Last day of October – 31 October 2022

Not only the final day of October, but also Halloween and the last day of Inktober 2022.

It didn’t start well. At 7:30am our next door neighbour started banging nails into his wall, which is also our wall. I think he got a new hammer for his birthday and wanted to see how it worked. No point in complaining. He trained as a lawyer and became a taxi driver, or that’s the impression he gives.

It was hot last night, I was actually sweating in bed, in October. That’s just not natural. All the news reports are telling us that this weather is not normal for the time of year. Excuse me, but some of us have lived in this country for a few years now and know how hot or cold it should be, we don’t need some teenager to tell us. Y’see that’s what happens when I get woken up early by a hammer wielding ex-lawyer who’s banging nails into his wall. I just end up grumpy for the rest of the day.

Lunch was roast beef with garlic and coriander. It sounds awful, but usually it tastes really good. Not so today. The smell was starting to make me sick, but luckily I didn’t go through with it. I did chuck the offending remainder in the bin.

On the first of each month I back up my photos for that month onto a big 2TB or 4TB external hard drive. Today I thought it would be a good idea to check that everything was working after the upgrade of the OS. It wasn’t. The problem was I couldn’t see the external drive on the computer. I read about lots of different ways to circumvent the problem, but none of them worked. About an hour and a half later I found the solution. The drives were made by Seagate, and with no fanfare, I stumbled upon a patch on the Seagate site. Installed it then restarted the machine. It worked a treat. Both my external drives worked perfectly. It’s just another case of Apple wanting you to use their external drives and putting blocks in the way of you when you try to use PC hardware.

Later in the afternoon I went for a walk in St Mo’s, partly to clear my head and partly to get a PoD. The PoD was easy. I found a patch of Candle Snuffer fungi on my way to the park. Another name for it is Stags Horn fungus, (Xylaria hypoxylon). I can almost see the Stags Horns, but have no idea what a candle snuffer looks like. Anyway, PoD found. I also got a very wide angle shot of a tree with a carpet of leaves beneath it. Look on Flickr for it.

When I got back I wasn’t feeling great. Sore back, a bit tired and aching. I took a couple of paracetamol with a cup of tea and didn’t feel much better.

It being Monday, dinner was pasta with tomato sauce and some bacon for extra flavour. Best I’ve made for ages, and I was beginning to feel better after that. Maybe the heat during the night, maybe the dodgy roast beef or maybe just being a bit cold coming home in the gloaming. I’ll take another couple of paracetamol before I go to bed.

So this is the last day of Inktober 2022. I’ll miss it. I always do, but it’s not been the same this year. Too many folk just dumping their paintings and photographs into Inktober and thinking they’ll get away with it. They won’t. They didn’t. Some complained and some just shrugged their shoulders and went to find the next new group. This is the first time, or maybe the second that I’ve had to ban someone from Inktober. I did it with mixed feelings, but they knew the rules when they joined.
Anyway, today’s sketch was of Matilda the tractor driving hen. There a nice wee nonsense story about her on the Inktober 2022 page on Flickr.

Some tidying up of photos and stuff tomorrow. Some messages to get at the shops. That’s about it. Not a lot, but enough to keep us both busy.

Plant hunting – 27 October 2022

Scamp wanted pansies and snowdrops today.

Pansies to replant the trough that hangs on the fence and snowdrops to plant around the garden. So it would be a drive to a garden centre. We chose Calders. It was the nearest one and would probably have what she wanted. Aha, but before that there was coffee to make for both of us and both Wordle and Spelling Bee to solve for both of us.

After lunch we drove to Calders. Pansies were no problem, loads of them. Scamp found a tray full that seemed to suit her, but no snowdrops were to be found. However, there were lots of snowmen, elves, reindeer (both illuminated and not), snow dogs and even Frank Sinatra singing Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas and other jolly songs. I hate Xmas. Not Christmas, that’s alright, but Xmas is just tinsel and fairy lights and spend, spend, spend. Bah Humbug!

