Exercise, Fuel and Pink Pigs – 16 February 2016

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday we did it. We got up and went out to find some exercise. To be honest, it was such a terrible day, the gym sounded like a good move. I may regret it tomorrow, but for today, it felt good to do some honest exercise.

All that exercise needs food to fuel it, so we went directly to Muirhead where the award winning butcher has his shop. Jic, we may have found a Scottish butcher that’s the equal of Chapman’s. Bought a fair load of meat and Scamp bought some fish. Even better, she got a haggis pie for lunch and I got a bridie. As I said at the start, exercise needs fuel. The fuel tasted fine. Almost as good as petrol does to a Crojian (probably only understood if you were brought up in Cumbersheugh)! After our low calorie lunch, we didn’t do much. The rain had been torrential when we left the gym this morning and it wasn’t getting any better as the day progressed. For a while I tinkered with that Nexus I was trying to do CPR on a week or so ago, but still no luck. What I did find was a fairly probable sounding explanation from a supposed IT specialist on a Nexus forum. Long story short, it’s a hardware issue that can’t be fixed at home. It would, of course, cost more than the value of a new Nexus to repair it. This time it goes into its pink folder and that goes into its poly bag and it goes back to its owner marked BER (Beyond Economic Repair).

Couldn’t get out to get a photo today, so I’d decided early on that today was a still life. Then, look, I even managed to include some architecture. Not real architecture, but straight out of my imagination. Last week I’d passed the Art Store in Glasgow and noticed the 50% off sale. I wasn’t greedy (for once) only getting a couple of Pink Pig sketch pads. I really like the texture of the paper and Fred has introduced me to A4 pads. The combination of good paper and large pads are good to draw and paint on. Hence today’s picture.

Had intended going to Embra tomorrow, but judging by the weather forecast, that may be postponed. We’ll see in the morning.

By the way, Happy Anniversary to Hazy & N D’Ag.

I’m walking in sunshine – 2 February 2016

combo bFor a time today, the sun shone.  It was so good to walk in the sun.  After all the dull, heavy feeling weather we’ve had this winter it was good to feel the sun on your face and to see shadows.  It’s surprising just how much it means to see the effects of the sun on your surroundings.  According to the weather fairies we are to have more sun tomorrow.  Bring it on!

Went to the gym and had a play around on the machines.  I’ve still got a few to investigate and a few that I can happily discount as ‘not for me’.  Went for a swim afterwards, but the pool was busy so we spent most of our time in either the sauna or the jacuzzi.  I don’t mind, it does you good to just get out these days.

After lunch I went for that walk in the sun and when I got back one of Scamp’s friends had brought her Nexus round for me to have a look at.  The first thing I noticed was that the back of the device wasn’t seated properly, so I suspect somebody had been there before me.  Second thing was that the machine was totally dead – not even the empty battery sign which usually means it’s been left on or something has shorted somewhere.  I worked with it all night, but the whole thing is totally ‘bricked’.  A very technical and appropriate term for knackered.  I don’t see it working again any time soon.  In an attempt to reset it like I did with my own Nexus, I had to use the PC.  What a brick that is.  Windoze 10 wouldn’t start – grey screen – no message – no pointer.  Powered down, then back on – just the same.  Left it charging for about 15 minutes and a message appeared “configuring updates 100% complete”  So that’s what the bloody thing had been doing.  It would have been good of Win10 to at least give me a clue what was going on in its tiny mind.  After another 3 hard resets, it started working, though grudgingly.  That’s why I don’t mind paying the hefty price for a Mac.  It just works.  Usually.

A grey day, lemonade scones and a still life – 26 January 2016

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnother uninteresting day with nothing much to recommend it.  Windy and wet with occasional chances for the sun to burst through for a few minutes.  Driving rain from the south for a change.  It washes the windows if nothing else.  Every time the I decided to take a walk and get some photos in the bright spells, the rain would start again.  Scamp and I went to the gym instead and did a bit of exercising, but as she had a lunch appointment, we didn’t get a chance for a swim.

Did a bit of painting, but left it unfinished again.  Made some lemonade scones.  Simple recipe:

  • 2 cups self-raising flour
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 150 ml double cream
  • 150 ml lemonade

Makes roughly 12 scones and they are as light as a feather.  Even Scamp agrees, it must be so.

Today’s photo is physalis 1 .  It was produced using a combination of different technologies.  The camera was mounted on a tripod, an old Bilora that I bought second hand for a couple of quid in a house clearing about forty years ago.  The other technology was the brand new Pixel remote trigger.  Old and new technologies managed to produce a good image when used together.  Hoping for good weather tomorrow, but more snow forecast.  We’ll see.


