The Complaints – 21 August 2023

We have an ongoing problem with British Gas. We have not had a gas bill from British Gas since November 2022. Since May 2023 Scamp has phoned, chatted with the ‘help bot’ and sent a picture of our gas meter as requested, but still no bill. Our smart meter still reads and updates the electricity and gas usage and sends the results to British Gas who are our supplier for both gas and electricity. We receive regular bills for the electricity we use, but the gas readings go into a bin somewhere, I think.

We have received FOUR identical replies from British Gas recently, stating that problem has been “picked up by their specialist team and is currently in the process of being worked on”, but, as yet, they still haven’t produced a bill. It may be time to move on! Scamp wrote another email to them today which will probably generate a fifth identical reply.

My part in this sorry tale was to give a one star review on Trustpilot today. It was picked up and I now have an address on Twitter (or X) to write to or an address on Facebook if I don’t tweet or X. The message was probably generated by a ‘bot’, but who knows, maybe it’s some poor soul’s job to reply to these complaints.
At least it gave us something to do this morning.

I think that was the excitement over for the day, after lunch I went for a walk in St Mo’s to see if there was anything wanting its photo taken. There were clouds of Peacock butterflies in the sheltered parts of the park, and also a couple of dragonflies, but that was it, really. One of the dragonflies got PoD, but only after using some very clever AI apps in Lightroom. I’m not a great believer in AI, but it has its uses.

No plans for tomorrow. Weather looks less than brilliant.

Gardening and wildflowers – 20 August 2023

A lazy day, with little to recommend it.

We did a bit of gardening in the late morning, just pruning the Buddleia in the hope that it would encourage more flowers, but I really think it’s past now and needs a serious haircut before the winter winds arrive. Scamp was busy moving some Honesty plants from the nursery pots to the pots they will hopefully live in until they flower next year. She can be quite ruthless with plants, ripping them out if she thinks they are ‘going over’, ie not producing the flowers they should be. I was also chopping down as much of the Aquilegia I could get away with. It’s well past first flush of flowering and there’s just the chance that it might flower again before the end of the year. More work needing done:

  • Sunflowers need staked.
  • I think we need to think about some winter colour.
  • We need to remove this year’s flowers from the Rhododendrons. This one is contentious. Some folk think we shouldn’t remove the old floret stems and some think we should.

Basically the garden is doing well. The few veg I have are coming along nicely, especially the leeks and the kale. Maybe we should plant some tatties soon for a Christmas crop.

In the afternoon I went for a walk in St Mo’s and got a few interesting wildflower photos, there being very little insect life about apart from the usual skittish Common Darters. It was a very green photo of a Pineapple Plant that got PoD. I remember when I was wee, being amazed that they did actually taste like pineapples! They smell like them too. As they are low growing, it’s probably best to just smell them rather than eat them as you don’t know what has been ‘watering’ them!

Dinner tonight was a Chicken Milanese we got from the butchers a week or so ago. Scamp was not impressed and I have to agree her version is better. Dessert was Apricot and Brioche Pudding. A bit like Bread and Butter Pudding, but posher!

Spoke to Jamie tonight and heard about his posh dinner on Friday. Sounded lovely. We must go look for The Unruly Pig. That’s the name of the restaurant, by the way.  We think our garden is growing well until we hear about their garden and then ours pales a bit in comparison.  However, ours is easier to maintain.

No real plans for tomorrow. It depends on the weather.

Dancin’ again – 19 August 2023

We were off to Brookfield again today for a dance class.

Unbelievably, less than a month after the months long roadworks on the M8, today they were back again. This time slightly further down the road. Can these numpties not get their ducks in a row and just do all the roadworks at the same time, instead of this Forth Bridge comparison (once it’s finished, start again). Harrumph!

The first of two tracks in the warm-up today was Shivers by Ed Sheeran, much to the delight of Scamp. Two tracks as normal, but the second one was immaterial, it was Ed Sheeran’s that counted. Then it was in to the main event of the day which was a Cha-Cha which started out as a fairly easy amalgamation of moves we already knew, but is gradually building and being refined by the teachers, but really just Jane I think, into a mammoth dancing extravaganza. Today’s addition was a Cross Basic. It was definitely cross (at least Scamp was) but it was never Basic. I think we might need some living room practise for this one.

