The morning after – 27 May 2024

I don’t think either of us slept much last night.

However, today was a new day and we packed the laptop up after breakfast and drove in to Glasgow with it. We explained the problem to the girl in John Lewis. We’d bought it on-line from JL on Thursday, but that didn’t seem to matter, we’d bought it from JL and it wasn’t working. She checked and they had one in stock, so did we want a refund or a replacement. I think we were both shocked that it was as simple as that. After a bit of a problem at the till, we walked away with another laptop exactly the same as the one we’d left on the JL counter.

Still shocked, we went for a coffee and then a walk down Buchanan Street. Me for watercolour paint and shower gel and Scamp for shower gel because it was a special offer that closed today. Rain and sun all day, but we weren’t caring. Drove home via Tesco for basics. Milk and eggs and a bottle of rum.

We started the machine and it began to fill up One Drive right away, then complained that there was no space, but we had a solution, thanks to Jamie. I logged into a free trial of Microsoft 365 I’d had in December last year and paid for a year’s family membership. That meant I had Word, Excel and an assortment of other goodies, plus 1TB of One Drive that I probably won’t fill. More importantly, Scamp had Word, Excel and even more goodies plus another 1TB of One Drive and that 1TB stopped OD complaining about no space!

Scamp has been happily filling up her computer and its cloud storage with photos today. I’ve been the on-line help.

PoD turned out to be a photo I took in Glasgow just outside the GOMA in Exchange Square of a bloke wearing a tabard which declared that he was a Tour Guide. There were a few of these people in and around Glasgow last year, but there seems to be a lot more this year. Last year the tours were free with the hope that some folk would contribute a few pounds. I listened to this bloke for a few minutes today and he was quite interesting, talking about the Tobacco Barons of old. I also noted that he had a fairly decent crowd round him. Maybe Alex and I will join one of the talks some day.

Today’s prompt asked for A Feather. I decided I’d just draw for a change with such a fragile subject. It looks a bit rough as if it’s been pulled through a hedge backwards. Maybe it has been.

Tomorrow Scamp is going to the celebration of the life of a long time member of the choir.  I’m dropping her off and then driving into Glasgow. Our car has a recall to get the mounting of the front seats checked.

A Flaneur – 15 May 2024

Just a wee walk round Glasgow with my brother.

Since Scamp wasn’t in need of the car today, I gladly drove it to the station, parked there and got the train in to Glasgow.

I was early for once and went for a walk along Sausageroll Street and by the time I got back, Alex had arrived. We went for a coffee as is our usual plan of attack and then just wandered down Buchanan Street taking the odd photo here and there. Down into St Enoch’s and through on to the Clyde Walkway. We didn’t see any new graffiti since our last visit and while Alex took some shots of the reflections of the cathedral in the glass sided building next to it, I manage a few shots of the cathedral between two trees … until Alex walked into the frame and stood taking his shots. As it happened I’d got a couple before he walked into the frame. I also liked the lighting on a modern high-rise block of flats, posh looking flats beside the river. I changed them to mono later and that seemed to improve them.

It was a toss up whether we would continue along the side of the river or go and have lunch. I won the toss and we did lunch in Paesano, of course.

After lunch we walked in to George Square and took some photos of folk. Street photography it’s called. I’m not keen on it, really, but Alex is and he’s good at it. Something to do with his brass neck, I think! Thought I’d caught one bloke off guard, but then realised he was smiling, probably having taken a shot of me when I wasn’t looking. Alex was off photographing buses, of all things. Well, I shouldn’t criticise since I’m the one who photographs spiders fighting!
I got a photo of two blokes about my age talking animatedly, both with guitars on their backs. Either they were discussing the merits of nylon strings vs steel strings, or they were commiserating with each other on the poor results of their favourite football teams. That was PoD.

Another coffee and we were heading home. Alex to the bus station and me to the train station. The train was really busy but I got one of the last seats. Then an old lady (ie older than me!) got the one across from me. As she turned, I noticed she’d been ushered into her seat by a younger woman. I offered the younger woman my seat and although she refused at first, I told her I was getting off at the next stop and she thanked me and took the seat. When I was getting off, two seats became vacant and the lady turned and mouthed “Thanks again”. That made my day brighter. A good deed done.

Dancing tonight was the second part of the waltz and it was a bit more difficult than the first half, but with Kirsty’s breaking down of the steps it became easier and Scamp also helped keep me right. Next week we’re hoping to join the two halves together. Another practise tonight may have cemented the second half in my memory. Only time will tell.