  1. Just keep repeating “Physalis, Physalis, Physalis”.  Then when someone asks you what they are, you don’t blurt out “SYPHILIS!” as someone I was sitting next to at a restaurant did.  A conversation stopper. 

An improvement at last – 12 January 2016

IMG_3015- flickr--12The day started with the usual grim wet weather and much darker than it should be even at this time of year. However, throughout the day the clouds lifted and lightened. By four o’ clock we had a lovely sunset. The first this year and the best for a long time before that. That means there will be clear skies tonight and the inevitible drop in temperatures. Snow forecast for dinner time tomorrow. Sounds like fun, but more seasonally appropriate for January.

So what did we get up to today? After what has now become out late we went to Westerwood. Scamp to the gym and me for a swim. After that Scamp had a hairdresser’s appointment and I was preparing for dinner which was to be chicken curry made with a base of curry paste. It was then I realised we didn’t have enough milk and when I went to get it, took a short diversion to grab a shot of the sunset. Smart things smart phones. I thought the curry turned out really well, although the sauce was a bit thick. Scamp thought it was too salty. We both agreed that the flatbreads were excellent.

Hoping for some (whisper it!) sun tomorrow. It’s forecast, but we’ll have to wait and see if the weather fairies are telling the truth or not.

Living in a Tupperware box – 7 January 2016

IMG_2993-Edit-Edit- flickr--7-1This will be a short entry.  It rained from early morning today and it’s still raining.  Almost all day it’s been a milky white sky.  Yesterday I was listening to Guy Garvey and in “ Harder Edges” one line is “… Burgeoning sky all day grey, Like living in a Tupperware box …”.  I know what he means.

I’d half intended to go in to Edinburgh today to see an exhibition in the National Gallery.  It’s been on since mid October and now, at the start of January, I’m finally getting round to going to see it.  I decided last night that I was unlikely to get parked at the train station on a Thursday, but had more of a chance on a Friday.  I am also the grand master of procrastination, so tomorrow it is … until tomorrow.

I made a pizza for lunch, a really good pizza made from the excess dough from yesterday’s flatbread.  Rarely has the frying pan pizza failed me, but this time again it worked.  We waited for that meal to slide down then both agreed the only thing to do today was to go to the gym and pool.  I did the gym first then had a quick swim.  Scamp went for the swim without the gym.  Both of us agreed that it was one of the best things to do on such a dull day.  A quick trip up “The Toonie” afterwards.  I took the opportunity of trying out a new camera app for the iPhone.  You can see the result above.  It’s absolutely awful.  It needs a lot more practise I think.

The morning after – 5 January 2016


Last night after all the surgery, the diagnostics and the wee half I had to act as a nightcap, there was still one problem outstanding. One prog that wouldn’t settle down in the new ‘puter and it was iTunes. If there was one program I expected to screw up, it would have been iTunes. The worst program in Apple’s arsenal. So bad, I think it must have been written by Microsoft. iTunes simply refused to allow me in. It kept telling me I had insufficient privileges and I kept telling it I had. I slept on it.

This morning I was up at 7.00 still wondering how to fix iTunes or how to beat it into submission. This really is a dog of a prog. It needs put to sleep. I searched the internet for someone who had the same problem, but all the ‘solutions’ I read about were ridiculous (like format the disk and reinstall the system and all your apps from scratch – a typical Apple fanboy solution to everything on a Mac). Or else, I’d tried the ‘solutions’ already with no noticeable success. Then I hit on one really stupid ridiculous solution that everyone said actually worked. The page was full of ‘thank you’ messages. Here is what it said. Look for the empty ‘Users’ folder on the SSD and you’ll find it has no ‘read-write’ privileges set. Set them to read-write. It seemed a stupid thing to do. Why would you need to set a folder to read-write when it’s empty and hasn’t even been opened? I did it, and it worked. Just another of iTunes little foibles. I added my “thank you” to the long list.

It was a really, really dull and dismal day today, so after my last problem solving escapade I needed to unwind, but a walk through St Mo’s was out of the question. Scamp and I decided to go to the gym and then have a swim. The rest of Cumbernauld had decided the same thing. The New Year Resolutions (NYR) were there in force. At one point, all the training bikes were taken. I’ve never seen it so busy. That said, we still managed to get some exercise in and also got a swim.

Went to Tesco of the way home and posted Hazel’s calendar. Drove home through the rain.

Today’s photo was taken at the back door. Plants flowering in January.

