Dunfermline Toon – 6 July 2023

Off to meet my brother and drive to Dunfermline today.

The weather wasn’t as good as was predicted earlier in the week, but we’ve never let that stop us before and it wouldn’t today. After our traditional coffee we discussed our plans for the day. We were in the Peacock cafe which was chock full of screaming toddlers but a peacock, a real one, was parading around outside the cafe seemingly unaffected by the mayhem inside. I suggested we might start by going to visit the rest of the peacocks that roam free around the park. We saw a white peacock among the other ‘normal’ ones. Apparently only one in 30,000 peacocks is white. There you are, I bet you didn’t know that.

We walked back to find the path that would take us over the burn and up to the Abbey Church. On the way we stopped to watch a boy and his father (?) flying a small electric powered radio controlled Messerschmitt Bf109. The tiny little plane had a wingspan not much more than 400mm, but flew well. I think we both though “I want one!”, but we walked on and found the path.

The Abbey Church is a beautiful building and much better lit than Glasgow Cathedral, Alex commented, and I had to agree. We took a lot of photos and my favourite was the shot of the main part of the church, the ‘modern’ church. It’s a combination of two shots that allowed me to ‘paint out’ visitors who spoiled the view of the alter. That became PoD. As we were walking through the Nave on our way out of the church the rain that had been threatening all day came down in torrents and we waited until it had moved on before we left.

Lunch was in Wetherspoons in Dunfermline and again, just as we were leaving the rain became heavier, so we waited until the rainclouds had passed before we went for a walk up the Main Street, than back down to the park for the drive home.

I dropped Alex at the station and about ten minutes later got a text to say he was on the train. Dinner was Fish Fingers, Egg and Spaghetti. A family favourite.

Watched Andy Murray battering a ball about for a while and managing to start making inroads on his younger opponent’s initial lead. Poor Andy looked as if he’d done himself a mischief just before clinching the set. The umpire actually called “New Balls Please” just after it happened! Let’s hope they weren’t needed.

No plans for tomorrow, but the rain is lashing down again tonight as I write.

Outside toilet – 1 May 2023

Today the weather fairies got it wrong. They predicted a dull day and it turned out bright and sunny.

I have a lot to do on the first day of the month. Screensavers to be created, files and folders to be moved, folders of pictures to be backed up and then rejected photos to be deleted. Today was no different. Eventually, when all was running normally again, we decided we’d better go out and make the best of the day before it all slipped away.

Scamp wanted to go to Drumpellier for a walk through the woods, and so did an awful lot of folk on this surprisingly sunny May Day. All around us seemed to be dark and cloudy, but for once we were sitting in the sweet spot, at least we were when we finally found a parking place.

Off we trudged on the conveyer belt with all the other folk walking round this big pond. But we knew we could get off the travelator and into the woods. It’s good to see the colour returning to the trees after so many weeks of bare branches. There were a lot fewer folk on these paths through the woods and at times we seemed to be the only people walking these pathways. Eventually we found our way back to the main circuit at the far end of the loch. I had taken a few shots in the woods, but not very many. We walked round to the ice cream van and had a cone each. With raspberry, but without a flake. Scamp was quite firm about that. No 99s today, even if it is a bank holiday.

We sat on a bench, eating our cones and watching an asian bloke with two little girls in tow, in tow, but not under control. Poor man was run ragged chasing one then the other to keep them from falling into the loch while the girls just seemed to ignore him, so that they could throw stones in the water. Just weans having fun and taking more than a little leeway with their dad.

As we were walking back to the car I saw a photo opportunity with three gulls on the big Whale’s Tail sculpture that sits out in the water. I climbed over a couple of rocks and sat down on one to get a nice low viewpoint for the shot across the water, when I heard a woman’s voice behind me saying “What’s he doing?” Another woman answered, “I think he’s doing the toilet!” Then a man’s voice said “He’s taking photographs!” Oh, the ignominy of it. To be thought to be performing your bodily functions outside in Coatbridge. I’d never live it down! However, it did make me smile. “Doing the toilet”, indeed! No wonder photogs get a bad reputation.

We drove home before the polis came. After a late lunch and after checking that I did indeed have a PoD, I set to work on the first sketch for a long while for Every Day in May, or EDiM for short. The first one is complete and can be seen on Flickr and Facebook. It was tough going. This was the best of three attempts.

