Shopping – 23 December 2022

Not once, but twice we went shopping today and still we don’t have absolutely everything.

The world is going crazy this year. Never have I seen anything like the shopping madness I’ve seen this week. Admittedly, the last two years have not been ‘normal’ and this year almost feels like we’re making up for lost time, but this year, the amount of food I see in trolleys astounds me. I almost felt we were being mean when we picked up a shopping basket instead of a trolley when we went to M&S this morning. One of the good things about being able to walk to the shops is that the amount you buy is limited by the amount you can comfortably carry. We bought only what we needed. If you drive to the supermarket you are not so limited in what you transport back to the house.

After lunch I set out to go for a walk to St Mo’s and got a PoD which was a bunch of Cladonia lichen growing on a mossy stone among the pine needles. One in the bag, I walked to Condorrat I was going to get a steak from the butcher for my Christmas dinner on Sunday. The butcher isn’t part of a chain, and he’s local. I can see what the meat is like because it’s in a chiller display, not ready packaged on a shelf. As I was walking back I realised we hadn’t got a pizza for tonight’s dinner. Always pizza on a Friday. I phoned Scamp and we met up at St Mo’s school and walked down to the shops for the second time today. We came home with bags of stuff. I’ll admit we bought more than we needed, but not a boot load.

That was about it for the day. A relaxing day with a couple of walks to keep the wheels turning. Scamp is feeling better today, so hopefully her course of antibiotics is working for her.

Tomorrow we may go out to get milk, because even with two trips to the shops we still forgot things!

Empty handed – 20 December 2022

Today we’d agreed to get the bus in to Glasgow.

There was little dithering about, we just got ready, I’d packed my bag with the A7iii, the TZ90 and a couple of lenses and we walked down to get the X3, the sloooow bus to Glasgow. It was when we were getting on the bus that We were just getting on the bus to Glasgow when I realised I didn’t have my camera bag. It was still sitting on the table in the living room, where I’d left it. I decided I’d just have to make do with the phone camera. Actually it produced a few good shots. I took them intentionally in RAW mode and accidentally in HDR mode, but the results surprised me. Quite impressed. In fact so impressed that one of the shots made PoD. It’s looking up at a reflection in a window on Buchanan Street.

We wandered round the centre of the Toon, sometimes separately and sometimes together, because this was Chrissy Prezzy outing and we both had different places to go. As lunch time approached we couldn’t decide where to go. Neither of us was all that bothered about going to Paesano for some reason. Instead we ended up in John Lewis with a toasty each and a cup of tea. Not an elegant lunch, but it kept our stomachs from grumbling. Then we headed for the bus.

I was praying that we wouldn’t get the X3 and just as we were crossing the road to the bus station, the X3 dragged itself out onto the road and back to Cumbersheugh. Oh, thank you! I don’t think I could have handled another 45 minute journey stopping at every bus stop on the way back to Cumbersheugh. Instead we got the Falkirk bus that stops in Condorrat and walked home. It was a decent day. Not too cold but with occasional rain showers. Scamp got a new pair of sensible shoes, not dance shoes, and we had lunch. I got a photo and now know I can go out without a ‘real’ camera.

Tomorrow I’m told we may need some messages and I need to write a couple of cards and post them.


The day the tree went up – 12 December 2022

The usual Monday morning struggle to get a Wordle and a Spelling Bee answer. Still looking for that seven letter Spelling Bee word!

It had been a cold night last night, -6.3ºc according to our weather machine. Maybe it is time to change the 1TOG duvet for something a little thicker and warmer.

I’d half intended to go shopping in Waitrose in Stirling, but after defrosting the car and driving cautiously down a road that was sparkling with ice, we both agreed that we’d make do with Tesco in Cumbersheugh today instead. As well as that, Scamp booked a delivery for Wednesday evening, just in case.

When we got back from Tesco I decided to keep my boots on and take the big Sony out for a walk in St Mo’s to see if there was any chance of some frost photos. Bright sunshine today and yes, lots of frost on everything. I took a walk over the woods to the wee pond beside the motorway because I was sure I’d find some little frost trees and sure enough there were a few. Not as many as I’d hoped, but enough to photograph. It’s still scary putting an expensive camera on to the ice and pressing the shutter button, listening all the time for creaking noises from the ice. I needn’t have worried about it, the ice was really thick today. On the way back home to a couple of rolls ’n’ square sausage I found some more little frost trees on the verges of the big pond, and of course I took some pictures. Happy with the shots I headed for those rolls.