Today’s prompt was A Glass of Wine. I couldn’t find a glass of wine, so I sketched one. Just a glass of red wine that had been enjoyed by someone or some people. It’s a pretty glass, or was at one time before being dribbled on, had lipstick marks made on it and had been generally abused. That’s what happens when you mix a clean glass with a good bottle of red wine and a group of people with a drouth (Scots word for a thirst). It was very nice wine!

No plans for tomorrow yet.

Happy Birthday to Me! – 8 April 2024

Another year older and deeper in debt.

Well, another year older at least. Not a bad day, though. Sunshine in the morning shading to clouds later and finally rain at night. Still, let’s start with the first word, Sunshine … for a while.

We took the X3 in to Glasgow and although I didn’t think it possible, it took even longer to travel the route. Due to some roadworks the bus was forced to perform an almost complete circuit of Moodiesburn, then manoeuvre itself around a country road between Moodiesburn and Muirhead before taking another detour through the delights of the Muirhead housing estates and finally returning to the normal route. For once I felt sorry for bus drivers.

In Glasgow we walked down West Nile Street and out on to Buchanan Street, then into the Apple shop where I wanted to look at the new iMacs, because this seven year old iMac I’m typing on is running on borrowed time now, I think. That doesn’t mean I’m expecting it to croak any time soon, but I’m just thinking ahead. It no longer runs on its internal hard drive, but does all its work on a couple of SSDs and I knew they won’t last forever. We had a look at the specifications of the shiny new plastic things and they look possible, but looking deeper told a different tale, like the additional price for greater storage and the exorbitant price for more memory. I put them on the back burner for now … and turned the burner off!

We went for lunch at Wagamama and had a feast!
Starters to share were: Pork + Panko apple Bau Buns, Bang Bang Cauliflower and Ebi Katsu Butterflied Prawns.
Mains were Shirodashi Pork Belly Ramen for me and Prawn Raisukaree for Scamp. All were scoffed in double quick time and were as delicious as usual.

We walked down Buchanan Street listened to a bloke playing Despacito on one of those strange violins with a metal cone that gave the music a strange old fashioned sound. We walked on to Argyll Street and heard a man and a boy playing The Sound of Silence on real violins. I don’t approve of kids busking in the street. Let them be kids for a while. They will grow up soon enough and won’t have happy memories of their earlier life when they grow older. We walked along to M&S, but couldn’t see anything interesting to buy so we wandered back to Nero entertained by The Sound of Silence. In Nero I grabbed a shot of a Chihuahua sitting on a seat in front of us. It became PoD.
When we left Nero, about 20 minutes later The Sound of Silence was just finishing again. We guessed at that point that it was the only tune the two could play. Further up Buchanan Street, the man with the trumpet violin was starting what must be his umpteenth Despacito. So that’s what they do. They only play one tune. People are not stopping to listen, they just walk on and throw a coin in the hat. By the time the audience has passed on, the fiddler can start the same tune again to a new stream of people, and so it goes on all day. One tune, one backing track and some money made.

First Bus tried to completely spoil our day when we got to the bus station. When we got there, the bus and a fair crowd of folk were waiting for us. But then a driver got in and drove the bus away and parked it. 20 minutes until the next one. No explanation. And the bus companies wonder why folk aren’t using public transport.

Instead we got a bus from the other side of the bus station that took us up to Cumbersheugh, almost non-stop. Got off and went through the underpass and got the grumpiest driver I’ve ever had who took us past our stop and dumped us at the shops. Walked back and moaned about the state of the bus companies until we realised nobody was listening.

A large glass of wine later and we were both a lot happier and planning our next outing together.

Spoke to Jamie later and we had a laugh about birthdays.

That’s enough for now. “I’m tired and I want to go to bed” as a very old song goes.

No plans for tomorrow when it will be some other lucky person’s birthday.

The 29th day of February – 29 February 2024

It only happens once in every four years and today was it.

Scamp was out to lunch (again) with Isobel and I was out taking photos with Alex. She drove to the Village and I took the bus in to Glasgow. Maybe we were celebrating ‘family’ because of this special day. Or may be we were just out having lunch.

Alex and I met at the bus station and went for a coffee while we discussed our outline plan for the day. I suggested taking the subway to Kelvinbridge, taking some photos, having a Paesano pizza for lunch and taking in some architecture and graffiti. I was fairly sure this would suit Alex as well as me, and I was right.

