Cold – 29 November 2023

The outside temperature this morning was two below zero.

Scamp was going out to meet Isobel and I was staying home with the intention of going over to St Mo’s to get some morning photos. I had a couple of ideas that I wanted to try.

I did get the photo I wanted, but, as usual it was a different one that got PoD. The winner was a photo of a piece of Oak Moss in a tree. I’t’s called Oak Moss, but it doesn’t just grow on Oak trees and it isn’t a moss. It’s a lichen. It was a once round the pond walk this morning, because the temperature hadn’t lifted by much and I was glad to get back to a warm house.

When Scamp arrived we had a plate of the lentil soup she made yesterday. We had bought rolls yesterday and hadn’t got round to eating any of them, so I had the idea of warming them up in the oven while the soup was warming in the pot. The heat from the oven did warm the rolls and also crisped up the outside skin of them.

We needed some fresh fish for tonight’s dinner and we also needed crème fraîche and white wine. The wine was for cooking with, I must stress that ;-). We walked to the shops to get the requirements and I was glad I’d got some photos in the morning and could just walk home. I was making Cod and Prawns with Fennel and White Wine. It’s a favourite in the house when we can get fennel, because it’s just not the same without its aniseed taste. Tonight it could have done with some extra salt I thought. Scamp said it was only the fish that needed salt. We can never agree with food!

Kirsty’s dance class was down to three couples or two and a half if we’re going to split hairs because one of the girls doesn’t have a partner but Kirsty stepped in to complete the three couples. We danced the Quickstep to begin with, breaking it down into three stages, then joined the three together to form the complete dance. Scamp had a bright idea of raising the tempo and we almost managed a full track at near typical Quickstep speed. I was impressed that I only really made one mistake.
Next was a reprise of the Tango and I know we’re going to argue a bit about the steps in this dance, but a variation that Kirsty put in seemed to simplify it. I could be wrong, and I usually am, but I’m sticking to what the teacher said!
Next was a simple new waltz that felt quite like our “Baby Waltz”. It was was easy and we managed it without difficulty, so we were told to do the Waltz Nioli instead. We finished up with Rumba One, a sequence dance we can do quite well. That was a full dance class today and a good reprise for those who are going to a ball at the weekend. We joined too late to get a ticket, but I don’t think either of us were all that interested.

Watched an episode of “Shetland” and became more confused about who was doing what to whom. Great series.

Tomorrow Scamp is booked for lunch, this time with Denise. Her son flies helicopters, real ones! I’m intending writing to Alex and hopefully to Val.

Another cold day – 28 November 2023

I suppose that’s the weather we should expect as we near the end of November.

Yes, we are nearing the end of November and the mercury in the thermometer is dropping. Today was fairly bright to start with. We went shopping in Tesco. I don’t think either of us were all that bothered with going far from home. That’s one of he benefits of staying in Cumbersheugh, there are plenty of shops. Not the most interesting shops and sometimes the selection isn’t all that great, but at least we are covered for the essentials of bread, milk, fish, meat and vegetables. As Scamp is ofter heard to say, “We won’t starve.” We should consider ourselves lucky. On the way home we stopped at Greggs for a Chicken Bake each for lunch and a surprise of a custard doughnut for afters.

I’d intended cutting my hair today, but decided it was too cold in the back bedroom to start any of that nonsense. I suppose I could have been brave and started the initial chopping in the living room, but even a Number 4 would have made for colder walks in this weather when we’re being told do expect -4ºc tonight. Maybe next week, then.

After my lunch had slid down I did take myself out for a walk in St Mo’s just as the sun was getting low. Not too low though, there was still enough light to stretch the shadows of the now skinny looking trees that have lost all of their leaves. But PoD went to a hardy lady jogger who did three circuits of St Mo’s pond. When she passed me on her third time round, I took a few shots and then went home with the hope that I could make a picture of it. It took a bit of time and a fair bit of jiggery pokery in Lightroom to get the effect I wanted, but I was happy with the result. Also on Flickr is a shot of the windows of the College of Building and Printing on Cathedral Street in Glasgow. It seems that it is a category ‘B’ listed building and therefore cannot be demolished, not can it be ‘messed about with’ too much. According to what I’ve read, it is being turned into a business hotel. Just now it’s a ruin, but I liked the patterns of the windows.

Scamp was chef tonight and we had Mac ’n’ Cheese with a couple of slices of streaky bacon on top. Maybe not her best, but far better than I would have made.

Also on the subject of food, we watched the final of Bake Off. I won’t tell you who won, but I will give this spoiler: It was one of the blokes! Not surprising as it was an all male final.