Tomorrow will be better. We’re hoping to go looking for a shredder if we can hire a boat. We’ve burned out the last one. De-junking, another NYR.

Christmas Eve Eve – 23 December 2015

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday we went to try out the new gym.  We were both impressed with the new setup.  Lots of new machines, some of them a bit more video game than serious training devices.  All very shiny and nice to see screens that could display a tv picture without it looking as if it was being viewed through a snow storm.  Time will tell how well they last.  Swimming was out because the pool was slightly oversubscribed, but the sauna, the steam room and the jacuzzi were very welcome.

Went for lunch at Milano.  By the look of the carpark, I thought we wouldn’t have a hope of getting a table, but we did.  Maybe because we only needed a table for two.  It was quite busy with lots of Christmas parties.

After we left, we went to Muirhead hoping to get a steak for my Christmas dinner, but the queue outside the butcher’s meant it would be a long wait just to get inside and then another queue inside the shop.  No, there are limits to what I’ll put up with for my dinner.  I’d rather have a veggie Christmas dinner than wait in a chilly queue for some meat.  As it was, we went to Tesco and I have a nice bit of steak for my Christmas dinner.  It may not be as good as the butcher’s steaks, but then again I didn’t have to queue either.

I wrote a couple of cards for Ivan and for Peter H when we came home and walked over to Condorrat and just managed to catch the post.  Got a few photos of cars on the M80 some time exposures and some with as fast a shutter speed as I could manage with the light level available.  Blended them in Potatoshop and that will have to do as POD for today.

A Delightful day – 21 December 2015

combo bWell, at times it was delightful.  It started well, with blue skies and early morning sun.  I had planned to go in to Glasgow to get my Christmas shopping finalised.  Well, sort of finalised.  Final is such a, well, final word that I very rarely use it.  Let’s say that “Today would see my Christmas shopping nearly finalised.”  That’s a better way to put it, it leaves a bit of wiggle-room.  “Wiggle-room” is a hyphenated word that will no doubt make it into the OED next year if it isn’t already there.  Scamp kindly offered me a lift to the station so I could travel in comfort rather than sit on a cold bus for 45mins.  The kind man at the station gave me £7 change with my tickets which was a bit of a surprise as I’d only given him a fiver!  I gave him the fiver back.  He smiled and looked relieved that I’d been honest.  After all, ’tis the season and all that crap.

By the time I got to Glasgow the rain was pelting down, so I cut to the chase edited out my window shopping and concentrated on the real stuff instead.  Got everything I wanted and headed home on the first available train.  I’d phoned Scamp and she was just driving in to the station as I was walking out.  Perfect timing.

After a swift lunch, we both went to the gym, separately.  She to have a ‘facial’ me to investigate the new whizzo machines in the gym and to have a swim.  Gym looks much better laid out now.  More stuff in it and it looks like there’s more space.  A sort of ‘Tardis’ conversion then.  I’m hoping to try out the machines later in the week.

Dropped in at Tesco to spend a Tesco voucher I got when I retired, that’s almost 18 months ago!  I bought myself a bottle of Glenrothes whisky with it (Whisky was what I was told to spend it on 18 months ago).  Glenrothes appears to have nothing to do with the New Town of that name.  I don’t think I’ve ever been to Glenrothes, but the name ‘New Town’ damns it anyway.  On the way to Tesco, the sky had cleared after dumping tons of rain on us from about 11.00am and it looked like being a great sunset and the statue of Arria was catching some great light, so I took the opportunity to combine the two and take some shots of it.  You get someone to build a gigantic statue of a Roman emperor’s mother (Why?).  You put it in a prominent place overlooking a busy motorway, but you don’t tell anyone how to get to it.  That’s Scotland for you.  Shoots itself in the foot every time.  Actually it’s quite easy to find if you know where, but isn’t that a universal truth.  You have to drive through Eastfield Cemetery, park at the end and find the overgrown path to the statue.   Simple!  Such a shame as it’s a stunning piece of work, but I’ve no idea why she has four arms.  There’s probably a good punchline waiting to be heard there.

So, for once it was a delightful day.  Started well, crap in the middle and finished well.  Sort of like a crap sandwich.  Now there’s a delightful thought to end with.