We came home via Tesco and there Scamp found the snowdrops. She got two boxes. She also found the Good Food Christmas (see what I mean) magazine with the free calendar we couldn’t find anywhere last year. This year we’re ahead of the game. When we were driving in to the car park Scamp noticed the old fashioned Tunnock’s delivery van and that made PoD. I had my camera in the car, but my phone in my pocket. The best phone in the world is the one you have in your pocket. It’s a true saying.

Of course the phone couldn’t take a picture like the PoD. That took Lightroom and Photoshop to do that. Lightroom and Photoshop and a couple of hours poring over a computer screen. I was quite happy with the result, although if I’d thought about it a bit more and planned it better I might have been happier with the result, but I didn’t and it wasn’t. It’s still PoD.

The prompt today was ‘Snack’. I drew a Piece.
A sandwich in Scotland is a ‘piece’. This one consists of a layer of buttered bread. A layer of fried pork sausages slathered in tomato sauce. A layer of bread buttered on both sides. A layer of lettuce (one of your ‘five a day’). A layer of buttered bread. Squash down and slice with a sharp knife. Please note:

  1. The bread must be from a Scottish plain loaf
  2. The jury is still out on whether tomato sauce constitutes one of your ‘five a day’.

Tomorrow Scamp is out for lunch with The Witches. I might go in to Glasgow for a wander.

An invitation – 24 October 2022

Scamp and I were watching the US F1 GP this morning when my phone rang and I got an invitation.

Fred was heading to Tesco in half an hour and did I fancy meeting him for coffee. Of course I did! Got myself organised with the books I’d borrowed from him and hadn’t got round to returning then drove over to Tesco where I was also instructed to bring back a loaf, pancakes and a bottle of milk.

I met Fred in the car park and after I dumped my bag of books in the boot of his car, we went to the cafe. He was buying and I had a cappuccino which I realised too late was coming from what looked like a Costa machine. That meant it was more of a Babyccino than a Cappuccino. Next time I’ll get a flat white. I let him peruse my Inktober sketch book that I’d brought with me and for once he was less than critical. It must have been good, because he usually finds something to criticise. But that’s good. He’s always fair with his crits. Eventually, now that it had been all but confirmed that Sunak was to be the new PM, he turned the conversation to politics, that and the gormless council being his two pet subjects. He’s really suffering with his leg now, especially his knee and is having a hard time of it trying to keep moving. It’s worrying that of the six of us that are left from the Auld Guys. Three of us need walking sticks just to get around. We are an ageing group now.

After we’d drunk our warm milk and set the world to rights, we went to do our shopping, vowing to meet up again soon. I managed to get the three items that were on my list and added in a packet of doughnuts just for the fun of it.

Lunch for Scamp and I was Just Soup, then we needed to get ready to go and visit Margie. I dropped Scamp off at the entrance to Monklands and then went to park the car. I gave up on the car park after about fifteen minutes of driving round and round and round. The galling part about it was that I’d driven past a space and ignored it. Of course, it was long gone when I went back for a look. I remembered parking at the roadside down a quiet cul-de-sac. Maybe I’d be lucky again. I was. A space just the right size for the wee blue car. Perfect.

Walking back to the hospital, I saw today’s PoD lighting up in front of me and grabbed a few shots with my phone camera, not having a ‘real’ camera with me. I could never have achieved that quality with my old phone camera. Sat and talked to Margie and showed her my sketches so far in Inktober. Again, Margie is quite a critical sketcher and doesn’t give praise lightly. I’m so glad she liked my efforts.

Drove home through the awkward road junctions in Airdrie and found there were no spaces in our car park either. I did find a space further on. Dinner tonight was a rather good Pasta Carbonara. Finally got round to writing to Alex and asking where we were going this week for a photo walk.

Today’s prompt was ‘Fairy’. This happy wee fairy lives in our bedroom. She’s always smiling and wears a pretty pink dress with matching bright red boots. I do believe she enjoyed being a model for a day.