More plotting and planning between the ladies of the family booking our summer house and dealing with the financial side of things. WhatsApp was working overtime when I was out walking.

A quick practise of the quickstep again tonight.  I think I’ve mastered the turns and the steps and even the Twinkle, it’s just the speed of the steps that makes it difficult for me.  I seriously believe I will get better once I stop thinking about what I’m doing and just leave my feet to get on with it.  In the end, it’s all to do with muscle memory.

As I said earlier, the temperature is forecast to drop to around -4ºc tonight. Scamp is planning to meet Isobel for coffee tomorrow. Other than that, no plans.




Glasgow again – 27 November 2023

Today we drove in to Glasgow, just for a change.

Actually we drove to The Fort today, but couldn’t find what we were looking for there and the place was really quite busy for a Monday morning. Even the gigantic car park at The Fort was nearly full. So we changed our plans and drove down the M8 to Glasgow which was busy, but not as busy as The Fort.

We took a walk through the Buchanan Galleries and then down Buchanan Street before we went for a walk round the partly assembled Christmas market in George Square. Not nearly as many stalls as usual and an ice rink that is a ’work in progress’. That is, not quite finished yet. A bit disappointing, really. Coffee in the new Nero Coffee House which is unlike most Neros in that it is light and airy with none of the dark stained wood most of them have. Quite impressive! Scamp had her usual Single Shot, Extra Hot, Latte and I had an Americano with hot milk on the side. Unfortunately I also had the new Christmas blend which I found bitter an unpleasant. I won’t be having that again.

It was a lovely day with bright sky and a few clouds. On the walk back to the car I got today’s PoD which was a bunch of weeds growing out of a poorly maintained brick wall. I liked the limited sharpness of the picture thanks to the new lens’s wide aperture. It’s amazing the difference a decent lens makes.

There was just enough light when we got home to make me want to get another photo or two in St Mo’s, but by then the light was failing and it had started to rain. I gave it two circuits of the pond and walked home.

I was on dinner duty today and it was Pasta Carbonara tonight. I carefully separated one egg yolk from the white and then added another two full eggs to the cup before I accidentally tipped it over on the worktop! Surely this wasn’t going to be another Disaaaaster Day! I managed to save most of the eggs and got them back into the cup, but then I had the mess on the worktop to clean up and egg white is such a sticky horrible thing to clean up. But in the end the carbonara was ok, just ok, but edible and the kitchen was back to normal again.

None of the photos I took were really good, so the Urban Garden retained its PoD status. I’m still working on another shot from Glasgow that might make it into Flickr tomorrow.

I think between Hazy and Simonne we’ve managed to find and book a cottage for a week next summer. That’s another little brightener to give us all something to look forward to. Thank you very much ladies for all your research work.

No quickstep practise tonight, but maybe some tomorrow if we’re not too busy.

Other than that, no plans for tomorrow other than a bit of light shopping, all being well.

A Dreich Day – 26 November 2023

A early walk in St Mo’s today, hoping against hope that there would be enough frost left to allow me to get my picture, but knowing that there wouldn’t be. I was right. There wasn’t. However I did get the PoD which is a photo of a gaggle of geese, a pair of swans, innumerable mallards and one cormorant that thought it fitted right in and that nobody would notice. Even the ducks were laughing. The rest of the walk brought no more photo opportunities and it was one of those damp colds that seems to eat into your bones, so I walked home and found Scamp talking to Hazy on the phone.

After Scamp and Hazy had completed their discussions, I had a chance to talk to Hazy. Just talking about the weather, cats and how the ‘down south’ folks were getting on. Then it was time for Hazy to have a snooze and time for our lunch.

Today’s lunch and dinner were from the far famed “What have we got in the fridge and freezer” collection. Scamp’s lunch was yesterday’s potatoes fried with some baby tomatoes and a chopped up black pudding with an beaten egg to bind them together. Mine was the remains of a pack of padron peppers, a slice of spiced beef ham, a slice of bacon and a trio of baby tomatoes. Both lunches filled a space and, well, mine at least were delicious.

While Scamp watched a recording of Laura Kuenssberg’s Sunday politics show, I started the post processing of today’s scant collection of photos. Sometimes I enjoy the cut and thrust of Kuenssberg’s verbal fencing, other times, like today, I just can’t be bothered. I struggled for over an hour with one of the photos of some raindrops on a grass stem before I thought to myself “Why?”. Do you like it? Is it worth the effort? The answers were No and No, so I left it.

