 October 2022

Woke to rain, drove in the rain, came home in the rain, and it’s still raining.

That bloke who was building a boat last week had the right idea!

In the morning I made the decision to install the next operating system, Big Sur, on the iMac. Downloaded the installer and set it to do its thing. 20 minutes it said. It lied. An hour later and it was installed. Tried booting it (felt like booting it with big workman boots) and it took about 15 minutes to boot. Everything was like swimming through treacle. Eventually I gave up and got properly dressed to go dancing and left the ‘thing’, that used to be my go-to computer, to cool down. Maybe the good fairy would drop in while we were out and fix the sorry mess.

For the first time in ages I really enjoyed the tea dance. Usually I’m clock watching until it’s time to come home. Today, I was relaxed. We were dancing and we were moving around the floor avoiding some folk and managing not to get in others way. This is what I wanted to able to do. Nothing flash, nothing fancy, just dancing with Scamp. We danced some sequence dances too. Some were more successful than others, but mostly they worked by the time we got to the end of the second track. I’m pretty sure I even managed to smile for a while. After we’d done the cha-cha line dance, it was time for the tea break. Yes, I danced a cha-cha line dance. Something that would never have entered my head some years ago. We were sitting with a fairly chatty table and had a laugh after the announcement that Liz Truss had resigned. That took everyone by surprise, but injected a bit of good humoured banter into the conversations. More dancing, Tango and another Waltz in the second half and another more difficult sequence dance to finish our day.

We left early to try to miss the homeward rush. It worked for a while, but inevitably the Kingston Bridge brought an end to the rush. It took us nearly an hour to get home, then another half an hour to work out why the phone won’t connect properly to the car. It was solved by removing a piece of crap software that never worked properly from the first day it was installed. I felt better after that.

Time to face that bloody computer again, but I had a plan. I checked the version of the OS I’d installed and it was 11.1. the most up to date was 11.7. That must be the problem. Downloaded the new version and everything, well, almost everything worked. Still a few things to iron out, but the bulk of the work is done.

Dinner tonight was veggie sausage potatoes and cabbage for Scamp. If you substitute lamb burger for the veggie sausage, you have my dinner right there. If you meat eaters out there get a chance of Waitrose Lamb Burgers, try them. They are a delight.

PoD was a picture of my chillies grown from a plant that I bought in Jan’s Vans in Portree. Most of the time the plant lives on the window sill of the painting room, but in the summer it went out into the garden to get some attention from the bees, hoverflies and various other insects. I don’t know how hot these chillies are, because I’ve not been brave enough to try them, but I will soon.

Prompt for today was “Bluff”. I just couldn’t think of anything that I could draw. I eventually settled for a cartoon of someone playing Blind Man’s Bluff, although we both agreed we’d called it Blind Man’s Buff which might be a totally different thing!

That was an annoying day which could have been a total disaster, but wasn’t mainly because I enjoyed the dancing so much. Thank you Scamp for all the help, especially with the waltz.

Tomorrow we’re hoping it’s going to be a bit less rainy and we may go out somewhere.

Heading East – 8 October 2022

We were determined to get out somewhere today. I chose East.

We drove to Culross and we were better than half way there when I remembered I was going to bring my walking boots and they were still I the cupboard they live it back at the house. But we were half way there and although it was raining, the sky was clearing the further east we went. Trainers would be fine.

When we got to the quaint wee village of Culross which Hazy hates with a vengeance, we had just parked when the rain came on much heavier so we sat in the car for a while. To make sure we stayed there, a bus parked behind us, blocking in at least half a dozen cars. Admittedly there aren’t very many place to park a bus in Culross and at least the driver stayed in the bus while he waited for his time slot to go, or maybe he was having his lunch. Culross must be one of the few places where a bus is allowed to block in six cars, legally parked in a car park. That’s the Fife mentality.

