Augmenting Reality – 1 November 2015

comboThe First of November already.  White Rabbits, White Rabbits, White Rabbits.  Where does the time go?

Got sorted out early today and drove to the carpark at Underwood Lock with my bike.  Cycled  west towards Dullatur, but didn’t quite reach it.  After the bridge that takes you to Glenskirlie, the cycle path becomes one long, uninteresting stretch and I couldn’t be bothered completing that section, just for the sake of it.  It wasn’t that the wind was gusting too strong in my face, well, not entirely because of that, but it was a contributing factor.  Waited ages for the clouds to break and the sun to come out over the farm in the mono shot, but it didn’t happen, so I took the shot anyway with the dull lighting, knowing that I could resurrect it in Lightroom later.   Cycled about 200yds to take the shot of the fishermen and looked back to see the clouds had broken and the farm was sunlit 😡 However, I knew by the time I went back to grab the shot, the sun would be in hiding again, so I carried on back to Bonnybridge (which isn’t all that bonny, but does have a bridge).

On the way back from that bustling metropolis, I stopped off at Seabegs Wood.  Possibly only the second time I’ve stopped there in the almost thirty years we’ve stayed in Cumbernauld.  Today it looked beautiful with low glancing light showing up the green of the grass and the gold of the leaves.  Now, you see that stone in the top right photo?  It would be good to say that a Roman soldier sharpened his sword on that stone.  Unfortunately that is unlikely as the ground at this point is very wet and boggy, so the original ground level is way below the present one.  Pity, as it would make a good story!

While I’m on the subject of fakes, that beautiful sky in the mono shot of the farmhouse is fake too.  Like I said at the start, the early afternoon light was really dull and uninteresting, but the Lightroom version of the shot was bright, but boring, so I decided to augment reality (AKA cheat).  I sandwiched the bright but boring shot with the dull and uninteresting one as layers in Potatoshop with the bright one on top.  Then I used a mask to cut away part of the bright shot to allow the dull one to show through.  The finished shot should look as if the clouds are scudding across the land and their shadows are producing the dark patches.  That’s almost word for word what the Flickr patrons got as their description, without the explanation.

Must try to get out more using the car to travel and the bike to explore, oh yes, and Potatoshop to augment reality

Halloween – 31 October 2015


After a brilliant concert by Randy Newman last night and the inevitable late night, today started with a late lie in.  The concert, as I said was brilliant.  Newman’s voice in the first half was not at its best, but then he never was a great singer.  Maybe it’s just his age showing, but he seemed to be having trouble reaching some of the high notes.  In the second half he seemed more at home with the content and sang all the old faithfuls.  The night was complete for me when he sang Rednecks, premising it with a warning that it contained lyrics that might be deemed politically incorrect.  It was brilliant!

The day had started off with heavy cloud and drizzle.  It lifted a bit by midday and we set off for lunch at Vecchia Bologna in Bridge of Allan.  After that we went in to Stirling.  I wanted ink for my fountain pen and searched all the way round WH Smith’s without success.  However, as Scamp said, they had their Christmas stuff out.  Well, that makes up for everything, doesn’t it.  The stationers doesn’t have ink, but it does have the Christmas junk.  They sell Lamy pens, but they don’t sell the refills.  I think they should take a long look at themselves and decide what they are.

Had a look at some lovely paintings in one of the galleries in Stirling.  Unfortunately they also had a selection of Ron Lawson thatched cottage crap too.

Beautiful light on the old sandstone buildings and the trees when we were walking to the car.  This light morphed into a great sunset as we drove home.  By the time we got home, the light had gone and it was growing dark.

We had three sets of guisers (isn’t that a better word than trick or treaters – no competition!) at the door this year.  That’s much more than we’ve had before.

Pakora for a wee bite to eat watching ‘Strictly’.  Superb!