By mid afternoon it was time to raid the freezer again and this time Scamp found a large fillet of salmon and I found two beef olives. Both needed time in a warm place to defrost and then thaw out, so we left them to it. While Scamp booked us a week in the sun. Not tomorrow, and not next week either, but it’s booked now and the parking is too. With judicious use of Black Friday offers and discounts from last year’s holiday we cut a fair chunk out of the price. It’s nice to think, as the days get shorter and the snow is forecast by the weather fairies, that there are still warm places we can go to.

Watched the final Grand Prix of the year and of course the usual suspect won. It is almost as if they are working to a script, either that or some of the cars are powered by Sublight engine thrusters.

Spoke to Jamie and got him up to speed with our complaint to British Gas and the power of having an Ombudsman on your side. Heard about the problems dealing with English Heritage who seem to be working with quill pens on parchment. Although some of the more advanced drawings are done with fountain pens and paper.  It’s hard to believe what some of these people ask folk to do.

Tomorrow we may go out for a run to warm the car up and maybe get an ES daylight bulb for my new lamp.



A quick visit to Glasgow – 25 November 2023

It was just as cold as predicted with a temperature of minus 3ºc when we woke.

We were a bit late in waking this morning after a late night last night. Rather than sit about and have cup of coffee first, before driving in to Glasgow about mid afternoon, we decided to take the bull by the horns and just go out and get the X3. At least the bus was warm.

As usual, the bus crawled through Moodiesburn and Muirhead before entering the motorway and driving at a heady 50mph into town. We did some shopping in Buchanan Galleries and then had a coffee in a new Nero, Alex and I had spotted on Wednesday. Then we went to see if the Christmas Fair was open in George Square. It wasn’t, so we swithered about going back home on the train and getting a bus from there to take us home, or to get the tried and tested, but slow X3 back. The bus won. Cheaper and less hassle.

I’d grabbed a few shots in Glasgow of the mob of shoppers in Buchanan Street, and one of the Palestine Liberation Front, or the People’s Front of Judea or whatever they were, chanting around Donald Dewer’s statue outside the Royal Concert Hall. I wondered what my namesake would have made of the rabble. However, I thought there might still be a chance to add more photos to my SD card in St Mo and so it was that PoD went to frosted mare’s tail water weed in an icy St Mo’s pond. I didn’t risk my new lens by resting the camera on the ice. Maybe tomorrow if the ice is thicker … only maybe!

Dinner tonight was paella. A house speciality as neither of us wanted to venture out into the cold to collect a take-away. Scamp had made some syllabub for yesterday’s dinner party and we had a glass each tonight as a dessert. Lovely stuff!

The cold snap is set to continue for a few days according to the weather fairies. Some photo opportunities there perhaps.

Bloodletting again – 23 November 2023

The vampires weren’t happy with my last cup of blood and asked if I had any different flavours, so I had to donate some more today.

First there was shopping to do. Just a gentle amble around Tesco, filling a trolley. Nothing exotic, mainly food and some soft drinks. We were very restrained for a change.

Back home I exchanged my trainers for my boots and went for a short walk. Not a very inspiring landscape today, with very few trees holding onto their leaves in the recent strong winds. A total change from yesterday with its rain, but bright colourful Christmas decorations. However, I did get three shots that, bolted together in Lightroom, became a decent panorama and that became PoD. When I walked back, Scamp already had the remains of Tuesday’s mince heating nicely on the cooker for my lunch. I just had time to eat that before changing back to trainers to go and visit the vampires.

The bloodletting was almost painless and I was back quite quickly. I do hope they enjoy this latest special Xmas edition blood, but I can’t afford to keep feeding these people.

After post processing today’s meagre collection of photos, I started making dinner which tonight was fairly easy. It was Cod and Cabbage Risotto. All the hard work was taken out by baking the risotto in the oven, not standing for twenty minutes, stirring the thickening rice mix on the hob. If the easy way works, use it. That’s my maxim.

Tomorrow Scamp is intending going to FitSteps and I think I will be making tomato soup with tomatoes and peppers I roasted in the oven today. Again, do it the easy way. There will, of course, be hoovering and cleaning too and there’s no easy way to do that!

Out on the town – 22 November 2023


Up fairly early and heading for Glasgow.

Meeting Alex an hour early at 11:00. That gave us time to have a cup of coffee and plan our day. The weather wasn’t looking very promising, but Alex had some places he wanted to go and I was happy to comply.

First stop was Princes Square which was decorated like the big day had arrived and Santa was whizzing around the world on his sleigh pulled by reindeer. It was all jolly and happy and expensive as most things are in Princes Square. I’m not complaining. This was my first stop to get a chance of a photo or five of the fancy wrought iron railings on the stairs. Alex had photographed them a few months ago, but I got the shot with the fake Christmas tree branches and the sparkly lights. One of those photos made PoD. It’s glitzy and twee and I’m quite delighted with it.

