Saying goodbye to Margie – 20 April 2023

Today we said goodbye to an old friend.

It was a tough morning and I’m not going into details. She was a lovely lady, a singer in Scamp’s Gems singing group. She was also a painter who produced some beautiful artwork in all media types, but her favourites were ballet dancers in the style of Monet. We’ll both miss her greatly. May she rest in peace.

Back home it was a beautiful day, as long as you had shelter from that east wind again. It looks like spring, but it doesn’t feel like it. However, I went for a walk in St Mo’s with a macro lens doing all the work today on the A7. The first thing to do was to check up on the three little orange ladybirds. My first surprise was that three had become one. Where had the other two gone? The answer was waiting a couple of trees away. There had only been one orange ladybird there last week. Now there are three! So have two ladybirds moved from one tree to another or is it just a floating community in the woods? I reckon they are just fed up with me photographing them and are trying to mess with my head.

Not a lot else happened today. Potatoes, bacon and cabbage was dinner for me. Scamp replaced the bacon with more cabbage!
PoD was the new trio of ladybirds, but take a look at the pair of old leaded glass windows I captured on my phone last week in Glasgow.

Remember I was writing about Scamp and I being labourerers the other day?  Well, today Scott’s wife handed in a bunch of roses and a box of chocolates to say thanks for the help!  That was a brightener for the day!

Tomorrow we’re intending doing some planting in the garden.


Warm sun, Cold wind – 19 April 2023

The wind was gusty today and from the east. Never a good combination.

We’d considered going out for a run today, somewhere scenic, but the temperature was just 8.5ºc when we woke and it was taking quite a long time to rise. We sat for a while enjoying the warmth of sun shining in the window while knowing it would be much cooler outside.

After lunch we went for a walk round Broadwood Loch. Unfortunately they are still working on the forest section. Re-laying paths and improving the drainage, apparently. We did see one bloke driving a small dump truck. I’m beginning to think he’s the only one working on this project which started in February and doesn’t seem to have an end date, at least not one that’s been made public. Still the dump truck drives around and it’s keeping someone in a job.

Broadwood is a big featureless walk if you exclude the forest section. Unlike Drumpellier, it doesn’t have any side paths to explore. Today with the bright sun in our faces going down one side of the loch and the east wind in our faces going down the other, it was a bit of a trudge. Thankfully Scamp suggested we cut it short and miss out the walk past the exercise machines and I was happy to agree. 2.7miles we walked and I got two decent photos from it. PoD became a picture of some blossom. Scamp held the branch for me to keep it steady in the gusts. Broadwood is not the most scenic of walks, but I think that’s what I said at the start of the paragraph.

Maybe my exertions from yesterday’s labouring were beginning to take their toll on me today. I just didn’t feel as fit as I should be. Maybe I need to get out more. Two shorter walks a day rather than one long one might be a solution.

Tomorrow we are going to Margie’s funeral. She died on the 8th of April. It will be a long day.

Labourers – 18 April 2023

I felt better when I woke this morning.

Neither of us had anything much on our to-do lists, so we had quite a lazy start to the day. We completed Wordle and Spelling Bee and watched Scott, who lives at the corner, barrowing sand to his back garden. It must be a nice change for him to be transporting sand rather than the hardcore he’s been ferrying for the last week. I think the idea of having an easy maintenance garden with artificial grass was a good one, but he may have blinded himself to the amount of work it takes to set the whole thing up.

Scamp went for the messages later in the morning and we also settled on Cod & Prawns with Fennel & White Wine for dinner. It sounds terribly posh, but it’s one of the easiest recipes I’ve got, and a one-pan recipe to boot.

Just after lunch we noticed two of Scott’s neighbours carrying some wooden planks round to the garden and we decided if we helped out, the job would be done in half the time. Scamp and I carried two 3m heavy plastic panels between us. We’re still not sure what they are, but by the look of them they were decking panels. They were awkward things to manoeuvre round the corners of the narrow public path, but we managed about six of them in total, then we switched to carrying two 3m lengths of 3” square timber instead (note the seamless switch between metric and imperial there ????).