There were a few places around Kelvinbridge that met both our requirements. I always find the way the Kelvin rushes over the rapids and down under the bridge a bit strange and unnerving. I can’t explain that, I just find it a bit nightmarish and it always draws me in to watch it again. It’s something to do with a bridge above me with the water of the River Kelvin running under me.

We left the Kelvin to do it’s stuff and walk up the hill to Paesano (West End). Fed and watered we walked down the steps that took us to the walkway above the Kelvin and over it to photograph both Mrs McChicken and also the Caledonian Mansions a restored sandstone building above us on the corner of Gt Western Road. Alex loves architecture and so do I to a certain extent. From there we returned to Gt Western Road and walked west to Byres Road.

While I was buying two books with a book token I got from Scamp at Christmas, Alex was off photographing a wee lane near the Spanish restaurant Scamp and I had visited on Monday. We met up again outside the book shop and headed towards the subway to go back to the city centre. It was there we found some lovely light on Kelvinside Hillhead Parish Church and spent another twenty minutes or more photographing it from all angles. Alex demonstrating his ability to photograph the reflections of it on car bonnets and roofs. He is one of the most inventive photogs I know.

Finally we walked into the subway and as the train came in, Alex was asked by a lady who seemed three sheets to the wind whether that train went to Glasgow. It’s a strange question, because the trains follow two concentric routes round the city. All trains go to Glasgow! He tried to explain that to them and they got on anyway. It was all part of a big adventure to them. Unfortunately we were in the same carriage as them and were caught up in their conversations which revolved around Fascinators and Hats. I sense a wedding was in the offing. When they got off at Buchanan Street I distinctly heard one ask if the train went any further. To which the answer was probably YES and NO. It’s all to do with the concentricity.

We went on to St Enoch and found some more subjects to photograph. Centered around the Metropolitan Church of St Andrew and the reflection of it on the mirror glass of its next door neighbour.

Another coffee to prepare us for the bus home and we went our separate ways. I had 105 photos with three of them rejected. Alex had a lot more. It was a really good day. Good conversation and interesting photos. I look forward to sharing them soon.

Today’s PoD was the Caledonian Mansions building.
Today’s prompt was for Gold. I’m not a seeker of wealth, so generally don’t have much gold about my person. Neither do I have any fish, although I did used to have a few Goldfish and a lovely Shubunkan until the cat found it, but I digress. I chose a goldfish as my final sketch for EDiF 2024. Such a placid fish it only needed some air bubbled through the water in its tank and the occasional flake food. This was an official 15 minute sketch with about half an hour of paint splashing later.

Scamp seemed to have a good day with Isobel who is considering whether to have another knee op. Strangely, so is Alex’s wife thinking the same thing. She has an appointment with the doc tomorrow to discuss the likelihood of it getting done. Who knows, they may end up in the same ward!

No plans for tomorrow, but I’m hoping I won’t be doing any sketching for a wee while.


Going Spanish – 26 February 2024

Today we took the bus in to Glasgow. We were going for a late lunch.

“Late” because it should have been last week we went for lunch in Café Andaluz in the West End, but I really wasn’t at my best last week and thankfully Scamp got the date changed to today. The lunch was a Christmas gift from Scamp. Christmas seems such a long time ago now. We had a lovely lunch of five plates of tapas. Spanish black pudding, Chicken pieces on skewers, Patatas Bravas, Lamb tagine and Prawns in garlic oil, with sides of olives and bread and a glass of Sangria. Dessert was Churros for two! Just brilliant on such a lovely almost warm and very spring like day.

We had taken the X3 in to Glasgow and then while I went to get my hair cut, Scamp went browsing for sandals without success. Then we got he subway out to Kelvinbridge and I grabbed a few photos of the River Kelvin rushing over the rapids. From there we walked through the park and up the steps that led to Great Western Road. We walked past all the posh and weird shops that it’s been famous for, since I can remember. When we got to Byres Road we went looking for the restaurant which is well hidden in plain sight along a narrow lane.

We were far too early, so we went for a walk in the Botanic Gardens. We didn’t go to the Kibble Palace circular greenhouse today. Instead we walked up to the garden area which was covered with black polythene sheeting to heat up the soil ready for planting. It was when we were walking back I saw PoD which is a line of magenta coloured crocuses. They were shining so brightly in the sunlight, they just had to be the PoD.

We just had time for a gentle walk back to Café Andaluz and lunch.

When we were finished there, we walked down Byres Road checking out the shops that had changed and the ones that have been in the same place for years. I saw a couple of books I fancied, but I’d left my book token at home, so I hope I remember their names. I’m sure I will.

