Two walks in a day – 7 March 2023

Today we went for a walk. We liked it so much, we went for another one later.

Walked down to the shops in the late morning for essentials like milk and bread. Came home and had lunch then thought it was a shame to waste another beautiful day, so we got properly dressed for a walk with boots and big jackets and headed off again, intending to walk round Broadwood Loch and out into the forest walk. That was the intention, but they are ‘making improvements’ at Broadwood, hopefully repairing the paths and fixing the drainage in the forest walk, so we were limited to the boring ‘round the pond’ walk. It still got us out, but Scamp was disappointed.

Back home, dinner was White Pasta, also known as Pasta Carbonara, while Scamp made Just Soup. While we were starting it, a bloke knocked at the door offering to deliver milk. I said ‘No’, then though about it and called him back. So we’ve ordered a four pint carton to be delivered on Monday. We always say we should support local companies. Today we did it.

Watched a complicated episode of Endeavour apparently the second last one ever! Definite shades of Clockwork Orange in the acting and the music. We were intrigued.

PoD was a photo of a little Christmas decoration I saw on our second walk.

Nearly broke the Internet tonight trying to send Alex one of my holiday videos. If anyone’s broadband went down tonight, it wasn’t me. I didn’t notice that the file was 175MB!!!

Tomorrow we may get snow. Might not be going far.

A wet Friday – 3 February 2023

Fridays used to be good days. Fridays used to be the gateway to the weekend. Now there is no weekend, just endless freedom and sometimes it’s no fun.

Scamp was out in the morning to go to her FitSteps class. That meant I had an hour and a half to do as I pleased. What pleased me today was clearing up the sofa in the back bedroom. There were six boxes of outdated flour and yeast from six months of baking kits I’d ordered by mistake. Only one of the recipes interested me, so I kept that set of instructions and chucked all the rest out. It was a heavy bag the went into the bin this morning, but I felt better with it gone and a clear space revealed on the sofa.

The next task was to find a suitable subject for today’s prompt, Strictly Ballroom. Scamp assures me I’ve seen this film, perhaps twice. She’s probably right (she usually is) but I don’t remember it. I may have been in the room when it was on, but my face was probably facing a computer screen and not the TV screen. Eventually I found a likely subject in a film poster, and I drew that. It wasn’t the best portrait I’ve ever done, but it bore a passing resemblance to the bloke in the picture. It was done.

When Scamp returned, we had lunch which was toast and beans for two. Simple and easy to make. Not posh food, just lunch. We needed some things to bolster the chilli I’d made yesterday, so we drove to Tesco to find them and of course a bottle of wine, just because. By the time we got back it was raining and the sky that had been lightening, was closing for the day. Another day for inside photos.

Two teaspoons of Old El Paso Taco Seasoning added to the chilli certainly helped it taste a bit better. I experimented with the slow cooker setting of the Instant Pot. It’s really neat and gently warmed the chilli through. Chilli for dinner then. It still wasn’t a patch on Scamp’s veggie chilli, but it was much easier to make.

I still hadn’t anything that would do for a PoD, so it was the poor cut flowers that bore the brunt of that. Actually it was quite a technical shot. Four frames taken at different focus settings, blended in Affinity Photo which is a cheap Photoshop look-alike. For this sort of thing (called Focus Stacking) it’s a lot better than Photoshop. I was quite pleased with the effect and it became PoD.

Tomorrow we’re booked for the dance class and the weather we’ve been promised by the weather fairies is blue skies for tomorrow and Sunday. High pressure is in charge, apparently. We’ll believe it when we see it.

Busy, busy, busy – 31 January 2023

A lazy start, but that didn’t last.

After that lazy start and another chapter read in my book, we drove up to Tesco. Scamp wanted a gift bag and a card for a new baby in June’s extended family, no, not Shona, nor the other fella (heaven forbid). It was Ian’s daughter who had a 9lb 9oz baby boy at the weekend (do your own conversion you metric people!). We had bought a couple of baby things yesterday in Glasgow and apparently you then have to buy a gift bag and, of course you need a card. I gave the blue car a tank full of petrol, but thankfully I didn’t need to gift wrap it, or send it a card. I just filled the tank until it was full and it said “Thank you very much, I was thirsty.” We drove home because I needed a cup of coffee.