I thought we’d done enough labouring for one day, but Scamp had more tasks in store. She is rearranging the pots in the back garden and using some of them to create a border at the front of the front garden, to prevent unwanted dogs from crapping on our grass. If that doesn’t work, pepper might be the solution! Allied to this is the fact that the peony rose needs to go in to a more suitable container that will give it some room to stretch its roots. With that in mind, we mixed up two lots of compost and added some perlite, then planted the peony. It’s now in its allotted place under the front window where it will get the sun from morning until late afternoon.

Now we really were finished for the day and we could enjoy a beer. A Broadside Shandy for Scamp and the rest of the bottle for me. The sun was tempting me out, so I added my +1 diopter close-up lens to the 35mm LensBaby and went off to find a subject in St Mo’s. Came home with a few catkin shots, but PoD went to an experimental distorted image from this morning when the sun began to cut through the clouds. It was that same setup of the LensBaby with the +1 diopter. I just liked all the out of focus highlights.

According to the weather fairies, it’s to be a good day tomorrow again. We might go out for a run somewhere. No labouring, I hope.

A dull day, a dull head – 17 April 2023

Woke after a good night’s sleep, but the cough is still there. Thankfully it left the sore throat somewhere during the night and it’s now lost.

We didn’t really have any plans for today other than to go looking for a terracotta strawberry planter, and some strawberries to put in it for Scamp, and a little pot of Lithops (Living Stones) for me. Also, both of us wanted a rosemary bush to replace the one that died during the winter. That meant a visit to Torwood for most if not all of those things.

We did find some of the above, but not all. However, we found other things that we couldn’t have done without. A tray of Antirrhinum aka Snapdragons or as my mum used to call them Map-maps. Much easier names to remember than Antirrhinum. We had lunch in the cafe at Torwood. A quiche and a tipsy cake to share with a coffee and a peppermint tea. Then we were gone.

I’d brought a camera, of course and we stopped at Haggs so that I could get some shots with the new ultra-wide lens. The sky was clearing, but not nearly quick enough, but I got some moody ultra-wide, ultra low level (nearly in the water) shots of the canal. A couple walking along the tow path probably though I was going in for a swim, but thankfully that didn’t happen.

A collapsible pop up rubbish bin for the garden was on our list but we didn’t find it in Torwood, instead, Scamp spotted one in B&Q. Also at B&Q we found a tray of Busy Lizzies for Scamp’s Wanderella planter. Our final purchase was six square blue carpet tiles to replace the dark green ones that I’ve been promising to replace for years. The first dull day, that will be my chance to take out the green and bring in the blue.

Back home and after we’d unpacked everything, it was time to do some basic gardening. For me it was potting up two Teasel plants and chopping up the old rosemary bush. We did get a tiny little rosemary bush at Torwood, but it will be a long while before it grows to big enough to donate some leaves to a lamb casserole. Meanwhile, Scamp was potting things and planting other things and generally being a powerhouse of gardening prowess. Just watching her made me tired and I had to sit down – that’s my excuse!

PoD was that low shot along the Forth & Clyde canal.

Dinner tonight was made by the gardening powerhouse herself and it was Mac ’n’ Cheese! Of course it was delicious.

Tomorrow is supposed to be bright and sunny, so say the weather fairies if you believe them. We’ll see how it turns out.


Relaxing – 16 April 2023

Woke with a cough and a sore throat again.

Since Thursday I’ve been plagued with a cough and a sore throat. Today I was just feeling yuk for most of the day. I’m guessing I picked up somebody’s Lurgy on the train coming up from down south. The carriage we were in from Peterborough to Edinburgh was stowed, so it’s a fair bet that’s where it came from. I’d felt better last night and hoped that today would bring even more improvement, but it didn’t. It looks like I’ll just have to ride it out Thankfully Scamp seems to be free of the effects of whatever it was.

With that in mind I decided to have a lazy day, not doing much at all. More or less the story of my life if I can get away with it! However, while Scamp walked down to the shops to get some fish for tonight’s Cabbage and Smoked Haddock Risotto, I did some swift reorganisation of the living room with boxes piled on the coffee table and the Sarracenia pitcher plant balanced on top to give me the image that became PoD. Beautiful colours and patterns on the pitcher plant, but it does look like a triffid. Then I managed to put everything back in its rightful place before Scamp returned … just!

