Sweeties – 30 December 2024

A day of blog writing and posting as well as Flickr posting, but almost up to date now … I hope!

Another windy day with bins blown over and rain lashing the windows. Definitely not a for going out anywhere. That’s probably why I sacrificed it to the great god Catch-Up. Four photos posted on Flickr and about the same number of blogs written and posted.

Because of the weather, it was a still life photo for today. A tub of Jelly Beans produced the subject and a small sherry glass was the support. Lighting was courtesy of a small COB (Chip On Board) light. An old piece of velvet covered the parts I didn’t want anyone to see and eight photos and just over half an hour later I had today’s PoD. I actually like it.

Scamp and I had Chicken and Pea Traybake for dinner. A very easy dinner that works well, because everything is cooked in the oven with minimal fuss.

In the late afternoon the wind died away and so did the rain, although more rain is predicted for tomorrow, but thankfully the snow warning has been removed for our area.

We watched a woeful special Christmas episode of Death in Paradise. I could just hear Simonne cringing at the accents.

Maybe we’ll get out for a walk tomorrow, just because it’s the last day of 2024.

What did we do today? – 2 April 2024

Sometimes I have to ask myself that question, because I can’t remember doing anything interesting or important that day. The answer to the above question today was “Not very much”.

We did do some stuff. We made a decision about Scamp’s ageing computer. I thought we were going to JL and maybe Currys to try out the computers, but Scamp convinced me that we didn’t need to go out. We’d already looked at the JL offerings last week and really, they all looked the same. The specs were pretty similar too and worst of all, they were all the same boring shade of grey. We know what we’re looking for. We know how much we’re willing to spend on a new laptop, so why wander round stores looking at the same slabs of plastic when we can order one online and buy one from HP. Not on the HP, but from HP and get it delivered. The decision was made and we could stay in, in the dry (did I mention that it rained almost all day? Well, it did) and that’s what we did. Neither of us is in a great rush to splash the cash, so some time soon, probably.

We spent another hour working out what we’d transfer from the old machine to the new machine and what we might need to buy. Scamp’s MS Office 7 might not work on a shiny Windows 11 machine but very little else would be needed. Really what she needs is more space for her files and we should manage that. An hour or two well spent.

After lunch we drove to Tesco in the rain and got a load of veg and fruit, milk and breakfast cereals. The usual everyday necessities. There were lengthy queues at the roundabout at Broadwood. We skirted them on the way to Tesco, but the traffic was flowing freely on the way back, at least on our side it was. The reason for the holdup was the inevitable roadworks. Two or three unlucky blokes wearing high vis jackets were digging a trench with shoves in the pouring rain for a fence to be erected round the roundabout. My heart did go out to them. Digging a trench by hand in this day and age is just ridiculous. Poor souls.

Tesco was as far as we ventured out today. PoD was a still life of my new Split Rock that Hazy has named “Terry” it’s a Pleiospilos nelii. Strange looking plant and very slow growing.

Maybe we didn’t do much today, but we achieved a lot!

Tomorrow we may go dancing if we can drive through all the puddles that will be everywhere.

Hardly past the door – 28 January 2024

After a fairly late night last night, today was inevitably less than early rise.

The day didn’t help, either. Dull and dreary with occasional rain showers. That didn’t encourage either of us to get up and go out. Also for my part, there was the fact that Mr Bezos was dropping by some time in the next ten hours to hand me a parcel to be disappeared as quickly as it arrived. In actual fact, Mr Bezos or his representative arrived dripping wet about six hours later, but that didn’t matter. The spell was cast and the parcel promptly disappeared as predicted.

Eating lunch we watched the Sunday morning of Laura Kuensberg ripping into potential prime ministers (by their way of it) and politicians competing for who could tell the biggest whopper and get away with it. None of them managed it and an invited group of 50 of “The Ordinary People” told them all they weren’t fooling anyone, apart from one bloke who said he though Boris had done a great job. There’s always one.

