A problem solved – 21 February 2025

Today, Scamp was off to FitSteps in the morning and I was determined to fix a problem that had been bugging me for almost two months.

The problem was that my .gmail accounts had managed the transition from Android to iPhone, but it felt like the Apple system was putting blocks in my way when I tried to put a couple of my own, home-grown accounts into the iPhone. Every time I tried, there was an error of some sort that prevented them being accepted. Today I solved it. I doubt if any of my readers are interested in the nitty gritty of the process, but after about six hours of work I finally found out how to do it.

The answer was there all the time in a combination of a Namecheap link and a Cpanel link. I needed both of these pieces of information to work the magic. I’ll store the work-through somewhere on the iMac, so I can come back to it when I’m sure it’s working. For now it’s a “back of a fag packet” solution. If you don’t understand that, then you’re too young! (Or I’m too old!!)

I started about 10.30am and finally had a working prototype by about 4pm with breaks in between for food and drink. It had been a terrible day with heavy rain showers and gale force winds. Scamp said she was nearly blown over getting from class to the car. Once in the car, driving was fine. That’s one of the benefits of having a car with a fairly low profile, it cuts through the wind well. I did go out into the back garden for a few minutes to recover a flower pot that our local grey squirrel had tipped over, but came back in when the rain got heavy. That’s when I found the PoD. It’s a view of the stained glass panel on the front door with raindrops on its outside face.

While I was still swearing at the computer, Scamp was making the dinner which was Carrot & Lentil Curry. Not a hot curry, just one that improves with resting and can have lots of additions to improve the general flavour. It’s an ancient recipe now carefully kept in a binder.

Tomorrow we may be dancing at Brookfield if there is enough interest to make a quorum. Some lucky folk are booked for a week’s dancing in Calpe, flying out on Sunday, but for a couple of reasons we won’t be with them.

The first day of a new year – 1 January 2025

It’s always a pain in the backside for a variety of reasons.

You have to parcel up the previous years photos and catalogs and save them off somewhere safe before you build a new catalog and populate it with new photos. This year it was made even more difficult by Apple changing the rules again for third party apps. Which meant I wasn’t able to use my NTFS based storage drive to save the last month’s catalog and photos. I’ve got another way of doing it, but it takes up computer time and my patience. It’s half done, but that will have to be good enough for now.

The actual day was a wild mixture of torrential rain driven by strong winds in the morning, sleet in the afternoon and now everything is calm for a while now, but the temperature is below zero and that means ice to contend with tomorrow. However, I did get some photos over at St Mo’s and PoD was what are sometimes called Cleavers (Sticky Willies in Scotland) and are really irritating little balls covered in tiny hooks that attach to your clothes, especially woollen clothes.

Dinner tonight was vegetarian “Mince and Tatties” for Scamp and Steak and Kidney stew for me followed by Sponge with a Salted Caramel Sauce and Brandy Cream. I’m beginning to regret it now and may have to break out the Gaviscon before I go to bed.

I’m hoping for a walk on a clear day tomorrow, with no ice nor snow nor rain, but the chances of getting away with it are very unlikely.

A day to recover – 28 December 2024

We had earmarked today as a day to recover and that’s what we did.

The furthest we got on Saturday was a visit to Tesco for the messages. Nothing fancy, just restocking the fridge, freezer and the storage cabinets. It was a dull wet day and neither of us wanted to very much.

In the afternoon, we managed to organise Scamp’s photos into some semblance of order sorted by date. I hate PCs!

Scamp is still not fully recovered from the bug she picked up, but hopefully a day or two of Scottish air will sort her out.

PoD was a wee bluetit building up its fat reserves in the garden.

Tomorrow we may go for a walk if we’re up for it/

Happy Birthday Hazy (and the solution)

Scamp often complains about the amount of SSDs (Solid State Drives) that congregate round the iMac. Today the would prove a life saver.

My solution was to format the drive that wouldn’t start yesterday and install a new clean operating system in it after downloading the OS from somewhere in California. Then I could copy a backup (Scamp complains about the number of backups I do too, but this is why I do it) into the once dead, but now cleaned out drive. The computer would then do all the surgical cutting and sewing together of the backup to the operating system.

Long story short, it worked again. This is either the fourth or fifth time I’ve had to use this method. It took about four hours in total to fix things, but it worked. Thank you Andrew Tsai who was the first person who could explain in simple English who to do this incredibly difficult task.