Later we did some gentle gardening. Scamp looked a bit disappointed to find a single stem of Astilbe growing where a forest had been last year. Me? I was quite happy to see one strand had survived the shock and awe attack. You just can’t keep Astilbe down. We replanted the astilbe and transplanted what we think are Candelabra Primula from where a single plant grew in the wilderness last year to a more easily seen spot beside the steps. I chopped up the remaining kale plants, collecting a few leaves from them to freeze for use later in the year. I think if we remove the top planks from the failing raised bed we can grow some kale and maybe some leeks in it for another year. After that we can make a decision on its long term viability, all being well.

Spoke to Jamie after dinner to hear how things were now that we are out of their hair. It seemed like they were doing today what we’d been doing yesterday. Told him the coffee tub for storing coffee was a clever design that works well. Forgot to tell him that I liked the coffee that came with it. So: Thank you Jamie for the coffee it tastes good now that I’ve got the grind right again!

Sent Hazy a movie I’d made demonstrating the brilliant design of the herb stripper she gave me for my birthday. I’d never seen anything like this before. Three different sized holes in a ceramic dish strip the leaves from the stem of herbs like Thyme much quicker and more efficiently than doing it by hand. Such a clever girl for finding these things.

Such clever folk we have as family. We should be and are grateful to all of you.

No plans for tomorrow. I’m going to dope myself up with a wee hot toddy tonight then go to bed to read a (relatively) new Carl Hiaasen book, Squeeze Me, hoping the cough will have abated by morning. Backlog from my blog gone when I post this!

Not one but two! – 15 April 2023

Saturday was a bright sunny day, but I wasn’t going out incase it came early and I missed it.

We were out in the garden today. My main task was to prune the Alec’s Red rose in the front garden. Scamp wanted to cut the front grass because it was becoming a bit untidy. I offered to move the flower pots that divides us from our next door neighbours, a sort of demarcation line. I’ve no problem with them now. I admit I had to start with, but believe it or not, I’m a lot calmer now. I wouldn’t have said that yesterday, but John’s ok. Just a bloke getting by like the rest of us.

After I’d moved the flower pots, Scamp had cut the untidy grass and I’d risked a slipped disk by hauling the pots back again, I started on the rose, or roses as it turned out. I tried not to be too brutal with the fifty year old Alec’s Red, and it looked the better for the trim. Then Scamp suggested that I do the same with Schoolgirl which grows up a trellis beside the front door. I was a bit more ‘enthusiastic’ with Schoolgirl. Hopefully not too enthusiastic. It’s a strong rose, it can take it.

While we were in the garden, a parcel arrived. Scamp said it was for me, but it wasn’t the lens. It was a Sarracenia. A carnivorous pitcher plant. Our last one had died during the winter. I’ll try to be more careful with this one and give it the protection it deserves. It’s actually quite a pretty plant with mottled ‘pitchers’.

I’d been meaning to plant more basil seeds for a week or two now, so I got underway with that while Scamp planted some Cerinthe seeds. It has a dark blue flower not unlike the Shrimp plant. It’s another one we saw in Jamie and Simonne’s garden. It’s an annual which means it grows, flowers and sets seeds then dies. However it does self-seed which means we should get a lot more flowers the next year, all being well.

Later the DPD lady handed me a heavier parcel. It’s a hefty piece of kit, the Sony Vario-Tessar T* FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS and has a hefty name too. After it was unpacked and tested, I took it over to St Mo’s to see what it could do. It could do loads of things. It took the PoD which was a simple view across the pond, but a high quality one. Worth waiting almost a year for, I think. Worth all the hassle yesterday? Well, maybe not. That was unnecessary stress MPB and I’ll say so in my review.

On the way back from St Mo’s I picked up a Chicken Chop Suey with Fried Rice for Scamp and a Chicken Chow Mein for me from Golden Bowl. The chow mein was a bit dry if I’m going to be critical, but it was good.

Tomorrow I’m hoping to get a chance to test the new toy further afield, but that depends on the weather.