Scamp and I spent most of the afternoon clearing out unwanted or un-needed files from her computer to allow it some breathing space to get stuff done. We were partly successful and after a few bad starts, we achieved what we set out to do. The computer is a bit leaner now, but could really do with being a bit cleaner still.

The wind still blew and the rain drizzled on and I didn’t really see any point in going out. Dinner was chicken pakora which was really chicken bites covered in a spicy hot coating. Not anything like a real pakora, but interesting enough to eat. The main was Thai Green Curry which was an easy cook curry paste with added chicken and coconut milk. But I must admit it was fairly authentic. Pudding was Eve’s Pudding which I’d bought yesterday in M&S and hidden in the fridge, but which Scamp had ferreted out, easily.

We spoke to Jamie later and heard that things are moving on a pace. Walls have still to come down and be rebuilt, but more construction work is being completed on the chimney in the lounge. Good to hear positive news.

PoD was a tabletop shot of wee glass bell jar filled with dried flowers. Scamp got it as part of her Christmas. It’s sitting on top of an upturned jam jar covered with some lovely red velvet which is supported at the back by a beer bottle on the right and a cardboard box on the right. The whole ensemble is lit by two cheap COB lights bought in Home Bargains. ’Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive’. Or to put it another way, “What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve after.”!

Tomorrow is an open book at present. Nothing planned and nothing much to do so far. Maybe some light shopping, just to keep us busy.

Relaxing – 16 April 2023

Woke with a cough and a sore throat again.

Since Thursday I’ve been plagued with a cough and a sore throat. Today I was just feeling yuk for most of the day. I’m guessing I picked up somebody’s Lurgy on the train coming up from down south. The carriage we were in from Peterborough to Edinburgh was stowed, so it’s a fair bet that’s where it came from. I’d felt better last night and hoped that today would bring even more improvement, but it didn’t. It looks like I’ll just have to ride it out Thankfully Scamp seems to be free of the effects of whatever it was.

With that in mind I decided to have a lazy day, not doing much at all. More or less the story of my life if I can get away with it! However, while Scamp walked down to the shops to get some fish for tonight’s Cabbage and Smoked Haddock Risotto, I did some swift reorganisation of the living room with boxes piled on the coffee table and the Sarracenia pitcher plant balanced on top to give me the image that became PoD. Beautiful colours and patterns on the pitcher plant, but it does look like a triffid. Then I managed to put everything back in its rightful place before Scamp returned … just!

Later we did some gentle gardening. Scamp looked a bit disappointed to find a single stem of Astilbe growing where a forest had been last year. Me? I was quite happy to see one strand had survived the shock and awe attack. You just can’t keep Astilbe down. We replanted the astilbe and transplanted what we think are Candelabra Primula from where a single plant grew in the wilderness last year to a more easily seen spot beside the steps. I chopped up the remaining kale plants, collecting a few leaves from them to freeze for use later in the year. I think if we remove the top planks from the failing raised bed we can grow some kale and maybe some leeks in it for another year. After that we can make a decision on its long term viability, all being well.

Spoke to Jamie after dinner to hear how things were now that we are out of their hair. It seemed like they were doing today what we’d been doing yesterday. Told him the coffee tub for storing coffee was a clever design that works well. Forgot to tell him that I liked the coffee that came with it. So: Thank you Jamie for the coffee it tastes good now that I’ve got the grind right again!

Sent Hazy a movie I’d made demonstrating the brilliant design of the herb stripper she gave me for my birthday. I’d never seen anything like this before. Three different sized holes in a ceramic dish strip the leaves from the stem of herbs like Thyme much quicker and more efficiently than doing it by hand. Such a clever girl for finding these things.

Such clever folk we have as family. We should be and are grateful to all of you.

No plans for tomorrow. I’m going to dope myself up with a wee hot toddy tonight then go to bed to read a (relatively) new Carl Hiaasen book, Squeeze Me, hoping the cough will have abated by morning. Backlog from my blog gone when I post this!

Happy Birthday Scamp – 24 March 2023

A busy day, but a great one.