Today’s prompt was A Waffle.
I don’t eat waffles as a rule, although I can be enticed into having one when we’re on holiday.
Today’s sketch was of what I would have if I did eat waffles. My toppings would be blueberries and strawberries, plus maybe some melted chocolate, just to make it little bit less healthy!

Some interesting topics this time round.

Hoping for some more bright sunny weather tomorrow to get out and about in.

Happy Birthday to Me – 8 April 2023

Out for a walk with the prospect of a posh dinner in the evening.

Jamie, Simonne and Vixen went to Run Free in the morning, but we stayed at home and lazed about.

After lunch, Jamie drove us all to Levington on the River Orwell for a walk. We walked from The Ship Inn down through the dried reed beds to the river. From there, Simonne suggested we walk west along the banks of the river. We walked for about a mile to Nacton Shores then turned north for a few hundred yards, then north east through woods until we reached a road. We followed the road back to the pub at Levington where we had a refreshing drink before being driven back to the house.

Back at the house it was time to get ready for dinner. We were booked at the Brewers in Rattlesden for 6pm. First thoughts were that it was just a noisy pub with ideas above its station. How wrong can you be?!


Seatrout tartare for Scamp
Lobster risotto for Simonne
Lamb + black pudding for Jamie and me


Scallops for Scamp
Beef fillet with kale for Simonne and Jamie
Pork belly with black haggis for me


Treacle tart for me
Date pudding for all the rest

All washed down with a variety of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, from zero alcohol beer to a porn star martini.

On the drive home through the gloaming along the misted narrow lanes that populate this countryside, we passed a statuesque looking deer that watched us, fearlessly, not 50 metres away in a borderless field. Countless pheasants risked life and limb by darting out in front of the car, but Jamie saw us safely back to the house without turning a hair.

A rum and coke each finished off our day while we watched a strange South African series with far too much swearing (and not ‘good’ swearing either) and a dialog that switched constantly from Afrikaans (with subtitles) to English. If you’re looking for it, don’t. It’s called Unseen. Might have been better all in one language and using actors who can act.

Tomorrow the weather fairies say it’s going to rain.

Ducks and Crocuses – 3 March 2023

Apparently Crocuses, Crocus and Croci are all acceptable plurals for more than one crocus. Just thought you might like to know that.

I had a lazy morning today, to balance out the day because Scamp was off FitStepping. I sat and read for a while and then checked in with Flickr. I might even have snoozed for a while, and by that time Scamp had returned from her exercise class.

Lunch was soup, that last of it – three day soup is pretty good. After that, Scamp was off to chop more of the plants in the front garden. I took the A7 out for a walk in St Mo’s. Found and photographed a bunch of crocuses in St Mo’s. Now crocuses are not wild flowers, so these ones must have been planted in the grass park and were just growing in the wild. They made PoD. I also did a check on the ladybirds which are still nestled in their various trees. Final photos were of a couple of Mallards which usually take off as soon as they see me. I was careful today and got fairly close while I changed the camera setting to Continuous Shooting which means the camera will take a rapid set of shots until I release the shutter button. As soon as the birds took off, I pressed the shutter and followed them as the climbed into the air. I got one clear shot from the seven I took, which I ‘fiddled’ by enlarging it in ON1. It’s a bit rougher than the original, but it does a good job of enlarging the photos without losing too much detail. It still didn’t beat the crocuses.

Read a bit more of my book when I got back and almost fell asleep on the couch.

According to the weather fairies we may be getting some snow next week. Not sure about the detail yet, and we may miss it, but best to be prepared. I’ll put the snow shove in the car again.

Hoping for a long lie in tomorrow with the prospect of dancing later.

At last, a walk in the sunshine – 6 January 2023

Today we managed to go for a walk. It was cold, but it didn’t rain.

We drove to Drumpellier and went for a walk through the woods. Lots of folk out doing just the same thing, although to be honest most of the folk were doing circuits of the pond. Not our idea of fun, now that we’ve discovered the variety of paths through the woodland. Some are official paths, but there are a lot more that are just paths trodden by walking feet and although many are mucky and slippery, they are more interesting than the official paths.

I took a few photos in the woodland, but the best by far was just where we were parked. It was the Whale’s Tail with two gulls landing and one just taking off. Another two gulls were taxiing before take off. The low sun you get at this time of year helped add a bit of contrast to the scene. The finished shot was almost as it came out of the camera.

We need a large wall calendar for the kitchen and when we left Drumpellier we drove to The Fort to see if we could find one. But we came home empty handed. I’ve an idea where we might find one tomorrow.