Eventually the rain eased and we got out for a walk beside the railway that has no traffic now that Longannet has been demolished. The railway used to carry slag from the power station to dump it on some reclaimed land on the east end of the town. The railway runs alongside the Firth of Forth, so we were on the path beside the railway beside the sea.

I wouldn’t say the weather was brilliant, but there were bright spells and the rain although always there wasn’t heavy. We walked a path we hadn’t been on for years. A path that zig zagged between the edge of a wood and some boggy looking grassland. A couple ahead of us had an excitable collie that kept running into the long grass and on one of its runs it spooked a deer. I don’t know who got the bigger fright, the dog or the deer. Once the dog had recovered, it seemed to think this was a great game, running into the grass to see what else it could find. The deer just ran away until it was half way across the field where it felt safe enough to start grazing again. The dog was called back and put on a leash for the rest of the walk.

We eventually found the end of the path where it rejoined the main walkway through the woods, but it was a long way round the main walk which would take us round the edge of the reclaimed land and eventually back to the car park. I suggested we take the other direction and walk the main path back to the railway walk. That’s what we did and just as we were about 100m from the car the rain came down in torrents. Just as I was framing up a couple of photos. I managed to get one of the and that made PoD. It’s the new pier at Culross with a lion rampant on a flagpole. The girl standing there was a ‘lucky’. Scamp was wet, I was soaked. We had intended going for a late lunch at Torwood garden centre, but we agreed we were both too wet for that and went home for a late lunch of tea and toast.

Later in the afternoon I walked down to the shops to get an M&S curry for each of us for dinner. We ate it while we watched the qualifying for the Japanese GP. It looks like a wet race tomorrow which always makes for interesting driving.

Today’s prompt was ‘Match’. Nobody believed that the newly married Mr and Mrs Match would ever settle down. In fact most of their friends said that a couple of hot-heads like these would end up in an almighty flaming row. However they proved to be the perfect match for each other.

No plans as yet for tomorrow.  Probably there will be more rain falling from the sky, but if there isn’t, there might be the chance of a walk.


Caught out – 7 October 2022

Slept late today. Must have needed the rest with all the walking and exercise recently (I don’t think!)

Scamp was out in the morning for her FitSteps class. I loaded the washing machine before she left and put it on for its hour long wash. Managed to collect the first of my six active hours. It should have been eight, but six out of eight is a good start. There was blue sky and sunshine when I came back from my morning stroll round the policies as Colin would say, and the washing was done. I decided it would stay dry for a while, so I hung out the washing. Ten minutes later the rain came on. Should I take the washing in or should I risk leaving it out. A quick look to the west confirmed my suspicions that bring it in would be the smartest thing to do. It was indeed the sensible thing to do, because as soon as Scamp came in from her class there was an almighty cloudburst.

Earlier in the morning we’d considered going out to lunch if the weather held, but that wasn’t going to happen. Instead we had a banana sandwich each and watched the rain falling. We needed vegetables and some fruit so we went on a trip to Tesco to get the messages. It was still raining a bit, but the cloudburst had gone east to dampen someone else’s day. We loaded up the car with bags and drove home.

To brighten our spirits, Scamp suggested fish suppers for dinner and I readily agreed. It was while I was walking over to Condorrat that I got a couple of photos, in the gloaming, that could be blended together to make PoD. For me it kind of summed up the grim week of weather we’d had. A queue of cars heading to Glasgow, while another string of headlights heads towards Cumbersheugh on the other lane of the motorway. Meanwhile a quite surprising and colourful sunset appears above the trees. That’s Scotland for you!

The prompt for today was ‘Trip’. Various possibilities went through my head as solutions to this request, but the one that worked best, and my first thought actually was the one you see here. The poor bloke is falling, but I’m not sure if that’s a precipice or a grassy knoll or maybe a busy road. I leave it up to you, my dear readers to decide the final outcome for yourselves! It could be titled “Did you bring me a stalk of rock?” (From your trip!)

Tomorrow looks like the best day of the week. For* ‘best’* read ‘least worst’. I think we’re intending going out somewhere … anywhere.