Next up was Joy’s Waltz which is starting to gel in my head. It’s only taken since May, on and off, for it to stick, but I think I’m getting there at last. I only hope they keep it as it is and don’t go adding any more steps to a dance that is quite doable as it is.

Actually the drive home via the Clyde Tunnel was quite relaxing compared with the drive out, but the warning signs were out predicting another month’s driving misery.

After lunch we went for a walk down to the Broadwood Boardwalk and back via M&S for tonight’s dinner. The PoD came from the boardwalk and it’s Bittersweet Nightshade. Perhaps not as deadly as its better known relative, but I wasn’t risking it and neither were the birds, it seemed.

There had been some rain overnight and more is predicted for tomorrow, although the winds might have calmed down a bit. If we get a dry spell, we may get out for a walk.

Country Roads – 18 August 2023

Scamp was out in the morning, going to the dentist to see if the new crown would pass muster with the dentist.

Thankfully it passed with flying colours and although it won’t be seen in her pearly shine because it’s a back tooth, it will make eating much more pleasurable, I’m sure. We had to wait a while for the anaesthetic to wear off before we made plans for the day.

It was quite windy and there was the threat of heavy rain overnight and Scamp was desperate to get the back garden grass cut. I was going shopping instead. Grass cutting doesn’t enthral me, but eating does and I was making dinner tonight. Another traybake, this time a Chicken, Red Onion and Tomato one. We needed a lot of stuff for it and as I wanted to visit the phone shop in the town centre Tesco, I thought I could combine both expeditions in the one place. The food shopping was not a problem, but the tiny wee booth they have for the phone shop was busy when I went, so I dumped the dinner ingredients in the car and went back where, thankfully it was quiet. Got myself a trial 30 days sim to test the ability of the Samsung to work with the O2 masts that Tesco runs on.

Instead of going straight home I drove up to Fannyside and found my usual space. Luckily I’d brought an old rainproof jacket with me because it was blowing a hoolie up there on the moor. The wind was from the east and there was nothing to stop in for miles. I took a couple of photos of buttercups blowing at the side of the single track road, but they didn’t appeal to me, besides, with the sun behind me I was casting a shadow over my subjects. I tried the other side and found that was where the bright yellow Hawkbit grew. A much more interesting shot and my shadow was slightly left of centre, so if I moved further left to wouldn’t be in the shot at all! Success!

Further on I took a few shots of the old ruined farm about half a mile away across the fields. It looked good with the lens at 35mm, but the dramatic sky above just looked ordinary. But if I set the lens to its ultra wide setting of 16mm the sky looked great, but the farm was a tiny wee dot in the distance. Then I decided to take two photos, one of the farm and one of the sky and blend them together on the computer.

That wind was really strengthening now and drawing all the heat out of the sun, so I turned around and headed for the car. Another car, a nice shiny one, was heading up the road towards me and I stepped to the side to let him pass, me being used to single track roads, but he wasn’t. He drove past me and on for a few metres and met a farmer coming the other way in what an old friend of mine in Australia called a ‘Ute’. A four wheel drive utility vehicle. Two won’t go into one on this road, so Mr Shiny Car had to reverse right back to where I was parked and the farmer passed glaring at both of us. Mr Shiny Car decided he’d had enough of Country Roads and did a 7 point turn and headed back the way he’d come. So did I.

Back home, I started the prep for the dinner. I think it was seven different spices, herbs and liquids went into a big resealable bag and then the chicken legs went in. The bag was sealed and it went into the fridge to marinade. I had a look at today’s photos and only rejected one out of the dozen or so I’d taken, and despite the time I took to get the clouds and the landscape just right, it was the five minute job on the Hawkbit ( a bit like a thin dandelion) that got PoD.

After the chicken had been soaking in it’s manky brown but interestingly smelling marinade for about an hour, everything went into baking tray and that slid into a pre-heated oven @ gas 6 for 15mins which seemed an awfully short time. As it happened, it was indeed far too short. In all, the roasting took just over half an hour, and it was fine. The chicken was fine, but the onions, oh the red onions!! They were the stars of the show. Deliciously crunchy and soaking up most of the flavour from the marinade. We’ll make it again, but give it twice the time the recipe says.

It appears that Storm Betty will be visiting us overnight. Heavy rain and high winds with the chance of thunder too. Oh what fun. I think we may be going to a dance class too.

Driving and Cooking – 17 August 2023

Today we’d thought about travelling over to Edinburgh, but the clouds simply wouldn’t lift and the weather was going to be worse in the east.