Back home and after lunch and a bit of post-processing I climbed the ladder into the chilly loft to retrieve the Christmas Tree, two bags of decorations and two boxes of the more fragile decorations. Inside one of the bags was the sweetie tin that holds the lights and that all important letter. When Scamp opened the envelope and read the letter, she handed it to me. I’d almost forgotten about this important epistle. So many questions, so many plans. Some came to fruition, some we’ll return to, hopefully. The tree is now up and decorated while Joni Mitchell sang about “putting up reindeer and singing songs of joy and peace”. It’s traditional, and that’s what Christmas is all about.

Later in the afternoon I made Minestrone soup. Just loads of different veg, a tin of tomatoes, a tin of beans, salt, pepper and almost a litre of water. No stock cubes, all that veg makes is own stock. Bring to the boil and simmer for an hour. Add a handful of smashed up pasta later and simmer for another 15 mins. It’s really more like a veg stew. Came from a book we bought just after we got married. It was published in 1978.

PoD went to one of those little frost trees and a cold heart made second place.

No real plans for tomorrow, but a parcel may come and be instantly ‘disappeared’. Schrödinger’s parcel, Hazy! ?


Another beautiful day – 6 December 2022

Same blue sky as yesterday, but colder.

Today started with a visit by the bloke to do a service on the boiler. Half an hour later it was done and given a clean bill of health. More or less as we expected, the boiler being just a couple of years old.

Next I was out to the doc’s to find out what he thought about the lesions (his word) on my leg. I’d been using cortisone cream for the last two weeks and they had almost disappeared. He had a good look and a prod round the nearby skin and pronounced them as looking good, but recommended another fortnight’s treatment with the cream twice a day. It’s not an onerous task, putting some cream on four marks.

Went home and did the usual Wordle and Spelling Bee before lunch which was a flat sausage I’d found in the freezer the other day, cooked and squashed between two slices of brown bread. Delicious, but an amazing amount of fat was left in the pan. One a week is quite enough, I think.

We did go out for a walk today, well wrapped up because it was cold. Lots of icy, slippery leaves. Today’s circuit was almost the same as yesterday and I got a few shots of seagulls on the outfall of Broadwood Loch again. On the way home we stopped at the shops to get some bread, milk and also a pack of four pineapple tarts. Well, man (and woman) cannot live by bread alone, as someone once said.

On the final leg of the walk I took the opportunity to get some photos in St Mo’s while Scamp went straight home. PoD came from there and was a view across the rushes to St Mo’s school lit up by the setting sun.

Dinner tonight was “What have we got in the fridge” and pasta. Actually it tasted quite good despite being made from odds and ends. I confess, I actually watched almost a whole episode of Masterchef tonight, mainly because Greg (Oh, Mate) wasn’t involved. He’d been sat in a corner with a bow tie and told to be quiet, I think. It was interesting to discover the number of things you can do with carrots, or an octopus on one occasion!

Tomorrow we’re booked for coffee with Isobel. That should be an entertainment.

No’ Dancin’ – 3 December 2022

We were supposed to go to the dance class this morning, but I’d had an upset night with pains in my stomach, probably from eating too much too late yesterday. Also yesterday evening Crawford and I had been sampling some whisky, so I decided it would be safer not to drive this morning, just in case..

We had a fairly lazy morning and I ended up patching together the Lightroom catalog. That patching up actually lasted for most of the afternoon too. Sixty one images to find, edit and turn into the ones in the Flickr and Blog posts. It all takes time, but now it’s done. Tonight, before I go to bed I’m going to back-up the catalog!

Scamp ventured out in the afternoon to walk to the shops for some messages, but I wasn’t past the door today. Still not feeling quite right. Not ill or anything, just not feeling great.

As well as patching up the Lightroom cat, I also wrote yesterday’s blog because there simply wasn’t time to do it yesterday. I hate having to write catch-up blog posts, but like the editing of the photos, it all takes time and now it too is done.

Didn’t go out, didn’t go dancing, just stayed in the house and moped all day. Well, actually I did go out. I went out to the front garden and photographed one of Scamp’s roses, “Simply the Best”. It’s well named. This is its second flowering this year and it looked great with the raindrops on the petals.

So I did go out, but only just! Tomorrow will be better. Hopefully we’ll both go out together for a walk.

Another chilly day – 30 November 2022

Not so much fog today, thankfully but it felt cold.

We were going for ‘the messages’ today. We had considered going to Waitrose in Stirling, but neither of us really needed anything from there, so we settled on Tesco instead. Scamp knew what we needed and it could all be purchased from Tesco. I needed petrol for the car and Tesco was the cheapest. Choice made we drove to Tesco. Half an hour later we left the supermarket with four full bags of messages. Most of it fairly essential. The car got the full tank of petrol it needed and we drove home for lunch.

After lunch I went for a walk in St Mo’s. Although it was only about about 2pm when I went out, the light was already disappearing. That’s what happens in Scotland on the last day of November, St Andrew’s Day. We’ve another three or so weeks of the days getting shorter before the swing into spring starts. That’s a long way off for us up north.