Well, Sunak did get the PM job. A poisoned chalice if ever there was one. I hope he’s better than the last two inhabitants of No10. I just wonder what Larry the Cat thinks about all the comings and goings in his house!

We’re waiting to see what the weather is going to do tomorrow before we make any rash decisions. Maybe East, maybe West. Who knows.

Out to lunch – 21 October 2022

It’s beginning to be a ‘thing’ this out to lunch on a Friday. I blame June and Ian.

The day began dull and uninspiring, but the sun did poke its face out for a while and we decided to go out for lunch to the Stables on the Forth & Clyde canal just outside Kirkintilloch. That used to be a tradition, back when we were both working. At least one Friday a month we’d drive to the Stables for dinner, especially in the winter. It was the smell of the wood fires and that homely feeling. Back when you could enjoy a pint and still be allowed to drive home.

Before that, we drove up to Tesco. Me to spend part of a voucher on a book and use the the remainder on essentials to go in the the food bank. Scamp was going to get her meds in Boots. I bought the new Ian Rankin book for £12. It would have been £18 in Waterstones including a £4 discount! Another Tesco win. With the voucher spent we headed off to Kirkie and beyond.

The car park wasn’t all that busy, so we went for a walk along the canal tow path to the next bridge and then walked back. The trees were beginning to colour at last. On the way back we watched some Goldfinches working their way along the bushes beside the canal, finding some seeds. Heard, then saw a whole field of migrating geese, then across the canal three deer were grazing quite happily in a field. A photo of them made PoD. The sun was shining and it wasn’t really cold. A few bikes out on the towpath, but not as many as I’d expected.

By the time we got to the Stables it was fairly busy. About fifteen minutes to take our order, then a twenty minute wait for the food to come. Scamp had the standard fish ’n’ chips and I had a chicken and pancetta pie. The pie was good, as was Scamp’s fish, but her chips were dried up. Likewise, my mash was dead. Not taste in it. It was the service and lack of interest from the waiter and waitress plus the wait the 35 minute wait for food to arrive on the table that reminded us of why we stopped coming to this restaurant. Compare that with the humour and interest from the bloke who served us last week in Dead Deer.

I’m still struggling with the new OS on the iMac. It’s a bit slow, slower than it was with the previous version, but the MBP which I’m using to type this up seems to be none the worse for its upgrade. Not enough memory and a slow hard drive are dragging the big computer down, I think. Hopefully there’s a fix on the horizon.

Prompt for the day was “Bad Dog”. Not being dog owners, suddenly became a drawback. I couldn’t decide what to draw, then Google came to the rescue again. I think this may be a French Bulldog, or just a Heinz 57 varieties. It’s just a ‘dug’.

I think we may be going to dance class tomorrow. It didn’t look likely last night, but we haven’t heard any word to the contrary, so our first class in three weeks may be on. Other than that, no plans.

Roses and lunch – 15 October 2022

We’d intended going in to Glasgow today, but …

We really had intended going in to Glasgow on the bus today, but half way to Condorrat I realised my watch was still charging in the house. By the time we went back, we’d missed the bus, the only bus for an hour. The best thing to do was to have lunch, but then I mentioned to Scamp that I’d seen one of the roses she loves in Torwood the other day. That changed the whole complexion of the day. We would drive to Torwood for a rose and grab a spot of lunch while we were there.

There were a host of roses in the garden centre and thankfully they had her rose too, Sheila’s Perfume. She’s had one for a few years now, but she transplanted it last year and it never made any decent growth this year. Just to insure against the original rose being lost in the winter, a second one wouldn’t go amiss. That was the theory, anyway. The fact that another rose in the garden would never go amiss wasn’t in her head at all …! For the new rose we needed a pot, but we had enough compost at home to give it a good start. With plant and pot bought, I put them in the boot of the car and we had that spot of lunch.