Instead, we spent most of the morning deciding what we were going to have for dinner.  We were going through an old recipe book “Home by Seven Dinner by Eight” that we used to use all the time.  We found a few recipes that would work for today and finally settled on “Salmon, Asparagus, Pancetta, Tomatoes and Potatoes Traybake” as today’s dinner.  So we needed Salmon, Asparagus and Pancetta, the rest we had.  Off we went to get the fish at a new stall that had opened up recently in the grounds of the garden centre.  Two big slabs of salmon, some smoked haddock, some unsmoked haddock and an Arbroath Smokie.  A bit more expensive than Tesco, but the fish looked good.

On the way home we did drop in at Tesco for some odds and ends, but forgot to get the asparagus and the pancetta.  That didn’t matter, because I was intending going out again after lunch and I would get the remaining ingredients then.

Back home and after lunch and after I’d been to Tesco for the second time today, we settled in the garden. Me to take photos initally and Scamp to read. I got a PoD in the garden. It was one of Scamp’s plants grown from seeds we got down south in April.  It’s called Cerinthe and has blue/green leaves and purple flowers almost hidden from view by the leaves.  Almost hidden, but the bees find them no problem. A beer and a book afterwards to relax in a cloudy, but just warm enough temperature before dinner.

Because the dinner was a traybake, it was dead easy to make.  It only took about 20mins in the oven and it tasted as good as it looked in the book.

Despite the driving here and there, it was a fairly relaxing day. Tomorrow Scamp is hoping that her crown will be ready and that it will fit this time!

Happy Birthday Jamie – 16 August 2023

Hope you had a good day.

We didn’t do very much this morning. Yesterday was a bit of a buzz. Scamp was out in the morning and in the afternoon. I was out in the morning then spread my 10,000 odd steps all over the west end before I brought the street legal blue car back. Today was different. We weren’t sure what the weather was going to do, and neither was the weather. Eventually we settled on lunch in a new restaurant that seemed as if it was in the middle of a building site.

We got a seat next to the loudest woman in the place. She had finished her main course by the time we arrived and was just starting into what looked like a 15cm x 15cm x 15cm brick of Sticky Toffee Pudding with custard. All she seemed to do was stuff her face with the chocolate coated pudding while she FaceTimed with someone on her phone. Eventually she decided she had to leave NOW and got up and left, leaving most of the dark brown brick untouched Suddenly the restaurant was a much quieter place.

The food was good, but not exceptional. I had a double gammon steak with egg, pineapple and chips. Steaks were small, so they ended up being the same size as a normal one. Scamp had fish ’n’ chips one of her standard tests for a new restaurant. The food was fine for a cheap lunch. We agreed we’d probably go back, but maybe to the carvery next time.

Drove home via Lidl where I wanted a cob loaf and between us added more to the basket than we really wanted, or needed, but Lidl’s like that. You see things in there you haven’t seen for ages.

About a month ago I scraped the rear wing of the car when I was parking. Today I wondered if the old trick of using Brasso to spread the top coat over the scratch would still work. The answer is it works a treat. Brasso is a very fine abrasive and if you rub it on to the affected area it heats up and the paint skin melts into the scrape. Allegedly toothpaste does the same thing.

I took the A7 out for a walk in the afternoon while Scamp was reading. For the first time in ages I got lots of photos. I’d actually taken some in the morning. The Shooting Stars that had flowered so well in May were now spreading their tiny seeds anywhere they could find some damp earth and the seed pods were almost empty, but very photogenic. St Mo’s however produced some insect life. Dragonflies, peacock butterflies and mating damselflies especially were in great supply, but the PoD went to a teasel in the garden that’s beginning to show its needles. This is the first time I’ve grown them and I’m looking to see them flowering.

No plans yet for tomorrow. As usual it all depends on the weather.

MoT day and a dauner round Glasgow – 15 August 2023

The big day was here.

Up and out just after 9am. Dropped Scamp off at the town centre for her to go and get her shiny nails removed for a couple of weeks before she gets new ones again. I can see how this is a very profitable idea for the nail salons. I think they did miss a trick there though. They could be called “Salons for Talons”! I’ve copyrighted that name, but if anyone out there wants to use it, just drop me a line and we can come to an agreement.