Today was Scamp’s birthday, a big birthday. It started with breakfast in bed as befitted the Birthday Girl. Then it was time to get dressed and face the day.

There were cards to open and parcels to unpack. I became doorman and brought in the parcels that delivery men asked me to sign for, lots of them. Most amazing being an enormous bouquet of flowers. I do believe the birthday girl was overwhelmed by it all. There was paper and cardboard boxes everywhere. Eventually everything calmed down and we went out to lunch.

It wasn’t a posh lunch, just a normal(ish) Friday afternoon outing to The Cotton House, or go-to Chinese/Thai restaurant a couple of miles down the road. Typically, we had our usual choices from the menu. Scamp had Thai Spring Rolls, followed by Chicken Chow Mein. I had Chicken Noodle Soup and Salt & Chilli Chicken with Noodles. No tea or coffee, just the bill, please. Food was just as lovely as usual.

Instead of driving home, we travelled on to Torwood Garden Centre to get some solar powered lights for the garden. Scamp had said a few weeks ago that she’d like garden lights as a birthday present, so today she got to choose them. We also got a new watering can and a peony rose for me.

Since we were only halfway to the Kelpies, it seemed like a good idea to just drive there so Scamp could tell them all about her birthday so far. We took a rather strange route to get there, but in the end we found Helix Park where the Kelpies live. As usual, I took loads of photos and one of them got PoD. It was a lovely day with blue skies, but later as we were just deciding to go to the cafe for a coffee, there was a sharp shower of rain. After coffee and more photos, we said cheerio to Baron and Duke and drove back home, just managing to avoid the worst of the rush hour.

There was a card on the mat when we got home to say that a parcel was waiting for Scamp at the Post Office. I checked the time it closed and I had just enough time to go there and collect the parcel. Of course it was another birthday parcel.

Later in the evening we had a three way Zoom call from Hazel, Jamie and Neil. Simonne had been in hospital to get her tonsils removed and Jamie was waiting to see if she would get out tonight or not. It was a good call, even if Simonne was absent. Lots of stuff talked about and plans were made for later in the year. Hey, but you know all this. We used up almost our whole hour of air time. Thank you all for organising that.

Tonight (or should I say yesterday night, since you’ll know this was a catch-up) we had an early night. Too much excitement and planning for two bears of little brain.

Tomorrow we’re hoping to dance in the morning and relax for the rest of the day.


Not the best day – 7 January 2023

“Disappointment lurks” as Neil Young sang.

Flushed with our recent success we had a short list of three cruises we wanted information on, so Scamp phoned P&O to find out the situation with flights before we made a final decision. After a bit of a wait, she was told that there were no more flights available from Glasgow or Edinburgh, in fact there were none available from Scotland. However, she could offer us a flight, not with their usual Jet2 provider, at £490 EACH! She did seem surprised when Scamp said a decisive “No thank you”, but was quickly back on the script when she asked how we’d like to be contacted by P&O in the future. I’m glad it was Scamp who was speaking to her, because I’d have given her the standard ‘two word answer’. The second word is “Off”. Almost £1000 for the flights alone.

That put a damper on the day, but after lunch we went for a walk to the shops to get something for tonight’s dinner that actually turned out to be tomorrow’s dinner. It was quite pleasant walking down to the shops with the warm coloured sunlight glancing across the trees. After we walked back, I took the camera for another walk round St Mo’s, but although I got a lovely sky shot, there was nothing else in the tank.

The reason that tonight’s dinner became tomorrow’s dinner was because, after some discussion, tonight’s dinner became a Golden Bowl standard. Chicken Chop Suey with Fried Rice for Scamp and Special Chow Mein for me.

After dinner, I still had to find a Picture of the Day. I’d seen a bloke in Flickr doing some interesting monochrome shots of dried leaves and when I found our poinsettia had lost another two leaves I decided a photo of the one remaining desiccated leaf would fit the bill. Instead of reducing it to mono, I kept and enhanced the magenta colour of the leaf, photographed against a black neoprene background. It worked very nicely, and I had a PoD!