Next jaunt was to Calders garden centre, although it seems that at present they don’t have a garden as part of it is going to be a new restaurant and tea room. Scamp has always said that’s where the money is made these days. There were six of us crammed into a table that would comfortably have held four, but no more. Food was poor. Scamp’s soup had no taste of anything, she said and my baked potato was tepid and also had no taste or texture. The tea was ok! We were on a timer too, because Scamp had an appointment with the nurse at 2.30, so we had to leave earlier than we’d have liked. Bumped into Isobel who was having tea with her granddaughter and told her I was a “Cheeky So and So!” Who? Me? You must be thinking about someone else, Isobel!

Drove through pouring rain to get to the doc’s and waited while Scamp got an all clear for her chest infection. Next we were off to Tesco where we attempted to buy half the shop. Drove home and I just had enough time to grab a pair of boots and have a short walk in St Mo’s. Just one circuit of the pond and a short walk through the woods. It was in the woods that today’s PoD came from. Although I was focused on the larch pine cones, it was the sunset that held all the interest and the colour. Processed in three different apps. Lightroom, Photoshop, On1 and back into Lightroom. It was worth it, though, in my opinion.

Dinner tonight was Scrambled Egg on a slice of bread for Scamp and Mince with an egg poached in it, also served on a slice of buttered bread for me. A Larky favourite.

Tomorrow I’m intending to pick up Val and take him for coffee in Costa. Looking forward to some good technological conversation. Hopefully it will take his mind off his bad leg.

A late start and a lovely day – 25 January 2023

I must have been tired, because it was well past 9am when I woke today.

Scamp was already awake and reading her Kindle. She too must have had a good night’s sleep. It’s good to see her beginning to improve.

I though we might go for a walk today because it was a bright winter’s day. Scamp said we needed some shopping, so I suggested we drive to Lidl in Kilsyth to get the shopping then go for a walk along the canal. Just a short walk along the canal cross over the Plantation and back along the old mineral line. That would cover both options. So that’s what we did, kind of!

We drove to Lidl and got the messages as usual and also as usual we bought more than was absolutely necessary. We even found they had Neapolitan ice cream wafers! Sharp eyed Scamp spotted them in a freezer. When we came out Scamp asked if we could go to Colzium instead of the canal. The suited me too, so we drove in to the parking area that has more craters than the moon (I’ve never been to the moon, but I’ve seen pictures and Colzium wins on crater count). Parking was easy, it was just the driving that was dangerous!

We walked a slightly shortened version of our usual exhausting climb along the banks of the Colzium Burn and Scamp managed it easily. I got lots of photos, from little pockets of snowdrops to rushing waterfalls the burn was tumbling through. PoD was a 15 frame panorama that was eventually cropped down to a 12 frame. I felt the sky was a bit bland, although it was a beautiful blue, so I slipped in another one, one of my own from a few months ago. It seemed to suit the picture. It’s a view across the farmland of the Colzium Estate.

Back home it was Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, because it was Burns Night tonight and Haggis, mashed Turnip (Neeps) and mashed Potatoes (Tatties) is traditional. It was absolutely lovely and as Scamp herself remarked perfectly portioned. Not too much of any of the constituent parts.

I forgot to mention that my new driving license dropped through the letterbox this morning. Once you reach 70 you have to update your driving license every three years. My update is now almost complete. I still have to post off my previous license which I have cut in half as required by the DVLA. Scamp got her first one a week ago.

Tomorrow we may be driving to the Fort to visit M&S and Waterstones. I’ll let you guess who goes where!


Busy day – 13 January 2023

It could have been retitled “Relentless”, but I did steal an hour to find and photograph an old friend and have a walk in the bog that is St Mo’s just now.

It was a lovely bright morning and after coffee this morning I got to work and made a batch of dough for the Tear ’n’ Share to go with the tomato soup. Meanwhile Scamp was out dancing with the FitSteppers. While the dough was rising I went out for a walk in St Mo’s and got today’s PoD which was a wee orange ladybird with sixteen white spots, hibernating in a crevice in an ash tree. It was a Halyzia sedecimguttata and I’d seen it last year in the same tree, you know the one. It’s just to the right of the tree with the stick in it. You can’t miss it.