The definite brightener was the Berberis plant I saw on my way back home. Those bright orange leaves really shine on the dull days we’ve been enduring recently. That photo got PoD. I think I need to get out early now to get some decent light on any subject I point my camera at. If it’s not taken by midday, it’s a struggle to get anything decent.

Dinner tonight was bolognese sauce with Pappardelle pasta. The pasta is quick to cook and holds the sauce really well. Scamp had bought a new jar of bay leaves this morning and the difference is made was incredible. The bolognese sauce had so much more taste. Scamp had an omelette.

We watched the Portrait Artist of the Year final tonight and of course, neither of our choices won. That’s what usually happens.

Tomorrow we’re intending going to the Christmas tea dance. Now I’ve got to find my “Bah Humbug!” hat.


Another day in the Toon – 27 November 2022

We’d discussed the possibility of driving home via Glasgow yesterday, but the weather was so depressing, we left it until today.

It was a much better day today. Sunshine aplenty from early morning, so we drove in to Glasgow. Scamp had things to buy and I had photos that would need taking. Between us we achieved our stated goals. It wasn’t quite as cold as we’d thought, but when you were out of the sun it gave a better picture of the air temperature. Maybe it reached double figures, but not by very much.

We also made some time for coffee and a cake, but decided we’d just go home for lunch. The Christmas Market was jam packed with punters today, so we gave it a body swerve and headed up Buchanan Street. There were four little groups of children dressed in costumes and all well chaperoned who were performing dance routines all the way up the busy street and collecting for charity. I think we saw four of the groups, some with five or six dancers, some with just two, but all were very accomplished. We also saw a bloke who was jumping through flaming hoops and hoops with knives round the edges. He was collecting too, but not for charity!

I found my PoD at the bottom of the street. A low level shot of a bloke selling helium balloons. Those big bunches of brightly coloured vinyl balloons and I was lucky enough to catch him removing one to sell to a little girl. That was my picture of the day right there. I got a couple of mono shots too that made it to Flickr.

Back home and after lunch Scamp headed down to the shops to get a chicken for dinner while I worked on the photos. By the time she was coming home the light was beginning to fade, but by then the photos were uploaded into Flickr, so I didn’t need to worry about going out for more shots.

Dinner was roast chicken with potatoes and roasted veg and it was quite delicious. Pudding was just as good. It was a slab of ice cream with meringue crumbled over it. A healthy squirt of raspberry sauce finished it off.

Spoke to Jamie later and broke the news to him that we wouldn’t be coming down to their house for Christmas. The trains are too risky with every week bringing more strike announcements. The flights are overpriced as a result and for him to drive to the airport and back, picking us up and then delivering us back again would take a large chunk out of his day on what should be holiday time. We did say that we like to come down in the spring and we’ve agreed a possible time. Hope you’re not too disappointed Jamie. Glad you’ve booked a trip to see Jaime in Trinidad.

That was our day. Tomorrow we’re hoping to take Shona out for lunch. Out to lunch again, I hear you say?! Well, we haven’t been out for lunch this week yet. Mind you, it’s only Sunday!


Plant hunting – 27 October 2022

Scamp wanted pansies and snowdrops today.

Pansies to replant the trough that hangs on the fence and snowdrops to plant around the garden. So it would be a drive to a garden centre. We chose Calders. It was the nearest one and would probably have what she wanted. Aha, but before that there was coffee to make for both of us and both Wordle and Spelling Bee to solve for both of us.

After lunch we drove to Calders. Pansies were no problem, loads of them. Scamp found a tray full that seemed to suit her, but no snowdrops were to be found. However, there were lots of snowmen, elves, reindeer (both illuminated and not), snow dogs and even Frank Sinatra singing Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas and other jolly songs. I hate Xmas. Not Christmas, that’s alright, but Xmas is just tinsel and fairy lights and spend, spend, spend. Bah Humbug!

We came home via Tesco and there Scamp found the snowdrops. She got two boxes. She also found the Good Food Christmas (see what I mean) magazine with the free calendar we couldn’t find anywhere last year. This year we’re ahead of the game. When we were driving in to the car park Scamp noticed the old fashioned Tunnock’s delivery van and that made PoD. I had my camera in the car, but my phone in my pocket. The best phone in the world is the one you have in your pocket. It’s a true saying.

Of course the phone couldn’t take a picture like the PoD. That took Lightroom and Photoshop to do that. Lightroom and Photoshop and a couple of hours poring over a computer screen. I was quite happy with the result, although if I’d thought about it a bit more and planned it better I might have been happier with the result, but I didn’t and it wasn’t. It’s still PoD.