We had an afternoon drink in Oran Mor G&T for Scamp and an Innis & Gunn IPA for me. Quite fruity and almost floral. Worth paying extra for.

And that was us almost done. Subway back to Glasgow and a crowded X3 home. A lovely day.

I’d a bit of catching up to do. Two sketches to do. One for yesterday and one for today. Thankfully the blog for yesterday was done and posted on time

Yesterday’s first:

Yesterday’s prompt was Salmon.
This one took me a bit of time. First I had to get myself a new rod and reel and also some fly fishing line. Then I had to catch the fish. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be, mainly because I went fishing at night. Not so many nosy folk out on the river asking if you have a license and things.
After an hour I had half a dozen decent sized salmon. I chose one the right size and got the sketch done and then splashed on the paint. Job done. Anyone want a salmon? Just don’t ask where it came from.

And today’s prompt was Rust.
I chose a rusty nail. Not the most exciting sketch ever, but it fulfilled the prompt. That’s the one on the right, by the way.
The other one is also a Rusty Nail. For those who have never heard of it, it’s a mixture of Whisky and Drambuie. Very nice!
The difference between the two is subtle. The first one is hit with a hammer. The second one, if you make it in a big enough glass, make you feel like you’ve been hit with a hammer!

Tomorrow we’re hoping to see the only man brave enough to wear a loud shirt in a built up area. Andrew.

A Day in the Toon – 30 January 2024

Our ‘unofficial’ anniversary.

As planned it was going to be a wander round town and then lunch in Wagamama in West George Street. Before that there were prezzies and a card to give out, but I’d been wearing my prezzy for about a week already, a pair of photographer’s gloves with the tip of the index finger and thumb able to fold back to allow a better grip when focusing and also to ensure that the ‘shutter finger’ actually pressed the shutter! Scamp’s was jewellery, because I know she loves shiny things. She had to wait until today to get her’s!

We got the bus in to Glasgow and just wandered. Mostly window shopping although Scamp did manage to pick up a new dress for a bargain price. I got a paint brush, but not for painting. It’s going to be a sensor cleaner that can be charged up with an air blower and will pick up the tiny little bits of fluff that get caught in the corners of the sensor. It’s much smaller than my big sensor cleaner and will be perfect for what I’m looking for.

As usual, we started out in a Nero with a coffee, then down Buchanan Street along to Cass Art to get the brush then along to Jamaica Street which led us down to the Clyde. Next stop was on the Clyde Walkway for me to photograph the new graffiti that had appeared. This isn’t gang tags although there are some, this is artistic painting on a grand scale. A 10 foot high wall is covered with artwork. Always worth a look. We walked back towards St Enoch because Scamp thought she’d get a holiday bag there. She didn’t. What she did find was a dress shop called Klass which had been recommended by one of the Tea Dance ladies. That’s where the dress came from. We walked back on to Argyle Street and listened to a Rock ’n’ Roll trio called, ‘The Best Bad Influence’, playing in the street. They were good and Scamp put some money in their box.

I was heading for Waterstones to see what books were new. On the way I took some photos of reflections in a big puddle and the best one got PoD. A little bit of jiggery pokery needed, but it looked good when it was finished. From there it was up to West George Street for lunch in Wagamama. Starters were Bang Bang Cauliflower (lovely, but spicy!) and Ebi Katsu (Butterflied prawns coated in panko breadcrumbs and deep fried – delicious). Mains were Prawn Raisukaree (mild curry with prawns and veg with rice) for Scamp and Chicken and Prawn Yaki Soba (noodles with chicken, prawn, egg and peppers) for me. All washed down with a glass of wine each.

We walked up to The Counting House a Wetherspoons pub on George Square. G&T for two, then the X37 back to Condorrat and walked home.

Really a quite excellent day. The rain stayed off and the sun shone. Who could ask for more?

Tomorrow looks windy and wet. No plans for it so far.

A day at Kelvingrove – 24 January 2024

It was another windy night last night. Maybe just marginally less disruptive than Monday into Tuesday, but now Jocelyn has joined Isha and good riddance to both of them.

Today I was meeting Alex in Glasgow and we were going to get the bus to Kelvingrove to take some photos and have some lunch. First I checked in with him to make sure he was good to go after last night’s wind. Of course he was, but it’s always good to check and not just assume all is well in the centre of North Lanarkshire. For once the bus was on time and I was away into Glasgow with Kevin Bridges in my ear, telling me some stories. I’m a fairly slow reader and I suppose I must he a slow listener too. I generally only listen to the Audible track when I’m on the bus by myself. That way I can concentrate on the story.