When I got back the bread was ready to be shaped into twelve balls that would squash together to make the tear ’n’ share. Scamp had been just in front of me and after lunch she walked down to the shops to get lots of stuff for the dinner. When she got back I realised I’d forgotten to tell her to get mozzarella cheese for the bread. Also the broccoli she’d brought turned out to be a bit dodgy with great purple streaks running through most of the florets, so I drove down to Tesco to get the cheese and broccoli. What exciting lives we lead.

Long story short, the dinner tonight was Tomato Soup for a starter, Chicken Milanese with (non-dodgy) Broccoli and potatoes for the main and Dutch Apple Cake for a dessert. The soup and the Tear ’n’ Share was obviously the start of the show with the rest just filling in time! ?.

We both had a really good catch up with John and Marion. It had been a long, long time since we’ve met up. Let’s hope it’s not so long until the next one.

Tomorrow it’s the first dance class or about a month and we’re both looking forward to it.

Got a little bit of sunshine today – 11 January 2023

Scamp was off to Costa this morning to meet up with Isobel. June had a problem to sort, so she called off. I stayed home and did more tidying up of the back bedroom.

Actually I spent a lot of the morning poring over other folk’s photos on Flickr. I also read my blog post for 10th January 2022 and found great similarities with my thoughts on 11th January 2023, namely that the weather was awful and it was getting harder and harder to find a picture every day that would deserve the name of PoD. Then I glanced out the window and it was raining. There’s the reason. When the weather is so persistently bad, it’s difficult to find the incentive to get up of the sofa, get dressed for winter and head out into the cold to take some photos that look so dull they could be monochrome. What is the point? Then, five minutes later, the sun shines and lights up a patch on the hills and I just want to go out and capture it. A 365 isn’t an easy thing to do, but it does force me to get out of the house and find something interesting.

When Scamp came back we had lunch and then I took a big blue IKEA bag filled with broken or obsolete electrical stuff out to the council skips. As the light was still holding up, I drove up to Fannyside and parked in my usual spot in the shelter of the big Scots Pines. Then I walked down the road to see if I could get a close up view of the old ruined farm. Walking down the path I spotted a couple of sheep, sheltering from the cold west wind. I managed two shots of them before they headed off. That photo was to be PoD. I didn’t know that then, of course, so I carried on until I was nearly at the farm, but I couldn’t find a path to take me closer and to be honest, although it was bright and sunny, that cutting wind was making me think of a nice warm car, rather than a mucky tractor path to a ruined farmhouse. Maybe another day. That’s what I told a solo sheep that had come to interrogate me. I bade it goodbye and walked back to the car and drove home via Tesco.

Scamp was feeling a lot better today, but was still not completely free of whatever had upset her stomach, so she asked me to pick up some Kefir milk or yoghurt at Tesco. I also needed tomatoes for Friday’s starter. Last, but not least, we had no plain gin. Yes, we had raspberry gin, but no honest to goodness plain gin. That in itself needed remedying! Got the essentials and also filled up the tank of the blue car

Dinner tonight was Prawn and Pea Risotto. I’ve not had the courage yet to try the Magic Pot for risotto, so this one was hand made in a normal pot on the stove and it turned out fine.

Tomorrow looks a bit like today. If I’m going to get a decent PoD, I’ll have to be up and out early. That’s unlikely to happen, but we’ll see what transpires. Hoping to go dancing in the afternoon.

At last, a walk in the sunshine – 6 January 2023

Today we managed to go for a walk. It was cold, but it didn’t rain.

We drove to Drumpellier and went for a walk through the woods. Lots of folk out doing just the same thing, although to be honest most of the folk were doing circuits of the pond. Not our idea of fun, now that we’ve discovered the variety of paths through the woodland. Some are official paths, but there are a lot more that are just paths trodden by walking feet and although many are mucky and slippery, they are more interesting than the official paths.

I took a few photos in the woodland, but the best by far was just where we were parked. It was the Whale’s Tail with two gulls landing and one just taking off. Another two gulls were taxiing before take off. The low sun you get at this time of year helped add a bit of contrast to the scene. The finished shot was almost as it came out of the camera.

We need a large wall calendar for the kitchen and when we left Drumpellier we drove to The Fort to see if we could find one. But we came home empty handed. I’ve an idea where we might find one tomorrow.

Back home I was trying to work out how to use mail merging in MS Word to create a Word document from an Excel sheet. I’d already tried to do the same thing on Pages in the Mac, but it’s really just a toy. Very little practical use. I’m still trying to do it and it still evades me. I know I used to do it regularly in school, but then I was using a PC every day. Macs in general aren’t used for this sort of thing. I found the Avery app really useful for it last year, but that facility is no longer in the app or is so deeply buried that it would take me too long to find it. I’ll keep looking, it’s in there somewhere.