Back home I was trying to work out how to use mail merging in MS Word to create a Word document from an Excel sheet. I’d already tried to do the same thing on Pages in the Mac, but it’s really just a toy. Very little practical use. I’m still trying to do it and it still evades me. I know I used to do it regularly in school, but then I was using a PC every day. Macs in general aren’t used for this sort of thing. I found the Avery app really useful for it last year, but that facility is no longer in the app or is so deeply buried that it would take me too long to find it. I’ll keep looking, it’s in there somewhere.

Scamp was ploughing through the holiday companies on the computer looking for somewhere warm for February. After a fair bit of searching and evaluating, I think we can say that we may be going to somewhere warm for a week, all being well. Still nothing booked for the summer, but we have a few possibilities that just need some things confirmed before we make a final decision.

Dinner tonight was a half a pizza each. Actually it was more like two thirds for me and just a third for Scamp. It was washed down with a nice glass of red. Dessert was Scottish Tablet Ice Cream!

Tonight looks wet, but tomorrow, for the most part may remain dry during daylight hours. That’s the best you can ask for. It was good to be out in the sunshine today somewhere that isn’t Cumbersheugh!

Another beautiful day – 6 December 2022

Same blue sky as yesterday, but colder.

Today started with a visit by the bloke to do a service on the boiler. Half an hour later it was done and given a clean bill of health. More or less as we expected, the boiler being just a couple of years old.

Next I was out to the doc’s to find out what he thought about the lesions (his word) on my leg. I’d been using cortisone cream for the last two weeks and they had almost disappeared. He had a good look and a prod round the nearby skin and pronounced them as looking good, but recommended another fortnight’s treatment with the cream twice a day. It’s not an onerous task, putting some cream on four marks.

Went home and did the usual Wordle and Spelling Bee before lunch which was a flat sausage I’d found in the freezer the other day, cooked and squashed between two slices of brown bread. Delicious, but an amazing amount of fat was left in the pan. One a week is quite enough, I think.

We did go out for a walk today, well wrapped up because it was cold. Lots of icy, slippery leaves. Today’s circuit was almost the same as yesterday and I got a few shots of seagulls on the outfall of Broadwood Loch again. On the way home we stopped at the shops to get some bread, milk and also a pack of four pineapple tarts. Well, man (and woman) cannot live by bread alone, as someone once said.

On the final leg of the walk I took the opportunity to get some photos in St Mo’s while Scamp went straight home. PoD came from there and was a view across the rushes to St Mo’s school lit up by the setting sun.

Dinner tonight was “What have we got in the fridge” and pasta. Actually it tasted quite good despite being made from odds and ends. I confess, I actually watched almost a whole episode of Masterchef tonight, mainly because Greg (Oh, Mate) wasn’t involved. He’d been sat in a corner with a bow tie and told to be quiet, I think. It was interesting to discover the number of things you can do with carrots, or an octopus on one occasion!

Tomorrow we’re booked for coffee with Isobel. That should be an entertainment.

Out to Lunch – 18 November 2022

Scamp was out this morning to her FitSteps class and I was waiting in for the plumber to come and give his cost estimate for the new kitchen tap. It was raining, and had been all night.

The bloke arrived about 11am, just as Scamp was going out to class. His estimate was more or less what we’d expected and he’s coming on Monday to fix the tap that’s been dripping on and off for about a year. I hadn’t realised it was that long until I read yesterday’s “A Year Ago Today” blog post.

I am still adjusting things on the camera that need tweaking, trying to get it back to where it should be. Today it was pairing it with the phone to allow me to shoot remotely over Bluetooth using the phone. Also to allow the camera to interrogate the phone and find its GPS position, then record it on the image. Very useful once it’s been set. However, Sony make great cameras but write really crap instructions for their use. Luckily I eventually found the instructions for doing the pairing in an Amateur Photographer tutorial on the net. Where would we be these days without the Internet?

When Scamp returned we just had time to get changed and then she drove me to the Red Deer (to give it its Sunday name) for lunch with June and Ian. It was a nice relaxed Friday lunch sitting by the real wood fire, blethering and enjoying the food. June had Chicken and Chorizo Pie, Scamp and Ian had Fish and Chips (one with and one without peas) I had my usual Gammon Steak, Eggs and Chips. I had a pint of lager which was the same as June and Ian’s half pint while Scamp, being volunteer driver for the day, had Soda and Lime. For pudding, June had Napolitano Delice (posh ice cream) Ian had coffee Scamp had Fruit Crumble and I had Edible Flower Pot. Scamp’s looked the best and mine wasn’t as good as it looked, but it did look good. We left after a couple of hours promising to do it again soon, definitely before Christmas, and of course Scamp drove us home.