Drove in to Glasgow, parked at the dealer’s and handed over my keys and log book, then walked over to Cowcaddens and got the subway to Kelvinbridge. Just behind the subway there is a bridge where the River Kelvin splits and both parts flow diagonally through a couple of rapids either side of one of the bridge supports to join up again on the far side. Once, Alex and I photographed a kayaker doing the most amazing manoeuvres when the river was in spate. It was much calmer today and the water was tea coloured, a fisherman’s delight. But there were no fishers today, so I grabbed a few shots and walked along South Woodlands Road which is really just a narrow cobbled street with delusions of grandeur and got some shots looking back at the bridge. The bridge, by the way, carries Great Western Road over the river and S. Woodlands Road. One of the views looking over the river and beneath the bridge got PoD.

I walked up the steep steps with cast iron hand rails that lead up from the subway station to Great Western Road and headed west. Almost bumped into another retired teacher, but she nipped into a shop and I walked on up to Byres Road. I’d have stopped for a pint in Òran Mór, but I was driving later and didn’t fancy a zero alcohol beer, a contradiction in terms, if you ask me. Instead I went in to Waterstones and had a coffee and cake in the sun. I also used up more than half of my last book token and bought myself a paperback. It felt very continental sitting outside with a coffee in Glasgow in the sun. Very unusual.

I walked back down Gt Western Road to the subway and took the outside loop back to Glasgow City Centre. Walking up Sausageroll Street my phone bleeped to tell me that the car was ready and all I had to do was hand over a large wodge of money to get my key back. The car had passed the MoT, of course, but there were recommendations for new front tyres. I knew there would be. Not official ones on the MoT certificate, just word of mouth.

Drove home and developed the film I had in the camera. I know you don’t develop photos now, you just download them, but it sounds very photographer-like to say that.

Scamp arrived later and dinner was going to be a salmon and broccoli quiche. Scamp had bought some broccoli and a frozen slab of shortcrust pastry, so under her tutelage I made a passable quiche that needed no extra veg or potatoes.

Tomorrow we may be going out for lunch. It depends on the weather.

Tidying up – 14 August 2023

Not my room this time, but the car.

Tomorrow is MoT day for the wee blue car and there were some things that needed fixing before it went in for its first checkup. I watched a few YouTube videos about replacing the rear wiper. I never knew there were so many variations of rear wiper blades for one model of car. It took a while, but I eventually found our model, or near enough our model and it seemed really simple, except the old blade refused to come off until I coaxed some WD40 into the pivot and then everything went like clockwork. Drove up to Halfords and found the correct blade. It cost £5.95 for the blade and it would have cost another £5 to get them to fit it! Thank goodness for WD40. It saved the day again.

The car got a wash a couple of days ago but today it was the inside that needed cleaned. Crushed leaves and the sticky covering of buds from the trees, with the addition of the usual collection of parking receipts and sweetie papers all had to be hoovered up. I drained the battery of the portable Dyson and put it back on charge while I decanted the mats from the footwells and brought them in to the house to be hoovered with the big plug in Dyson. The boot too was emptied, everything hoovered and put back in place.

Dusters were flying around the dashboard too to make everything look sparkling, or as sparkling as it can be if I’m doing it. Filled up the washer bottle and cleaned more detritus from the wiper sockets and we were ready to go.

Time for a relaxing walk in St Mo’s. There wasn’t much to see and the rain clouds were rolling in, so it was just once round the pond. PoD turned out to be a stem of Purple Loosestrife which has rings of purple flower at intervals up its height. Allegedly it is an invasive species, but so are humans, they say, and we’re still here!! I had a fallback photo that I took in the morning, a Peacock butterfly on our Buddleia bush in the garden.  I now have proof that our buddleia does indeed attract butterflies!

I lost track of time when I was out and that meant the dinner was about an hour late, but it was penne pasta in a vegetarian sauce with “what’s left in the fridge” contributing to its richness, plus some of our home grown herbs bolstering basil from the pot on the window ledge. That was Scamp’s idea and it’s a good one.

She is intending to go to meet one of her friends from work tomorrow after she gets her nail polish professionally removed. I’m driving the blue car in to Glasgow to get its first MoT done, hopefully, successfully!

Back to Glasgow – 13 August 2023

Back to Glasgow for the final race of this year’s championship. So much more interesting in my opinion, than watching 22 overpaid blokes kicking a ball around a park for 90 minutes.