Even more rain – 6 October 2022

I walked down to the shops and I do believe I saw a man building a big boat and looking for pairs of animals.

We slept a bit longer than we should have this morning and it was raining. Eventually we did get up and load up the dish washer. Hazy phoned and we talked to her for a while, talking about mortgages and Capital Gains Tax and other things related to house buying. I’m sure it will be a long winded exchange of letters between solicitors, but it will be worth it in the end. Good to hear you sounding so well Hazy. I had a look at the new Mur Lafferty book. I couldn’t remember what was special about her series, but they were the Shambling Guides, weren’t they! Travel guides for zombies.

Once we’d said “cheerio”, Scamp and I had our usual competition with Wordle (She 3 – Me 6) and then for the longest word in Spelling Bee (draw at 10 letters). By that time lunch was on the horizon. I’d offered to make paella for dinner and that meant we needed some stuff, so it was boots on and raincoat on before I headed out into the deluge. Actually it was fairly dry when I was out. Just one circuit of St Mo’s then I walked down to the shops, bought the essentials and walked back. That was when deluge two arrived. Even with boots and my Goretex jacket, I was decidedly wet when I got home. Thankfully the top half of me was still dry, although I think the jacket is still dripping as are my jeans, but my socks were dry. Good boots saved the day again. While I was in St Mo’s I got my PoD which is red hawthorn berries, haws as we used to call them.

Today’s Inktober prompt was ‘Bouquet’. I was constantly tempted, with this sketch, to add just a wee bit of colour, but I steadfastly refused. A little bit of colour here and another bit of green for the leaves would have led to a watercolour sketch in no time at all and that’s not what Inktober is about! Some people in the group are taking liberties with ’sketches’ that are really just paintings. A little bit of colour is ok, but not an entire painted sketch with no signs of ink. My group, my rules.

We watched the first Portrait Artist of the Year tonight and, as usual, we were impressed with some and dismissive of others. “You can please some the people some of the time …”

It’s still raining. It hasn’t really stopped all day. We’re hoping for a drier day tomorrow so we can go out somewhere that’s not Cumbersheugh.

An early walk – 5 October 2022

I was out early to the post office to send off a parcel to Samsung.

I’d recently bought myself a Samsung phone and as part of their deal, got a discount if I mailed them an old, but working, mobile phone. Scamp volunteered her Huawei P Smart which is now on its way to them. As I was walking over to the post office in the rain, I overtook this snail that was also heading in the same direction. It seemed to be quite sure where it was going and, as it was making fairly good snail time, I said good morning and passed on. At this point I must thank the couple on the other side of the road who stopped and waited while I took a couple of photos. I don’t know what they thought I was doing. I thanked them and walked on.

We had half intended to go out for lunch today, but as it was raining and miserably we agreed we’d walk down to Broadwood Farm for lunch. It’s a part of a chain and, of course, has never been a farm, its main stock in trade now is as a carvery of sorts. That suited me fine, but as Scamp doesn’t eat all that much meat, she had her usual Fish ’n’ Chips. I had the carvery, Turkey, Ham and Roast Beef with all the veg you could eat. Years ago Broadwood Farm was a decent pub with a fair selection of beers. Today I fancied Guinness, but they didn’t have any ‘at this time’. In that case I’d have a Belhaven Best. Oh, that was also off ‘at this time. I asked what they did have, and it turned out they only had lager, no beer. There used to be a song about “A pub with no beer”. Now it’s become a reality. The food was decent pub grub although I could have used the roast beef to repair the soles of my shoes. Next time I’ll have turkey and ham. We took a long way home via M&S for bread and fruit.

Much later in the afternoon I went for a walk in St Mo’s and bumped into another teacher from school who was out walking her dogs and moaning about it. It was obvious that she was really enjoying it, but didn’t want to say so. Some folk are just like that. As the light was fading I walked on, still in the rain, but although I took a few more photos, there was nothing interesting in them once I’d downloaded them to the computer.