I reckoned there was just enough light left in the sky to grab some photos, so it was boots on, because although the rain had stopped, everywhere was going to be boggy. I only went half way round the pond because I’d managed to get some decent photos in the available light and it was getting cold. On my walk back I bumped into a woman walking her dog. I’d spoken to her a few times, just passing the time of day. Today she looked a bit agitated and told me that it looked like one of the pair of swans that live on the pond didn’t look well and wasn’t moving. I said I’d have a look when I went past. She was right. It head was under the water and in the five minutes or more I stood there, it hadn’t lifted its head or moved. It looks like we have our first avian flu casualty. Strangely almost all of the 20 odd Canada geese that overwinter on the pond were stood on the bank looking right at the dead swan and its mate who was swimming round the dead one. The geese never moved as I walked past. It was a strange sight.

I reported the swan to DEFRA which is what you’re supposed to do, but I couldn’t find anywhere on the NLC site to leave a message to get the bird removed. Typical.

That was about it for today. PoD turned out to be a bent and twisted birch tree that stands where an old crab apple tree used to be in the park.

Tomorrow we may go in to The Toon on the bus.


Beautiful morning, dull afternoon – 16 November 2022

We woke to sunshine today. Sunshine and an outside temperature of just over 3ºc, so quite cool.

The sun didn’t tempt me out to take photos, although I wish now it had. We sat around soaking up the sun shining in the window and laughing as our wee Chinese lucky cat waved its hand in the air when the sun hit its the solar cell that powers it. When the sun went behind one of the slats of the blinds, the waving stopped until it cleared the blind again.

Scamp gathered together the ironing and powered up her magic steam iron. I started the long process of turning my new SSD into the heart of the iMac. It’s a fairly easy procedure if you follow the instructions to the letter. Most of the time is taken with downloading and installing the new Big Sur operating system, but as it’s an almost automatic operation, there’s nothing much for me to do.

After lunch when the ironing had been done and the shirts and jeans put away I started phase two which is to transfer, or ‘migrate’ the apps and data from a working installation into the new bigger SSD. Again, once the data is sourced and checked, the new SSD gets to work and does the transfer itself. Some tidying up afterwards and it’s all good. It seems to be working fine (always a dangerous thing to say) because I’m typing this blog post on the new system.

By this time it was early afternoon and the sunshine of the morning had been replaced by cloud. However, I guessed there would be enough light to get some photos in St Mo’s. I walked through a different area of the woods this time and found a straggly bramble bush with bright green, orange and red leaves … and a bramble flower. A very hopeful flower. I’m not sure there will be many insects flying around to pollinate it. Still, it shone out on a dull day.

That was PoD. There wasn’t much more to photograph because the good sunlight never came back. But on the way back I heard the Whump, Whump of a couple of geese flying in to St Mo’s pond.  Then the whumps disappeared to be replaced with honks as they glided in to land on the pond.  The honks got quicker in succession as they got closer to the water.  Almost as if they were counting down to the landing.  I only managed one shot with the wrong lens on, but I saw the whole thing.

Tomorrow we’re hoping to go dancing and the weather doesn’t look very good at all.

Out to lunch – 21 October 2022

It’s beginning to be a ‘thing’ this out to lunch on a Friday. I blame June and Ian.

The day began dull and uninspiring, but the sun did poke its face out for a while and we decided to go out for lunch to the Stables on the Forth & Clyde canal just outside Kirkintilloch. That used to be a tradition, back when we were both working. At least one Friday a month we’d drive to the Stables for dinner, especially in the winter. It was the smell of the wood fires and that homely feeling. Back when you could enjoy a pint and still be allowed to drive home.

Before that, we drove up to Tesco. Me to spend part of a voucher on a book and use the the remainder on essentials to go in the the food bank. Scamp was going to get her meds in Boots. I bought the new Ian Rankin book for £12. It would have been £18 in Waterstones including a £4 discount! Another Tesco win. With the voucher spent we headed off to Kirkie and beyond.