First I had to drag Scamp away from the knitwear that attracts ladies of all ages like moths to a flame (some of them do get burned!) Lunch for both of us was a Tuna Toastie and half a Tipsy Cake each. Nothing very tipsy tasting in the cake. More rum essence than real rum in the cakes. Strangely, for a little tea room in a garden centre, their coffee is made with real coffee and tastes like real coffee too. Impressed. On the way out, that flame was still attracting the lady moths, but Scamp resolutely passed it by and we drove home.

Back home, Scamp was set up with another coffee and a good book, but I needed a PoD which turned out to be a picture of a bunch of rosehips framed in branches with wicked looking thorns. Pretty to look at but you’ll rip yourself to shreds if you try to pick them. That was the only decent photo of the day.

Dinner tonight was going to be a fish pie from M&S, but that has been postponed until tomorrow. We had a pizza instead. Then it was time to watch Strictly. I did watch a bit, but concentrated more on getting a decent score in Angry Birds. Matt Goss really needs to go and seek some medical help. I don’t think his head is securely fixed to his body. One of these time it will come clean off. I hope I’m there to see it. There seemed to be a dichotomy in the acts I did watch. Half were wonderful and clever. Half were dangerously bad.

Found out today that Isobel has Covid. She’s had it for about a week and is still positive. She sounds terrible on the phone according to Scamp. Hope she gets rid of it soon.

Today’s prompt was “Armadillo”. I chose The Armadillo in Glasgow. Originally it was called the Clyde Auditorium but as with so many structures in Glasgow it was becoming better know by its nickname “The Armadillo”. Now it’s officially the SEC Armadillo. It was completed in 1997 and is meant to represent a series of ships hulls.

Tomorrow we’re off to a tea dance in the Lantern House in the new Cumbernauld Academy. I won’t like it. It’s not my school.

Out for a walk – 12 October 2022

Out walking round Dalzell Estate with my brother.

The weather fairies were convinced that the weather today would start our wet in the morning, but would clear for the afternoon. I wasn’t so sure, but that’s exactly the way it turned out.

I sat and talked to Carol and Fiona and Ollie. Ollie didn’t say much, at least not much that I could understand, probably because he is only about 7months old, but he smiled a lot and made noises which is the best kind of talking.

Alex and I said goodbye to everyone and we headed off to Dalzell Estate and went for a walk in the woods. Some folk were having a picnic in a clearing. I don’t know what that was all about, but they didn’t invite us to join them so we walked on. From one of the bird hides we watched a flight of geese, some swans and a host of lapwings. I haven’t seen any lapwings (or ‘peeweeps’ as we call them on account of their call) for years. One of the serious bird photographers arrived and I think we were crowding his hide so we left to find a temple Alex wanted to show me. It was a fairly long walk, but one I remember going with him a year ago. Eventually we found the temple, but it wasn’t the one I was thinking about. After looking at a map tonight, I think I might have confused it with a mausoleum which is in the estate.

Anyway, we walked back to the car from there after admiring the “Big House”. It’s an impressive building with centuries of additions to the old part of it, but the land in front of the building has been turned into a car park which spoils the look completely. We stopped once more at the Japanese Garden where I got some decent shots of the maples. I also got a bruise on my bum when I slipped on the slimy steps up to the garden.

With some of the day left, we drove to Chatelherault in the outskirts of Hamilton and had a coffee in the cafe there, then went a walk down the broad avenue of trees that stretches for a mile or so to Hamilton itself. Walked further down to the Avon Water which was still in spate after last week’s rain. Back at the Chatelherault House itself I got PoD which is a view down the narrow avenue.

Drove home and dropped Alex at the house, then drove home for dinner before I changed from my waking gear into my dancing trousers and drove to the British Legion in Cumbersheugh for an hour long dance class. I wasn’t impressed with the first half which was Tango Serida. Not my favourite sequence dance. The second half was more interesting, but there were too many clowns in the class, every one a comic.  Let’s hope they calm down next week.

Today’s prompt was one of the vague ones, ‘Forget’. After a fair bit of soul searching, I decide on the one you see here: a note pinned to a wall.  I am a master of forgetful. My mum used to say “You’d lose yer heid if it wasn’t sewn on!” She was probably right. I haven’t lost my heid yet, but I’ve forgotten much more than I’ve remembered. Now what was I saying???