I was just thinking the other day that I’ve not seen any swallows recently.  I think the last time I saw some was about a month ago. I think they must all be back in warmer climes now.  Lucky them!

Today’s prompt for Inktober was ‘Flame’ and in an attempt to enhance my sketch I made the flame be a candle flame, put the candle in a candle holder and then had three moths flying around it. Like Moths To a Flame. It’s important to make it one candle and three moths. Odd numbers of objects are seen as more interesting than even numbers apparently.

No plans for tomorrow, now that Scamp has been dumped by her wee sister!

White Rabbits (x3) – 1 October 2022

A new day, but the same weather. No wind today, but heavy rain.

We couldn’t decide what to do with today. Neither of us really wanted to go for a walk, because the dry spells were short and the rain, when it came was heavy and lasted for ages. Eventually we agreed that we’d stay at home. No sense in getting soaked for no real reason.

I offered to make pizzas for dinner and that was agreed. Lunch was a sandwich each and a cup of tea. My tea was normal Ceylon tea and Scamp’s was white tea ie hot water.

Last night I’d struggled with WhatsApp. Today I fixed it properly. It now has all my ‘Chats’ transferred over from the old phone. The camera in the new phone is quite amazing compared to the one I had before. Battery life which had been criticised in every review I’d read is fine. Storage is adequate. It’s much faster than the old phone and it doesn’t take ‘blackouts’ like the old one did. Recently it’s been going through the motions of shutting down, as if it has run out of power, when there’s about 25% left in it. Sometimes it just refused to power up. Lots of little things. Maybe it had just had enough of being in my pocket.

We didn’t get out a walk, but I did go for one circuit of St Mo’s pond then found a little dandelion growing out of the gap between two bricks on the way home and that became PoD.

I did make pizzas for dinner, but they weren’t the best I’ve ever made. Scamp put on a brave face and ate all of hers, but I know it was tough going. More practise needed.

Today was the first day of Inktober and the prompt was ‘Gargoyle’. I chose the Alien gargoyle up high on the roof of Paisley Abbey. The abbey dates back to the 12th century, but around 1990 when some renovations were being done, it was discovered that some of the gargoyles were in very poor condition. So poor that only one of them could be saved. An Edinburgh stone masons company was drafted in to design and carve new gargoyles. It seems that one of the masons had an affection for the 1979 film.
I’ve seen the gargoyle, but not up close. Too scary!

We’re not making plans for tomorrow. Whisper it. There is no rain in the forecast. Pass it on!

Off to the dance – 8 September 2022

Tea dance today, so we were off to the hall and we arrived there ahead of time!

As you will have read, yesterday’s blog did a disappearing act never to be found, so I spent most of the morning rewriting it.

Lunch was a piece ’n’ banana and a glass of orange juice. Then we were off to Glenburn Community Centre. We were one of the first ones there, for once. That’s what happens when you leave the house at the proper time and don’t get caught up in traffic. I didn’t think we did all that well with our dancing today. Too many mistakes in the simple dances like the waltz, but there two dancers who stood out. Before they even held hands, you could tell that these were semi-pros. We’d seen the girl before dancing by herself at Gorbals. She was a bit strange, other worldly, but my, could that pair dance. One thing I’ll say about the group who go to the tea dances is that they are never overawed by the semi-pros, nor are they critical of beginners like us, because, despite what Scamp will say, we are beginners.  HOwever, we did a brilliant salsa routine just before we left.  That made up for all the mistakes.

We were sitting with a couple we’ve not spoken to before and I doubt if we’ll rush back to be with them again. I found them quite condescending, but Scamp liked her golden shoes! Thankfully two others came to join the table and we’d met them many times before, and a good laugh.

We left early, just after 3pm to avoid the worst of the school rush and came home by the M74. A much quicker route compared to that bloody Kingston Bridge. In fact we only took about 40 minutes which beats our usual 50 – 60 minutes along the M8 / M80. We might try that one again.