A decision made – 14 April 2023

Scamp was going out for coffee with her friend from work. I was driving to Larky after I’d had my PSA test done at the health centre.

I’d already made the decision to buy a new lens from a company I’ve used many times in the past, MPB in Brighton. Not a brand new lens, second hand. I’d made the decision the day before, but the day before was the 13th and I thought it would be unlucky to buy it on the 13th, so had left the actual purchase until today.

I’d put the lens in my ‘basket’ on the website, filled in my details and had just completed my two part verification when I got a message to say that the lens had gone! Someone had beaten me to it. I admit, I panicked, thinking I’d been the subject of a scam. How could two people have put the same lens into the basket at the same time? I’d never heard of such a thing. Scamp reminded me that time was ticking away and I’d miss my appointment if I wasn’t careful. Before I went, I checked with the bank to make sure my payment hadn’t gone through. It hadn’t. Slightly relieved, I drove to the health centre.

The nurse who did the blood letting was careful and quick, even better, later when I removed the plaster she’d put on the tiny wee scratch the needle made there was almost nothing to see. Probably the best experience I’ve had, getting my bloods taken, and maybe that calmed me down as much as anything.

When I got back I tried to phone MPB, but the help line wasn’t open on Fridays! I did get through to a European site and the girl I spoke to confirmed that the lens had indeed gone, but seemed as surprised as I was that two people could be trying to buy an article at the same time. Scamp left me to it and went to meet her friend. I checked the website one more time and that particular lens had gone, however there was an almost exactly the same one for a few quid less. With fingers crossed I went through the entire procedure again and it all worked perfectly, just as it had in the past. I was relieved when I got an email from the carrier saying the lens would be delivered the next day. However, I think that may be my last purchase from MPB.

After all that I drove to Larky and picked up my new reading glasses, then drove back home again after buying a four cheeses loaf for Scamp at the Co-op. A 50 mile round trip might seem a long way for a pair of glasses, but we both trust Simpson to look after our eyes, and Scamp will be next to get an appointment.

Scamp was home by the time I came back and I explained what I’d done and that it was all resolved.

A walk in St Mo’s to stretch my legs and calm my nerves and PoD went to a bunch of Cowslips. Another sign that Spring is here.

A wee glass of wine later to celebrate? Maybe that’s not the correct word for drawing a line under a difficult day.

Tomorrow I’ll be waiting for the email from DPD to say when the lens will come.

Off for a bit of culture – 13 April 2023

Meeting my brother for a wander around the West End. Glasgow West End, obviously!

Scamp was adamant that she didn’t need or want the car today, so I thanked her and drove to the station to catch a train to Glasgow. Did a bit of window shopping in JL, but it gets poorer every time I visit the “toyshop” where they keep all the cameras. Except there were no cameras for sale there, just second-hand laptops or iPads. Not called second-hand of course. They were “refurbished” or “returned goods”, but everyone knows what they are. Nothing worthwhile for me.

Walked down to Buchanan Street bus station to meet Alex and we got a bus out to Kelvingrove. We had walked a fair bit, must have been about 100m, so we had to take a break for lunch. By then the crowds had gathered to listen to the organist’s daily recital and we left, but not before I took a shot of three men in a dark corner of the main hall. One was a statue, one was a human, one was a painting, but they are all men, all looking in different directions, as men do! I’d only noticed the statue when I was taking the shot, but the other two were revealed when I was processing it at home, and it became PoD.

We left by the back door, which, allegedly is really the front door. Google “kelvingrove art gallery back to front” and make your own mind up. There’s definitely a coverup somewhere.

We walked up the hill in the general direction of Glasgow University and found the Hunterian Art Gallery. There we wandered round the rooms within the gallery all hung with paintings some with labels, but most not. I couldn’t really understand the reasoning. The guide states that it’s the way pictures used to be hung. I think they were just too lazy to label them, or maybe they’d lost the original labels and didn’t know what was in the pictures, especially the abstracts.

I enjoyed looking at the paintings, especially those by Samuel Peploe and Edward Hornel, but I knew Alex wasn’t really impressed, so we went in search of the Hunterian Museum which is nearby, but tucked away in a corner of Glasgow University. That’s Scotland for you. Hide away the good stuff or folk will want to come in and look at it!