That was about it for a busy day. Tomorrow Scamp is hoping to get to Inverness for lunch with her sister. An early rise to get the train that will take her in to Glasgow and then a walk to the bus station to get the bus. Rather her than me.

Off to see a man about a car – 10 October 2022

Today we sold Scamp’s wee red car

The MOT on Scamp’s car was coming up fast and for weeks we’ve had long discussions about whether to keep it or sell it, and if we sell it, who to? We eventually agreed in the middle of last week to sell it. Actually it was Scamp herself who pushed for selling it, I wanted to put it through a pre-MOT and see what the outcome of that would be although we knew it would need some work done. Anyway, after searching around to see which of the snake oil salesmen was the least dodgy, we finally agreed on We Buy Any Car. Got a price that was far in excess of what it was worth and organised a day to have it surveyed. That day was today and after less than half an hour we walked away without the old red Micra, but with a few quid in the bank, although a good bit less than the first fantasy price we got. We were both fairly happy with the whole procedure. It was as painless as it could be. It is a bit strange looking out the window at the car park and not seeing that wee red motor, but that would have happened sooner or later, anyway.

A coffee and a light lunch to settle us down and reflect on what we’d done. It was the right thing to do and the right time to do it. The rest of the day was waiting for us and it was keeping to the weather fairies promise of a dry day for a change.

We drove to Drumpellier and went for a walk in the trees. It was a bit breezy, but the light was good and lots of folk were out enjoying this little bit of sunshine. Deep in the woods of Drumpellier we came upon a tree with layers of golden leaves. The light was almost perfect and the wide angle lens managed to capture most of the scene, even if it was tearing the image a bit at the edges. I had a PoD. Usually we have an ice cream cone from a van at the park, but there was no van today. That was because, despite the sun, it was quite cold. No, a coffee in the cafe was more realistic today. After that we drove home.

Prompt for today was ‘Crabby’, or to put it into Scots, ‘Crabbit’. I searched Google and found this image, or something like it. It just said “Crabby” to me. Some days it’s just not worth getting up. You just know it’s not going to be sunshine and fun. It’s going to be furballs and frustration. Today was one of those days for Crabby Cat!

Tomorrow may be the second dry day in October, if that’s not pushing it. If it turns out as the weather fairies say, we may go for a walk.

Even more rain – 6 October 2022

I walked down to the shops and I do believe I saw a man building a big boat and looking for pairs of animals.

We slept a bit longer than we should have this morning and it was raining. Eventually we did get up and load up the dish washer. Hazy phoned and we talked to her for a while, talking about mortgages and Capital Gains Tax and other things related to house buying. I’m sure it will be a long winded exchange of letters between solicitors, but it will be worth it in the end. Good to hear you sounding so well Hazy. I had a look at the new Mur Lafferty book. I couldn’t remember what was special about her series, but they were the Shambling Guides, weren’t they! Travel guides for zombies.

Once we’d said “cheerio”, Scamp and I had our usual competition with Wordle (She 3 – Me 6) and then for the longest word in Spelling Bee (draw at 10 letters). By that time lunch was on the horizon. I’d offered to make paella for dinner and that meant we needed some stuff, so it was boots on and raincoat on before I headed out into the deluge. Actually it was fairly dry when I was out. Just one circuit of St Mo’s then I walked down to the shops, bought the essentials and walked back. That was when deluge two arrived. Even with boots and my Goretex jacket, I was decidedly wet when I got home. Thankfully the top half of me was still dry, although I think the jacket is still dripping as are my jeans, but my socks were dry. Good boots saved the day again. While I was in St Mo’s I got my PoD which is red hawthorn berries, haws as we used to call them.