The car park wasn’t all that busy, so we went for a walk along the canal tow path to the next bridge and then walked back. The trees were beginning to colour at last. On the way back we watched some Goldfinches working their way along the bushes beside the canal, finding some seeds. Heard, then saw a whole field of migrating geese, then across the canal three deer were grazing quite happily in a field. A photo of them made PoD. The sun was shining and it wasn’t really cold. A few bikes out on the towpath, but not as many as I’d expected.

By the time we got to the Stables it was fairly busy. About fifteen minutes to take our order, then a twenty minute wait for the food to come. Scamp had the standard fish ’n’ chips and I had a chicken and pancetta pie. The pie was good, as was Scamp’s fish, but her chips were dried up. Likewise, my mash was dead. Not taste in it. It was the service and lack of interest from the waiter and waitress plus the wait the 35 minute wait for food to arrive on the table that reminded us of why we stopped coming to this restaurant. Compare that with the humour and interest from the bloke who served us last week in Dead Deer.

I’m still struggling with the new OS on the iMac. It’s a bit slow, slower than it was with the previous version, but the MBP which I’m using to type this up seems to be none the worse for its upgrade. Not enough memory and a slow hard drive are dragging the big computer down, I think. Hopefully there’s a fix on the horizon.

Prompt for the day was “Bad Dog”. Not being dog owners, suddenly became a drawback. I couldn’t decide what to draw, then Google came to the rescue again. I think this may be a French Bulldog, or just a Heinz 57 varieties. It’s just a ‘dug’.

I think we may be going to dance class tomorrow. It didn’t look likely last night, but we haven’t heard any word to the contrary, so our first class in three weeks may be on. Other than that, no plans.

Tea dance without tea … or dance – 16 October 2022

Today we we had booked and paid for a tea dance. We left at half time.

Still messing around with the new toy, the Samsung phone. It’s got more bells and whistles that a hundred steam trains. Controlling them, ah! That’s a different matter.

I found an app in the Galaxy App Store that led me down a rabbit hole and stole away hours of my attention. It’s called Good Lock. It opens out to two lists of apps. Some are good and useful, all are clever in their own way. All of them needed investigating and that’s what stole away the morning Your Honour. I did find a couple that more substance and less flash. Tomorrow’s task is to find out how to use them sensibly.

I’d half intended going for a walk in the morning, but that would have to wait until later. We were going to a tea dance with a live band in the Lanternhouse cinema cum dance studio in the new Cumbernauld Academy. We arrived fairly early, we thought, but already the room was packed, and I mean PACKED. Far too many tables for comfort and far too many of them were already occupied. We’d paid over the odds, I thought, for the tickets, but that was for a tea dance. I could see no tea and the dance floor was smaller than the one we practised on in the British Legion on Wednesday.

The music was from a Swing Band and they looked the part. Probably about 12 musicians with two singers. We did get up for for the second dance, which was the tempo for a social foxtrot, but the dance floor, oh the dance floor. It was as if it was made from suede leather or felt. There was no way to do an Immelman Turn (actually a Telemark Turn) on that floor if you’d tried you would have ripped the sole from your dance shoe. All the tunes had roughly the same tempo. One waltz, no rumba, no cha-cha, no tango. Just social foxtrot after social foxtrot. There were two Swing dancers who definitely could dance, but the more I think about it, the more I think they were stooges. There to show off their skills to the music that was playing.

The floor was small and made even smaller because the band were taking up about half of the available space. To me, it looked like they’d sold as many seats as they could and hadn’t considered that people might like to dance at a tea dance. We left at half time, disappointed. The amount of people that were crammed into that space would be a fire hazard. The floor was no in any way a dance floor, and one of the ‘singers’ couldn’t sing. Honestly, I could have done a better job … well, maybe! Did you get the impression that we didn’t enjoy it? We didn’t.

Back home I got dressed for a walk and went over to St Mo’s. Got a few photos, but the light was all but gone by the time I got there. PoD went to a photo of a Cow Parsley seedhead.

Dinner was Celeriac Soup, Fish Pie (from M&S) and Apple and Bramble Crumble. All were good and there’s soup and crumble at least for tomorrow.

Spoke to Jamie and told him our story about selling the red car. Also our sorry tale about a tea dance with no tea and no room to dance.

Prompt for today was “Fowl”. The fowl I chose was a cockerel, a photo from Google and I thought it looked fairly good. It had a lovely red comb and I was tempted to add a bit of watercolour red to it, but I resisted the temptation and just washed in some ink. It’s done and in.

I’ve an appointment with the dentist tomorrow. First visit in three years! Apprehensive? Just a bit