St Enoch’s Square was next, because we knew the amusements were there and the Christmas Market. Again, all sparkly lights but with pretend chalets where Welsh folk were selling Xmas tat from old French Citroen vans. A veritable community of nations. Also there were the usual rides, German beer, German sausage and German Bratwurst whatever that is. So really it wasn’t a Christmas market, more a German market with some Welsh folk in old French vans. Anyway, we wandered round taking a few photos, but knowing that at about midday on dull wet day we weren’t going to get many keepers.

We walked down to Clyde Street and took a few photos of the graffiti on the Clyde Walkway. It’s a constantly changing blackboard for these skilled and not so skilled artists. Always worth a look.

Hunger pangs were telling us that Paesano should be our next port of call and that’s where we headed. Alex for a number 5 (no cheese) and me for a number 3 (just as it comes).

We had a quick look at George Square where the Christmas lights were lit, but the Christmas Village was still being constructed, decided it was a lost cause and instead headed back to Clyde Street and followed the Clyde downstream to the financial district knowing in our heart of hearts that it was a lost cause. The good light had gone and wasn’t coming back until tomorrow … maybe.

We found a different Nero from the morning and each had a coffee before plodding our weary way back up to the bus station where my X3 was patiently waiting for me, while Alex headed back to Motherwell. Next photo walk is loosely booked for two weeks hence, all being well.

Back home, Scamp had returned from her lunch and after filling her in on our day and finding about her’s, it was almost time to go dancing at Kirsty’s dance class. It was Quickstep today and although I though I’d mastered the steps last night in the living room, I’d forgotten just how Quick the Steps were. My feet got into a terrible fankle trying to extricate myself from the Twinkle. Nine times out of ten I used the wrong foot to start the move and so ended up in a mess. I do know how to do it, but my feet don’t. It’s their fault, not mine!

Tomorrow we are planning on going for the messages.

St Mo’s Twice – 21 November 2023

Once with company and one solo.

Lots of little things to do today, most of them completed.

Scamp and I went for a walk in St Mo’s in the morning. Just one circuit of the pond then back home. The light was poor, but I got a few photos. We walked home for lunch.

After lunch Scamp and I filled a planter with home made compost from the bin and Scamp planted nearly twenty mixed daffodil bulbs. We didn’t bother to water them in because we’re expecting that will be done by the rain clouds we are forecast to see tomorrow.

Later in the afternoon, when I expected it to get progressively darker, I was pleasantly surprised as the sun came out from behind the clouds. I didn’t need to be asked, I still had my boots on from the morning, so I trotted over to St Mo’s again and got more interesting photos than in the morning. Then I walked down to the shops to get some veg for tonight’s dinner.

Dinner tonight was Mince ’n’ Tatties with some cabbage. Scamp had Bubble and Squeak. It looked and smelled almost as good as my mince. Almost, but not quite!

We had a quick practise of the Quickstep, solved a problem with the Tango and had two runs through the Waltz Nioli. Hope I remember all the updates tomorrow.

When the living room was back looking normal again, we watched the semi-final of Bake Off. So now it’s down to three going in to the final next week.

PoD was a Rose Hip bush with vibrant orange leaves. Unfortunately you may have to wait until tomorrow to see it online as Flickr is having a hissy fit for the first time in months. Just when you think it’s safe to go back in the water …

Tomorrow I’m expecting to go out in the morning, meeting Alex and Scamp is intending to be out in the afternoon for lunch with the Witches.


Just a normal Sunday – 19 November 2023

A dull day with not a lot to recommend it weatherwise.

I spent most of the morning flicking through Flickr and for once enjoyed just looking through other folk’s pictures. I’m sure Scamp was doing Wordle and Spelling Bee, but I’d fallen out with both after Wordle had claimed that I hadn’t completed my 146th puzzle and sent me back to 1 again. I’ll not have that from these dastardly americans. I’ll just stop playing their stupid game and then they’ll be sorry.
I’ll start fresh tomorrow!

Lunch for me was bacon, egg, mushrooms, tomatoes and scorched Padron peppers. The only place I know I can get the peppers is Waitrose, so every time I go there I get a packet of them. Some of them are a bit hot, and there’s no way to tell if you’re going to get a hot one or a normal one. That makes them more interesting. Scamp had the more sedate egg, black pudding, mushrooms and tomatoes.

We watched what turned out to be a really interesting Las Vegas F1 GP. Lots of thrills and a few spills with the lead changing hands a few times before the inevitable happened and the world champion bullied his way to the front. As always it was the battle for 2nd and 3rd places that held the most interest and probably skill.