Today was the Women’s Elite Road Race and I didn’t envy them the climb up the Crow Road, although the ride down the other side might have been quite enjoyable! We stayed within a square section of Glasgow, bounded by George Square to the North and Ingram Street to the north. We didn’t wander far from South Frederick Street to the east and Queen Street to the west. We’d travelled in by train for a change. Much more comfortable and certainly faster than the X3 bus. We had arrived with time to spare and had a coffee in the Costa in Queen Street. That used to be our place to confer on what we’d learned (or not) in Michael’s dance class on a Wednesday.

Suitably refreshed we walked along through the barricades to find a suitable place to watch the race. It took longer than we’d anticipated for the riders to arrive in the city centre, but immediately there was a breakaway followed by the pursuing peloton. Scamp was satisfied with her spot, but I moved around finding more interesting perspectives all around the square we’d nominated as ‘Ours.’

From Scamp’s lookout position she could see the progress of the riders who were riding along one side of Cathedral Street, eastbound then after returning along George Street and up the awkward climb up Montrose Street, returned along Cathedral Street and down to George Square. On second thoughts, maybe the Crow Road was easier because they only had to do the climb once. Montrose Street they had to do six times. This was a devious and demanding circuit. Allegedly there were 50 corners in the city centre circuit!

I think for once we saw the whole race and today my shot count was about 330 of which around 95 were rejected. Not bad for the A6500.

We managed to get the fast train back to Cumbersheugh and then drove home.

Spoke to Jamie and heard about his pizza making skills. We were most impressed, Jamie. When you next visit you must make one for us! His tomatoes are also looking good. Glad your garden is growing well.

PoD was a breakaway group on Ingram Street in Glasgow

Tomorrow we have no cycling dates although I may need to go and get a new rear wiper for the blue car or I fear it won’t pass MoT. A good hoovering would help too!


Bikes, bikes and more bikes – 12 August 2023

And a Paesano pizza!

We took the bus in to Glasgow today to watch the second last road race in the cycling world championships. Today it was the turn of the Men’s under 23 group. Weather was mixed. The first place we tried was under the Buchanan Galleries bridge where riders were coming from the light into the dark. It wasn’t ideal, but it gave me some shelter to get my settings the way I wanted them. The Sony kit lens was acting up again, just refusing to focus. The only way I’ve found to fix the problem is to focus manually and sometimes that kicks some sense into the lens and it begins to work properly, but not today. Far too many opportunities lost to a lens that I just don’t trust any more.

We had just left the shelter of the bridge when the rain started. It just got heavier and heavier and luckily I found a tree on Nelson Mandela Place to shelter under. Scamp had been browsing in a shop and appeared round a corner holding an umbrella. I wished I’d brought one to shelter me from the rain that was coming straight down!

After the rain stopped, we crossed the road to the other side of NM Place and I found a spot I’d been taking photos from last Sunday. I grabbed a few there of small groups of riders splashing through the puddles caused by the rain. Got fed up with that and walked on to where Renfield Street met St Vincent Street and caught a nice tight group rounding the bend and that made PoD.

We were actually inside the circuit now with cyclists riding clockwise around where we were standing. This gave us the opportunity to see groups heading out to the West End and others on their way back into the city centre. It was at that point we saw one heart stopping moment when a dozy marshall allows a man and his son to cross the road in front of two cyclist rounding the corner. The chief marshall in charge of the gave the bloke such a bollocking I thought he was going to burst a blood vessel! Luckily both father and son survived to tell the tale, but I don’t know if the marshall will will be working the ladies race tomorrow!

The other interesting place we saw was the feeding station with helpers holding out bottles and food sachets for the riders. One man walking down the street with his wife seemed to want one of the water bottles as a souvenir. I heard his wife say “Just do what you must do” as he bent to grab a used bottle. I think the hidden message was “I’m not with him!”

Not long after that the feeding station was being closed down, so that must have been the last lap. We walked back down to the centre of the town and saw the leading group heading to the finishing line, but it wasn’t until later we heard it was a French rider who had won.

We went for a late lunch in Paesano. A number 1 (tomato sauce, no garlic and no cheese) for Scamp and a number 3 (anchovies, garlic, olives and basil) for me. A Prosecco for Scamp and, since I wasn’t driving, a half pint of beer for me.

Got the bus home and were able to watch the rain clouds breaking over the Campsie Fells. That was a busy and interesting day.

It’s the Women’s road race tomorrow. Weather looks worse than today. I may go in to see it, but I think we’re both almost ‘Raced Out’ by now.