Today’s Inktober prompt was ‘Bouquet’. I was constantly tempted, with this sketch, to add just a wee bit of colour, but I steadfastly refused. A little bit of colour here and another bit of green for the leaves would have led to a watercolour sketch in no time at all and that’s not what Inktober is about! Some people in the group are taking liberties with ’sketches’ that are really just paintings. A little bit of colour is ok, but not an entire painted sketch with no signs of ink. My group, my rules.

We watched the first Portrait Artist of the Year tonight and, as usual, we were impressed with some and dismissive of others. “You can please some the people some of the time …”

It’s still raining. It hasn’t really stopped all day. We’re hoping for a drier day tomorrow so we can go out somewhere that’s not Cumbersheugh.

Rain and Jags – 4 October 2022

Scamp was out for coffee this morning with Isobel. I did some rearranging of the ‘painting room’.

The rain during the night and this morning was torrential. When Scamp left to pick up Isobel, the rain was lessening and I thought I might manage a short walk. Five minutes later it was torrential. A real downpour. Short walk cancelled!

I resigned myself to starting to tidy up the back bedroom – the painting room. What I really needed was a skip to lob in all the broken or useless, or pointless things I have stashed in that room. It’s going to come to that some time soon, but for today I did fill a bag and I’ll fill another one tomorrow I hope. Realistically I need about 23 more bags and the incentive to fill them, but one step at a time.

After a wet Scamp returned with a bag of rolls, we had lunch and hoped that the rain would go away. It did, but it took a long time about it. Scamp was supposed to be meeting her sister on Thursday, but she got a text to say that Jackie was cancelling as she was needed at work this week. That was a pity because Scamp was looking forward to the visit and a loooong blether with her sister. They’ve rescheduled for next week and the tickets are booked.

I got my second box of coffee in two days. This one from The Bean Shop in Perth. Just two packets of coffee and two packets of tea. The coffee is almost superfluous because I got a delivery from Rave yesterday with five bags of the lovely beans. Jamie, if you haven’t tried The Italian Job yet, do yourself a favour and get a bag!

Just after my Bean Shop delivery we had to drive up to the Town Centre and it wasn’t raining! We were going for our Autumn Covid booster and for our flu jag. One in one arm and one in the other. No queues today. In and out in jig time. No reaction to speak off as yet.

It was still dry when we got back and as the sun was coming out, it was coat and boots on and off to St Mo’s for some photos. Got a nice grab shot on the boardwalk of a bloke walking his dog. I don’t know who he is, but I was just wishing someone would come along and give me something to hang this landscape shot on. Turned round and there he was! Thank you mister! However, PoD came from the path at the back of the house. It’s a bunch of berries from our Rowan tree. The tree is being pillaged by starlings this week and this one must have fallen. I liked the colour and the way it stood out from the background.

Prompt for today was ‘Scallop’. Now I can’t eat scallops or any other bivalve molluscs because I’m allergic to them, but Scamp loves them, but that doesn’t stop me sketching them. Today’s sketch was fairly small and rough, but it fits the prompt.

Tomorrow looks a bit wild with strong winds and heavy rain predicted. Oh what fun!

The day that never really got started – 3 October 2022

Just one of those lazy days.

A typical Monday. The furthest we went today was Condorrat to post two cards. One was a birthday card and one was an anniversary card. Both cards going to the same address. On the way home I took the usual diversion round St Mo’s while Scamp went straight home.

I might as well have gone straight home too. There was nothing to see in St Mo’s, well nothing interesting anyway. A couple of photos of spiders that didn’t quite make the grade, but a pretty little Purple Vetch did get PoD. It’s a member of the pea family, but don’t be tempted to eat the peas, they’re poisonous.

Today the prompt asked for ‘Bat’, singular. Being a generous kind of person I thought I’d draw two different bats, one of the flying variety and one of the baseball persuasion. Mostly drawing in ink with an underlay of pencil lines and a little bit of watercolour to, well, add some colour I suppose!

We’re hoping for a better day tomorrow. A little splash of sunshine would be nice, but rain is more likely. Scamp has an appointment in the morning with Isobel and both Scamp and I have an appointment later with a needle!