It was the first time the race had been held in Las Vegas and the lead up to it took more time than was really necessary, but I’m guessing it’s the American way to overload the race with the glitz and glamour. Because the race took so long to get started, it was late in finishing too and the light was beginning to fade when I finally walked over to St Mo’s for what I thought would be today’s PoD. As it happened, I got one landscape shot that was worth uploading, but PoD went to a grab shot I’d taken in the morning of a Rudbeckia flower in the garden. The plant has been flowering for about two months now and it’s survived high winds and torrential rain and is flowering still. While I was out in St Mo’s, Scamp was gardening, planting out some bulbs that will hopefully provide some much needed colour next spring.

I’d my apron on today to make my dinner. I’d bought a couple of short ribs at Waitrose and the recipe I was using said to brown them in a casserole for ten minutes. I knew I’d need a bit of protection from the spatter that would come from the fatty meat and I was glad of the protection the apron gave me. Then the meat had to rest while I made the slurry that would provide the base for it in the pot. Too many things to list here, but half a can of stout went into it too. Finally the meat went on top, the lid went on and it was set to cook for about 3 hours in the oven.

Scamp had chopped up onions, carrots and turnip and that made the veg part of the meal which we had with potatoes. I was too slow getting the meat roasted and the slurry made, consequently I had to cut the cooking time to two and a bit hours, but the meat was fine, and the veg went well with it. Scamp had a veggie version of the dinner and her’s seemed to be good too.

Spoke to Jamie later in the evening and heard about poor Vixen being upset having been in different kennels twice in a month. Poor thing wouldn’t know if she was coming or going. I’m sure she’ll settle down soon. Jamie and Simonne were meant to be doing a run today, but the weather was against it and Simonne wasn’t feeling well into the bargain, so they’d cancelled.

No real plans for tomorrow, although we need to get the CO2 monitor replaced before we get the boiler maintenance done. Also, I believe a visit to IKEA is on the cards for this week.

Rain, Rain, go away – 18 November 2023

Come again another day (but not tomorrow).

As you will have gathered, it was a wet day.  Thankfully we didn’t need to drive out to Brookfield for the Saturday morning class because Stewart had cancelled it last night because there were only four of us were showing an interest.  Instead, we drove to Stirling in the horrible drizzly rain and filled a trolley in Waitrose.  We had hoped that the rain was localized and the rain clouds would lift when we left Cumbersheugh and we could walk into Stirling town for a coffee, but it was not to be.  The clouds followed us all the way to Stirling and then all the way back.  The rain got lighter later in the day, but only for a short time.  It’s raining heavily now.

It was so dismal that I didn’t even want to go over to St Mo’s to get some photos, so today’s PoD came from a table top setup in the back bedroom.  In fact it was more than a table that was holding up the subject.  The table had a drawing board with a paint pot on top, but that wasn’t tall enough, so I added a couple of thick books.  Still not high enough. Maybe one more book would do the trick, and it did … just. Sitting on top was an upsided down empty plant pot and the contents of the pot were balanced on top of this Tower of Babel.  I really should take a photo of my constructions for table top photos.  They are a bit like icebergs in that the bit you see is only around a tenth of the final structcture.  The photo is a collection of basil seedlings that never really managed to get beyond the seedling stage. I’ve changed the compost and watered them with plant food, but I now believe there just isn’t enough light these dull days in November.  They need to be grown in summer.

While I was on this gardening theme I gave my two chilli plants a fairly severe pruning. Last year I cut them down by about 25%.  This year it was more that 50%. I hope that might encourage some growth and bring us some more chillies next year, all being well.

Scamp has been in a long term battle with British Gas who don’t seem to be able to send us a bill. She eventually took the matter to the Energy Ombudsman and uploaded our case details and interactions with BG to the Ombudsman. On Thursday we received the reply from BG through the Ombudsman’s office.  Some truths and a lot of half truths from them. Surprisingly, on Thursday we also received our first bill from BG for a year! Now isn’t that a coincidence, however that bill only covers the outstanding amount up until June. They have admitted there is a fault in ‘The Flow‘ which we assume is the flow of information from our smart meter to their headquarters. They also admit that they now know where the flow stops, but don’t seem to have any idea of how to fix the problem.  Today we sent our reply to the Ombudsman pointing out the half truths in their story.  We await the outcome with bated breath!

Dinner tonight was a veggie lasagne from Waitrose.  I could almost agree to being vegetarian if the food was all as tasty as that.

No plans for tomorrow, except maybe to get a CO2 alarm somewhere, probably a real B&Q.