We met at the bus station and went for a coffee. Allegedly Nero’s dishwasher was broken, so they were using disposable cups. I wouldn’t mind that, but they put their usual amount of coffee into a big paper cup and then topped it up with way too much hot water. I go to Nero to get good strong coffee that tastes of coffee. If I wanted weak watery coffee I could go to Costa.

I struggled through the gallon cup of dirty water and then we headed off to the West End. The posh end of Glasgow, or at least it thinks it is. Noting that the scaffolding and plywood panels were still in place where they’d been for about six months now, we entered this otherwise beautiful building. I was delighted to see that the portrait of Ann Pavlova was back in its rightful place. Such an energetic looking portrait of the dancer.

We went up to the gallery to get some photos of the gigantic pipe organ an some of The Heads. Over 50 different grimacing and laughing heads hanging as an installation by Sophie Cave. One of them became the PoD after a fair bit of work to get it looking the way I wanted.

Lunch was next in the conservatory. We both had the same thing. Scottish Beef Burger on a bun with chips.

Another walk round the main ground floor and then we were off outside because the light on Glasgow Uni tower was really worth a few shots. I just missed a shot of a squirrel running in front of a burger van. Not the source of our burgers, though. I did get a shot of its fluffy tail (the squirrel’s, not the burger’s, you understand) sticking out from under the skirt of the van.

Waited ages for the bus back to the bus station and then we parted our ways and I listened to more of Kevin swearing through more stories.

I’d messaged Scamp on the way home that I wouldn’t need any dinner tonight and instead had a plate of soup. The last plate from the big pot. Watched Landscape Artist and correctly predicted two of the three finalists, but didn’t pick the winner.

A great day with my brother. Had a long discussion with him about the merits and demerits of the new lens, but finally decided to keep it. I was delighted with my 86 photos and only 9 of them rejected. That’s a good percentage. More will fall on the cutting room floor before the week is out, I’m sure.

I think we may go dancing at the tea dance tomorrow if the weather is kind to us.

Going out! – 4 January 2024

Today we were going in to Glasgow on the bus.

We weren’t going for anything in particular, although Scamp had a free offer of a cup of tea and a cake for two at JL. So that must come first.

Because Scamp was the owner of the golden ticket, she got to collect the tea and a scone each while I was tasked with finding an empty table for two. I got one with a view up Sausage Roll Street, one of my favourite views in Glasgow. JL’s offer was for tea or coffee with a cake or scone with butter, but we had to pay extra for jam. I thought that was a bit mean of JL. Giving you something free, then asking you to pay for part of it. Penny pinching.

The rain had been torrential when we were heading to Glasgow, but when we stepped out of Buchanan Galleries the sun was shining and it remained shining all day long. We walked down Buchanan Street and along Argyle Street then down to Clyde Street, along the Clyde Walkway, then over the suspension bridge before turning right and along past the new Business Centre, turned right there and crossed The Squiggly Bridge to the other half of the Business Centre then back into the city centre with a stop at Nero for a coffee. Not a bad walk, that gave me nearly today’s 10,000 steps.

We hadn’t anything else to do, so we walked back through JL and just managed to catch the X3 for a run home, but not just home, because we stayed on and got off at the shops, a new experience for us, getting the bus to the shops! Scamp got flowers because it was Thursday and we chose some veg, prawns, noodles and sauce to make a stir-fry for dinner.

Scamp had intended taking the tree and decorations down today and I had intended having a practise of the Quickstep, but instead I sourced some pictures of the Kelpies to send to Simonne to add to a Memory Book for her dad. Then I wrote a message to Hazy and finally I updated the OS of my blog. It was only about two years out of date! If I get this blog posted, that will be most of my To-Do’s, To-Done! Yes, I know the apostrophe shouldn’t be there!

PoD was a photo of the Metropolitan Cathedral of St Andrew down by the Clyde in Glasgow.

A good day out, just walking. No plans for tomorrow, but some things still on the To-Do list.

Glasgow in the rain – 28 December 2023

Based on Annie Lennox songs, it wasn’t so much “September in the rain”, more like “Here comes the rain again”!

I took the bus in to Glasgow this morning to meet Alex and to get some shots of the lights in George Square and maybe St Enoch’s Square. I did think of driving in, but Scamp might need the car and besides, I’d still got half of Kevin Bridges monologue to listen to, so I would be entertained on the way.