As I said, the operation takes about four hours to complete, and since, once you’ve started, there is very little you can do except watch a white line crossing a black screen, I thought I’d make myself useful, since Scamp was off shopping in Tesco, and tidy up some of my room. It’s a work in progress, but I know I have to start somewhere. I can now find the carpet!

After Scamp returned and we’d had lunch we spoke to Hazy whose parcel hadn’t arrived in time for her birthday, today (Happy Birthday Hazy). We got to hear all the gory tales of picking bits of tooth out of her gums and the useful, but disgusting tasting salt water mouth washes she’s had to endure.

With just enough daylight left, I took my camera and a long lens and went for a walk in St Mo’s to concentrate on photography for a while. Today’’s PoD is a view across St Mo’s pond. I’ve taken that photo umpteen times, all for different reasons. Today’s reason was the colour in the sky and the reflections on the pond.
Yesterday’s PoD was a dried up weed looking as if it was struggling against the driving rain. One of those occasional showers we get driven along by a north wind, also taken in St Mo’s.

Tomorrow I’m looking forward to a less stressful day, if that’s possible.

A disaster – 1 December 2024

A day when everything went wrong.

It started like any other changeover day. The end of one month and the beginning of another. Last month’s photos had to be sorted and the rejected photos put in the bin. Then the worthwhile shots were stored in a separate folder. Most of that worked well. The next task was to store last month’s photos offsite in my 2 Terabyte external hard drive. That’s where the problems started. The external drive wouldn’t show up on the list of drives, so I couldn’t add November’s photos to the 2024 folder on the hard disk.

I thought the disk was damaged. The spinning disks inside an external hard disk are very easily damaged. A drop from a table will probably kill one. I thought I might have bumped it or pulled a cable out without shutting it down properly, but when I tried the hard disk on my MacBook and it came up with exactly the same error. Next I tried the disk on Scamp’s PC and it read perfectly. Curiouser and curiouser?

It took me a long while to work out what was going wrong. It looked like it was something to do with an operating system upgrade I’d done halfway through November, and this is where I have to resort to Technospeak. Sorry Jamie.

To put it simply, the problem seems to be that the storage disks I’ve been using since I moved from PC to the Mac, about 15 years ago, are now not being read by the new version of MacOS. Technically, my hard drive storage device and Microsoft computers use a system called NTFS and my Mac computer works on a different system, APFS, and never the twain shall meet … Except that they might be able to meet in the middle using a clever bit of software.

That’s where the problem became a disaster. I downloaded the ‘bit of software’ from Paragon Software a genuine company who I’ve used for years to do this exact thing. After installing the software you must do a restart to allow the software to work, but the computer wouldn’t restart after the installation. I just kept getting an error message. I tried lots of avenues to fix the problem, but none of them worked. I thought I might have picked up a bit of dodgy software or had a virus, but careful checking told me that was not the case. I was almost in tears, but decided there must be a way out and did the sensible thing and slept on it. Scamp told me to do that last bit.


Finding space – 18 July 2024

It started in the morning when Scamp said that the blog wasn’t loading. An hour and a few quid later it was fixed.

Long story short, the problem with the blog appeared to be a lack of storage space on the Namecheap server. When I tried last night to install a WordPress update. It stalled and glitched upgrade, but more than that, it appeared to damage something. After an hour on a help-chat line I upgraded my 20GB of storage to 50GB. That should keep the wheels turning for a while.
That took care of the morning, but of course, I was now on a different server with a different address and I had to change the host name in all my email addresses. Not an onerous task.

Once I was back in again and the emails were working, Scamp suggested a walk to the shops would be good, so that’s what we did. As has almost been traditional after a walk to the shops, I carried the bag halfway home and Scamp carried it the rest while I went for a walk around St Mo’s. After about four years using the Sony A7 camera series I’d found another tweak that while not exactly guaranteeing a sharp, in focus shot every time, at least gives you a fighting chance. No need to explain it to you, but let’s just say it works. That’s what I was using today to get the PoD of a Crane Fly or a Jenny Long Legs to give it its proper Scottish name!

Back home Scamp made a prawn stir fry and it was really delicious. Meanwhile I bagged the stew and let it rest in the fridge.

It wasn’t the brightest of days. Still clammy but with a bit of a breeze, which made it more pleasant.  Maybe a couple of notches down from the unpleasant heat we’ve been having recently.

After the blog problem from the morning, I’ve been feeling washed out today and I’m hoping to get to bed before midnight. I expect you understood most of that jargon Hazy and I’m equally sure you passed it by Jamie.