Scamp was ploughing through the holiday companies on the computer looking for somewhere warm for February. After a fair bit of searching and evaluating, I think we can say that we may be going to somewhere warm for a week, all being well. Still nothing booked for the summer, but we have a few possibilities that just need some things confirmed before we make a final decision.

Dinner tonight was a half a pizza each. Actually it was more like two thirds for me and just a third for Scamp. It was washed down with a nice glass of red. Dessert was Scottish Tablet Ice Cream!

Tonight looks wet, but tomorrow, for the most part may remain dry during daylight hours. That’s the best you can ask for. It was good to be out in the sunshine today somewhere that isn’t Cumbersheugh!

Dull and Wet – 3 January 2023

Yesterday was cold, today was just miserable.

Dull and wet. That sums up today. After our counter-clockwise walk yesterday, neither of us really wanted to go much past the door today. However, to prevent us starving we did have to drive to Tesco to get the bare essentials. The ‘Bare’ essentials means No Alcohol. New Year is past and Christmas is only a vague memory, so that means back to working week abstinence. I can’t say I’m delighted, but it does make sense.

I swear there was more water on the inside of the car windscreen than on the outside. Apparently it’s because modern cars are so well sealed that the water we give off in our breath and sweat condenses on the cold glass and that’s what causes wet windscreens inside the car. I’m not so sure I believe that, but if it’s true someone must live in the headlight housing of the car, because it mists up too, quite often. Thankfully Nissan has installed a heavy duty blower to get rid of the last remnants of moisture once we’ve wiped up the worst of the water and it was used with a vengeance today.

After lunch and in the rain, I went out into the garden wearing a raincoat to keep me dry and with a towel wrapped round the A7iii to keep it dry and I snapped a few photos in the back garden. My favourite subject is the hanging basket at the back door. It’s falling apart and covered in moss, but there are always a wide variety of leaves and almost dead strawberry plants to photograph in it. It created the PoD although it was an untidy looking subject.

Early in the evening a mist descended, and looked like it might be quite photogenic, but by then it was far too dark for even the most intrepid photographer to venture down the dark lanes of Cumbersheugh and that includes me. Instead, Scamp and I made a Salmon and Prawn Pie in a Pan. Of course, Scamp did most of the work and I just helped chop some tomatoes, but those tomatoes allowed me to claim my share of the glory if it worked. It did work. Lovely crunchy Filo pastry, slices of salmon and juicy tomatoes with some couscous to soak up the juices. Jamie Oliver isn’t as stupid as he looks! We may try some more recipes from his vastly overpriced book.

Entertainment on the TV was Paddington 2 which was a delight. That’s our kind of film, I think. No complicated plot lines to follow and everything turns out fine in the end. I hope I’m not spoiling the film by giving away the ending! If I am, just ignore this paragraph.

Tomorrow looks a bit drier than today, not that that would be difficult. We may go out for a walk if it is.

Glasgow in the rain … and sun – 29 December 2022

Four seasons in one day? Why stop at four? Scotland can deliver four seasons in as many seconds, but it doesn’t always choose to do so.

We drove up to Tesco today, then headed in to Glasgow and the sun was shining … for a while. Then the rain came. After that the sun came out and dried up all the rain just like in Incy Wincy Spider. We got parked on level 4 of Buchanan Galleries and walked down Buchanan Street. It was raining again and the rain continued all the way down Bucky Street. I spotted a potential PoD outside the Apple shop with its resident sandwich board hopeful. Almost did a “Bad Thing” when I accidentally unscrewed the lens on the A7. Luckily none of the wet stuff got into the lens or the camera. Locked it securely on and continued taking photos as if nothing had happened. Dropped in at Tiso to get some waterproofer for our Bergy jackets which are absorbing more water than they are shrugging off. Thankfully the Goretex is doing its job properly and that water shall not pass!

First stop was Argento to get the Nominations charm she should have got from Santa. Thanks to a helpful sales assistant we got it, and another one she’d bought before Christmas, installed into the bracelet in the shop.