The prompt today was ‘Snack’. I drew a Piece.
A sandwich in Scotland is a ‘piece’. This one consists of a layer of buttered bread. A layer of fried pork sausages slathered in tomato sauce. A layer of bread buttered on both sides. A layer of lettuce (one of your ‘five a day’). A layer of buttered bread. Squash down and slice with a sharp knife. Please note:

  1. The bread must be from a Scottish plain loaf
  2. The jury is still out on whether tomato sauce constitutes one of your ‘five a day’.

Tomorrow Scamp is out for lunch with The Witches. I might go in to Glasgow for a wander.

Going for the messages – 12 September 2022

Just the run of the mill shopping run.

Scamp accepts that Tesco deliveries are a lifesaver at times, but prefers to see what she’s buying, and I have to agree with her. We did a fairly big shop and while we were going round I bumped into Fred and had a wee blether with him. He gave his apologies for not being able to get to the “Beer in the Toon” tomorrow and I understand the pressures he’s facing with his and his wife’s health. Hopefully some day soon we’ll be able to have that beer.

After we’d got through the tills and paid for the messages we trundled them to the car and found that there was nowhere to put them in the back seat because the bag of bottles we took for a trip to Tesco last week were still there taking up space. After a few grumps from me followed by an icy silence, Scamp drove straight to the council skips and we dumped the bottles into the overflowing plastic skips. One job done.

Back home lunch was a roll filled with cheese for me and one filled with Dairylea for Scamp. Honestly I didn’t think they made those Dairylea triangles any more, but it looks like they do. A second roll filled with jam became the lunchtime dessert.

After that we just lounged about for a while doing nothing in particular. Then I took the camera out for a walk in St Mo’s and got today’s PoD which was a little furry hoverfly sitting on a Scabious flower. Nice bit of sunshine on the background created some lovely patterns from the leaves of the bushes. While I was out, Scamp was picking the remainder of the James Grieve apples and beginning to prune the tree into a better shape. I had one of those home grown apples after dinner and it was a bit sharp, but perfectly edible.

Dinner tonight was Carbonara made the proper Italian way without cream, but with an extra egg yolk instead. It worked well.

That was about it for a cool day that was beginning to look like autumn was just around the corner.

Tomorrow I’m intending to head in to Glasgow and Samp is out to lunch with Mags.

Out in the wide world – 24 August 2022

Both of us … together!

Back on the cruise, in what seems like a different world now, I felt a clicking form my dance shoes. I thought it would go away, but it didn’t. Today I was going to look for a new pair. If time allowed after that, we would go for a walk in one of the parks on the south side.

The weather didn’t look that clever in the morning, but the weather app maintained that all would be well in the afternoon, and gradually the sky lightened, the rain stopped and we went out.

We drove to the shoe shop in Rutherglen, hoping to get parked outside like we did last time, but today luck wasn’t with us, so we drove on to Tesco and parked there. Long story short, I got a pair of plain black dance shoes that seem to fit perfectly. Job done. Of course Scamp also saw a new pair of dance shoes and just had to have them!

After a couple of wrong turnings, ok, three wrong turnings, we found our way to Bellahouston Park. We had a wander through the park and found an elephant, a rusty, steel, life size elephant.  Cast from melted down scrap locomotives from India and South Africa. Locomotives that had originally been made in Glasgow. A photo of that “Nellyfunk’s Bum” became PoD, but it was close run thing between that and a couple of other images that may make their way into Flickr.

Lunch was in the Art Lovers’ Café in the House for an Art Lover in Bellahouston.  Peppermint tea for Scamp and a decent cup of coffee for me with two massive scones to keep the hunger pangs at bay, although I did fancy the Pork Belly with Potato Cake, chargrilled spring onions, Spinach and Mustard Cream sauce.  Maybe next time!

We drove home by the M8 and over a Kingston Bridge that was beginning to clog up to its usual afternoon traffic jam. Then Scamp noticed warnings that more roadworks were about to start in a couple of weeks and would last until January 2023! We’ve had months of roadworks earlier in the year, they finished in June before another set began in July. It seems that every month there has been roadworks in this stretch of motorway. I doubt if this latest set will be the last. Unfortunately for us, this is the route we take to dance class every week.

Just as we were driving in to the estate, and home, another electronic sensor in the car reported a failure. This time it’s the tyre pressure sensor which reported an error. The car goes in to the garage for service next month. I doubt if anyone will be able to diagnose the fault, but they will reset the failure log and tell me it’s fixed. Then they will want me to come in and choose my next new car. It might be a Nissan, but I doubt it. It most certainly won’t be coming from a dealer who can’t fix the problems with my current car.

I had a bit of sad news today. Jack Doyle, who I worked with for many years at school, passed away a few weeks ago. I’ll always remember Jack’s sense of humour. He was a great guy who drank beer, but never lager and told great stories, so he did!

Tomorrow I’m hopefully breaking in a new pair of dance shoes.