Scamp is intending to go to FitSteps tomorrow while I stay home and do some tidying up.


The morning after – 27 May 2024

I don’t think either of us slept much last night.

However, today was a new day and we packed the laptop up after breakfast and drove in to Glasgow with it. We explained the problem to the girl in John Lewis. We’d bought it on-line from JL on Thursday, but that didn’t seem to matter, we’d bought it from JL and it wasn’t working. She checked and they had one in stock, so did we want a refund or a replacement. I think we were both shocked that it was as simple as that. After a bit of a problem at the till, we walked away with another laptop exactly the same as the one we’d left on the JL counter.

Still shocked, we went for a coffee and then a walk down Buchanan Street. Me for watercolour paint and shower gel and Scamp for shower gel because it was a special offer that closed today. Rain and sun all day, but we weren’t caring. Drove home via Tesco for basics. Milk and eggs and a bottle of rum.

We started the machine and it began to fill up One Drive right away, then complained that there was no space, but we had a solution, thanks to Jamie. I logged into a free trial of Microsoft 365 I’d had in December last year and paid for a year’s family membership. That meant I had Word, Excel and an assortment of other goodies, plus 1TB of One Drive that I probably won’t fill. More importantly, Scamp had Word, Excel and even more goodies plus another 1TB of One Drive and that 1TB stopped OD complaining about no space!

Scamp has been happily filling up her computer and its cloud storage with photos today. I’ve been the on-line help.

PoD turned out to be a photo I took in Glasgow just outside the GOMA in Exchange Square of a bloke wearing a tabard which declared that he was a Tour Guide. There were a few of these people in and around Glasgow last year, but there seems to be a lot more this year. Last year the tours were free with the hope that some folk would contribute a few pounds. I listened to this bloke for a few minutes today and he was quite interesting, talking about the Tobacco Barons of old. I also noted that he had a fairly decent crowd round him. Maybe Alex and I will join one of the talks some day.

Today’s prompt asked for A Feather. I decided I’d just draw for a change with such a fragile subject. It looks a bit rough as if it’s been pulled through a hedge backwards. Maybe it has been.

Tomorrow Scamp is going to the celebration of the life of a long time member of the choir.  I’m dropping her off and then driving into Glasgow. Our car has a recall to get the mounting of the front seats checked.

Computers! – 26 May 2024

The morning was all about putting more things in the new laptop.

Later we realised that One Drive was clogged solid and was wanting more space to put the data from the old PC. There seemed to be no way to unclog it and by lunchtime it was obvious that the data wasn’t going into the space we’d allocated for it on the C: drive. This surely wasn’t right. It got to a stage where the only sensible thing to do was to restore the machine to the way it was in the morning, when everything was working.

It took it a while to do that, but by the time dinner time came around, it had restarted and with a few omissions it was running just the way it had in the morning. We set it aside and had dinner after a few arguments.

Spoke to Jamie later and heard how he runs his PC in conjunction with One Drive. It sounded a lot easier than the way we were doing things. Maybe that is the way to go.
Good to hear that his Bee Orchids, whose flowers actually look like bees, were looking good. He even sent us a short video to prove it. By the time he hung up, and we’d watched the end of the Monaco GP, we had an outline plan of what to do to get this laptop show on the road.

Except it didn’t work out like that. When we turned the laptop on, we were met with a BSOD. The dreaded Blue Screen Of Death. The death of the laptop. It wouldn’t boot. From about 8pm until just after midnight, Scamp and I tried every possible combination of the multitude of problem solving hints and tips that were appearing on the blue screen. Nothing worked. Eventually Scamp made the corporate decision to go to bed and suggested we take the broken laptop back to JL in the morning. When she had gone I tried another alternative solution, using old fashioned DOS, but got nowhere. It’s now a quarter to one and I’m going to bed too. Hopefully the Techs at JL will come up with a solution.

PoD was an Aquilegia taken in the rain, just to be a place marker.

The prompt asked for a bitten apple. This one has definitely had a little nibble taken out of it.

Tomorrow, realistically later today, will surely be a better day than Sunday.

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting – 24 May 2024

For the DPD man to call.

Scamp’s new laptop was due to arrive today, but eventually we got the message that it would arrive just after 1pm and as usual with DPD, it was right on time.