We walked further down the road, but there was a fire alarm in Frazer’s department store and the place had been evacuated which meant that there were people everywhere, almost blocking the pedestrian precinct. We were ready to go home, so we walked along Argyle Street and up Queen Street. Had a browse in Cass Art, but I don’t need any materials, I just need to take time to produce some paintings or drawings.

The carnival was still in almost full flow in George Square and I got a photo I had missed when Alex and I had visited a few weeks ago. It was a trio of carousel horses, but have a look on Flickr and check the names. Can you still get away with that? Apparently you can. Show folk are obviously not as PC as some!

Scamp had a voucher to use up in JL, so she treated us both to tea and a cake. I ordered coffee instead of tea. I’m not sure what I got, but it wasn’t my kind of coffee. The cakes were just lovely. Scamp’s was and Orange Grove and mine was a Red Velvet. That was our high calorie lunch.

I’d been looking at a ‘returned’ pair of binoculars before Christmas. JL doesn’t do ‘used’, or heaven forbid, ‘second hand’ items. Luckily they were still there. I tried them out in the shop and they were just what as good as they looked. I took them. Scamp demanded that she pay for them as they were a late Christmas present for me. I started to argue, but a wagged finger told me to just say “thank you”, which I did.

We drove home via Curry’s in Coatbridge because I wanted photo paper. I found the paper I wanted and bought two boxes because they would come in handy. I got a surprise at the till because there was money off if you bought two! Bingo!

Back home I had one more thing to buy, a bottle of Dark Matter rum. A spicy hot rum. Unfortunately Tesco weren’t stocking it, but what I noticed was a bottle of Langs Banana Rum. It had been discontinued many years ago and I thought it was dead and gone forever. I sampled some tonight and although it’s more a banana flavour than a rum distilled with actual bananas, there is a hint of the old rum there.

Last night I roasted some tomatoes and red peppers with a couple of small onions. Today I made soup from the veg, all by myself … well, almost. With helpful suggestions from Scamp and also following the soup recipe from the Instant Pot, I made a pot of Tomato and Red Pepper soup. It’s a bit thinner than my last batch, but a lot easier.

PoD turned out to be the bloke with the advertising sigh outside the Apple Store in Buchanan Street. He looked totally ‘drookit’.

Tomorrow Scamp is intending going for coffee with Shona, but I might pass on that. I’ve a letter I need to write. One I should have written a year ago.

Christmas Eve – 24 December 2022

Seemingly going against all the things I complained about yesterday, we drove to Tesco today.

However, we weren’t going to fill our trolley with loads of unnecessary foodstuffs, we were going to find out if some kind soul had handed in a purple leather glove that Scamp had dropped in the store a couple of days ago. Luckily some kind soul had indeed handed it in and along came a smiling Scamp to show off that very glove. We restricted ourselves to a few veggies and a jug of filtered milk, then drove home. More madcap driving as we were leaving the car park with cars abandoned in every space that looked as if you could get at least one of your tyres on to it. Apparently the shop is going to be closed tomorrow for a full day! We’ll all going to starve to death if we don’t but everything we can get our hands on NOW!

After we got home and found places for the veg and stuff to go, we went for a walk in St Mo’s because the weather was reasonable for the time of year, it was dry and there was only a light wind. A good day for a gentle walk into the woods and back along the boardwalk. Not into the deep woods, you realise, because we weren’t kitted out with walking boots, just a gentle walk round the pond. I did think of taking a second circuit and allowing Scamp to go home alone, but I’d got a few photos of weeds dripping wet from the overnight rain, so we went home together.

After lunch I post processed the photos and found I had two worth posting on Flickr. Also, for this last week and a bit in 2022, I tidied up an image I’d processed, but hadn’t previously posted and it’s on Flickr now too. A weed picture got PoD.

By 3.15pm the house lights had come on and it was looking like early evening. Dinner was discussed and we decided to have Pasta Carbonara using fresh pasta we bought in Waitrose. It only takes minutes to make with the fresh pasta but it takes well over fifteen minutes with the dried stuff.

Tonight I wrapped up Scamp’s parcels for tomorrow and they are sitting next to the tree. I’m supposed to be making the dessert for tomorrow’s dinner if I remember to get organised in the morning.

All four of our invalids seem to be recovering from their respective ailments, which is good to hear and Hazy has organised a three way Zoom link-up for tomorrow. It will be good to see and hear from everyone. We’re looking forward to it.

Happy Christmas to all my readers!