Tomorrow looks like a good day, maybe even better than today. We’ll see if the weather fairies are correct.

Shopping and old tech – 28 December 2022

We took the took the blue car out for a short run today to Tesco.

I hadn’t really noticed how dull and dark it was until I saw that the automatic headlights had turned on. It was just after 11am.

We had intended getting Scamp’s meds, but the queue at the chemist told us it would be a good idea to come back another day. We bought milk and bread and porridge oats. Real Scotts Porridge Oats. These new fangled big flakes of oats that don’t break down when you cook them are more bother than they’re worth. Back to real porridge tomorrow.

We had thought about going for a walk today, but the drizzly rain just got heavier and heavier until it was pointless going out just to get wet. There was no enjoyment in that, so we each had a roll ’n’ banana for lunch and dreamed of better days.

Dinner tonight was paella which turned out really good for once then settled down to watch a film that Scamp had recorded called The Good Liar. An enjoyable story with just enough twists and turns in it to make it worth watching without being confusing. I commend it to you.

PoD was the poor wee flower on the poor wee poinsettia plant we’ve had in the living room and now in the kitchen. We’ve kept it cool, kept it warm, kept it dry and finally soaked the roots in water. Nothing seems to help it. Scamp has tried everything imaginable to perk it up, but I think it’s beyond recovery now. It must have been going over when we bought it from M&S. The motto is buy your poinsettias from Tesco like we usually do, not from M&S.

I took the PoD with an old Olympus E-PL5 camera and a neat Panasonic 30mm lens. It’s a really old camera now as is the lens, but as you can see it produces good images still.

Tomorrow we may go out somewhere just to say we’ve been out and hopefully in between the rain showers there will be the hint of a blue sky. No promises though.



Hardly past the door – 25 September 2022

It was a dull day. Rain that couldn’t make up its mind what to do at first, but settled for that misty, not-quite-rain we call Smirr in Scotland. Just plain miserable.

I made another start on clearing up the back bedroom and managed to find the sofa under old jeans and tee shirts that really need to be repaired or consigned to the bin. One pair of jeans have already left the room to go into a charity bag. Another pair is teetering on the edge of that same abyss. A load of old electronic junk is ready to meet the ‘small electrical’ skip in the near future. Heavens, if I keep going like this, I might even find the carpet soon.

After lunch I stretched a sketch of a house with the intention of splashing paint on it, but it didn’t quite dry out until much later in the day, but I’m sure it will be there tomorrow ready to be painted on. Watercolour, I think. Maybe a practise piece for a bigger painting on real watercolour paper.

Dinner was last night’s curry reheated. It tasted fine, but in retrospect, maybe it needed a little bit of liquid to help it soak into the rice.

Watched last night’s Strictly, but it was the same old stuff with the same old comments. Only the faces had changed’, and even then, only some of them. Same ‘judges’ same awful presenters. We discussed who would be first to go, but we both thought it would be the same person. We’ll see if we’re right next week.

Spoke to Jamie later and we discussed Assisted Steering or whatever it’s called on his car. He loves it and I hate it. Maybe I’ll come to make friends with it, but that will take some time. He sent us a newsletter from his new company which welcomes him into the team. It makes impressive reading. Seventeen years experience in the field? Where did all that time go?

The photo for today’s PoD was a tabletop shot. No way was I going out to wander around in the rain getting wet just to click a shutter at the right time. It covers two bases. It’s today’s PoD and it covers the brief for this week’s Flickr Friday which was ‘Drop’. This week it will be in on time.

No plans for tomorrow. The weather looks better than today, according to the weather fairies predictions.


Motherwell – 11 April 2022

Off to Tesco first for expensive alcohol. Petrol type alcohol.

A lazy start to the day, but then off to Tesco for food and petrol, except everyone else wanted petrol too. I was heading to Motherwell in the afternoon and I knew I’d also need some later in the week, but all the pumps were full and queued too, so with the milk and bread and a bottle of wine or two, we headed home, feeling sure that I’d get some later.