Apple Trees – 27 October 2015

combo-bkFirst the Apple part. The hard drive on the Mac is getting really clogged up with excess files. Zip files I’ve already unpacked, installed and possibly rejected. Disk images that have been installed and, again, possibly rejected. Hundreds of them. Gigabytes of them. All needlessly taking up space on the poor wee 2.5″ drive. I made the decision to dump them on the NAS and then delete them from the Mac, freeing up much needed space. I didn’t do it myself, no I got Hazel to do it, and while it was there, it organised the files into folders by date. Hazel is possible the most useful bit of software on the Mac. Just in case you were getting confused there JIC. Next for relocation is the backup iTunes library. There’s 30GB in that which could easily reside on the NAS.

So what about the Trees? After lunch, in fact quite a bit after lunch I decided to go for a walk along the railway to try for a photo of the autumn colours in the trees. One specific tree was in my mind to photograph, but when I got there I found out I was about a week too late. All the leaves were gone, but the skeletal branches made a good silhouette against a darkening sky. I keep forgetting just how short the days are now. I’ll have to rethink my timing for walks because the light is beginning to fail about 3.30. I did however get a couple of good shots of fading light on the Campsie Fells away over at the Dumbarton end where the hills slope rapidly towards the River Clyde. It needed a bit of post processing in Lightroom and also in Intensify Pro. I hope I’ve not overdone it. It’s so easy to do in Intensify.

I finally booked a slot in a sewing class in January for men. It may be the kickstart to my career move to dressmaking.


Mambo No 5 – 22 October 2015

IMG_2773- blog--295Today I made some bread. I made the bread. I didn’t just pour some flour, yeast, salt, butter and water into the mixer bowl and switch the mixer on. No, I mixed the ingredients by hand and then kneaded the dough by hand until I got a springy dough. I then proved it for a couple of hours before knocking back and proving for a second time for another couple of hours. In those couple of hours Scamp and I left it to its own devices and went out for a cup of coffee and a wander round the shops.

While we were out, I saw today’s pic and stripped the back protective film from the back of the iPhone (now christened “Mambo No 5” – Google it!) and it took its first ‘real‘ shot. I thought it handled the contre-jour (backlighting) very well. Impressed so far with the camera. While we were in ASDA, I wanted to Google something and found that I was connected to 4G. IN ASDA? JIC, I was even more impressed than I was with the camera.

When we got home, the bread (remember the bread) was looking good so I fired up the oven and when it was good and hot, I baked an exceptional loaf. Much better than Monday’s. I think it was my manual skills that made the better bread. It must have been, because the iPhone was off all the time.

Now that I’ve settled on Mambo No 5 as my new phone, the iPhone 4 is somewhat redundant. I’ve checked and I won’t get much money for it, so I’m hoping to unlock it and use it as a spare. Now in contact with the Vodies who are processing my request as we speak. Oh, yes, and I got a text from them telling me that they are sending my Vodafone order by Royal Mail. Is this a new iPhone 6s? I certainly hope so 😉

Back to the future day? That’s a dangerous place – 22 October 2015


Today was iPhone day. The nice girl at the Vodafone shop in Cumbernauld, not only installed my Nano sim, she also registered my sim with my old number. It wasn’t until I got home that the swearing started. Whoever invented iTunes was a total imbecile, that’s all I can say. It took me over two hours to get the phone restored. “iTunes won’t restore your music”. Well, it tried to put about 20GB into a 16GB pot and found that it wouldn’t work. What a surprise. Then when I tried tonight to sync my Day One with iCloud that wouldn’t work unless I upgraded the Mac to Yosemite. Have you read the reviews of Yosemite? More than half the people who upgraded gave it one star, and it looks like El Capitan is going the same way. Anyway, it looks like the phone is working and I’ve managed to shoehorn about 900 songs into it and still leave room for some photos. I’m still not sure it’s for me. I still have the 30 days to decide. It may be a long 30 days.

I’ve had enough technology for one day. I’m off to bed.