We met at Buchanan bus station and walked down to our usual starting point at Cafe Nero near the Royal Concert Hall. A cup of coffee each and we planned our day. It was all all covered by the square mile of Glasgow city centre. We’d been here before and there was no point in heading out of town on such a dull, wet day. Best to stay central and be able to nip into a shop if it got too wet.

First stop was Princes Square just in time to shelter us from the first deluge. A few shots of the escalators, still done up in their Christmas regalia and a walk round the painting gallery and by the time we walked out the rain was gone and the sky was back to grey again. I had thought of sheltering in the Apple shop which would have been nearer, but I could just hear Alex’s cries of “How much?!”

St Enoch’s was a bit of a let down. Not enough stalls, not enough fairground rides and because of that, not enough folk to become models for us. It was time for lunch and as usual that would be in Paesano.

Paesano, is the pizza shop for folk who like pizza. It was rammed, as I knew it would be, but there is almost always a table for two. For four or six or eight, you’ll have to wait, but two can usually be squeezed in. Alex is settling in to the rhythm of the place and has his two favourites. Either a number 3 (with anchovies, olives and capers) or a number 5 (cooked ham and mushrooms) both with tomato sugo but no cheese. I’d also go with a number 3 or a number 5 (but with sugo and cheese), but I’d add a number 7 (with Fennel sausage). In reality I’d have any of them, bur realistically, not all at the same time! When we left, the queue was out the door and along the street. We must have just hit the sweet spot!

George Square as getting busy when we walked up to it and we did get a few shots. Mostly we both seemed to be concentrating on the roundabout with the traditionally painted horses on spiral poles and the stalls selling vastly overpriced sparkly fairies for hanging on the tree. No use to Alex as his tree had come down yesterday to prevent his grandson, Olly, from doing any more damage to it. I did find more interesting material in the Chair-O-Planes, especially the close-ups of the uncomfortable looking shiny chrome seats reflecting the coloured lights.

By late afternoon, the light was failing and for a ‘golden hour’ there was enough light to shoot by, but not enough to dilute the colours. After that hour, it became too dark and we resorted to taking photos of the reflections of the decorations in the puddles of rain water outside the fenced off square. My PoD was one of those reflections. It looked good on the big 21” screen, but on the laptop it looked a bit dull and disappointing. It still held its place of PoD.

We walked back to the bus station and said our goodbyes, agreeing to meet again next year. Which hopefully will be in two weeks or so!Another hour of Mr Bridges life story carried me home, again in the rain.

I didn’t really need any dinner, but Scamp’s “Just Soup” was too much to resist. We watched the first semi-final of Celebrity University Challenge later in the evening while Scamp watched Antique’s Roadshow while processed some of the 200 odd photos I’d take today.

Tomorrow looks like a bright sunny day for a change. A glimmer of light in the darkness. Let’s hope it works out that way.

A quick visit to Glasgow – 25 November 2023

It was just as cold as predicted with a temperature of minus 3ºc when we woke.

We were a bit late in waking this morning after a late night last night. Rather than sit about and have cup of coffee first, before driving in to Glasgow about mid afternoon, we decided to take the bull by the horns and just go out and get the X3. At least the bus was warm.

As usual, the bus crawled through Moodiesburn and Muirhead before entering the motorway and driving at a heady 50mph into town. We did some shopping in Buchanan Galleries and then had a coffee in a new Nero, Alex and I had spotted on Wednesday. Then we went to see if the Christmas Fair was open in George Square. It wasn’t, so we swithered about going back home on the train and getting a bus from there to take us home, or to get the tried and tested, but slow X3 back. The bus won. Cheaper and less hassle.

I’d grabbed a few shots in Glasgow of the mob of shoppers in Buchanan Street, and one of the Palestine Liberation Front, or the People’s Front of Judea or whatever they were, chanting around Donald Dewer’s statue outside the Royal Concert Hall. I wondered what my namesake would have made of the rabble. However, I thought there might still be a chance to add more photos to my SD card in St Mo and so it was that PoD went to frosted mare’s tail water weed in an icy St Mo’s pond. I didn’t risk my new lens by resting the camera on the ice. Maybe tomorrow if the ice is thicker … only maybe!

Dinner tonight was paella. A house speciality as neither of us wanted to venture out into the cold to collect a take-away. Scamp had made some syllabub for yesterday’s dinner party and we had a glass each tonight as a dessert. Lovely stuff!

The cold snap is set to continue for a few days according to the weather fairies. Some photo opportunities there perhaps.