After lunch I loaded the car with what I was taking to my brother’s which was really parcels for Ollie, and went back to Tesco. Slightly better, but the only pumps I could get near were out of E10 and I had to use the E5 or risk being late getting to Motherwell. The price of E5 is really prohibitive now. I thought E10 was bad! Anyway, I needed the fuel, so needs must. Put in £20 worth and told the Blue car to make the most of the posh petrol. It may be a while before it gets any more.

Drove up to my brother’s and after consoling Carol on her really sore looking new knee, Alex and I had a good blether about lenses and cameras. It’s one of those situations when you talk to each other using letters and numbers but actual words are few and far between. He does have a lovely set of lenses, but he doesn’t have a LensBaby. Well, not yet anyway. I took a few random shots with some of his hardware just so I could pixel-peep when I came home. They really were as good as they looked. Every one sharp right across the frame and even down to the corners. That’s the place you must look with a lens. The corner is the farthest point from the centre. The centre is always the sharpest, the edges annd the corners are the weakest. Not so with these lenses. Well chosen glass, Alex.

We agreed that we’d go out for a photo walk soon, hopefully next week and also that we’d all go to visit the Kelpies too, but only once Carol’s leg has healed. Drove home and thought about using a vase of cut flowers for today’s PoD. I didn’t want to go over to St Mo’s today. I need a break from it although I might have got another shot of that duck with the chestnut brown head, which is definitely a Widgeon. Maybe just passing through, because I don’t think it stayed long last year.

I wish now I’d taken the shots when the sun was higher in the afternoon, but I left it until after dinner and by then the light was fading, but the LensBaby did a good job of blurring out the edges of the frame and creating the nice soft image I was looking for. One of those tabletop shots got PoD.

That was about it for the day. A trip to Motherwell, expensive petrol and ‘flooers’ again.

No plans for tomorrow, apart from a bit of forward planning.

Just another Sunday – 15 August 2021

Sunday is a lazy day. That about summed it up.

In the morning, Scamp cut some of her sweet peas which have not been nearly as prolific as in previous years. If I was to hazard a guess at the reason, I’d say it was the container that was the problem. Scamp used to plant her sweet peas in an old orange box. That wasn’t the colour of the box (it was painted blue) it was previous use of the container. It was a wooden box that used to hold oranges. As you can imagine, it was fairly old, dating from a time before cardboard boxes. It was falling apart and she made up her mind last year to take it apart and replace it with a plastic trough. I think the sweet peas prefer the traditional orange box. I have no proof of this, it’s just my opinion, based on a life eating oranges.

While she was gathering the flowers I started making a loaf, just an ordinary loaf, nothing fancy. Left that to prove after messing up the proportions of water to flour. You’d think by this time I’d have a better idea of how much water to use, but my excuse is that I haven’t made a loaf for a long while.

After I’d tidied up the kitchen and Scamp had arranged the flowers in a vase with an extra bloom from her rose, Troika, I offered to photograph it. An old piece of crushed velvet became the backdrop and the whole thing sat on the draining board of the kitchen sink. One of the images became PoD. We went for a walk in St Mo’s in the afternoon and I collected a few more photos, but nothing as good as the flowers. I did get a dragon or two, but they weren’t really all that successful.

Back home I got busy preparing my dinner main course which was going to be Lamb Tagine, using two lamb neck fillets. Pan fried the lamb with spices, dates and a chopped onion. Added orange juice and water and transferred the lot to the slow cooker to chug away do its work for a couple of hours. Then it was time to get the bread ready for its second prove, which I did and then went for a second walk in St Mo’s looking for beasties this time. I found a grasshopper and a shield bug that was striding out along the kerb of the boardwalk. The grasshopper almost beat the flowers to first place, but I liked the colour combinations of the flowers.

Bread baked well and tasted fine. Tagine was great, but needed three hours slow cooking, not the two in the recipe. Scamp had a piece of trout and we shared calabrese and some of our potatoes. All were deemed good.

Tomorrow we may go out for a spin somewhere scenic!