Soggy Bottom Day – 19 October 2015

comboMade some bread last Friday to take to Crawfy & Nancy.  Nancy had asked me to make some for her the next time we went, and I did.  A nice big hollow sounding cob loaf sprinkled with poppy seeds.  It looked lovely.  It’s ages since I’d made a big 500g cob, so I had decided to make one for ourselves today.  I’d got some seed for it when we were in Perth and was hoping it would be as good as C&N’s.  It wasn’t.  It did start out looking good and the second prove seemed to be progressing well, as did the bake, but after it came out of the oven, it just didn’t look right.  It had stuck to the parchment and that’s never happened before.  I suspected it was under baked, but wasn’t sure.  I was after I’d cut it open.  It had a bad case of soggy bottom.  As far as I know there is no cure for this dread bread malady.  It tastes ok, but I’m really not happy with it.  I’ve a feeling the starlings will have a good feed tomorrow.

Went for a walk down the Luggie in the early afternoon.  It was quite uninspiring, but better than being at work or sitting in the house.  Everything is in that in-between state of late autumn.  Colours are dull and the leaves are falling rapidly now.

Tonight we went to salsa class and my ankle took a bit of a beating.  Must rest it tomorrow.  Oh, tomorrow!  Got a text from the Vodies while at salsa to say that the iPhone will be delivered by DPD tomorrow!  Also got an email from Hazy to say she may have forgotten all her Mac tips and tricks (not true), but she can and will help with the iPhone.  You may regret that rash statement Hazy.

So only one more sleep until I get my technology fix for the week!

Oh Deer, Deer, Deer – 18 October 2015

comboThis is turning out to be a totally laid back weekend. Another day when we could have been doing constructive stuff, but we just kicked off our shoes and did nothing, well, almost nothing. I got up early(ish) to start cooking the Pork Osso Buco for my dinner. Yes, I know Osso Buco is traditionally a veal cut, but Waitrose do a lovely pork version. Anyway, I fried off the pork cuts and then stuck them in the slow cooker with onion, celery and a sliced apple for five hours. Had lunch later then went out for a quick walk round St Mo’s. Startled a deer from some bushes near the dual carriageway. I’m always worried when that happens as it’s so easy to spook them into running across the road, so I stood back and allowed the deer to run in front of me. I wasn’t quick enough to catch him or her, but at least the ran the other way, away from the road. I didn’t see much else to photograph until I got to the far side of the park when I ran into another deer standing on the side of a hillock. Got a couple of shots of the poor animal’s startled face, then switched on motor drive and got a series as it ran up the hill and away. It’s amazing how high they can jump.

Went to salsa later in the afternoon. There weren’t many people there at all, especially, there were very few men. Stayed for an hour and a half then went home. My ankle did suffer a bit so I was glad when we headed back.

Quarts and Pint Pots – 17 October 2015

comboIsn’t it nice (horrible word ‘nice‘, but it fits) to be a passenger instead of a driver sometimes?  Not in a deeply philosophical way, but probably that too, no, just that Scamp very kindly offered to drive today. The journey to Perth was lovely ( better than ‘nice’).  Scenery was great with perfect autumnal lighting.  Got some tea (leaf tea) and coffee beans, had a walk along the river and then went for lunch to Howies new restaurant.  Not a lot, you see, but in a way, that’s the beauty of it.  We didn’t do much.  The last three or four weekends have been a bit of a blur:

  • London for Notting Hill
  • London for the 40th Wedding Party
  • Skye
This morning, I re-read the emails from Vodafone and the iPhone 5s is out of stock

and they are going to contact me in three days, not deliver it then.  At first I was a bit annoyed, but then thought, well, what difference does it make.  Now if it’s going to take three weeks rather than three days, that will be a different story and I may have to write another, more pointed email to the Vodies.

Strangely, today I was taking some photos with my present 32GB iPhone and the message insufficient storage to save photo appeared.  Tonight I cleared out a few apps and a few music files.  Enough to release about 2.5GB.  Now I have to work out just how much of my music I can cram into 16GB (well realistically 14GB useable space) and still leave enough room for apps and photos.

Quarts and Pint Pots.