Tonight’s dinner was to be Bacon and Borlotti Beans, but we didn’t have any mushrooms for it, so I walked down to the shops to get some. It had been raining heavily in the afternoon and there were puddles everywhere. One of the oak trees that line the path was starting to lose its leaves and the leaves in the puddle made PoD.

Later when we tried to catch the news, it became apparent that things were not right with the Queen. Half an hour later the announcement was made that she’d died. She was a good age, but didn’t manage her century. It’s always sad when someone dies and so it was tonight.

Tomorrow we’re intending to parcel up a bag, in a bag and then put the combination of bags into another bag. I hope she likes it.

Rain! – 6 September 2022

Today we drove to Stirling for lunch.

A week or so ago we went to Coast, a restaurant on the banks of the Clyde. Today we went to its sister restaurant, River House in Stirling. We’d been there many times in its previous incarnation and the food was always exceptional. Today we weren’t disappointed. Steak and Sausage pie for me. Fish ’n’ Skinny Chips for Scamp. We both agreed the owners may be different, but the food had remained the same.

We couldn’t decide whether to go shopping or head home. Eventually we decided to just go home and I changed the route, to take us over the wild switchback that is the Tak Ma Doon road. I wanted some photos form my favourite place near Loch Coulter and it didn’t disappoint today, although I must admit the sky was a lot greyer than the one you see in the PoD. Just one of the tweaks that’s possible with new software.

We had just left the parking place when the first raindrops hit the windscreen. After that, the rain just got heavier and heavier. It wasn’t the easiest drive home, but the wee blue car dealt with it well. However, we got soaked just running in to the house from the car!

I spent most of the rest of the afternoon researching new mobile phones. I’m not exactly settled yet, but I think it’s going to be another Android phone. So may different prices with confusing ‘deals’ from different providers. After spreadsheeting the results, I think things are becoming clearer and the ‘obvious’ deals are maybe not so good as they seem. It’s a changing picture.

Strangely, both Scamp and I had an upset stomach tonight. Maybe that great restaurant in Stirling wasn’t as good as we though it was, because it’s unusual for both of us to be affected.

No big plans for tomorrow. It really depends on the weather, as usual.

A late rise – 3 September 2022

We must both have had a hard day yesterday. My excuse was that I’d been out cycling and Scamp’s was that she and the witches had been talking almost constantly for all of yesterday afternoon.

Once we’d dragged ourselves out of bed, dressed and completed today’s Wordle successfully, we discussed where to go and what to do with a very dull day. We settled on a run to Torwood, looking for something to buy for someone who has a birthday coming up soon. Unfortunately Torwood Garden Centre was having a bit of an Autumn Clean, which is really just a Spring Clean six months later. Lots of the garden furniture that usually lives outside was now inside and none of the usual stuff that Scamp expected to see had been put into storage, it seemed. For what must be the first time in our Torwood history, we left empty handed.

I suggested we try Calder’s in Cumbersheugh as an alternative, but although they had lots of things that “might do”, they didn’t have the exact article she was looking for. We were just about to leave when the heavens opened and the threatened heavy rain made us think again about walking out just then. Once the rain had eased, we ran to the car and drove home.

Later in the afternoon the sky cleared and although the sun didn’t shine, it was bright enough to take a camera for a walk in St Mo’s. The PoD went to a photo of a hoverfly on a Scabious flower, a wild scabious. While I was out, Scamp was talking to Jackie in Skye. She and Murdo are just recovering from the dreaded Covid and they both seemed to have it bad, but feeling better now.

On our walk earlier in the week, Alex and I had been discussing processing old photos taken years ago and tonight I worked on a photo of Castle Stalker in Appin from 2005. Taken with my old D70 it scrubbed up well as you can see here.

Tomorrow we may go looking for that birthday present again or we may leave that for a weekday when there will hopefully be fewer crowds