Progress and Gadgets – 26 October 2015


Sooo.  Last night the circuit breaker on the electricity consumer unit tripped, nearly causing a major catastrophe.  We nearly didn’t find out who was dropped out of Strictly!  Luckily, we managed to throw the switch and get the Tivo™ box up and running again before the big reveal.  However, this is the third or fourth time the electricity has tripped recently and we’ve pinned it down to something in the kitchen that’s doing the dirty.  Best guess is the kettle, which poses another problem.  You see, I fitted the socket the kettle is connected to!  So it’s either the kettle or my handiwork.  I think it’s the kettle itself, but I’m willing to believe it could be the socket.  Simplest thing to do is replace the kettle and that was my plan today.  As usual, I got sidetracked when looking for something as simple as a kettle.  We mostly use the kettle for making tea (for me) hot water (for Scamp) and coffee (for both of us.  All cup or mug sized quantities.  When I was looking, a hot water dispenser caught my eye.  It has a reservoir that holds about 2.5 litres of water and dispenses it as max 250ml of freshly boiled water.  It seemed to fit the specification, and even better, it’s a Gadget.  I just love gadgets.  That’s why I drove to Argos at Robroyston to collect one.  Scamp was unimpressed.  Well, what would you expect, she’s a pragmatist.  Why buy a water boiler when we needed a kettle?  I take her point, but if we all thought that way, we’d still be driving around in black cars with solid wheels.  We must embrace progress.  That’s my motto.  Progress and Gadgets.  I didn’t tell Scamp that I also saw a WiFi controlled kettle.  That would definitely have been a step too far.  I also got a socket tester while I was out and checked the kettle socket.  It passed with flying colours.  So it was the kettle after all.

Since it was Monday and that’s Gems day at our house, I made myself scarce and went to do the Gym / Swim.  That’s where I took today’s epic photo from.  That was sarcasm.  It’s not the best photo in the world, not by a long way, but it gave me a chance for a small rant against wind farms.  These blights on the landscape are great propaganda weapons.
They are usually painted white (white means clean, pure, untouched).
Sometimes the columns are painted green at the bottom (green means natural, balance, harmony).
Really, they do very little.  You’d need thousands of them to generate the same amount of energy as a decent sized coal-fired power station.  Also, it’s called “free” energy.  It’s many things, but free isn’t one of them.  There’s the initial cost for one thing.  The cost of maintenance.  The lack of efficiency.  The cost of replacement, and finally and the cost to the tourism marked for the loss of revenue from these eyesores.  The only good result I’ve seen from them is the annoyance they’ve been to Donald Trump.  That was an off-shore wind farm, so there is not the same scenic impact, but still the same maintenance and replacement cost.  If we want “free” energy, why don’t we use wave power?  Simple.  It’s not seen.  Wave power generators are sub-sea.  You don’t know they are there.  You see the wind turbines turning, so you are fooled into thinking they are efficient, clean, free and an efficient way of making energy.  There are other, as yet untapped methods of generating energy, as described here.There, that’s the rant finished for now.

Salsa at night, but we only stayed for our own class.  We’d both had enough by then.

So, how would a WiFi kettle work?  I must look into that.

Google is your friend, Artists – 23 October 2015

comboI need some exercise.  All this sitting around isn’t good for anyone.  So, you guessed it, it’s gym and swim today.  I managed all the myriad of torture machines without any mishap and then just as I was getting in to the pool, the waterbabies or whatever these swimming tots are called were all leaving with their swimming proficiency badges.  The mummies and daddies and the occasional gran and grandpa were all smiling and holding their badges high.  The tots weren’t bothered in the slightest.  I think it was the prospect of lunch that got them more interested.

Painted a little when I got home after another bowl of the rather excellent Fish Stew I made yesterday.  Sorry, I completely forgot to mention the fish stew yesterday, I got so carried away with the bread.  Anyway, lunch was Fish Stew.  After that, although the sky was darkening, I was going stir crazy so I drove down to Auchinstarry and walked along the railway.  It’s ages since I’ve been along that way and I really enjoyed the walk.

When I got back Scamp was getting ready to go to the Witches sort of Halloween party which has a Tropical Theme this year.  Great excitement.

After she left, I put the finishing touches to the painting I’ve been doing for the last three days.  Just a wee sketch with watercolour washes.  Not from one of my photos this time, but from a Google Street View on Skye!!  Absolute mine of possibilities for the frustrated artist.  These were the final washes on the painting.  I’ve been trying to work wet on dry for a change with water-colour.  I think it’s working, at least I’m impressed with it.  On a completely different topic, another thing that impresses me about the new phone is the lightning connector. or more so the fact that you can plug it in to the phone upside down or right way up, in fact there is no right way, they’re both right.  Fantastic bit of planning.  Not like the USB male plug that only goes on one way round, but both sides look alike. You know what I mean, it’s just a stupid setup.  Why someone hasn’t reinvented it by now I don’t know.