The squeaky wheel – 16 Oct 2015

combo2The day started late with a longer than normal lie in due in part to late getting to bed because I was updating this blog, at least that’s my excuse. When I’d breakfasted and checked my email to see if last night’s complaint to Vodafone had generated a reply (it hadn’t), I started work on a new painting.

It was an old square oil painting I’d given up on. I’d rubbed it down a few weeks ago and as a result it was quite dark. Since I didn’t have an oil based gesso, I was left with a muddy brown/green canvas. I couldn’t decide what to draw with, because charcoal would not show on the dark ground, and eventually remembered I had a box of oil pastels they did the job perfectly. So far, the painting is about two thirds finished and I’m quite pleased with it. It’s a combination of brush painting and painting knife work. Scamp, my honest critic has given it her seal of approval. We’ll see how it progresses.

At lunch (more delicious Fish Soup) I got an unexpected text from Vodafone, telling me they would phone me within 30 mins to discuss my complaint. Sure enough, about 20 mins later the phone rang and I got a full apology from Vodafone and as a gesture of goodwill, a £20 refund. Then I was asked if I still wanted an upgrade to iPhone 5s. When I told him I was, he handed me over to Customer Services and they negotiated a much more acceptable deal on a new iPhone 5s. I should have it delivered some time next week. Sometimes a complaint works. I realise that:

  1. Not all complaints will receive as rapid a response as this one.
  2. I could have held out for a bigger/newer phone, but that wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to be treated better by the shop staff and get a slightly better phone for slightly more money.
    Afterwards, I did ask myself just how far I could have pushed them, but that’s not the way I work.

Went out later to get some chocs because we’re visiting tonight and to get some photos. Took a couple of slow exposure (not faked like yesterday’s) shots of a waterfall. Other than that, yes, I did get the chocs, and no I didn’t eat them, although I was tempted. Oh, yes, I also got ice-cream for Scamp too, because she deserved it. Soave’s in Muirhead do the chocs and ice-cream and both are excellent.

Oh, yes, one more thing. Many moons ago, early ’80s I think, as a family we visited Liverpool and Scamp bought me a tin pencil case. It’s red and has a cartoon picture of a girl on the front, along with the strange title “SEXY-GIRL For the TARA CLUB” on the front. I carry colouring pencils and occasionally a brush in it when we are going somewhere I might get a painting done. I saw it today in Pinterest that one had been sold for $100! Who would have thought it?

Fish? It’s full of fish – 14 October 2015

comboWe had planned to go to Linlithgow today to get some fish, but after checking out the contents of the freezer, Scamp decided that we didn’t need any more fish, so it was time for a change of plan. It was quite a cool (i.e. ‘not warm’ as opposed to ‘fashionably attractive or impressive’) start to the day with a temperature of around 9ºc when we left at 11.30ish, but the sun was shining. An open day as we would say. Cold but bright. I had been moaning that I wanted a body warmer, waistcoat sort of thing, so we decided to head for Tillicoultry instead of Linlithgow because there are a lot of factory outlet type shops there and it’s a pleasant run. Got there and got the body warmer, not quite the one I had intended buying, but at least it will stop me moaning or craiking as my mum would say.

On the way to Tillicoultry I saw a sign for Gartmore Dam, and thought that would make a good place for a walk on such an open afternoon. We found the turn off without a problem and then noticed that it had recently been ‘Traffic Calmed’. Oh dear, what is this present fascination with these plastic and rubber blocks bolted to the road. On great long straight roads, yes, I can understand that these things work by slowing down the boy racers, but on twisty town roads they are simply a nuisance and an irrelevance. At the end of the previous racetrack we found the park and the dam. Two car parks, one either side of the dam. We chose the one on the left (not that it matters to you, I realise) and walked along the path through archways of trees. There were canoeists on the water, but they were vastly outnumbered by the swans, ducks and geese. It was three miles round the water and we decided that was a bit much for the time we had. We probably walked about a quarter of the way round and then walked back, but in that time one guy running with two dogs passed us twice!

So glad we don’t have a dog … or two!