All the things that were wrong with the gallery were sorted in the museum. There were some horrible looking things preserved in formalin in glass jars. But there were also fascinating things like an Egyptian mummy in its sarcophagus and an ancient computer that was constructed to solve complex algebraic functions and seemed to be run by allowing balls to run over metal tracks. I wish now I’d taken more time to photograph the building itself with its exposed wooden trusses in the roof. I might go back again some time, all being well.

When we had had enough culture for the day we returned to Kelvingrove for a coffee and a blether without the interruption from the organist. Then we went back into the town, got off at Charing Cross and walked down Sauchiehall Street. I caught the train home and Alex got the bus. We agreed that we maybe need to go further afield next time. I suggested Aviemore on the 50p express bus and Alex fancied Edinburgh, also 50p, but with a more regular service.

It was Chicken Milanese for dinner tonight and it was just as delicious as it usually is. Scamp was the chef, of course.

Tomorrow I’ve to collect my new glasses after I’ve given a little drop of blood at the health centre.

Off to Larky – 12 April 2023

A trip to Larky to see Mr Simpson, the optician for my annual checkup.

I drove us over to Larky on a bright sunny morning. While I was in the optician’s reciting his mixed up alphabets, Scamp was shopping in the Coop, and recoiling at the prices she was expected to pay. This wasn’t Tesco price, apparently. Once my eyes had been deemed fit and fairly healthy, I walked along to meet her. I had been sensible enough to remember to put a pair of sunglasses in my pocket because dilated pupils and bright sun don’t work well together. We sat for a while in the car waiting for my eyes to return to normal, but eventually we decided that Scamp should drive home, since I couldn’t focus properly. A terrible thing for a photographer to admit to.

On the way home we stopped at the health centre for me to book my six monthly PSA test. With that done, my tasks were completed for the day and I could concentrate on photography in Scotland for the first time in a week … once I could see again.

It didn’t take too long for my eyes to return to normal, well, in total it took about three hours, but who’s counting because I could see again! I took the A7 out for a walk in St Mo’s just to unwind and to work out some of the aches from yesterday’s rail journeys. I thought it would be a shot of my favourite trio of ladybirds who would make PoD, but it was the little fly who won. The first fly I’ve photographed this year. I hope it’s impressed with the accolade!

A wee drink before another early night.

Tomorrow I’m off to Glasgow to meet my brother for a visit to the Hunterian Gallery and maybe the Museum.

Homeward Bound – 11 April 2023

This is the day I always dread, and yet I look forward to being home again. It’s just the bit in between I hate the most.

We sat around after breakfast. Jamie would already be at work by now, because his working week had begun. Simonne’s would start after she dropped us off at Stowmarket station. We took one last longing look at that expanse of garden. One last photo from ’The Library’. Then we got in the car and Simonne drove us to the station. We said our goodbyes and then we waited for the first train in the chain we’d ride today.

The train, when it arrived was quite busy. Folk just like us eager to get back home after the Easter break. It wasn’t overcrowded, though, just busier than normal. There were no holdups this time, just an easy ride to Peterborough. Only a half hour wait going home. Much more doable than the hour long wait, travelling south.

This train was full, folk everywhere, including in our seats, but a gentle word from Scamp and they apologised and rose to give us our booked seats. This WAS a busy train, the busiest I’ve seen the Kings Cross to Edinburgh train. Now I understand why standard class is called “Cattle Class”. Folk were crammed in everywhere and it didn’t help that two old ladies were having a discussion in the corridor about where they could put their suitcases, while folk were trying to get to their seat. We survived, and as the guard predicted, everything quietened down by the time we got to Newcastle.

We hadn’t long to wait for our final train to Croy and then only about ten minutes until a ramshackle taxi took us home. The sun was still shining when we got home.

A cup of tea and a comfortable seat were all that was needed to dispel the memories of wafer thin cushioning in the LNER seats. It was a long journey, but a good pair of headphones and another Stella Rimmington spy story made the hours pass.

PoD went to the photo of the Old Newton garden.

Early bed tonight because I’m up and out tomorrow to Larky to get my eyes tested.