I’d forgotten how many times you have to sign your life away when you’re setting up a PC. Macs seem to be much easier and lighter on the crap that comes with the computer and nobody really wants. Eventually it did its inevitable updates and restarted four or five times, then we finally got to play with it, well, Scamp did. I was Tech Support today. The lady in the shop where we didn’t buy the laptop told it was easy to get the files and data from the old computer and on to the new one, but then she told us that anti-virus software was desperately important and that McAfee wouldn’t slow the system. I just shook my head and smiled. I knew she was lying, because her lips were moving. The in-store sales team will tell you anything to get your money and get you out of the store. We had gone by the short cut and ordered online from JL. No lies to listen to, just pay the money and wait for it to arrive.

Setting up the machine was fairly easy, but getting it to load the data and files from the old one took a good 2 – 3 hours. First it wanted to load all that data on to One Drive, got stuck and told us that we’d need a bigger One Drive. That’s when I got hot under the collar and removed One Drive, then put the data back old style by copying it from the backup I’d made in the morning. Now, only about 8 hours after we started it’s beginning to look like a real computer. It’s actually got a nice clear screen and the sound from the B&O speakers impressed Scamp’s musical ear. We’ll see how easy it is to work with after a few days.

I did manage a quick walk in the afternoon after waiting for a downpour to clear. Just a few minutes of really good light, but it cheered me up from the struggle with Mickysoft. PoD was a low level shot of dandelions with their bad hair day look after that rain.

Dinner was Fish Fingers, Egg and Spaghetti (from a tin). Just what I needed.

Today’s prompt was A Tree. This is a tree across the corner from me. Like many of the trees this year, it had no leaves until the beginning of May, then tree and leaf growth went into overdrive. I think it was the warm weather coming after a decidedly wet and dull spell of weather. All the trees around seemed eager to be out in leaf. The lightly sketched car is intended to give an idea of scale.

I’ve just discovered what a good, comfortable chair the Poang from Ikea is. I’d a sore back after all that peering over the laptop keyboard. An hour with Angry Birds on the Poang relieved the pain.

The teachers are back from their latest voyage and I think we may go to dance class tomorrow to demonstrate all the things we’ve forgotten!


‘puters and sunshine – 17 May 2024

Scamp was out in the morning to go to FitSteps.

I stayed home and finished Cast A Cold Eye by Robbie Morrison. Worth reading, if only for the history of the Easter Uprising, the Black and Tans and what lead to the partitioning of Ireland. A good story, well written, part fiction, part factual.

I’d gone down to the shops after Scamp left and came back with fruit and some Sweet William flowers because Scamp wanted flowers for the kitchen. Forgot to get bread, though! However I did remember to take some photos. It was a bit breezy and the bush of Dog Roses I wanted to photograph was bouncing about a fair bit. I did get one good sharp shot and that became PoD.

After a cup of coffee and once Scamp had returned, we discussed what to do with the beautiful day that had opened up. We settled on a visit to Stirling and bit of shopping in Waitrose. Also, as Scamp’s computer was low on storage space again, we might have a look at a replacement.

We drove to Stirling and parked at Waitrose. Impossible at weekends, but easy on a Friday morning. Then we walked in to Stirling itself and had a panini each for lunch, then wandered back to Waitrose after a stop in Waterstones to buy the prequel to Cast A Cold Eye. We ended up with more than we’d intended buying, but that’s often the way.

Next we drove to Currys to look at a new laptop for Scamp. The lady we spoke to was very helpful, but not telling the whole truth about the ‘essentials’ we’d need over and above the laptop. She was also heavily hinting that Scamp should be considering buying virus checkers and space on the cloud for backup storage. It was at that point that I stopped listening to her and started shaking my head at Scamp when I disagreed with her sales pitch. In the end, she spoke more sense than hype, but the hype was still there. I think I’ll have a look at what we can remove from the present laptop, so that Scamp can use it without worrying, but the only solution I can see is to buy a new one.

We drove home in even more sunshine, and spent the remainder of the afternoon sitting in the garden soaking up some rays and admiring he flowers. Dinner was a Charlie Bigham veggie lasagne which is quite superb.

Today’s prompt was A Cream Cake. It was such a lovely day and as I said, we spent the afternoon in the garden with a G ’n’ T each, so I never really got round to sketching it properly. It is half finished and drying in the ’Painting Studio’, ie the back bedroom. I’m intending finishing it tomorrow, all being well.

That was a lovely day. Not a lot done, but listened to a lot of talk, half of which was hot air, as if the air wasn’t hot enough already. We may go somewhere nice tomorrow.